path: root/otherlibs/labltk/Widgets.src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/Widgets.src')
1 files changed, 1847 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/Widgets.src b/otherlibs/labltk/Widgets.src
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79c92bd72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/Widgets.src
@@ -0,0 +1,1847 @@
+############## Standard Tk4.0 Widgets and functions ##############
+type Widget external
+# cget will probably never be implemented with verifications
+function (string) cgets [widget; "cget"; string]
+# another version with some hack is
+type options_constrs external
+function (string) cget [widget; "cget"; options_constrs]
+# constructors of type options_constrs are of the form C<c>
+# where <c> is an option constructor (e.g. CBackground)
+##### Some types for standard options of widgets
+type Anchor {
+ NW ["nw"] N ["n"] NE ["ne"]
+ W ["w"] Center ["center"] E ["e"]
+ SW ["sw"] S ["s"] SE ["se"]
+type Bitmap external #
+type Cursor external #
+type Color external #
+variant type ImageBitmap {
+ Bitmap [string]
+ }
+variant type ImagePhoto {
+ Photo [string]
+ }
+variant type Image {
+ Bitmap [string]
+ Photo [string]
+type Justification {
+ Justify_Left ["left"]
+ Justify_Center ["center"]
+ Justify_Right ["right"]
+type Orientation {
+ Vertical ["vertical"]
+ Horizontal ["horizontal"]
+type Relief {
+ Raised ["raised"]
+ Sunken ["sunken"]
+ Flat ["flat"]
+ Ridge ["ridge"]
+ Groove ["groove"]
+type TextVariable external #
+type Units external #
+##### The standard options, as defined in man page options(n)
+##### The subtype is never used
+subtype option(standard) {
+ ActiveBackground ["-activebackground"; Color]
+ ActiveBorderWidth ["-activeborderwidth"; Units]
+ ActiveForeground ["-activeforeground"; Color]
+ Anchor ["-anchor"; Anchor]
+ Background ["-background"; Color]
+ Bitmap ["-bitmap"; Bitmap]
+ BorderWidth ["-borderwidth"; Units]
+ Cursor ["-cursor"; Cursor]
+ DisabledForeground ["-disabledforeground"; Color]
+ ExportSelection ["-exportselection"; bool]
+ Font ["-font"; string]
+ Foreground ["-foreground"; Color]
+ Geometry ["-geometry"; string] # Too variable to encode
+ HighlightBackground ["-highlightbackground"; Color]
+ HighlightColor ["-highlightcolor"; Color]
+ HighlightThickness ["-highlightthickness"; Units]
+ Image ["-image"; Image]
+# it is old # images are split, to do additionnal static typing
+# ImageBitmap (ImageBitmap) ["-image"; ImageBitmap]
+# ImagePhoto (ImagePhoto) ["-image"; ImagePhoto]
+ InsertBackground ["-insertbackground"; Color]
+ InsertBorderWidth ["-insertborderwidth"; Units]
+ InsertOffTime ["-insertofftime"; int] # Positive only
+ InsertOnTime ["-insertontime"; int] # Idem
+ InsertWidth ["-insertwidth"; Units]
+ Jump ["-jump"; bool]
+ Justify ["-justify"; Justification]
+ Orient ["-orient"; Orientation]
+ PadX ["-padx"; Units]
+ PadY ["-pady"; Units]
+ Relief ["-relief"; Relief]
+ RepeatDelay ["-repeatdelay"; int]
+ RepeatInterval ["-repeatinterval"; int]
+ SelectBackground ["-selectbackground"; Color]
+ SelectBorderWidth ["-selectborderwidth"; Units]
+ SelectForeground ["-selectforeground"; Color]
+ SetGrid ["-setgrid"; bool]
+ # incomplete description of TakeFocus
+ TakeFocus ["-takefocus"; bool]
+ Text ["-text"; string]
+ TextVariable ["-textvariable"; TextVariable]
+ TroughColor ["-troughcolor"; Color]
+ UnderlinedChar ["-underline"; int]
+ WrapLength ["-wraplength"; Units]
+ # Major incompatibility with Tk3.6 where it was function(int,int,int,int)
+ XScrollCommand ["-xscrollcommand"; function(first:float, last:float)]
+ YScrollCommand ["-yscrollcommand"; function(first:float, last:float)]
+#### Some other common types
+type Index external #
+type sequence ScrollValue external #
+# type sequence ScrollValue {
+# MoveTo ["moveto"; float]
+# ScrollUnit ["scroll"; int; "unit"]
+# ScrollPage ["scroll"; int; "page"]
+# }
+##### bell(n)
+module Bell {
+ function () ring ["bell"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]]
+# function () ring ["bell"]
+# function () ring_displayof ["bell"; "-displayof" ; displayof: widget]
+ }
+##### bind(n)
+##### bindtags(n)
+#type Bindings {
+# TagBindings [string]
+# WidgetBindings [widget]
+# }
+type Bindings external
+function () bindtags ["bindtags"; widget; [bindings: Bindings list]]
+function (Bindings list) bindtags_get ["bindtags"; widget]
+##### bitmap(n)
+subtype option(bitmapimage) {
+ Background
+ Data ["-data"; string]
+ File ["-file"; string]
+ Foreground
+ Maskdata ["-maskdata"; string]
+ Maskfile ["-maskfile"; string]
+ }
+module Imagebitmap {
+ function (ImageBitmap) create ["image"; "create"; "bitmap"; ?name:[ImageBitmap]; option(bitmapimage) list]
+# function (ImageBitmap) create ["image"; "create"; "bitmap"; option(bitmapimage) list]
+# function (ImageBitmap) create_named ["image"; "create"; "bitmap"; name: ImageBitmap; option(bitmapimage) list]
+ function () configure [ImageBitmap; "configure"; option(bitmapimage) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [ImageBitmap; "configure"]
+ # Functions inherited from the "image" TK class
+ function () delete ["image"; "delete"; ImageBitmap]
+ function (int) height ["image"; "height"; ImageBitmap]
+ function (int) width ["image"; "width"; ImageBitmap]
+ }
+##### button(n)
+type State {
+ Normal ["normal"]
+ Active ["active"]
+ Disabled ["disabled"]
+widget button {
+ # Standard options
+ option ActiveBackground
+ option ActiveForeground
+ option Anchor
+ option Background
+ option Bitmap
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option DisabledForeground
+ option Font
+ option Foreground
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option Image
+# option ImageBitmap
+# option ImagePhoto
+ option Justify
+ option PadX
+ option PadY
+ option Relief
+ option TakeFocus
+ option Text
+ option TextVariable
+ option UnderlinedChar
+ option WrapLength
+ # Widget specific options
+ option Command ["-command"; function ()]
+ option Height ["-height"; Units]
+ option State ["-state"; State]
+ option Width ["-width"; Units]
+ function () configure [widget(button); "configure"; option(button) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(button); "configure"]
+ function () flash [widget(button); "flash"]
+ function () invoke [widget(button); "invoke"]
+ }
+###### canvas(n)
+# Item ids and tags
+type TagOrId {
+ Tag [string]
+ Id [int]
+# Indices: defined internally
+# subtype Index(canvas) {
+# Number End Insert SelFirst SelLast AtXY
+# }
+type SearchSpec {
+ Above ["above"; TagOrId]
+ All ["all"]
+ Below ["below"; TagOrId]
+ Closest ["closest"; Units; Units]
+ ClosestHalo (Closesthalo) ["closest"; Units; Units; Units]
+ ClosestHaloStart (Closesthalostart) ["closest"; Units; Units; Units; TagOrId]
+ Enclosed ["enclosed"; Units;Units;Units;Units]
+ Overlapping ["overlapping"; int;int;int;int]
+ Withtag ["withtag"; TagOrId]
+type ColorMode {
+ Color ["color"]
+ Gray ["gray"]
+ Mono ["mono"]
+subtype option(postscript) {
+ # Cannot support this without array variables
+ # Colormap ["-colormap"; TextVariable]
+ Colormode ["-colormode"; ColorMode]
+ File ["-file"; string]
+ # Fontmap ["-fontmap"; TextVariable]
+ Height
+ PageAnchor ["-pageanchor"; Anchor]
+ PageHeight ["-pageheight"; Units]
+ PageWidth ["-pagewidth"; Units]
+ PageX ["-pagex"; Units]
+ PageY ["-pagey"; Units]
+ Rotate ["-rotate"; bool]
+ Width
+ X ["-x"; Units]
+ Y ["-y"; Units]
+ }
+# Arc item configuration
+type ArcStyle {
+ Arc ["arc"]
+ Chord ["chord"]
+ PieSlice ["pieslice"]
+subtype option(arc) {
+ Extent ["-extent"; float]
+ # Fill is used by packer
+ FillColor ["-fill"; Color]
+ Outline ["-outline"; Color]
+ OutlineStipple ["-outlinestipple"; Bitmap]
+ Start ["-start"; float]
+ Stipple ["-stipple"; Bitmap]
+ ArcStyle ["-style"; ArcStyle]
+ Tags ["-tags"; [TagOrId list]]
+ Width
+ }
+# Bitmap item configuration
+subtype option(bitmap) {
+ Anchor
+ Background
+ Bitmap
+ Foreground
+ Tags
+# Image item configuration
+subtype option(image) {
+ Anchor
+ Image
+# ImagePhoto
+# ImageBitmap
+ Tags
+# Line item configuration
+type ArrowStyle {
+ Arrow_None ["none"]
+ Arrow_First ["first"]
+ Arrow_Last ["last"]
+ Arrow_Both ["both"]
+type CapStyle {
+ Cap_Butt ["butt"]
+ Cap_Projecting ["projecting"]
+ Cap_Round ["round"]
+type JoinStyle {
+ Join_Bevel ["bevel"]
+ Join_Miter ["miter"]
+ Join_Round ["round"]
+subtype option(line) {
+ ArrowStyle ["-arrow"; ArrowStyle]
+ ArrowShape ["-arrowshape"; [Units; Units; Units]]
+ CapStyle ["-capstyle"; CapStyle]
+ FillColor
+ JoinStyle ["-joinstyle"; JoinStyle]
+ Smooth ["-smooth"; bool]
+ SplineSteps ["-splinesteps"; int]
+ Stipple
+ Tags
+ Width
+ }
+# Oval item configuration
+subtype option(oval) {
+ FillColor Outline Stipple Tags Width
+ }
+# Polygon item configuration
+subtype option(polygon) {
+ FillColor Outline Smooth SplineSteps
+ Stipple Tags Width
+ }
+# Rectangle item configuration
+subtype option(rectangle) {
+ FillColor Outline Stipple Tags Width
+ }
+# Text item configuration
+subtype option(canvastext) {
+ Anchor FillColor Font Justify
+ Stipple Tags Text Width
+ }
+# Window item configuration
+subtype option(window) {
+ Anchor Height Tags Width
+ Window ["-window"; widget]
+ }
+# Types of items
+type CanvasItem {
+ Arc_item ["arc"]
+ Bitmap_item ["bitmap"]
+ Image_item ["image"]
+ Line_item ["line"]
+ Oval_item ["oval"]
+ Polygon_item ["polygon"]
+ Rectangle_item ["rectangle"]
+ Text_item ["text"]
+ Window_item ["window"]
+ User_item [string]
+widget canvas {
+ # Standard options
+ option Background
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option InsertBackground
+ option InsertBorderWidth
+ option InsertOffTime
+ option InsertOnTime
+ option InsertWidth
+ option Relief
+ option SelectBackground
+ option SelectBorderWidth
+ option SelectForeground
+ option TakeFocus
+ option XScrollCommand
+ option YScrollCommand
+ # Widget specific options
+ option CloseEnough ["-closeenough"; float]
+ option Confine ["-confine"; bool]
+ option Height ["-height"; Units]
+ option ScrollRegion ["-scrollregion"; [Units;Units;Units;Units]]
+ option Width ["-width"; Units]
+ option XScrollIncrement ["-xscrollincrement"; Units]
+ option YScrollIncrement ["-yscrollincrement"; Units]
+ function () addtag [widget(canvas); "addtag"; tag: TagOrId; specs: SearchSpec list] # Tag only
+ # bbox not fully supported. should be builtin because of ambiguous result
+ # will raise protocol__TkError if no items match TagOrId
+ function (int,int,int,int) bbox [widget(canvas); "bbox"; tags: TagOrId list]
+ external bind "builtin/canvas_bind"
+ function (float) canvasx [widget(canvas); "canvasx"; x:Units; ?spacing:[Units]]
+# function (float) canvasx [widget(canvas); "canvasx"; x:Units]
+# function (float) canvasx_grid [widget(canvas); "canvasx"; x:Units; spacing:Units]
+ function (float) canvasy [widget(canvas); "canvasy"; y:Units; ?spacing:[Units]]
+# function (float) canvasy [widget(canvas); "canvasy"; y:Units]
+# function (float) canvasy_grid [widget(canvas); "canvasy"; y:Units; spacing:Units]
+ function () configure [widget(canvas); "configure"; option(canvas) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(canvas); "configure"]
+ # TODO: check result
+ function (float list) coords_get [widget(canvas); "coords"; tag: TagOrId]
+ function () coords_set [widget(canvas); "coords"; tag: TagOrId; coords: Units list]
+ # create variations (see below)
+ function () dchars [widget(canvas); "dchars"; tag: TagOrId; first: Index(canvas); last: Index(canvas)]
+ function () delete [widget(canvas); "delete"; tags: TagOrId list]
+ function () dtag [widget(canvas); "dtag"; tag: TagOrId; tagtodelete: TagOrId] # 2d arg is tag only
+ function (TagOrId list) find [widget(canvas); "find"; specs: SearchSpec list]
+ # focus variations
+ function () focus_reset [widget(canvas); "focus"; ""]
+ function (TagOrId) focus_get [widget(canvas); "focus"]
+ function () focus [widget(canvas); "focus"; tag: TagOrId]
+ function (TagOrId list) gettags [widget(canvas); "gettags"; tag: TagOrId]
+ function () icursor [widget(canvas); "icursor"; tag: TagOrId; index: Index(canvas)]
+ function (int) index [widget(canvas); "index"; tag: TagOrId; index: Index(canvas)]
+ function () insert [widget(canvas); "insert"; tag: TagOrId; before: Index(canvas); text: string]
+ function () lower [widget(canvas); "lower"; tag: TagOrId; ?below: [TagOrId]]
+ # configure variations, see below
+# function () lower_below [widget(canvas); "lower"; tag: TagOrId; below: TagOrId]
+# function () lower_bot [widget(canvas); "lower"; tag: TagOrId]
+ function () move [widget(canvas); "move"; tag: TagOrId; x: Units; y: Units]
+ unsafe function (string) postscript [widget(canvas); "postscript"; option(postscript) list]
+ # We use raise... with Module name
+ function () raise [widget(canvas); "raise"; tag: TagOrId; ?above:[TagOrId]]
+# function () raise_above [widget(canvas); "raise"; tag: TagOrId; above: TagOrId]
+# function () raise_top [widget(canvas); "raise"; tag: TagOrId]
+ function () scale [widget(canvas); "scale"; tag: TagOrId; xorigin: Units; yorigin: Units; xscale: float; yscale: float]
+ # For scan, use x:int and y:int since common usage is with mouse coordinates
+ function () scan_mark [widget(canvas); "scan"; "mark"; x: int; y: int]
+ function () scan_dragto [widget(canvas); "scan"; "dragto"; x: int; y: int]
+ # select variations
+ function () select_adjust [widget(canvas); "select"; "adjust"; tag: TagOrId; index: Index(canvas)]
+ function () select_clear [widget(canvas); "select"; "clear"]
+ function () select_from [widget(canvas); "select"; "from"; tag: TagOrId; index: Index(canvas)]
+ function (TagOrId) select_item [widget(canvas); "select"; "item"]
+ function () select_to [widget(canvas); "select"; "to"; tag: TagOrId; index: Index(canvas)]
+ function (CanvasItem) typeof [widget(canvas); "type"; tag: TagOrId]
+ function (float,float) xview_get [widget(canvas); "xview"]
+ function (float,float) yview_get [widget(canvas); "yview"]
+ function () xview [widget(canvas); "xview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
+ function () yview [widget(canvas); "yview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
+ # create and configure variations
+ function (TagOrId) create_arc [widget(canvas); "create"; "arc"; x1: Units; y1: Units; x2: Units; y2: Units; option(arc) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_bitmap [widget(canvas); "create"; "bitmap"; x: Units; y: Units; option(bitmap) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_image [widget(canvas); "create"; "image"; x: Units; y: Units; option(image) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_line [widget(canvas); "create"; "line"; xys: Units list; option(line) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_oval [widget(canvas); "create"; "oval"; x1: Units; y1: Units; x2: Units; y2: Units; option(oval) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_polygon [widget(canvas); "create"; "polygon"; xys: Units list; option(polygon) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_rectangle [widget(canvas); "create"; "rectangle"; x1: Units; y1: Units; x2: Units; y2: Units; option(rectangle) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_text [widget(canvas); "create"; "text"; x: Units; y: Units; option(canvastext) list]
+ function (TagOrId) create_window [widget(canvas); "create"; "window"; x: Units; y: Units; option(window) list]
+ function (string) itemconfigure_get [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; tag: TagOrId]
+ function () configure_arc [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; tag: TagOrId; option(arc) list]
+ function () configure_bitmap [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; tag: TagOrId; option(bitmap) list]
+ function () configure_image [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; tag: TagOrId; option(image) list]
+ function () configure_line [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; tag: TagOrId; option(line) list]
+ function () configure_oval [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; tag: TagOrId; option(oval) list]
+ function () configure_polygon [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; tag: TagOrId; option(polygon) list]
+ function () configure_rectangle [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; tag: TagOrId; option(rectangle) list]
+ function () configure_text [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; tag: TagOrId; option(canvastext) list]
+ function () configure_window [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; tag: TagOrId; option(window) list]
+ }
+##### checkbutton(n)
+widget checkbutton {
+ # Standard options
+ option ActiveBackground
+ option ActiveForeground
+ option Anchor
+ option Background
+ option Bitmap
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option DisabledForeground
+ option Font
+ option Foreground
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option Image
+# option ImageBitmap
+# option ImagePhoto
+ option Justify
+ option PadX
+ option PadY
+ option Relief
+ option TakeFocus
+ option Text
+ option TextVariable
+ option UnderlinedChar
+ option WrapLength
+ # Widget specific options
+ option Command
+ option Height
+ option IndicatorOn ["-indicatoron"; bool]
+ option OffValue ["-offvalue"; string]
+ option OnValue ["-onvalue"; string]
+ option SelectColor ["-selectcolor"; Color]
+ option SelectImage ["-selectimage"; Image]
+# option SelectImageBitmap (SelectImageBitmap) ["-selectimage"; ImageBitmap]
+# option SelectImagePhoto (SelectImagePhoto) ["-selectimage"; ImagePhoto]
+ option State ["-state"; State]
+ option Variable ["-variable"; TextVariable]
+ option Width
+ function () configure [widget(checkbutton); "configure"; option(checkbutton) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(checkbutton); "configure"]
+ function () deselect [widget(checkbutton); "deselect"]
+ function () flash [widget(checkbutton); "flash"]
+ function () invoke [widget(checkbutton); "invoke"]
+ function () select [widget(checkbutton); "select"]
+ function () toggle [widget(checkbutton); "toggle"]
+ }
+##### clipboard(n)
+subtype icccm(clipboard_clear) {
+ DisplayOf ["-displayof"; widget]
+ }
+subtype icccm(clipboard_append) {
+ DisplayOf ["-displayof"; widget]
+ ICCCMFormat ["-format"; string]
+ ICCCMType ["-type"; string]
+ }
+module Clipboard {
+ function () clear ["clipboard"; "clear"; icccm(clipboard_clear) list]
+ function () append ["clipboard"; "append"; icccm(clipboard_append) list; "--"; data: string]
+ }
+##### destroy(n)
+function () destroy ["destroy"; widget]
+##### tk_dialog(n)
+module Dialog {
+ external create "builtin/dialog"
+ }
+##### entry(n)
+# Defined internally
+# subtype Index(entry) {
+# Number End Insert SelFirst SelLast At AnchorPoint
+# }
+widget entry {
+ # Standard options
+ option Background
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option ExportSelection
+ option Font
+ option Foreground
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option InsertBackground
+ option InsertBorderWidth
+ option InsertOffTime
+ option InsertOnTime
+ option InsertWidth
+ option Justify
+ option Relief
+ option SelectBackground
+ option SelectBorderWidth
+ option SelectForeground
+ option TakeFocus
+ option TextVariable
+ option XScrollCommand
+ # Widget specific options
+ option Show ["-show"; char]
+ option State
+ option TextWidth (Textwidth) ["-width"; int]
+ function () configure [widget(entry); "configure"; option(entry) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(entry); "configure"]
+ function () delete_single [widget(entry); "delete"; index: Index(entry)]
+ function () delete_range [widget(entry); "delete"; start: Index(entry); end: Index(entry)]
+ function (string) get [widget(entry); "get"]
+ function () icursor [widget(entry); "icursor"; index: Index(entry)]
+ function (int) index [widget(entry); "index"; index: Index(entry)]
+ function () insert [widget(entry); "insert"; index: Index(entry); text: string]
+ function () scan_mark [widget(entry); "scan"; "mark"; x: int]
+ function () scan_dragto [widget(entry); "scan"; "dragto"; x: int]
+ # selection variation
+ function () selection_adjust [widget(entry); "selection"; "adjust"; index: Index(entry)]
+ function () selection_clear [widget(entry); "selection"; "clear"]
+ function () selection_from [widget(entry); "selection"; "from"; index: Index(entry)]
+ function (bool) selection_present [widget(entry); "selection"; "present"]
+ function () selection_range [widget(entry); "selection"; "range"; start: Index(entry) ; end: Index(entry)]
+ function () selection_to [widget(entry); "selection"; "to"; index: Index(entry)]
+ function () xview [widget(entry); "xview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
+ function () xview_index [widget(entry); "xview"; index: Index(entry)]
+ function (float, float) xview_get [widget(entry); "xview"]
+ }
+##### focus(n)
+##### tk_focusNext(n)
+module Focus {
+ unsafe function (widget) get ["focus"]
+ function () set ["focus"; widget]
+ unsafe function (widget) displayof ["focus"; "-displayof"; displayof: widget]
+ function () force ["focus"; "-force"; widget]
+ unsafe function (widget) lastfor ["focus"; "-lastfor"; widget]
+ unsafe function (widget) next ["tk_focusNext"; widget]
+ unsafe function (widget) prev ["tk_focusPrev"; widget]
+ function () follows_mouse ["tk_focusFollowsMouse"]
+##### frame(n)
+type Colormap {
+ NewColormap (New) ["new"]
+ WidgetColormap (Widget) [widget]
+ }
+# Visual classes are: directcolor, grayscale, greyscale, pseudocolor,
+# staticcolor, staticgray, staticgrey, truecolor
+type Visual {
+ ClassVisual (Class) [[string; int]]
+ DefaultVisual ["default"]
+ WidgetVisual (Widget) [widget]
+ BestDepth (Bestdepth) [["best"; int]]
+ Best ["best"]
+ }
+widget frame {
+ # Standard options
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option Relief
+ option TakeFocus
+ # Widget specific options
+ option Background
+ option Class ["-class"; string]
+ option Colormap ["-colormap"; Colormap]
+ option Height
+ option Visual ["-visual"; Visual]
+ option Width
+ # Class and Colormap and Visual cannot be changed
+ function () configure [widget(frame); "configure"; option(frame) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(frame); "configure"]
+ }
+##### grab(n)
+type GrabStatus {
+ GrabNone ["none"]
+ GrabLocal ["local"]
+ GrabGlobal ["global"]
+module Grab {
+ function () set ["grab"; widget]
+ function () set_global ["grab"; "-global"; widget]
+ unsafe function (widget list) current ["grab"; "current"; ?widget:[widget]]
+# unsafe function (widget list) current ["grab"; "current"; widget]
+# unsafe function (widget list) all_current ["grab"; "current"]
+ function () release ["grab"; "release"; widget]
+ function (GrabStatus) status ["grab"; "status"; widget]
+subtype option(rowcolumnconfigure) {
+ Minsize ["-minsize"; Units]
+ Weight ["-weight"; float]
+subtype option(grid) {
+ Column ["-column"; int]
+ ColumnSpan ["-columnspan"; int]
+ In ["-in"; widget]
+ IPadX ["-ipadx"; Units]
+ IPadY ["-ipady"; Units]
+ PadX
+ PadY
+ Row ["-row"; int]
+ RowSpan ["-rowspan"; int]
+ Sticky ["-sticky"; string]
+ }
+# Same as pack
+function () grid ["grid"; widget list; option(grid) list]
+module Grid {
+ function (int,int,int,int) bbox ["grid"; "bbox"; widget; int; int]
+ function () column_configure
+ ["grid"; "columnconfigure"; widget; x:int;
+ option(rowcolumnconfigure) list]
+ function () configure ["grid"; "configure"; widget list; option(grid) list]
+ function (string) column_configure_get ["grid"; "columnconfigure"; widget;
+ x:int]
+ function () forget ["grid"; "forget"; widget list]
+ ## info returns only a string
+ function (string) info ["grid"; "info"; widget]
+ ## TODO: check result values
+ function (int,int) location ["grid"; "location"; widget; x:int; y:int]
+ function (bool) propagate_get ["grid"; "propagate"; widget]
+ function () propagate_set ["grid"; "propagate"; widget; to: bool]
+ function () row_configure
+ ["grid"; "rowconfigure"; widget; y:int; option(rowcolumnconfigure) list]
+ function (string) row_configure_get
+ ["grid"; "rowconfigure"; widget; y:int]
+ function (int,int) size ["grid"; "size"; widget]
+ function (widget list) slaves ["grid"; "slaves"; widget; ?column:["-column"; int]; ?row:["-row"; int]]
+# function (widget list) all_slaves ["grid"; "slaves"; widget]
+# function (widget list) row_slaves ["grid"; "slaves"; widget; "-row"; int]
+# function (widget list) column_slaves ["grid"; "slaves"; widget; "-column"; int]
+ }
+##### image(n)
+##### cf bitmap(n) and photo(n)
+# Some functions on images are not implemented
+# names, types
+##### label(n)
+widget label {
+ # Standard options
+ option Anchor
+ option Background
+ option Bitmap
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option Font
+ option Foreground
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option Image
+# option ImageBitmap
+# option ImagePhoto
+ option Justify
+ option PadX
+ option PadY
+ option Relief
+ option TakeFocus
+ option Text
+ option TextVariable
+ option UnderlinedChar
+ option WrapLength
+ # Widget specific options
+ option Height
+ # use according to label contents
+ option Width
+ option TextWidth
+ function () configure [widget(label); "configure"; option(label) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(label); "configure"]
+ }
+##### listbox(n)
+# Defined internally
+# subtype Index(listbox) {
+# Number Active AnchorPoint End AtXY
+type SelectModeType {
+ Single ["single"]
+ Browse ["browse"]
+ Multiple ["multiple"]
+ Extended ["extended"]
+ }
+widget listbox {
+ # Standard options
+ option Background
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option ExportSelection
+ option Foreground
+ option Font
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option Relief
+ option SelectBackground
+ option SelectBorderWidth
+ option SelectForeground
+ option SetGrid
+ option TakeFocus
+ option XScrollCommand
+ option YScrollCommand
+ # Widget specific options
+ option TextHeight ["-height"; int]
+ option TextWidth
+ option SelectMode ["-selectmode"; SelectModeType]
+ function () activate [widget(listbox); "activate"; index: Index(listbox)]
+ function (int,int,int,int) bbox [widget(listbox); "bbox"; index: Index(listbox)]
+ function () configure [widget(listbox); "configure"; option(listbox) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(listbox); "configure"]
+ function (Index(listbox) as "[>`Num int]" list) curselection [widget(listbox); "curselection"]
+ function () delete [widget(listbox); "delete"; first: Index(listbox); last: Index(listbox)]
+ function (string) get [widget(listbox); "get"; index: Index(listbox)]
+ function (string list) get_range [widget(listbox); "get"; first: Index(listbox); last: Index(listbox)]
+ function (Index(listbox) as "[>`Num int]") index [widget(listbox); "index"; index: Index(listbox)]
+ function () insert [widget(listbox); "insert"; index: Index(listbox); texts: string list]
+ function (Index(listbox) as "[>`Num int]") nearest [widget(listbox); "nearest"; y: int]
+ function () scan_mark [widget(listbox); "scan"; "mark"; x: int; y: int]
+ function () scan_dragto [widget(listbox); "scan"; "dragto"; x: int; y: int]
+ function () see [widget(listbox); "see"; index: Index(listbox)]
+ function () selection_anchor [widget(listbox); "selection"; "anchor"; index: Index(listbox)]
+ function () selection_clear [widget(listbox); "selection"; "clear"; first: Index(listbox); last: Index(listbox)]
+ function (bool) selection_includes [widget(listbox); "selection"; "includes"; index: Index(listbox)]
+ function () selection_set [widget(listbox); "selection"; "set"; first: Index(listbox); last: Index(listbox)]
+ function (int) size [widget(listbox); "size"]
+ function (float,float) xview_get [widget(listbox); "xview"]
+ function (float,float) yview_get [widget(listbox); "yview"]
+ function () xview_index [widget(listbox); "xview"; index: Index(listbox)]
+ function () yview_index [widget(listbox); "yview"; index: Index(listbox)]
+ function () xview [widget(listbox); "xview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
+ function () yview [widget(listbox); "yview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
+ }
+##### lower(n)
+function () lower_window ["lower"; widget; ?below:[widget]]
+#function () lower_window ["lower"; widget]
+#function () lower_window_below ["lower"; widget; below: widget]
+##### menu(n)
+##### tk_popup(n)
+# defined internally
+# subtype Index(menu) {
+# Number Active End Last None At Pattern
+# }
+type MenuItem {
+ Cascade_Item ["cascade"]
+ Checkbutton_Item ["checkbutton"]
+ Command_Item ["command"]
+ Radiobutton_Item ["radiobutton"]
+ Separator_Item ["separator"]
+ TearOff_Item ["tearoff"]
+# notused as a subtype. just for cleaning up the rest.
+subtype option(menuentry) {
+ ActiveBackground
+ ActiveForeground
+ Accelerator ["-accelerator"; string]
+ Background
+ Bitmap
+ Command
+ Font
+ Foreground
+ Image
+# ImageBitmap
+# ImagePhoto
+ IndicatorOn
+ Label ["-label"; string]
+ Menu ["-menu"; widget(menu)]
+ OffValue
+ OnValue
+ SelectColor
+ SelectImage
+# SelectImageBitmap
+# SelectImagePhoto
+ State
+ UnderlinedChar
+ Value ["-value"; string]
+ Variable
+ }
+# Options for cascade entry
+subtype option(menucascade) {
+ ActiveBackground ActiveForeground Accelerator
+ Background Bitmap Command Font Foreground
+# ImageBitmap ImagePhoto Label Menu State UnderlinedChar
+ Image Label Menu State UnderlinedChar
+ }
+# Options for radiobutton entry
+subtype option(menuradio) {
+ ActiveBackground ActiveForeground Accelerator
+ Background Bitmap Command Font Foreground
+# ImageBitmap ImagePhoto IndicatorOn Label
+ Image IndicatorOn Label
+# SelectColor SelectImageBitmap SelectImagePhoto
+ SelectColor SelectImage
+ State UnderlinedChar Value Variable
+ }
+# Options for checkbutton entry
+subtype option(menucheck) {
+ ActiveBackground ActiveForeground Accelerator
+ Background Bitmap Command Font Foreground
+# ImageBitmap ImagePhoto IndicatorOn Label
+ Image IndicatorOn Label
+# OffValue OnValue SelectColor SelectImageBitmap SelectImagePhoto
+ OffValue OnValue SelectColor SelectImage
+ State UnderlinedChar Variable
+ }
+# Options for command entry
+subtype option(menucommand) {
+ ActiveBackground ActiveForeground Accelerator
+ Background Bitmap Command Font Foreground
+# ImageBitmap ImagePhoto Label State UnderlinedChar
+ Image Label State UnderlinedChar
+ }
+# Separators and tearoffs don't have options
+widget menu {
+ # Standard options
+ option ActiveBackground
+ option ActiveBorderWidth
+ option ActiveForeground
+ option Background
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option DisabledForeground
+ option Font
+ option Foreground
+ option Relief
+ option TakeFocus
+ # Widget specific options
+ option PostCommand ["-postcommand"; function()]
+ option SelectColor
+ option TearOff ["-tearoff"; bool]
+ function () activate [widget(menu); "activate"; index: Index(menu)]
+ # add variations
+ function () add_cascade [widget(menu); "add"; "cascade"; option(menucascade) list]
+ function () add_checkbutton [widget(menu); "add"; "checkbutton"; option(menucheck) list]
+ function () add_command [widget(menu); "add"; "command"; option(menucommand) list]
+ function () add_radiobutton [widget(menu); "add"; "radiobutton"; option(menuradio) list]
+ function () add_separator [widget(menu); "add"; "separator"]
+ function () configure [widget(menu); "configure"; option(menu) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(menu); "configure"]
+ # beware of possible callback leak when deleting menu entries
+ function () delete [widget(menu); "delete"; first: Index(menu); last: Index(menu)]
+ function () configure_cascade [widget(menu); "entryconfigure"; index: Index(menu); option(menucascade) list]
+ function () configure_checkbutton [widget(menu); "entryconfigure"; index: Index(menu); option(menucheck) list]
+ function () configure_command [widget(menu); "entryconfigure"; index: Index(menu); option(menucommand) list]
+ function () configure_radiobutton [widget(menu); "entryconfigure"; index: Index(menu); option(menuradio) list]
+ function (string) entryconfigure_get [widget(menu); "entryconfigure"; index: Index(menu)]
+ function (int) index [widget(menu); "index"; index: Index(menu)]
+ function () insert_cascade [widget(menu); "insert"; index: Index(menu); "cascade"; option(menucascade) list]
+ function () insert_checkbutton [widget(menu); "insert"; index: Index(menu); "checkbutton"; option(menucheck) list]
+ function () insert_command [widget(menu); "insert"; index: Index(menu); "command"; option(menucommand) list]
+ function () insert_radiobutton [widget(menu); "insert"; index: Index(menu); "radiobutton"; option(menuradio) list]
+ function () insert_separator [widget(menu); "insert"; index: Index(menu); "separator"]
+ function (string) invoke [widget(menu); "invoke"; index: Index(menu)]
+ function () post [widget(menu); "post"; x: int; y: int]
+ function () postcascade [widget(menu); "postcascade"; index: Index(menu)]
+ # can't use type of course
+ function (MenuItem) typeof [widget(menu); "type"; index: Index(menu)]
+ function () unpost [widget(menu); "unpost"]
+ function (int) yposition [widget(menu); "yposition"; index: Index(menu)]
+ function () popup ["tk_popup"; widget(menu); x: int; y: int; ?entry:[Index(menu)]]
+# function () popup ["tk_popup"; widget(menu); x: int; y: int]
+# function () popup_entry ["tk_popup"; widget(menu); x: int; y: int; index: Index(menu)]
+ }
+##### menubutton(n)
+widget menubutton {
+ # Standard options
+ option ActiveBackground
+ option ActiveForeground
+ option Anchor
+ option Background
+ option Bitmap
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option DisabledForeground
+ option Font
+ option Foreground
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option Image
+# option ImageBitmap
+# option ImagePhoto
+ option Justify
+ option PadX
+ option PadY
+ option Relief
+ option TakeFocus
+ option Text
+ option TextVariable
+ option UnderlinedChar
+ option WrapLength
+ # Widget specific options
+ option Height
+ option IndicatorOn
+ option Menu ["-menu"; widget(menu)]
+ option State
+ option Width
+ option TextWidth
+ function () configure [widget(menubutton); "configure"; option(menubutton) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(menubutton); "configure"]
+ }
+##### message(n)
+widget message {
+ # Standard options
+ option Anchor
+ option Background
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option Font
+ option Foreground
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option PadX
+ option PadY
+ option Relief
+ option TakeFocus
+ option Text
+ option TextVariable
+ # Widget specific options
+ option Aspect ["-aspect"; int]
+ option Justify
+ option Width
+ function () configure [widget(message); "configure"; option(message) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(message); "configure"]
+ }
+##### option(n)
+type OptionPriority {
+ WidgetDefault ["widgetDefault"]
+ StartupFile ["startupFile"]
+ UserDefault ["userDefault"]
+ Interactive ["interactive"]
+ Priority [int]
+ }
+module Option {
+ unsafe function () add
+ ["option"; "add"; string; value: string; ?priority:[OptionPriority]]
+ function () clear ["option"; "clear"]
+ function (string) get ["option"; "get"; widget; name: string; class: string]
+ unsafe function () readfile
+ ["option"; "readfile"; name:string; ?priority:[OptionPriority]]
+ }
+##### tk_optionMenu(n)
+module Optionmenu {
+ external create "builtin/optionmenu"
+ }
+##### pack(n)
+type Side {
+ Side_Left ["left"]
+ Side_Right ["right"]
+ Side_Top ["top"]
+ Side_Bottom ["bottom"]
+type FillMode {
+ Fill_None ["none"]
+ Fill_X ["x"]
+ Fill_Y ["y"]
+ Fill_Both ["both"]
+subtype option(pack) {
+ After ["-after"; widget]
+ Anchor
+ Before ["-before"; widget]
+ Expand ["-expand"; bool]
+ Fill ["-fill"; FillMode]
+ In ["-in"; widget]
+ IPadX ["-ipadx"; Units]
+ IPadY ["-ipady"; Units]
+ PadX
+ PadY
+ Side ["-side"; Side]
+function () pack ["pack"; widget list; option(pack) list]
+module Pack {
+ function () configure ["pack"; "configure"; widget list; option(pack) list]
+ function () forget ["pack"; "forget"; widget list]
+ function (bool) propagate_get ["pack"; "propagate"; widget]
+ function () propagate_set ["pack"; "propagate"; widget; to: bool]
+ function (widget list) slaves ["pack"; "slaves"; widget]
+ }
+subtype TkPalette(any) { # Not sophisticated...
+ PaletteActiveBackground ["activeBackground"; Color]
+ PaletteActiveForeground ["activeForeground"; Color]
+ PaletteBackground ["background"; Color]
+ PaletteDisabledForeground ["disabledForeground"; Color]
+ PaletteForeground ["foreground"; Color]
+ PaletteHighlightBackground ["hilightBackground"; Color]
+ PaletteHighlightColor ["highlightColor"; Color]
+ PaletteInsertBackground ["insertBackground"; Color]
+ PaletteSelectColor ["selectColor"; Color]
+ PaletteSelectBackground ["selectBackground"; Color]
+ PaletteForegroundselectColor ["selectForeground"; Color]
+ PaletteTroughColor ["troughColor"; Color]
+##### tk_setPalette(n)
+#### can't simply encode general form of tk_setPalette
+module Palette {
+ function () set_background ["tk_setPalette"; Color]
+ function () set ["tk_setPalette"; TkPalette(any) list]
+ function () bisque ["tk_bisque"]
+ }
+##### photo(n)
+type PaletteType external #
+subtype option(photoimage) {
+ Data
+ Format ["-format"; string]
+ File
+ Gamma ["-gamma"; float]
+ Height
+ Palette ["-palette"; PaletteType]
+ Width
+ }
+subtype photo(copy) {
+ ImgFrom ["-from"; int; int; int; int]
+ ImgTo ["-to"; int; int; int; int]
+ Shrink ["-shrink"]
+ Zoom ["-zoom"; int; int]
+ Subsample ["-subsample"; int; int]
+ }
+subtype photo(put) {
+ ImgTo
+ }
+subtype photo(read) {
+ ImgFormat ["-format"; string]
+ ImgFrom
+ Shrink
+ TopLeft ["-to"; int; int]
+ }
+subtype photo(write) {
+ ImgFormat ImgFrom
+ }
+module Imagephoto {
+ function (ImagePhoto) create ["image"; "create"; "photo"; option(photoimage) list]
+ function () blank [ImagePhoto; "blank"]
+ function () configure [ImagePhoto; "configure"; option(photoimage) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [ImagePhoto; "configure"]
+ function () copy [ImagePhoto; "copy"; to: ImagePhoto; photo(copy) list]
+ function (int, int, int) get [ImagePhoto; "get"; x: int; y: int]
+# can't express nested lists ?
+# function () put [ImagePhoto; "put"; [[Color list] list]; photo(put) list]
+ function () read [ImagePhoto; "read"; name: string; photo(read) list]
+ function () redither [ImagePhoto; "redither"]
+ function () write [ImagePhoto; "write"; photo(write) list]
+ # Functions inherited from the "image" TK class
+ function () delete ["image"; "delete"; ImagePhoto]
+ function (int) height ["image"; "height"; ImagePhoto]
+ function (int) width ["image"; "width"; ImagePhoto]
+ }
+##### place(n)
+type BorderMode {
+ Inside ["inside"]
+ Outside ["outside"]
+ Ignore ["ignore"]
+subtype option(place) {
+ In
+ X
+ RelX ["-relx"; float]
+ Y
+ RelY ["-rely"; float]
+ Anchor
+ Width
+ RelWidth ["-relwidth"; float]
+ Height
+ RelHeight ["-relheight"; float]
+ BorderMode ["-bordermode"; BorderMode]
+function () place ["place"; widget; option(place) list]
+module Place {
+ function () configure ["place"; "configure"; widget; option(place) list]
+ function () forget ["place"; "forget"; widget]
+ function (string) info ["place"; "info"; widget]
+ function (widget list) slaves ["place"; "slaves"; widget]
+##### radiobutton(n)
+widget radiobutton {
+ # Standard options
+ option ActiveBackground
+ option ActiveForeground
+ option Anchor
+ option Background
+ option Bitmap
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option DisabledForeground
+ option Font
+ option Foreground
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option Image
+# option ImageBitmap
+# option ImagePhoto
+ option Justify
+ option PadX
+ option PadY
+ option Relief
+ option TakeFocus
+ option Text
+ option TextVariable
+ option UnderlinedChar
+ option WrapLength
+ # Widget specific options
+ option Command
+ option Height
+ option IndicatorOn
+ option SelectColor
+ option SelectImage
+# option SelectImageBitmap
+# option SelectImagePhoto
+ option State
+ option Value
+ option Variable
+ option Width
+ function () configure [widget(radiobutton); "configure"; option(radiobutton) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(radiobutton); "configure"]
+ function () deselect [widget(radiobutton); "deselect"]
+ function () flash [widget(radiobutton); "flash"]
+ function () invoke [widget(radiobutton); "invoke"]
+ function () select [widget(radiobutton); "select"]
+ }
+##### raise(n)
+# We cannot use raise !!
+function () raise_window ["raise"; widget; ?above:[widget]]
+#function () raise_window ["raise"; widget]
+#function () raise_window_above ["raise"; widget; above: widget]
+##### scale(n)
+## shared with scrollbars
+subtype WidgetElement(scale) {
+ Slider ["slider"]
+ Trough1 ["trough1"]
+ Trough2 ["trough2"]
+ Beyond [""]
+ }
+widget scale {
+ # Standard options
+ option ActiveBackground
+ option Background
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option Font
+ option Foreground
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option Orient
+ option Relief
+ option RepeatDelay
+ option RepeatInterval
+ option TakeFocus
+ option TroughColor
+ # Widget specific options
+ option BigIncrement ["-bigincrement"; float]
+ option ScaleCommand ["-command"; function (float)]
+ option Digits ["-digits"; int]
+ option From ["-from"; float]
+ option Label ["-label"; string]
+ option Length ["-length"; Units]
+ option Resolution ["-resolution"; float]
+ option ShowValue ["-showvalue"; bool]
+ option SliderLength ["-sliderlength"; Units]
+ option State
+ option TickInterval ["-tickinterval"; float]
+ option To ["-to"; float]
+ option Variable
+ option Width
+ function () configure [widget(scale); "configure"; option(scale) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(scale); "configure"]
+ function (float) get [widget(scale); "get"]
+ function (float) get_xy [widget(scale); "get"; x: int; y: int]
+ function (WidgetElement(scale)) identify [widget(scale); x: int; y: int]
+ function () set [widget(scale); "set"; to: float]
+ }
+##### scrollbar(n)
+subtype WidgetElement(scrollbar) {
+ Arrow1 ["arrow1"]
+ Trough1
+ Trough2
+ Slider
+ Arrow2 ["arrow2"]
+ Beyond
+ }
+widget scrollbar {
+ # Standard options
+ option ActiveBackground
+ option Background
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option Jump
+ option Orient
+ option Relief
+ option RepeatDelay
+ option RepeatInterval
+ option TakeFocus
+ option TroughColor
+ # Widget specific options
+ option ActiveRelief ["-activerelief"; Relief]
+ option ScrollCommand ["-command"; function(scroll: ScrollValue)]
+ option ElementBorderWidth ["-elementborderwidth"; Units]
+ option Width
+ function () activate [widget(scrollbar); "activate"; element: WidgetElement(scrollbar)]
+ function (WidgetElement(scrollbar)) activate_get [widget(scrollbar); "activate"]
+ function () configure [widget(scrollbar); "configure"; option(scrollbar) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(scrollbar); "configure"]
+ function (float) delta [widget(scrollbar); "delta"; x: int; y: int]
+ function (float) fraction [widget(scrollbar); "fraction"; x: int; y: int]
+ function (float, float) get [widget(scrollbar); "get"]
+ function (int, int, int, int) old_get [widget(scrollbar); "get"]
+ function (WidgetElement(scrollbar)) identify [widget(scrollbar); "identify"; x: int; y: int]
+ function () set [widget(scrollbar); "set"; first: float; last: float]
+ function () old_set [widget(scrollbar); "set"; total:int; window:int; first:int; last:int]
+ }
+##### selection(n)
+subtype icccm(selection_clear) {
+ DisplayOf
+ Selection ["-selection"; string]
+ }
+subtype icccm(selection_get) {
+ DisplayOf
+ Selection
+ }
+subtype icccm(selection_ownset) {
+ LostCommand ["-command"; function()]
+ Selection
+ }
+subtype icccm(selection_handle) {
+ Selection ICCCMType
+ ICCCMFormat ["-format"; string]
+ }
+module Selection {
+ function () clear ["selection"; "clear"; icccm(selection_clear) list]
+ function (string) get ["selection"; "get"; icccm(selection_get) list]
+ # function () handle_set ["selection"; "handle"; icccm(selection_handle) list; widget; function(int,int)]
+ external handle_set "builtin/selection_handle_set"
+ unsafe function (widget) own_get ["selection"; "own"; icccm(selection_clear) list]
+ # builtin
+ # function () own_set ["selection"; "own"; widget; icccm(selection_ownset) list]
+ external own_set "builtin/selection_own_set"
+ }
+##### text(n)
+type TextIndex external
+type TextTag external
+type TextMark external
+type TabType {
+ TabLeft [Units; "left"]
+ TabRight [Units; "right"]
+ TabCenter [Units; "center"]
+ TabNumeric [Units; "numeric"]
+ }
+type WrapMode {
+ WrapNone ["none"]
+ WrapChar ["char"]
+ WrapWord ["word"]
+type Comparison {
+ LT (Lt) ["<"]
+ LE (Le) ["<="]
+ EQ (Eq) ["=="]
+ GE (Ge) [">="]
+ GT (Gt) [">"]
+ NEQ (Neq) ["!="]
+type MarkDirection {
+ Mark_Left ["left"]
+ Mark_Right ["right"]
+ }
+type AlignType {
+ Align_Top ["top"]
+ Align_Bottom ["bottom"]
+ Align_Center ["center"]
+ Align_Baseline ["baseline"]
+ }
+subtype option(embeddedi) {
+ Align ["-align"; AlignType]
+ Image
+ Name ["-name"; string]
+ PadX
+ PadY
+ }
+subtype option(embeddedw) {
+ Align ["-align"; AlignType]
+ PadX
+ PadY
+ Stretch ["-stretch"; bool]
+ Window
+ }
+type TextSearch {
+ Forwards ["-forwards"]
+ Backwards ["-backwards"]
+ Exact ["-exact"]
+ Regexp ["-regexp"]
+ Nocase ["-nocase"]
+ Count ["-count"; TextVariable]
+ }
+widget text {
+ # Standard options
+ option Background
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option ExportSelection
+ option Font
+ option Foreground
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option InsertBackground
+ option InsertBorderWidth
+ option InsertOffTime
+ option InsertOnTime
+ option InsertWidth
+ option PadX
+ option PadY
+ option Relief
+ option SelectBackground
+ option SelectBorderWidth
+ option SelectForeground
+ option SetGrid
+ option TakeFocus
+ option XScrollCommand
+ option YScrollCommand
+ # Widget specific options
+ option TextHeight
+ option Spacing1 ["-spacing1"; Units]
+ option Spacing2 ["-spacing2"; Units]
+ option Spacing3 ["-spacing3"; Units]
+ option State
+ option Tabs ["-tabs"; [TabType list]]
+ option TextWidth
+ option Wrap ["-wrap"; WrapMode]
+ function (int,int,int,int) bbox [widget(text); "bbox"; index: TextIndex]
+ function (bool) compare [widget(text); "compare"; index: TextIndex; comparison: Comparison; index: TextIndex]
+ function () configure [widget(text); "configure"; option(text) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(text); "configure"]
+ function () debug [widget(text); "debug"; switch: bool]
+ function () delete [widget(text); "delete"; start: TextIndex; end: TextIndex]
+ function () delete_char [widget(text); "delete"; index: TextIndex]
+ function (int, int, int, int, int) dlineinfo [ widget(text); "dlineinfo"; index: TextIndex]
+ function (string) get [widget(text); "get"; start: TextIndex; end: TextIndex]
+ function (string) get_char [widget(text); "get"; index: TextIndex]
+ function () image_configure
+ [widget(text); "image"; "configure"; name: string; option(embeddedi) list]
+ function (string) image_configure_get
+ [widget(text); "image"; "cgets"; name: string]
+ function (string) image_create
+ [widget(text); "image"; "create"; option(embeddedi) list]
+ function (string list) image_names [widget(text); "image"; "names"]
+ function (Index(text) as "[>`Linechar int * int]") index [widget(text); "index"; index: TextIndex]
+ function () insert [widget(text); "insert"; index: TextIndex; text: string; ?tags: [TextTag list]]
+ # Mark
+ function () mark_gravity_set [widget(text); "mark"; "gravity"; mark: TextMark; direction: MarkDirection]
+ function (MarkDirection) mark_gravity_get [widget(text); "mark"; "gravity"; mark: TextMark]
+ function (TextMark list) mark_names [widget(text); "mark"; "names"]
+ function () mark_set [widget(text); "mark"; "set"; mark: TextMark; index: TextIndex]
+ function () mark_unset [widget(text); "mark"; "unset"; marks: TextMark list]
+ # Scan
+ function () scan_mark [widget(text); "scan"; "mark"; x: int; y: int]
+ function () scan_dragto [widget(text); "scan"; "dragto"; x: int; y: int]
+ function (Index(text) as "[>`Linechar int * int]") search [widget(text); "search"; switches: TextSearch list; "--"; pattern: string; start: TextIndex; ?end: [TextIndex]]
+ function () see [widget(text); "see"; index: TextIndex]
+ # Tags
+ function () tag_add [widget(text); "tag"; "add"; tag: TextTag; start: TextIndex; end: TextIndex]
+ function () tag_add_char [widget(text); "tag"; "add"; tag: TextTag; at: TextIndex]
+ external tag_bind "builtin/text_tag_bind"
+ function () tag_configure [widget(text); "tag"; "configure"; tag: TextTag; option(texttag) list]
+ function () tag_delete [widget(text); "tag"; "delete"; TextTag list]
+ function () tag_lower [widget(text); "tag"; "lower"; tag: TextTag; ?below: [TextTag]]
+# function () tag_lower_below [widget(text); "tag"; "lower"; tag: TextTag; below: TextTag]
+# function () tag_lower_bot [widget(text); "tag"; "lower"; tag: TextTag]
+ function (TextTag list) tag_names [widget(text); "tag"; "names"; ?index: [TextIndex]]
+# function (TextTag list) tag_allnames [widget(text); "tag"; "names"]
+# function (TextTag list) tag_indexnames [widget(text); "tag"; "names"; index: TextIndex]
+ function (Index(text) as "[>`Linechar int * int]", Index(text) as "[>`Linechar int * int]") tag_nextrange [widget(text); "tag"; "nextrange"; tag: TextTag; start: TextIndex; ?end: [TextIndex]]
+ function () tag_raise [widget(text); "tag"; "raise"; tag: TextTag; ?above: [TextTag]]
+# function () tag_raise_above [widget(text); "tag"; "raise"; tag: TextTag; above: TextTag]
+# function () tag_raise_top [widget(text); "tag"; "raise"; tag: TextTag ]
+ function (Index(text) as "[>`Linechar int * int]" list) tag_ranges [widget(text); "tag"; "ranges"; tag: TextTag]
+ function () tag_remove [widget(text); "tag"; "remove"; tag: TextTag; start: TextIndex; end: TextIndex]
+ function () tag_remove_char [widget(text); "tag"; "remove"; tag: TextTag; at: TextIndex]
+ function () window_configure [widget(text); "window"; "configure"; tag: TextTag; option(embeddedw) list]
+ function () window_create [widget(text); "window"; "create"; index: TextIndex; option(embeddedw) list]
+ function (widget list) window_names [widget(text); "window"; "names"]
+ # scrolling
+ function (float,float) xview_get [widget(text); "xview"]
+ function (float,float) yview_get [widget(text); "yview"]
+ function () xview [widget(text); "xview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
+ function () yview [widget(text); "yview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
+ function () yview_index [widget(text); "yview"; index: TextIndex]
+ function () yview_index_pickplace [widget(text); "yview"; "-pickplace"; index: TextIndex]
+ function () yview_line [widget(text); "yview"; line: int] # obsolete
+ }
+subtype option(texttag) {
+ Background
+ BgStipple ["-bgstipple"; Bitmap]
+ BorderWidth
+ FgStipple ["-fgstipple"; Bitmap]
+ Font
+ Foreground
+ Justify
+ LMargin1 ["-lmargin1"; Units]
+ LMargin2 ["-lmargin2"; Units]
+ Offset ["-offset"; Units]
+ OverStrike ["-overstrike"; bool]
+ Relief
+ RMargin ["-rmargin"; Units]
+ Spacing1
+ Spacing2
+ Spacing3
+ Tabs
+ Underline ["-underline"; bool]
+ Wrap ["-wrap"; WrapMode]
+ }
+##### tk(n)
+function () appname_set ["tk"; "appname"; string]
+function (string) appname_get ["tk"; "appname"]
+##### tkwait(n)
+module Tkwait {
+ function () variable ["tkwait"; "variable"; TextVariable]
+ function () visibility ["tkwait"; "visibility"; widget]
+ function () window ["tkwait"; "window"; widget]
+ }
+##### toplevel(n)
+# This module will be renamed "toplevelw" to avoid collision with
+# Caml Light standard toplevel module.
+widget toplevel {
+ # Standard options
+ option BorderWidth
+ option Cursor
+ option HighlightBackground
+ option HighlightColor
+ option HighlightThickness
+ option Relief
+ option TakeFocus
+ # Widget specific options
+ option Background
+ option Class
+ option Colormap
+ option Height
+ option Screen ["-screen"; string]
+ option Visual
+ option Width
+ function () configure [widget(toplevel); "configure"; option(toplevel) list]
+ function (string) configure_get [widget(toplevel); "configure"]
+ }
+##### update(n)
+function () update ["update"]
+function () update_idletasks ["update"; "idletasks"]
+##### winfo(n)
+type AtomId {
+ AtomId [int]
+ }
+module Winfo {
+ unsafe function (AtomId) atom ["winfo"; "atom"; string]
+ unsafe function (AtomId) atom_displayof ["winfo"; "atom"; "-displayof"; displayof: widget; string]
+ unsafe function (string) atomname ["winfo"; "atomname"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]; AtomId]
+# unsafe function (string) atomname ["winfo"; "atomname"; AtomId]
+# unsafe function (string) atomname_displayof ["winfo"; "atomname"; "-displayof"; displayof: widget; AtomId]
+ function (int) cells ["winfo"; "cells"; widget]
+ function (widget list) children ["winfo"; "children"; widget]
+ function (string) class_name ["winfo"; "class"; widget]
+ function (bool) colormapfull ["winfo"; "colormapfull"; widget]
+ unsafe function (widget) containing ["winfo"; "containing"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]; x: int; y: int]
+# unsafe function (widget) containing ["winfo"; "containing"; x: int; y: int]
+ # addition for applets
+ external contained "builtin/winfo_contained"
+# unsafe function (widget) containing_displayof ["winfo"; "containing"; "-displayof"; displayof: widget; x: int; y: int]
+ function (int) depth ["winfo"; "depth"; widget]
+ function (bool) exists ["winfo"; "exists"; widget]
+ function (float) fpixels ["winfo"; "fpixels"; widget; distance: Units]
+ function (string) geometry ["winfo"; "geometry"; widget]
+ function (int) height ["winfo"; "height"; widget]
+ unsafe function (string) id ["winfo"; "id"; widget]
+ unsafe function (string list) interps_displayof ["winfo"; "interps"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]]
+# unsafe function (string list) interps ["winfo"; "interps"]
+# unsafe function (string list) interps_displayof ["winfo"; "interps"; "-displayof"; displayof:widget]
+ function (bool) ismapped ["winfo"; "ismapped"; widget]
+ function (string) manager ["winfo"; "manager"; widget]
+ function (string) name ["winfo"; "name"; widget]
+ unsafe function (widget) parent ["winfo"; "parent"; widget] # bogus for top
+ unsafe function (widget) pathname ["winfo"; "pathname"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]; string]
+# unsafe function (widget) pathname ["winfo"; "pathname"; string]
+# unsafe function (widget) pathname_displayof ["winfo"; "pathname"; "-displayof"; displayof: widget; string]
+ function (int) pixels ["winfo"; "pixels"; widget; distance: Units]
+ function (int) pointerx ["winfo"; "pointerx"; widget]
+ function (int) pointery ["winfo"; "pointery"; widget]
+ function (int, int) pointerxy ["winfo"; "pointerxy"; widget]
+ function (int) reqheight ["winfo"; "reqheight"; widget]
+ function (int) reqwidth ["winfo"; "reqwidth"; widget]
+ function (int,int,int) rgb ["winfo"; "rgb"; widget; color: Color]
+ function (int) rootx ["winfo"; "rootx"; widget]
+ function (int) rooty ["winfo"; "rooty"; widget]
+ function (string) screen ["winfo"; "screen"; widget]
+ function (int) screencells ["winfo"; "screencells"; widget]
+ function (int) screendepth ["winfo"; "screendepth"; widget]
+ function (int) screenheight ["winfo"; "screenheight"; widget]
+ function (int) screenmmdepth ["winfo"; "screenmmdepth"; widget]
+ function (int) screenmmheight ["winfo"; "screenmmheight"; widget]
+ function (string) screenvisual ["winfo"; "screenvisual"; widget]
+ function (int) screenwidth ["winfo"; "screenwidth"; widget]
+ unsafe function (string) server ["winfo"; "server"; widget]
+ unsafe function (widget(toplevel)) toplevel ["winfo"; "toplevel"; widget]
+ function (bool) viewable ["winfo"; "viewable"; widget]
+ function (string) visual ["winfo"; "visual"; widget]
+ # not so
+ function (string) visualsavailable ["winfo"; "visualsavailable"; widget]
+ function (int) vrootheight ["winfo"; "vrootheight"; widget]
+ function (int) vrootwidth ["winfo"; "vrootwidth"; widget]
+ function (int) vrootx ["winfo"; "vrootx"; widget]
+ function (int) vrooty ["winfo"; "vrooty"; widget]
+ function (int) width ["winfo"; "width"; widget]
+ function (int) x ["winfo"; "x"; widget]
+ function (int) y ["winfo"; "y"; widget]
+##### wm(n)
+type FocusModel {
+ FocusActive ["active"]
+ FocusPassive ["passive"]
+type WmFrom {
+ FromUser ["user"]
+ FromProgram ["program"]
+module Wm {
+### Aspect
+ function () aspect_set ["wm"; "aspect"; widget; minnum:int; mindenom:int; maxnum:int; maxdenom:int]
+ # aspect: problem with empty return
+ function (int,int,int,int) aspect_get ["wm"; "aspect"; widget]
+ function () client_set ["wm"; "client"; widget; name: string]
+ function (string) client_get ["wm"; "client"; widget]
+ function () colormapwindows_set
+ ["wm"; "colormapwindows"; widget; [widgets: widget list]]
+ unsafe function (widget list) colormapwindows_get
+ ["wm"; "colormapwindows"; widget]
+ function () command_clear ["wm"; "command"; widget; ""]
+ function () command_set ["wm"; "command"; widget; [commands: string list]]
+ function (string list) command_get ["wm"; "command"; widget]
+ function () deiconify ["wm"; "deiconify"; widget]
+### Focus model
+ function () focusmodel_set ["wm"; "focusmodel"; widget; model: FocusModel]
+ function (FocusModel) focusmodel_get ["wm"; "focusmodel"; widget]
+ function (string) frame ["wm"; "frame"; widget]
+### Geometry
+ function () geometry_set ["wm"; "geometry"; widget; geometry: string]
+ function (string) geometry_get ["wm"; "geometry"; widget]
+### Grid
+ function () grid_clear ["wm"; "grid"; widget; ""; ""; ""; ""]
+ function () grid_set ["wm"; "grid"; widget; basewidth: int; baseheight: int; widthinc: int; heightinc: int]
+ function (int,int,int,int) grid_get ["wm"; "grid"; widget]
+### Groups
+ function () group_clear ["wm"; "group"; widget; ""]
+ function () group_set ["wm"; "group"; widget; leader: widget]
+ unsafe function (widget) group_get ["wm"; "group"; widget]
+### Icon bitmap
+ function () iconbitmap_clear ["wm"; "iconbitmap"; widget; ""]
+ function () iconbitmap_set ["wm"; "iconbitmap"; widget; bitmap: Bitmap]
+ function (Bitmap) iconbitmap_get ["wm"; "iconbitmap"; widget]
+ function () iconify ["wm"; "iconify"; widget]
+### Icon mask
+ function () iconmask_clear ["wm"; "iconmask"; widget; ""]
+ function () iconmask_set ["wm"; "iconmask"; widget; bitmap: Bitmap]
+ function (Bitmap) iconmask_get ["wm"; "iconmask"; widget]
+### Icon name
+ function () iconname_set ["wm"; "iconname"; widget; name: string]
+ function (string) iconname_get ["wm"; "iconname"; widget]
+### Icon position
+ function () iconposition_clear ["wm"; "iconposition"; widget; ""; ""]
+ function () iconposition_set ["wm"; "iconposition"; widget; x: int; y: int]
+ function (int,int) iconposition_get ["wm"; "iconposition"; widget]
+### Icon window
+ function () iconwindow_clear ["wm"; "iconwindow"; widget; ""]
+ function () iconwindow_set ["wm"; "iconwindow"; widget; icon: widget]
+ unsafe function (widget) iconwindow_get ["wm"; "iconwindow"; widget]
+### Sizes
+ function () maxsize_set ["wm"; "maxsize"; widget; width: int; height: int]
+ function (int,int) maxsize_get ["wm"; "maxsize"; widget]
+ function () minsize_set ["wm"; "minsize"; widget; width: int; height: int]
+ function (int,int) minsize_get ["wm"; "minsize"; widget]
+### Override
+ function () overrideredirect_set ["wm"; "overrideredirect"; widget; to: bool]
+ function (bool) overrideredirect_get ["wm"; "overrideredirect"; widget]
+### Position
+ function () positionfrom_clear ["wm"; "positionfrom"; widget; ""]
+ function () positionfrom_set ["wm"; "positionfrom"; widget; who: WmFrom]
+ function (WmFrom) positionfrom_get ["wm"; "positionfrom"; widget]
+### Protocols
+ function () protocol_set ["wm"; "protocol"; widget; name: string; command: function()]
+ function () protocol_clear ["wm"; "protocol"; widget; name: string; ""]
+ function (string list) protocols ["wm"; "protocol"; widget]
+### Resize
+ function () resizable_set ["wm"; "resizable"; widget(toplevel); width: bool; height: bool]
+ function (bool, bool) resizable_get ["wm"; "resizable"; widget(toplevel)]
+### Sizefrom
+ function () sizefrom_clear ["wm"; "sizefrom"; widget; ""]
+ function () sizefrom_set ["wm"; "sizefrom"; widget; who: WmFrom]
+ function (WmFrom) sizefrom_get ["wm"; "sizefrom"; widget]
+ function (string) state ["wm"; "state"; widget]
+### Title
+ function (string) title_get ["wm"; "title"; widget]
+ function () title_set ["wm"; "title"; widget; title: string]
+### Transient
+ function () transient_clear ["wm"; "transient"; widget; ""]
+ function () transient_set ["wm"; "transient"; widget; master: widget(toplevel)]
+ unsafe function (widget(toplevel)) transient_get ["wm"; "transient"; widget]
+ function () withdraw ["wm"; "withdraw"; widget]