path: root/stdlib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index e31b7b80a..ce9b5c1f1 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -80,3 +80,71 @@ let add_channel b ic len =
let output_buffer oc b =
output oc b.buffer 0 b.position
+let closing = function
+ | '(' -> ')'
+ | '{' -> '}'
+ | _ -> assert false;;
+(* opening and closing: open and close characters, typically ( and )
+ k balance of opening and closing chars
+ s the string where we are searching
+ p the index where we start the search *)
+let advance_to_closing opening closing k s start =
+ let rec advance k i lim =
+ if i >= lim then raise Not_found else
+ if s.[i] = opening then advance (k + 1) (i + 1) lim else
+ if s.[i] = closing then
+ if k = 0 then i else advance (k - 1) (i + 1) lim
+ else advance k (i + 1) lim in
+ advance k start (String.length s);;
+let advance_to_non_alpha s start =
+ let rec advance i lim =
+ if i >= lim then lim else
+ match s.[i] with
+ | 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' |
+ 'é'|'à'|'á'|'è'|'ù'|'â'|'ê'|'î'|'ô'|'û'|'ë'|'ï'|'ü'|'ç'|
+ 'É'|'À'|'Á'|'È'|'Ù'|'Â'|'Ê'|'Î'|'Ô'|'Û'|'Ë'|'Ï'|'Ü'|'Ç' ->
+ advance (i + 1) lim
+ | _ -> i in
+ advance start (String.length s);;
+(* We are just at the beginning of an ident in s, starting at p *)
+let find_ident s start =
+ match s.[start] with
+ (* Parenthesized ident ? *)
+ | '(' | '{' as c ->
+ let new_start = start + 1 in
+ let stop = advance_to_closing c (closing c) 0 s new_start in
+ String.sub s new_start (stop - start - 1), stop + 1
+ (* Regular ident *)
+ | _ ->
+ let stop = advance_to_non_alpha s (start + 1) in
+ String.sub s start (stop - start), stop;;
+(* Substitute $ident (or $(ident)) in s,
+ according to the function f. *)
+let add_substitute b f s =
+ let lim = String.length s in
+ let rec subst previous i =
+ if i < lim then begin
+ match s.[i] with
+ | '$' as current when previous = '\\' ->
+ add_char b current;
+ subst current (i + 1)
+ | '$' ->
+ let ident, next_i = find_ident s (i + 1) in
+ add_string b (f ident);
+ subst ' ' next_i
+ | current when previous == '\\' ->
+ add_char b '\\';
+ add_char b current;
+ subst current (i + 1)
+ | '\\' as current ->
+ subst current (i + 1)
+ | current ->
+ add_char b current;
+ subst current (i + 1)
+ end in
+ subst ' ' 0;;