path: root/otherlibs/win32unix
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Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/win32unix')
3 files changed, 37 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/win32unix/createprocess.c b/otherlibs/win32unix/createprocess.c
index 0e1e37a24..3858a39b8 100644
--- a/otherlibs/win32unix/createprocess.c
+++ b/otherlibs/win32unix/createprocess.c
@@ -53,9 +53,11 @@ value win_create_process_native(value cmd, value cmdline, value env,
/* Create the process */
if (! CreateProcess(exefile, String_val(cmdline), NULL, NULL,
TRUE, flags, envp, NULL, &si, &pi)) {
+ caml_stat_free(exefile);
uerror("create_process", cmd);
+ caml_stat_free(exefile);
/* Return the process handle as pseudo-PID
(this is consistent with the wait() emulation in the MSVC C library */
diff --git a/otherlibs/win32unix/sendrecv.c b/otherlibs/win32unix/sendrecv.c
index f2745fb19..32532553f 100644
--- a/otherlibs/win32unix/sendrecv.c
+++ b/otherlibs/win32unix/sendrecv.c
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ static int msg_flag_table[] = {
-CAMLprim value unix_recv(value sock, value buff, value ofs, value len, value flags)
+CAMLprim value unix_recv(value sock, value buff, value ofs, value len,
+ value flags)
SOCKET s = Socket_val(sock);
int flg = convert_flag_list(flags, msg_flag_table);
@@ -47,7 +48,8 @@ CAMLprim value unix_recv(value sock, value buff, value ofs, value len, value fla
return Val_int(ret);
-CAMLprim value unix_recvfrom(value sock, value buff, value ofs, value len, value flags)
+CAMLprim value unix_recvfrom(value sock, value buff, value ofs, value len,
+ value flags)
SOCKET s = Socket_val(sock);
int flg = convert_flag_list(flags, msg_flag_table);
@@ -81,7 +83,8 @@ CAMLprim value unix_recvfrom(value sock, value buff, value ofs, value len, value
return res;
-CAMLprim value unix_send(value sock, value buff, value ofs, value len, value flags)
+CAMLprim value unix_send(value sock, value buff, value ofs, value len,
+ value flags)
SOCKET s = Socket_val(sock);
int flg = convert_flag_list(flags, msg_flag_table);
@@ -104,7 +107,8 @@ CAMLprim value unix_send(value sock, value buff, value ofs, value len, value fla
return Val_int(ret);
-value unix_sendto_native(value sock, value buff, value ofs, value len, value flags, value dest)
+value unix_sendto_native(value sock, value buff, value ofs, value len,
+ value flags, value dest)
SOCKET s = Socket_val(sock);
int flg = convert_flag_list(flags, msg_flag_table);
diff --git a/otherlibs/win32unix/ b/otherlibs/win32unix/
index 6c271ade2..b74f063e8 100644
--- a/otherlibs/win32unix/
+++ b/otherlibs/win32unix/
@@ -176,26 +176,32 @@ type file_perm = int
external openfile : string -> open_flag list -> file_perm -> file_descr
= "unix_open"
external close : file_descr -> unit = "unix_close"
-external unsafe_read : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> int
+external unsafe_read : file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> int
= "unix_read"
-external unsafe_write : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> int
+external unsafe_write : file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> int
= "unix_write"
-external unsafe_single_write : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> int
+external unsafe_single_write : file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> int
= "unix_single_write"
let read fd buf ofs len =
- if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > String.length buf - len
+ if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > Bytes.length buf - len
then invalid_arg ""
else unsafe_read fd buf ofs len
let write fd buf ofs len =
- if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > String.length buf - len
+ if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > Bytes.length buf - len
then invalid_arg "Unix.write"
else unsafe_write fd buf ofs len
let single_write fd buf ofs len =
- if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > String.length buf - len
+ if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > Bytes.length buf - len
then invalid_arg "Unix.single_write"
else unsafe_single_write fd buf ofs len
+let write_substring fd buf ofs len =
+ write fd (Bytes.unsafe_of_string buf) ofs len
+let single_write_substring fd buf ofs len =
+ single_write fd (Bytes.unsafe_of_string buf) ofs len
(* Interfacing with the standard input/output library *)
external in_channel_of_descr: file_descr -> in_channel
@@ -535,35 +541,41 @@ external getsockname : file_descr -> sockaddr = "unix_getsockname"
external getpeername : file_descr -> sockaddr = "unix_getpeername"
external unsafe_recv :
- file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int
+ file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int
= "unix_recv"
external unsafe_recvfrom :
- file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int * sockaddr
+ file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int * sockaddr
= "unix_recvfrom"
external unsafe_send :
- file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int
+ file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int
= "unix_send"
external unsafe_sendto :
- file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> sockaddr -> int
+ file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> sockaddr -> int
= "unix_sendto" "unix_sendto_native"
let recv fd buf ofs len flags =
- if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > String.length buf - len
+ if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > Bytes.length buf - len
then invalid_arg "Unix.recv"
else unsafe_recv fd buf ofs len flags
let recvfrom fd buf ofs len flags =
- if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > String.length buf - len
+ if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > Bytes.length buf - len
then invalid_arg "Unix.recvfrom"
else unsafe_recvfrom fd buf ofs len flags
let send fd buf ofs len flags =
- if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > String.length buf - len
+ if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > Bytes.length buf - len
then invalid_arg "Unix.send"
else unsafe_send fd buf ofs len flags
let sendto fd buf ofs len flags addr =
- if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > String.length buf - len
+ if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs > Bytes.length buf - len
then invalid_arg "Unix.sendto"
else unsafe_sendto fd buf ofs len flags addr
+let send_substring fd buf ofs len flags =
+ send fd (Bytes.unsafe_of_string buf) ofs len flags
+let sendto_substring fd buf ofs len flags addr =
+ sendto fd (Bytes.unsafe_of_string buf) ofs len flags addr
type socket_bool_option =
@@ -796,7 +808,7 @@ external win_create_process : string -> string -> string option ->
let make_cmdline args =
let maybe_quote f =
- if String.contains f ' ' || String.contains f '\"'
+ if String.contains f ' ' || String.contains f '\"' || f = ""
then Filename.quote f
else f in
String.concat " " ( maybe_quote (Array.to_list args))