path: root/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/compiler/')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/ b/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
index 23fbd9c47..fd6c7ddc4 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ let parse_file filename =
in an hash table. *)
let elements t =
let elems = ref [] in
- Hashtbl.iter f:(fun key:_ data:d -> elems := d :: !elems) t;
+ Hashtbl.iter fun:(fun key:_ data:d -> elems := d :: !elems) t;
(* Verifies that duplicated clauses are semantically equivalent and
@@ -111,24 +111,24 @@ let uniq_clauses = function
prerr_endline err;
fatal_error err
end in
- let t = Hashtbl.create 11 in
+ let t = Hashtbl.create size:11 in
List.iter l
- f:(fun constr ->
+ fun:(fun constr ->
let c = constr.var_name in
- if Hashtbl.mem t c
- then (check_constr constr (Hashtbl.find t c))
+ if Hashtbl.mem t key:c
+ then (check_constr constr (Hashtbl.find t key:c))
else Hashtbl.add t key:c data:constr);
elements t;;
let option_hack oc =
- if Hashtbl.mem types_table "options" then
- let typdef = Hashtbl.find types_table "options" in
+ if Hashtbl.mem types_table key:"options" then
+ let typdef = Hashtbl.find types_table key:"options" in
let hack =
{ parser_arity = OneToken;
constructors =
let constrs =
- typdef.constructors f:
+ typdef.constructors fun:
begin fun c ->
{ component = Constructor;
ml_name = c.ml_name;
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ let option_hack oc =
variant = false }
- w:(output_string oc) def:hack safetype:false "options_constrs"
+ w:(output_string to:oc) def:hack safetype:false "options_constrs"
let compile () =
verbose_endline "Creating ...";
@@ -157,25 +157,25 @@ let compile () =
let oc'' = open_out_bin (destfile "") in
let sorted_types = Tsort.sort types_order in
verbose_endline " writing types ...";
- List.iter sorted_types f:
+ List.iter sorted_types fun:
begin fun typname ->
verbose_string (" " ^ typname ^ " ");
- let typdef = Hashtbl.find types_table typname in
+ let typdef = Hashtbl.find types_table key:typname in
verbose_string "type ";
- write_type intf:(output_string oc)
- impl:(output_string oc')
+ write_type intf:(output_string to:oc)
+ impl:(output_string to:oc')
typname def:typdef;
verbose_string "C2T ";
- write_CAMLtoTK w:(output_string oc') typname def:typdef;
+ write_CAMLtoTK w:(output_string to:oc') typname def:typdef;
verbose_string "T2C ";
- if List.mem typname !types_returned then
- write_TKtoCAML w:(output_string oc') typname def:typdef;
+ if List.mem item:typname !types_returned then
+ write_TKtoCAML w:(output_string to:oc') typname def:typdef;
verbose_string "CO ";
- write_catch_optionals w:(output_string oc') typname def:typdef;
+ write_catch_optionals w:(output_string to:oc') typname def:typdef;
verbose_endline "."
with Not_found ->
- if not (List.mem_assoc typname !types_external) then
+ if not (List.mem_assoc key:typname !types_external) then
verbose_string "Type ";
verbose_string typname;
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ let compile () =
verbose_endline " option hacking ...";
option_hack oc';
verbose_endline " writing functions ...";
- List.iter f:(write_function w:(output_string oc'')) !function_table;
+ List.iter fun:(write_function w:(output_string to:oc'')) !function_table;
close_out oc;
close_out oc';
close_out oc'';
@@ -195,21 +195,21 @@ let compile () =
verbose_endline "Creating tkgen.mli ...";
let oc = open_out_bin (destfile "tkgen.mli") in
List.iter (sort_components !function_table)
- f:(write_function_type w:(output_string oc));
+ fun:(write_function_type w:(output_string to:oc));
close_out oc;
verbose_endline "Creating other ml, mli ...";
- Hashtbl.iter module_table f:
+ Hashtbl.iter module_table fun:
begin fun key:wname data:wdef ->
verbose_endline (" "^wname);
let modname = wname in
let oc = open_out_bin (destfile (modname ^ ".ml"))
and oc' = open_out_bin (destfile (modname ^ ".mli")) in
begin match wdef.module_type with
- Widget -> output_string oc' ("(* The "^wname^" widget *)\n")
- | Family -> output_string oc' ("(* The "^wname^" commands *)\n")
+ Widget -> output_string to:oc' ("(* The "^wname^" widget *)\n")
+ | Family -> output_string to:oc' ("(* The "^wname^" commands *)\n")
- output_string oc "open Protocol\n";
- List.iter f:(fun s -> output_string oc s; output_string oc' s)
+ output_string to:oc "open Protocol\n";
+ List.iter fun:(fun s -> output_string s to:oc; output_string s to:oc')
[ "open Tk\n";
"open Tkintf\n";
"open Widget\n";
@@ -217,17 +217,17 @@ let compile () =
begin match wdef.module_type with
Widget ->
- write_create w:(output_string oc) wname;
- write_create_p w:(output_string oc') wname
+ write_create w:(output_string to:oc) wname;
+ write_create_p w:(output_string to:oc') wname
| Family -> ()
- List.iter f:(write_function w:(output_string oc))
+ List.iter fun:(write_function w:(output_string to:oc))
(sort_components wdef.commands);
- List.iter f:(write_function_type w:(output_string oc'))
+ List.iter fun:(write_function_type w:(output_string to:oc'))
(sort_components wdef.commands);
- List.iter f:(write_external w:(output_string oc))
+ List.iter fun:(write_external w:(output_string to:oc))
(sort_components wdef.externals);
- List.iter f:(write_external_type w:(output_string oc'))
+ List.iter fun:(write_external_type w:(output_string to:oc'))
(sort_components wdef.externals);
close_out oc;
close_out oc'
@@ -235,27 +235,27 @@ let compile () =
(* write the module list for the Makefile *)
(* and hack to death until it works *)
let oc = open_out_bin (destfile "modules") in
- output_string oc "WIDGETOBJS=";
+ output_string to:oc "WIDGETOBJS=";
Hashtbl.iter module_table
- f:(fun key:name data:_ ->
- output_string oc name;
- output_string oc ".cmo ");
- output_string oc "\n";
+ fun:(fun key:name data:_ ->
+ output_string to:oc name;
+ output_string to:oc ".cmo ");
+ output_string to:oc "\n";
Hashtbl.iter module_table
- f:(fun key:name data:_ ->
- output_string oc name;
- output_string oc ".ml ");
- output_string oc ":\n\n";
- Hashtbl.iter module_table f:
+ fun:(fun key:name data:_ ->
+ output_string to:oc name;
+ output_string to:oc ".ml ");
+ output_string to:oc ":\n\n";
+ Hashtbl.iter module_table fun:
begin fun key:name data:_ ->
- output_string oc name;
- output_string oc ".cmo : ";
- output_string oc name;
- output_string oc ".ml\n";
- output_string oc name;
- output_string oc ".cmi : ";
- output_string oc name;
- output_string oc ".mli\n"
+ output_string to:oc name;
+ output_string to:oc ".cmo : ";
+ output_string to:oc name;
+ output_string to:oc ".ml\n";
+ output_string to:oc name;
+ output_string to:oc ".cmi : ";
+ output_string to:oc name;
+ output_string to:oc ".mli\n"
close_out oc