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Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/browser/setpath.ml')
-rw-r--r-- | otherlibs/labltk/browser/setpath.ml | 162 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/setpath.ml b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/setpath.ml deleted file mode 100644 index 018657610..000000000 --- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/setpath.ml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,162 +0,0 @@ -(*************************************************************************) -(* *) -(* OCaml LablTk library *) -(* *) -(* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *) -(* *) -(* Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) -(* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *) -(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *) -(* General Public License, with the special exception on linking *) -(* described in file ../../../LICENSE. *) -(* *) -(*************************************************************************) - -(* $Id$ *) - -open StdLabels -open Tk - -(* Listboxes *) - -let update_hooks = ref [] - -let add_update_hook f = update_hooks := f :: !update_hooks - -let exec_update_hooks () = - update_hooks := List.filter !update_hooks ~f: - begin fun f -> - try f (); true - with Protocol.TkError _ -> false - end - -let set_load_path l = - Config.load_path := l; - exec_update_hooks () - -let get_load_path () = !Config.load_path - -let renew_dirs box ~var ~dir = - Textvariable.set var dir; - Listbox.delete box ~first:(`Num 0) ~last:`End; - Listbox.insert box ~index:`End - ~texts:(Useunix.get_directories_in_files ~path:dir - (Useunix.get_files_in_directory dir)); - Jg_box.recenter box ~index:(`Num 0) - -let renew_path box = - Listbox.delete box ~first:(`Num 0) ~last:`End; - Listbox.insert box ~index:`End ~texts:!Config.load_path; - Jg_box.recenter box ~index:(`Num 0) - -let add_to_path ~dirs ?(base="") box = - let dirs = - if base = "" then dirs else - if dirs = [] then [base] else - List.map dirs ~f: - begin function - "." -> base - | ".." -> Filename.dirname base - | x -> Filename.concat base x - end - in - set_load_path - (dirs @ List.fold_left dirs ~init:(get_load_path ()) - ~f:(fun acc x -> List2.exclude x acc)) - -let remove_path box ~dirs = - set_load_path - (List.fold_left dirs ~init:(get_load_path ()) - ~f:(fun acc x -> List2.exclude x acc)) - -(* main function *) - -let f ~dir = - let current_dir = ref dir in - let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Edit Load Path" in - Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl; - let var_dir = Textvariable.create ~on:tl () in - let caplab = Label.create tl ~text:"Path" - and dir_name = Entry.create tl ~textvariable:var_dir - and browse = Frame.create tl in - let dirs = Frame.create browse - and path = Frame.create browse in - let dirframe, dirbox, dirsb = Jg_box.create_with_scrollbar dirs - and pathframe, pathbox, pathsb = Jg_box.create_with_scrollbar path - in - add_update_hook (fun () -> renew_path pathbox); - Listbox.configure pathbox ~width:40 ~selectmode:`Multiple; - Listbox.configure dirbox ~selectmode:`Multiple; - Jg_box.add_completion dirbox ~action: - begin fun index -> - begin match Listbox.get dirbox ~index with - "." -> () - | ".." -> current_dir := Filename.dirname !current_dir - | x -> current_dir := !current_dir ^ "/" ^ x - end; - renew_dirs dirbox ~var:var_dir ~dir:!current_dir; - Listbox.selection_clear dirbox ~first:(`Num 0) ~last:`End - end; - Jg_box.add_completion pathbox ~action: - begin fun index -> - current_dir := Listbox.get pathbox ~index; - renew_dirs dirbox ~var:var_dir ~dir:!current_dir - end; - - bind dir_name ~events:[`KeyPressDetail"Return"] - ~action:(fun _ -> - let dir = Textvariable.get var_dir in - if Useunix.is_directory dir then begin - current_dir := dir; - renew_dirs dirbox ~var:var_dir ~dir - end); - - (* Avoid space being used by the completion mechanism *) - let bind_space_toggle lb = - bind lb ~events:[`KeyPressDetail "space"] ~extend:true ~action:ignore in - bind_space_toggle dirbox; - bind_space_toggle pathbox; - - let add_paths _ = - add_to_path pathbox ~base:!current_dir - ~dirs:(List.map (Listbox.curselection dirbox) - ~f:(fun x -> Listbox.get dirbox ~index:x)); - Listbox.selection_clear dirbox ~first:(`Num 0) ~last:`End - and remove_paths _ = - remove_path pathbox - ~dirs:(List.map (Listbox.curselection pathbox) - ~f:(fun x -> Listbox.get pathbox ~index:x)) - in - bind dirbox ~events:[`KeyPressDetail "Insert"] ~action:add_paths; - bind pathbox ~events:[`KeyPressDetail "Delete"] ~action:remove_paths; - - let dirlab = Label.create dirs ~text:"Directories" - and pathlab = Label.create path ~text:"Load path" - and addbutton = Button.create dirs ~text:"Add to path" ~command:add_paths - and pathbuttons = Frame.create path in - let removebutton = - Button.create pathbuttons ~text:"Remove from path" ~command:remove_paths - and ok = - Jg_button.create_destroyer tl ~parent:pathbuttons - in - renew_dirs dirbox ~var:var_dir ~dir:!current_dir; - renew_path pathbox; - pack [dirsb] ~side:`Right ~fill:`Y; - pack [dirbox] ~side:`Left ~fill:`Y ~expand:true; - pack [pathsb] ~side:`Right ~fill:`Y; - pack [pathbox] ~side:`Left ~fill:`Both ~expand:true; - pack [dirlab] ~side:`Top ~anchor:`W ~padx:10; - pack [addbutton] ~side:`Bottom ~fill:`X; - pack [dirframe] ~fill:`Y ~expand:true; - pack [pathlab] ~side:`Top ~anchor:`W ~padx:10; - pack [removebutton; ok] ~side:`Left ~fill:`X ~expand:true; - pack [pathbuttons] ~fill:`X ~side:`Bottom; - pack [pathframe] ~fill:`Both ~expand:true; - pack [dirs] ~side:`Left ~fill:`Y; - pack [path] ~side:`Right ~fill:`Both ~expand:true; - pack [caplab] ~side:`Top ~anchor:`W ~padx:10; - pack [dir_name] ~side:`Top ~anchor:`W ~fill:`X; - pack [browse] ~side:`Bottom ~expand:true ~fill:`Both; - tl - -let set ~dir = ignore (f ~dir);; |