path: root/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/browser/')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 1074fb14a..ed07b7ec4 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -234,19 +234,20 @@ let indent_line =
let ins = `Mark"insert" and reg = Str.regexp "[ \t]*" in
fun tw ->
let `Linechar(l,c) = Text.index tw index:(ins,[])
- and line = Text.get tw start:(ins,[`Linestart]) end:(ins,[]) in
+ and line = Text.get tw start:(ins,[`Linestart]) end:(ins,[`Lineend]) in
Str.string_match pat:reg line pos:0;
- if Str.match_end () < c then
- Text.insert tw index:(ins,[]) text:"\t"
- else let indent =
+ let len = Str.match_end () in
+ if len < c then Text.insert tw index:(ins,[]) text:"\t" else
+ let width = string_width (Str.matched_string line) in
+ Text.mark_set tw mark:"insert" index:(ins,[`Linestart;`Char len]);
+ let indent =
if l <= 1 then 2 else
let previous =
Text.get tw start:(ins,[`Line(-1);`Linestart])
end:(ins,[`Line(-1);`Lineend]) in
Str.string_match pat:reg previous pos:0;
let previous = Str.matched_string previous in
- let width = string_width line
- and width_previous = string_width previous in
+ let width_previous = string_width previous in
if width_previous <= width then 2 else width_previous - width
Text.insert tw index:(ins,[]) text:(String.make len:indent ' ')
@@ -488,6 +489,7 @@ class editor :top :menus = object (self)
[ [`Control], "s", (fun () -> Jg_text.search_string current_tw);
[`Control], "g", (fun () -> goto_line current_tw);
+ [`Alt], "s", self#save_file;
[`Alt], "x", (fun () -> send_phrase (List.hd windows));
[`Alt], "l", self#lex;
[`Alt], "t", self#typecheck ]
@@ -506,7 +508,7 @@ class editor :top :menus = object (self)
file_menu#add_command "Open File..." command:self#open_file;
file_menu#add_command "Reopen"
command:(fun () -> self#load_text [(List.hd windows).name]);
- file_menu#add_command "Save File" command:self#save_file;
+ file_menu#add_command "Save File" command:self#save_file accelerator:"M-s";
file_menu#add_command "Save As..." underline:5
command:begin fun () ->
let txt = List.hd windows in