path: root/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
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Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/compiler/')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/ b/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
index 1ab6d36ff..41602b2bf 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/compiler/
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ type module_def = {
(******************** The tables ********************)
(* the table of all explicitly defined types *)
-let types_table = (Hashtbl.create 37 : (string, type_def) Hashtbl.t)
+let types_table = (Hashtbl.create size:37 : (string, type_def) Hashtbl.t)
(* "builtin" types *)
let types_external = ref ([] : (string * parser_arity) list)
(* dependancy order *)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ let types_returned = ref ([] : string list)
(* Function table *)
let function_table = ref ([] : fullcomponent list)
(* Widget/Module table *)
-let module_table = (Hashtbl.create 37 : (string, module_def) Hashtbl.t)
+let module_table = (Hashtbl.create size:37 : (string, module_def) Hashtbl.t)
(* variant name *)
@@ -162,23 +162,23 @@ let new_type typname arity =
let is_subtyped s =
s = "widget" or
- let typdef = Hashtbl.find types_table s in
+ let typdef = Hashtbl.find types_table key:s in
typdef.subtypes <> []
Not_found -> false
let requires_widget_context s =
- (Hashtbl.find types_table s).requires_widget_context
+ (Hashtbl.find types_table key:s).requires_widget_context
Not_found -> false
let declared_type_parser_arity s =
- (Hashtbl.find types_table s).parser_arity
+ (Hashtbl.find types_table key:s).parser_arity
Not_found ->
- try List.assoc s !types_external
+ try List.assoc key:s !types_external
Not_found ->
prerr_string "Type "; prerr_string s;
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ let enter_external_type s v =
let rec enter_argtype = function
Unit | Int | Float | Bool | Char | String -> ()
| List ty -> enter_argtype ty
- | Product tyl -> List.iter f:enter_argtype tyl
- | Record tyl -> List.iter tyl f:(fun (l,t) -> enter_argtype t)
+ | Product tyl -> List.iter fun:enter_argtype tyl
+ | Record tyl -> List.iter tyl fun:(fun (l,t) -> enter_argtype t)
| UserDefined s -> Tsort.add_element types_order s
| Subtype (s,_) -> Tsort.add_element types_order s
| Function ty -> enter_argtype ty
@@ -220,14 +220,14 @@ let rec enter_argtype = function
let rec enter_template_types = function
StringArg _ -> ()
| TypeArg (l,t) -> enter_argtype t
- | ListArg l -> List.iter f:enter_template_types l
- | OptionalArgs (_,tl,_) -> List.iter f:enter_template_types tl
+ | ListArg l -> List.iter fun:enter_template_types l
+ | OptionalArgs (_,tl,_) -> List.iter fun:enter_template_types tl
(* Find type dependancies on s *)
let rec add_dependancies s =
List ty -> add_dependancies s ty
- | Product tyl -> List.iter f:(add_dependancies s) tyl
+ | Product tyl -> List.iter fun:(add_dependancies s) tyl
| Subtype(s',_) -> if s <> s' then Tsort.add_relation types_order (s', s)
| UserDefined s' -> if s <> s' then Tsort.add_relation types_order (s', s)
| Function ty -> add_dependancies s ty
@@ -237,20 +237,20 @@ let rec add_dependancies s =
let rec add_template_dependancies s = function
StringArg _ -> ()
| TypeArg (l,t) -> add_dependancies s t
- | ListArg l -> List.iter f:(add_template_dependancies s) l
- | OptionalArgs (_,tl,_) -> List.iter f:(add_template_dependancies s) tl
+ | ListArg l -> List.iter fun:(add_template_dependancies s) l
+ | OptionalArgs (_,tl,_) -> List.iter fun:(add_template_dependancies s) tl
(* Assumes functions are not nested in products, which is reasonable due to syntax*)
let rec has_callback = function
StringArg _ -> false
| TypeArg (l,Function _ ) -> true
| TypeArg _ -> false
- | ListArg l -> List.exists f:has_callback l
- | OptionalArgs (_,tl,_) -> List.exists f:has_callback tl
+ | ListArg l -> List.exists pred:has_callback l
+ | OptionalArgs (_,tl,_) -> List.exists pred:has_callback tl
(*** Returned types ***)
let really_add ty =
- if List.mem ty !types_returned then ()
+ if List.mem item:ty !types_returned then ()
else types_returned := ty :: !types_returned
let rec add_return_type = function
@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ let rec add_return_type = function
| Char -> ()
| String -> ()
| List ty -> add_return_type ty
- | Product tyl -> List.iter f:add_return_type tyl
- | Record tyl -> List.iter tyl f:(fun (l,t) -> add_return_type t)
+ | Product tyl -> List.iter fun:add_return_type tyl
+ | Record tyl -> List.iter tyl fun:(fun (l,t) -> add_return_type t)
| UserDefined s -> really_add s
| Subtype (s,_) -> really_add s
| Function _ -> fatal_error "unexpected return type (function)" (* whoah *)
@@ -299,11 +299,11 @@ let rec find_constructor cname = function
(* Enter a type, must not be previously defined *)
let enter_type typname ?(:variant = false) arity constructors =
- if Hashtbl.mem types_table typname then
+ if Hashtbl.mem types_table key:typname then
raise (Duplicate_Definition ("type", typname)) else
let typdef = new_type typname arity in
if variant then typdef.variant <- true;
- List.iter constructors f:
+ List.iter constructors fun:
begin fun c ->
if not (check_duplicate_constr false c typdef.constructors)
then begin
@@ -320,14 +320,14 @@ let enter_type typname ?(:variant = false) arity constructors =
let enter_subtype typ arity subtyp constructors =
(* Retrieve the type if already defined, else add a new one *)
let typdef =
- try Hashtbl.find types_table typ
+ try Hashtbl.find types_table key:typ
with Not_found -> new_type typ arity
- if List.mem_assoc subtyp typdef.subtypes
+ if List.mem_assoc key:subtyp typdef.subtypes
then raise (Duplicate_Definition ("subtype", typ ^" "^subtyp))
else begin
let real_constructors =
- constructors f:
+ constructors fun:
begin function
Full c ->
if not (check_duplicate_constr true c typdef.constructors)
@@ -354,41 +354,41 @@ let enter_subtype typ arity subtyp constructors =
all components are assumed to be in Full form *)
let retrieve_option optname =
let optiontyp =
- try Hashtbl.find types_table "options"
+ try Hashtbl.find types_table key:"options"
Not_found -> raise (Invalid_implicit_constructor optname)
in find_constructor optname optiontyp.constructors
(* Sort components by type *)
-let rec add_sort l obj =
+let rec add_sort acc:l obj =
match l with
[] -> [obj.component ,[obj]]
| (s',l)::rest ->
if obj.component = s' then
- (s',l)::(add_sort rest obj)
+ (s',l)::(add_sort acc:rest obj)
-let separate_components = List.fold_left f:add_sort init:[]
+let separate_components = List.fold_left fun:add_sort acc:[]
let enter_widget name components =
- if Hashtbl.mem module_table name then
+ if Hashtbl.mem module_table key:name then
raise (Duplicate_Definition ("widget/module", name)) else
let sorted_components = separate_components components in
- List.iter sorted_components f:
+ List.iter sorted_components fun:
begin function
Constructor, l ->
enter_subtype "options" MultipleToken
- name ( f:(fun c -> Full c) l)
+ name ( fun:(fun c -> Full c) l)
| Command, l ->
- List.iter f:enter_component_types l
+ List.iter fun:enter_component_types l
| External, _ -> ()
let commands =
- try List.assoc Command sorted_components
+ try List.assoc key:Command sorted_components
with Not_found -> []
and externals =
- try List.assoc External sorted_components
+ try List.assoc key:External sorted_components
with Not_found -> []
Hashtbl.add module_table key:name
@@ -402,20 +402,20 @@ let enter_function comp =
(******************** Modules ********************)
let enter_module name components =
- if Hashtbl.mem module_table name then
+ if Hashtbl.mem module_table key:name then
raise (Duplicate_Definition ("widget/module", name)) else
let sorted_components = separate_components components in
- List.iter sorted_components f:
+ List.iter sorted_components fun:
begin function
Constructor, l -> fatal_error "unexpected Constructor"
- | Command, l -> List.iter f:enter_component_types l
+ | Command, l -> List.iter fun:enter_component_types l
| External, _ -> ()
let commands =
- try List.assoc Command sorted_components
+ try List.assoc key:Command sorted_components
with Not_found -> []
and externals =
- try List.assoc External sorted_components
+ try List.assoc key:External sorted_components
with Not_found -> []
Hashtbl.add module_table key:name