path: root/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/browser/')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f59140b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* file selection box *)
+open Useunix
+open Str
+open Filename
+open Tk
+(**** Memoized rexgexp *)
+let regexp = (new Jg_memo.c fun:Str.regexp)#get
+(************************************************************ Path name *)
+let parse_filter src =
+ (* replace // by / *)
+ let s = global_replace (regexp "/+") with:"/" src in
+ (* replace /./ by / *)
+ let s = global_replace (regexp "/\./") with:"/" s in
+ (* replace hoge/../ by "" *)
+ let s = global_replace
+ (regexp "\([^/]\|[^\./][^/]\|[^/][^\./]\|[^/][^/]+\)/\.\./") with:"" s in
+ (* replace hoge/..$ by *)
+ let s = global_replace
+ (regexp "\([^/]\|[^\./][^/]\|[^/][^\./]\|[^/][^/]+\)/\.\.$") with:"" s in
+ (* replace ^/../../ by / *)
+ let s = global_replace (regexp "^\(/\.\.\)+/") with:"/" s in
+ if string_match (regexp "^\([^\*?[]*/\)\(.*\)") s pos:0 then
+ let dirs = matched_group 1 s
+ and ptrn = matched_group 2 s
+ in
+ dirs, ptrn
+ else "", s
+let fixpoint fun:f v =
+ let v1 = ref v and v2 = ref (f v) in
+ while !v1 <> !v2 do v1 := !v2; v2 := f !v2 done;
+ !v1
+let unix_regexp s =
+ let s = Str.global_replace (regexp "[$^.+]") with:"\\\\\\0" s in
+ let s = Str.global_replace (regexp "\\*") with:".*" s in
+ let s = Str.global_replace (regexp "\\?") with:".?" s in
+ let s =
+ fixpoint s fun:(fun s ->
+ Str.global_replace (regexp "\\({.*\\),\\(.*}\\)") s
+ with:"\\1\\|\\2") in
+ let s =
+ Str.global_replace (regexp "{\\(.*\\)}") with:"\\(\\1\\)" s in
+ Str.regexp s
+let exact_match s :regexp =
+ Str.string_match regexp s pos:0 & Str.match_end () = String.length s
+let ls :dir :pattern =
+ let files = get_files_in_directory dir in
+ let regexp = unix_regexp pattern in
+ List.filter files pred:(exact_match :regexp)
+let ls :dir :pattern =
+ subshell cmd:("cd " ^ dir ^ ";/bin/ls -ad " ^ pattern ^" 2>/dev/null")
+(********************************************* Creation *)
+let load_in_path = ref false
+let search_in_path :name = Misc.find_in_path !Config.load_path name
+let f :title action:proc ?:dir{=Unix.getcwd ()}
+ ?filter:deffilter{="*"} ?file:deffile{=""}
+ ?:multi{=false} ?:sync{=false} ?:usepath{=true} () =
+ let current_pattern = ref ""
+ and current_dir = ref dir in
+ let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled title in
+ Focus.set tl;
+ let new_var () = Textvariable.create on:tl () in
+ let filter_var = new_var ()
+ and selection_var = new_var ()
+ and sync_var = new_var () in
+ Textvariable.set filter_var to:deffilter;
+ let frm = Frame.create tl borderwidth:(`Pix 1) relief:`Raised in
+ let df = Frame.create frm in
+ let dfl = Frame.create df in
+ let dfll = Label.create dfl text:"Directories" in
+ let dflf, directory_listbox, directory_scrollbar =
+ Jg_box.create_with_scrollbar dfl in
+ let dfr = Frame.create df in
+ let dfrl = Label.create dfr text:"Files" in
+ let dfrf, filter_listbox, filter_scrollbar =
+ Jg_box.create_with_scrollbar dfr in
+ let cfrm = Frame.create tl borderwidth:(`Pix 1) relief:`Raised in
+ let configure :filter =
+ let filter =
+ if string_match (regexp "^/.*") filter pos:0
+ then filter
+ else !current_dir ^ "/" ^ filter
+ in
+ let dir, pattern = parse_filter filter in
+ let dir = if !load_in_path & usepath then "" else
+ (current_dir := Filename.dirname dir; dir)
+ and pattern = if pattern = "" then "*" else pattern in
+ current_pattern := pattern;
+ let filter =
+ if !load_in_path & usepath then pattern else dir ^ pattern in
+ let directories = get_directories_in_files path:dir
+ (get_files_in_directory dir) in
+ let matched_files = (* get matched file by subshell call. *)
+ if !load_in_path & usepath then
+ List.fold_left !Config.load_path acc:[] fun:
+ begin fun :acc dir ->
+ let files = ls :dir :pattern in
+ Sort.merge order:(<) files
+ (List.fold_left files :acc
+ fun:(fun :acc name -> List2.exclude elt:name acc))
+ end
+ else
+ List.fold_left directories acc:(ls :dir :pattern)
+ fun:(fun :acc dir -> List2.exclude elt:dir acc)
+ in
+ Textvariable.set filter_var to:filter;
+ Textvariable.set selection_var to:(dir ^ deffile);
+ Listbox.delete filter_listbox first:(`Num 0) last:`End;
+ Listbox.insert filter_listbox index:`End texts:matched_files;
+ Jg_box.recenter filter_listbox index:(`Num 0);
+ if !load_in_path & usepath then
+ Listbox.configure directory_listbox takefocus:false
+ else
+ begin
+ Listbox.configure directory_listbox takefocus:true;
+ Listbox.delete directory_listbox first:(`Num 0) last:`End;
+ Listbox.insert directory_listbox index:`End texts:directories;
+ Jg_box.recenter directory_listbox index:(`Num 0)
+ end
+ in
+ let selected_files = ref [] in (* used for synchronous mode *)
+ let activate l =
+ Grab.release tl;
+ destroy tl;
+ let l =
+ if !load_in_path & usepath then
+ List.fold_right l acc:[] fun:
+ begin fun name :acc ->
+ if name <> "" & name.[0] = '/' then name :: acc else
+ try search_in_path :name :: acc with Not_found -> acc
+ end
+ else
+ l fun:
+ begin fun x ->
+ if x <> "" & x.[0] = '/' then x
+ else !current_dir ^ "/" ^ x
+ end
+ in
+ if sync then
+ begin
+ selected_files := l;
+ Textvariable.set sync_var to:"1"
+ end
+ else proc l
+ in
+ (* entries *)
+ let fl = Label.create frm text:"Filter" in
+ let sl = Label.create frm text:"Selection" in
+ let filter_entry = Jg_entry.create frm textvariable:filter_var
+ command:(fun filter -> configure :filter) in
+ let selection_entry = Jg_entry.create frm textvariable:selection_var
+ command:(fun file -> activate [file]) in
+ (* and buttons *)
+ let set_path = Button.create dfl text:"Path editor" command:
+ begin fun () ->
+ Setpath.add_update_hook (fun () -> configure filter:!current_pattern);
+ let w = Setpath.f dir:!current_dir in
+ Grab.set w;
+ bind w events:[[], `Destroy]
+ action:(`Extend ([], fun _ -> Grab.set tl))
+ end in
+ let toggle_in_path = Checkbutton.create dfl text:"Use load path"
+ command:
+ begin fun () ->
+ load_in_path := not !load_in_path;
+ if !load_in_path then
+ pack [set_path] side:`Bottom fill:`X expand:true
+ else
+ Pack.forget [set_path];
+ configure filter:(Textvariable.get filter_var)
+ end
+ and okb = Button.create cfrm text:"Ok" command:
+ begin fun () ->
+ let files =
+ (Listbox.curselection filter_listbox) fun:
+ begin fun x ->
+ !current_dir ^ Listbox.get filter_listbox index:x
+ end
+ in
+ let files = if files = [] then [Textvariable.get selection_var]
+ else files in
+ activate [Textvariable.get selection_var]
+ end
+ and flb = Button.create cfrm text:"Filter"
+ command:(fun () -> configure filter:(Textvariable.get filter_var))
+ and ccb = Button.create cfrm text:"Cancel"
+ command:(fun () -> activate []) in
+ (* binding *)
+ bind tl events:[[], `KeyPressDetail "Escape"]
+ action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> activate []));
+ Jg_box.add_completion filter_listbox
+ action:(fun index -> activate [Listbox.get filter_listbox :index]);
+ if multi then Listbox.configure filter_listbox selectmode:`Multiple else
+ bind filter_listbox events:[[], `ButtonPressDetail 1]
+ action:(`Set ([`MouseY], fun ev ->
+ let name = Listbox.get filter_listbox
+ index:(Listbox.nearest filter_listbox y:ev.ev_MouseY) in
+ if !load_in_path & usepath then
+ try Textvariable.set selection_var to:(search_in_path :name)
+ with Not_found -> ()
+ else Textvariable.set selection_var to:(!current_dir ^ "/" ^ name)));
+ Jg_box.add_completion directory_listbox action:
+ begin fun index ->
+ let filter =
+ !current_dir ^ "/" ^
+ (Listbox.get directory_listbox :index) ^
+ "/" ^ !current_pattern
+ in configure :filter
+ end;
+ pack [frm] fill:`Both expand:true;
+ (* filter *)
+ pack [fl] side:`Top anchor:`W;
+ pack [filter_entry] side:`Top fill:`X;
+ (* directory + files *)
+ pack [df] side:`Top fill:`Both expand:true;
+ (* directory *)
+ pack [dfl] side:`Left fill:`Both expand:true;
+ pack [dfll] side:`Top anchor:`W;
+ if usepath then pack [toggle_in_path] side:`Bottom anchor:`W;
+ pack [dflf] side:`Top fill:`Both expand:true;
+ pack [directory_scrollbar] side:`Right fill:`Y;
+ pack [directory_listbox] side:`Left fill:`Both expand:true;
+ (* files *)
+ pack [dfr] side:`Right fill:`Both expand:true;
+ pack [dfrl] side:`Top anchor:`W;
+ pack [dfrf] side:`Top fill:`Both expand:true;
+ pack [filter_scrollbar] side:`Right fill:`Y;
+ pack [filter_listbox] side:`Left fill:`Both expand:true;
+ (* selection *)
+ pack [sl] before:df side:`Bottom anchor:`W;
+ pack [selection_entry] before:sl side:`Bottom fill:`X;
+ (* create OK, Filter and Cancel buttons *)
+ pack [okb; flb; ccb] side:`Left fill:`X expand:true;
+ pack [cfrm] before:frm side:`Bottom fill:`X;
+ if !load_in_path & usepath then begin
+ load_in_path := false;
+ Checkbutton.invoke toggle_in_path;
+ toggle_in_path
+ end
+ else configure filter:deffilter;
+ Tkwait.visibility tl;
+ Grab.set tl;
+ if sync then
+ begin
+ Tkwait.variable sync_var;
+ proc !selected_files
+ end;
+ ()