path: root/otherlibs/labltk/support/cltkEval.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/support/cltkEval.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/support/cltkEval.c b/otherlibs/labltk/support/cltkEval.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ac0d3e15c..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/support/cltkEval.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <tcl.h>
-#include <tk.h>
-#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
-#include <caml/alloc.h>
-#include <caml/memory.h>
-#ifdef HAS_UNISTD
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "camltk.h"
-/* The Tcl interpretor */
-Tcl_Interp *cltclinterp = NULL;
-/* Copy a list of strings from the C heap to Caml */
-value copy_string_list(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char ** argv;
- value res;
- int i;
- value oldres = Val_unit, str = Val_unit;
- Begin_roots2 (oldres, str);
- res = Val_int(0); /* [] */
- for (i = argc-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- oldres = res;
- str = copy_string(argv[i]);
- res = alloc(2, 0);
- Field(res, 0) = str;
- Field(res, 1) = oldres;
- }
- End_roots();
- return res;
- * Calling Tcl from Caml
- * this version works on an arbitrary Tcl command
- */
-value camltk_tcl_eval(str) /* ML */
-value str;
- int code;
- char *cmd = NULL;
- CheckInit();
- /* Tcl_Eval may write to its argument, so we take a copy
- * If the evaluation raises a Caml exception, we have a space
- * leak
- */
- Tcl_ResetResult(cltclinterp);
- cmd = string_to_c(str);
- code = Tcl_Eval(cltclinterp, cmd);
- stat_free(cmd);
- switch (code) {
- case TCL_OK:
- return copy_string(cltclinterp->result);
- case TCL_ERROR:
- tk_error(cltclinterp->result);
- tk_error("bad tcl result");
- }
- * Calling Tcl from Caml
- * direct call, argument is TkArgs vect
- type TkArgs =
- TkToken of string
- | TkTokenList of TkArgs list (* to be expanded *)
- | TkQuote of TkArgs (* mapped to Tcl list *)
- */
- * Compute the size of the argument (of type TkArgs).
- * TkTokenList must be expanded,
- * TkQuote count for one.
- */
-int argv_size(v)
-value v;
- switch (Tag_val(v)) {
- case 0: /* TkToken */
- return 1;
- case 1: /* TkTokenList */
- { int n;
- value l;
- for (l=Field(v,0), n=0; Is_block(l); l=Field(l,1))
- n+=argv_size(Field(l,0));
- return n;
- }
- case 2: /* TkQuote */
- return 1;
- }
- * Memory of allocated Tcl lists.
- * We should not need more than MAX_LIST
- */
-#define MAX_LIST 256
-static char *tcllists[MAX_LIST];
-static int startfree = 0;
-/* If size is lower, do not allocate */
-static char *quotedargv[16];
-/* Fill a preallocated vector arguments, doing expansion and all.
- * Assumes Tcl will
- * not tamper with our strings
- * make copies if strings are "persistent"
- */
-int fill_args (argv, where, v)
-char ** argv;
-int where;
-value v;
- switch (Tag_val(v)) {
- case 0:
- argv[where] = String_val(Field(v,0));
- return (where + 1);
- case 1:
- { value l;
- for (l=Field(v,0); Is_block(l); l=Field(l,1))
- where = fill_args(argv,where,Field(l,0));
- return where;
- }
- case 2:
- { char **tmpargv;
- int size = argv_size(Field(v,0));
- if (size < 16)
- tmpargv = &quotedargv[0];
- else
- tmpargv = (char **)stat_alloc((size + 1) * sizeof(char *));
- fill_args(tmpargv,0,Field(v,0));
- tmpargv[size] = NULL;
- argv[where] = Tcl_Merge(size,tmpargv);
- tcllists[startfree++] = argv[where]; /* so we can free it later */
- if (size >= 16)
- stat_free((char *)tmpargv);
- return (where + 1);
- }
- }
-/* v is an array of TkArg */
-value camltk_tcl_direct_eval(v) /* ML */
-value v;
- int i;
- int size; /* size of argv */
- char **argv;
- int result;
- Tcl_CmdInfo info;
- int wherewasi,whereami; /* positions in tcllists array */
- CheckInit();
- /* walk the array to compute final size for Tcl */
- for(i=0,size=0;i<Wosize_val(v);i++)
- size += argv_size(Field(v,i));
- /* +2: one slot for NULL
- one slot for "unknown" if command not found */
- argv = (char **)stat_alloc((size + 2) * sizeof(char *));
- wherewasi = startfree; /* should be zero except when nested calls */
- Assert(startfree < MAX_LIST);
- /* Copy */
- {
- int where;
- for(i=0, where=0;i<Wosize_val(v);i++)
- where = fill_args(argv,where,Field(v,i));
- argv[size] = NULL;
- argv[size + 1] = NULL;
- }
- Begin_roots_block ((value *) argv, size + 2);
- whereami = startfree;
- /* Eval */
- Tcl_ResetResult(cltclinterp);
- if (Tcl_GetCommandInfo(cltclinterp,argv[0],&info)) { /* command found */
- result = (*info.proc)(info.clientData,cltclinterp,size,argv);
- } else {/* implement the autoload stuff */
- if (Tcl_GetCommandInfo(cltclinterp,"unknown",&info)) { /* unknown found */
- for (i = size; i >= 0; i--)
- argv[i+1] = argv[i];
- argv[0] = "unknown";
- result = (*info.proc)(info.clientData,cltclinterp,size+1,argv);
- } else { /* ah, it isn't there at all */
- result = TCL_ERROR;
- Tcl_AppendResult(cltclinterp, "Unknown command \"",
- argv[0], "\"", NULL);
- }
- }
- End_roots ();
- /* Free the various things we allocated */
- stat_free((char *)argv);
- for (i=wherewasi; i<whereami; i++)
- free(tcllists[i]);
- startfree = wherewasi;
- switch (result) {
- case TCL_OK:
- return copy_string (cltclinterp->result);
- case TCL_ERROR:
- tk_error(cltclinterp->result);
- tk_error("bad tcl result");
- }