path: root/otherlibs/labltk/support/cltkDMain.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/support/cltkDMain.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 229 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/support/cltkDMain.c b/otherlibs/labltk/support/cltkDMain.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 06449faf7..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/support/cltkDMain.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <tcl.h>
-#include <tk.h>
-#include "gc.h"
-#include "exec.h"
-#include "sys.h"
-#include "fail.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "mlvalues.h"
-#include "memory.h"
-#include "camltk.h"
-#ifndef O_BINARY
-#define O_BINARY 0
- * Dealing with signals: when a signal handler is defined in Caml,
- * the actual execution of the signal handler upon reception of the
- * signal is delayed until we are sure we are out of the GC.
- * If a signal occurs during the MainLoop, we would have to wait
- * the next event for the handler to be invoked.
- * The following function will invoke a pending signal handler if any,
- * and we put in on a regular timer.
- */
-#define SIGNAL_INTERVAL 300
-int signal_events = 0; /* do we have a pending timer */
-void invoke_pending_caml_signals (clientdata)
- ClientData clientdata;
- signal_events = 0;
- enter_blocking_section(); /* triggers signal handling */
- /* Rearm timer */
- Tk_CreateTimerHandler(SIGNAL_INTERVAL, invoke_pending_caml_signals, NULL);
- signal_events = 1;
- leave_blocking_section();
-/* The following is taken from byterun/startup.c */
-header_t atom_table[256];
-code_t start_code;
-asize_t code_size;
-static void init_atoms()
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) atom_table[i] = Make_header(0, i, White);
-static unsigned long read_size(p)
- unsigned char * p;
- return ((unsigned long) p[0] << 24) + ((unsigned long) p[1] << 16) +
- ((unsigned long) p[2] << 8) + p[3];
-#define FILE_NOT_FOUND (-1)
-#define TRUNCATED_FILE (-2)
-#define BAD_MAGIC_NUM (-3)
-static int read_trailer(fd, trail)
- int fd;
- struct exec_trailer * trail;
- char buffer[TRAILER_SIZE];
- lseek(fd, (long) -TRAILER_SIZE, 2);
- if (read(fd, buffer, TRAILER_SIZE) < TRAILER_SIZE) return TRUNCATED_FILE;
- trail->code_size = read_size(buffer);
- trail->data_size = read_size(buffer+4);
- trail->symbol_size = read_size(buffer+8);
- trail->debug_size = read_size(buffer+12);
- if (strncmp(buffer + 16, EXEC_MAGIC, 12) == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return BAD_MAGIC_NUM;
-int attempt_open(name, trail, do_open_script)
- char ** name;
- struct exec_trailer * trail;
- int do_open_script;
- char * truename;
- int fd;
- int err;
- char buf [2];
- truename = searchpath(*name);
- if (truename == 0) truename = *name; else *name = truename;
- fd = open(truename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
- if (fd == -1) return FILE_NOT_FOUND;
- if (!do_open_script){
- err = read (fd, buf, 2);
- if (err < 2) { close(fd); return TRUNCATED_FILE; }
- if (buf [0] == '#' && buf [1] == '!') { close(fd); return BAD_MAGIC_NUM; }
- }
- err = read_trailer(fd, trail);
- if (err != 0) { close(fd); return err; }
- return fd;
-/* Command for loading the bytecode file */
-int CamlRunCmd(dummy, interp, argc, argv)
- ClientData dummy; /* Not used. */
- Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */
- int argc; /* Number of arguments. */
- char **argv; /* Argument strings. */
- int fd;
- struct exec_trailer trail;
- struct longjmp_buffer raise_buf;
- struct channel * chan;
- if (argc < 2) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
- argv[0], " foo.cmo args\"", (char *) NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- fd = attempt_open(&argv[1], &trail, 1);
- switch(fd) {
- fatal_error_arg("Fatal error: cannot find file %s\n", argv[1]);
- break;
- fatal_error_arg(
- "Fatal error: the file %s is not a bytecode executable file\n",
- argv[1]);
- break;
- }
- if (sigsetjmp(raise_buf.buf, 1) == 0) {
- external_raise = &raise_buf;
- lseek(fd, - (long) (TRAILER_SIZE + trail.code_size + trail.data_size
- + trail.symbol_size + trail.debug_size), 2);
- code_size = trail.code_size;
- start_code = (code_t) stat_alloc(code_size);
- if (read(fd, (char *) start_code, code_size) != code_size)
- fatal_error("Fatal error: truncated bytecode file.\n");
- fixup_endianness(start_code, code_size);
- chan = open_descr(fd);
- global_data = input_value(chan);
- close_channel(chan);
- /* Ensure that the globals are in the major heap. */
- oldify(global_data, &global_data);
- sys_init(argv + 1);
- interprete(start_code, code_size);
- return TCL_OK;
- } else {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Caml program", argv[1], " raised exception \"",
- String_val(Field(Field(exn_bucket, 0), 0)));
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
-int CamlInvokeCmd(dummy
-/* Now the real Tk stuff */
-static Tk_Window mainWindow;
-#define RCNAME ".camltkrc"
-#define CAMLCB "camlcb"
-/* Initialisation of the dynamically loaded module */
-int Caml_Init(interp)
- Tcl_Interp *interp;
- cltclinterp = interp;
- /* Create the camlcallback command */
- Tcl_CreateCommand(cltclinterp,
- CAMLCB, CamlCBCmd,
- (ClientData)NULL,(Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *)NULL);
- /* This is required by "unknown" and thus autoload */
- Tcl_SetVar(cltclinterp, "tcl_interactive", "0", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
- /* Our hack for implementing break in callbacks */
- Tcl_SetVar(cltclinterp, "BreakBindingsSequence", "0", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
- /* Load the traditional rc file */
- {
- char *home = getenv("HOME");
- if (home != NULL) {
- char *f = stat_alloc(strlen(home)+strlen(RCNAME)+2);
- f[0]='\0';
- strcat(f, home);
- strcat(f, "/");
- strcat(f, RCNAME);
- if (0 == access(f,R_OK))
- if (TCL_OK != Tcl_EvalFile(cltclinterp,f)) {
- stat_free(f);
- tk_error(cltclinterp->result);
- };
- stat_free(f);
- }
- }
- /* Initialisations from caml_main */
- {
- int verbose_init = 0,
- percent_free_init = Percent_free_def;
- long minor_heap_init = Minor_heap_def,
- heap_chunk_init = Heap_chunk_def;
- /* Machine-dependent initialization of the floating-point hardware
- so that it behaves as much as possible as specified in IEEE */
- init_ieee_floats();
- init_gc (minor_heap_init, heap_chunk_init, percent_free_init,
- verbose_init);
- init_stack();
- init_atoms();
- }