path: root/stdlib/
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1 files changed, 90 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 2a7e3aeba..f28e05f18 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ fun ign fmt -> match ign with
type ('b, 'c) acc_formatting_gen =
| Acc_open_tag of ('b, 'c) acc
+ | Acc_open_box of ('b, 'c) acc
(* Reversed list of printing atoms. *)
(* Used to accumulate printf arguments. *)
@@ -435,7 +436,6 @@ let bprint_float_fmt buf ign_flag fconv pad prec =
(* Compute the literal string representation of a formatting_lit. *)
(* Also used by Printf and Scanf where formatting is not interpreted. *)
let string_of_formatting_lit formatting_lit = match formatting_lit with
- | Open_box (str, _, _) -> str
| Close_box -> "@]"
| Close_tag -> "@}"
| Break (str, _, _) -> str
@@ -453,6 +453,7 @@ let string_of_formatting_gen : type a b c d e f .
(a, b, c, d, e, f) formatting_gen -> string =
fun formatting_gen -> match formatting_gen with
| Open_tag (Format (_, str)) -> str
+ | Open_box (Format (_, str)) -> str
@@ -587,6 +588,7 @@ let bprint_fmt buf fmt =
bprint_string_literal buf (string_of_formatting_lit fmting_lit);
fmtiter rest ign_flag;
| Formatting_gen (fmting_gen, rest) ->
+ bprint_string_literal buf "@{";
bprint_string_literal buf (string_of_formatting_gen fmting_gen);
fmtiter rest ign_flag;
@@ -802,6 +804,7 @@ let rec fmtty_of_formatting_gen : type a b c d e f .
(a, b, c, d, e, f) fmtty =
fun formatting_gen -> match formatting_gen with
| Open_tag (Format (fmt, _)) -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Open_box (Format (fmt, _)) -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
(* Extract the type representation (an fmtty) of a format. *)
and fmtty_of_fmt : type a b c d e f .
@@ -1073,6 +1076,10 @@ fun formatting_gen fmt0 fmtty0 -> match formatting_gen with
let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt2, fmtty2) = type_format_gen fmt1 fmtty0 in
let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt3, fmtty3) = type_format_gen fmt0 fmtty2 in
Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Formatting_gen (Open_tag (Format (fmt2, str)), fmt3), fmtty3)
+ | Open_box (Format (fmt1, str)) ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt2, fmtty2) = type_format_gen fmt1 fmtty0 in
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt3, fmtty3) = type_format_gen fmt0 fmtty2 in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Formatting_gen (Open_tag (Format (fmt2, str)), fmt3), fmtty3)
(* Type an Ignored_param node according to an fmtty. *)
and type_ignored_param : type p q x y z t u v a b c d e f .
@@ -1428,6 +1435,10 @@ fun k o acc fmt -> match fmt with
let k' koc kacc =
make_printf k koc (Acc_formatting_gen (acc, Acc_open_tag kacc)) rest in
make_printf k' o End_of_acc fmt'
+ | Formatting_gen (Open_box (Format (fmt', _)), rest) ->
+ let k' koc kacc =
+ make_printf k koc (Acc_formatting_gen (acc, Acc_open_box kacc)) rest in
+ make_printf k' o End_of_acc fmt'
| End_of_format ->
k o acc
@@ -1607,13 +1618,11 @@ and make_float_padding_precision : type x y a b c d e f .
let rec output_acc o acc = match acc with
| Acc_formatting_lit (p, fmting_lit) ->
let s = string_of_formatting_lit fmting_lit in
- output_acc o p;
- output_string o s;
+ output_acc o p; output_string o s;
| Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_tag acc') ->
- output_acc o p;
- output_string o "@{<";
- output_acc o acc';
- output_char o '>';
+ output_acc o p; output_string o "@{"; output_acc o acc';
+ | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
+ output_acc o p; output_string o "@["; output_acc o acc';
| Acc_string (p, s) -> output_acc o p; output_string o s
| Acc_char (p, c) -> output_acc o p; output_char o c
| Acc_delay (p, f) -> output_acc o p; f o
@@ -1627,13 +1636,11 @@ let rec output_acc o acc = match acc with
let rec bufput_acc b acc = match acc with
| Acc_formatting_lit (p, fmting_lit) ->
let s = string_of_formatting_lit fmting_lit in
- bufput_acc b p;
- Buffer.add_string b s;
+ bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b s;
| Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_tag acc') ->
- bufput_acc b p;
- Buffer.add_string b "@{<";
- bufput_acc b acc';
- Buffer.add_char b '>';
+ bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b "@{"; bufput_acc b acc';
+ | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
+ bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b "@["; bufput_acc b acc';
| Acc_string (p, s) -> bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b s
| Acc_char (p, c) -> bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_char b c
| Acc_delay (p, f) -> bufput_acc b p; f b
@@ -1648,13 +1655,11 @@ let rec bufput_acc b acc = match acc with
let rec strput_acc b acc = match acc with
| Acc_formatting_lit (p, fmting_lit) ->
let s = string_of_formatting_lit fmting_lit in
- strput_acc b p;
- Buffer.add_string b s;
+ strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b s;
| Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_tag acc') ->
- strput_acc b p;
- Buffer.add_string b "@{<";
- strput_acc b acc';
- Buffer.add_char b '>';
+ strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b "@{"; strput_acc b acc';
+ | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
+ strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b "@["; strput_acc b acc';
| Acc_string (p, s) -> strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b s
| Acc_char (p, c) -> strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_char b c
| Acc_delay (p, f) -> strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b (f ())
@@ -1672,6 +1677,49 @@ let failwith_message (Format (fmt, _)) =
make_printf k () End_of_acc fmt
+ (* Formatting tools *)
+(* Convert a string to an open block description (indent, block_type) *)
+let open_box_of_string str =
+ if str = "" then (0, Pp_box) else
+ let len = String.length str in
+ let invalid_box () = failwith_message "invalid box description %S" str in
+ let rec parse_spaces i =
+ if i = len then i else
+ match str.[i] with
+ | ' ' | '\t' -> parse_spaces (i + 1)
+ | _ -> i
+ and parse_lword i j =
+ if j = len then j else
+ match str.[j] with
+ | 'a' .. 'z' -> parse_lword i (j + 1)
+ | _ -> j
+ and parse_int i j =
+ if j = len then j else
+ match str.[j] with
+ | '0' .. '9' | '-' -> parse_int i (j + 1)
+ | _ -> j in
+ let wstart = parse_spaces 0 in
+ let wend = parse_lword wstart wstart in
+ let box_name = String.sub str wstart (wend - wstart) in
+ let nstart = parse_spaces wend in
+ let nend = parse_int nstart nstart in
+ let indent =
+ if nstart = nend then 0 else
+ try int_of_string (String.sub str nstart (nend - nstart))
+ with Failure _ -> invalid_box () in
+ let exp_end = parse_spaces nend in
+ let () = if exp_end <> len then invalid_box () in
+ let box_type = match box_name with
+ | "" | "b" -> Pp_box
+ | "h" -> Pp_hbox
+ | "v" -> Pp_vbox
+ | "hv" -> Pp_hvbox
+ | "hov" -> Pp_hovbox
+ | _ -> invalid_box () in
+ (indent, box_type)
(* Parsing tools *)
(* Create a padding_fmt_ebb from a padding and a format. *)
@@ -2154,12 +2202,12 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string str =
match str.[str_ind] with
| '[' ->
- parse_open_box (str_ind + 1) end_ind
+ parse_tag false (str_ind + 1) end_ind
| ']' ->
let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Close_box, fmt_rest))
| '{' ->
- parse_open_tag (str_ind + 1) end_ind
+ parse_tag true (str_ind + 1) end_ind
| '}' ->
let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Close_tag, fmt_rest))
@@ -2195,66 +2243,39 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string str =
let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Scan_indic c, fmt_rest))
- (* Try to read the optionnal <...> after "@[". *)
- and parse_open_box : type e f . int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
- fun str_ind end_ind ->
- let next_ind, box_ty, indent =
- try
- if str_ind = end_ind then raise Not_found;
- match str.[str_ind] with
- | '<' -> (
- let str_ind_1 = parse_spaces (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
- let i = ref str_ind_1 in
- while !i < end_ind && str.[!i] >= 'a' && str.[!i] <= 'z' do
- incr i;
- done;
- let box_ty = match String.sub str str_ind_1 (!i - str_ind_1) with
- | "" -> Pp_box
- | "b" -> Pp_box
- | "h" -> Pp_hbox
- | "v" -> Pp_vbox
- | "hv" -> Pp_hvbox
- | "hov" -> Pp_hovbox
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- in
- let str_ind_3 = parse_spaces !i end_ind in
- match str.[str_ind_3] with
- | '0' .. '9' | '-' ->
- let str_ind_4, indent = parse_integer str_ind_3 end_ind in
- let str_ind_5 = parse_spaces str_ind_4 end_ind in
- if str.[str_ind_5] <> '>' then raise Not_found;
- str_ind_5 + 1, box_ty, indent
- | '>' ->
- str_ind_3 + 1, box_ty, 0
- | _ ->
- raise Not_found
- )
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- with Not_found | Failure _ ->
- str_ind, Pp_box, 0
- in
- let s = String.sub str (str_ind - 2) (next_ind - str_ind + 2) in
- let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse next_ind end_ind in
- Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Open_box (s, box_ty, indent), fmt_rest))
+ and check_open_box : type a b c d e f . (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmt -> unit =
+ fun fmt -> match fmt with
+ | String_literal (str, End_of_format) -> (
+ try ignore (open_box_of_string str) with Failure _ ->
+ ((* Emit warning: invalid open box *))
+ )
+ | _ -> ()
- (* Try to read the optionnal <name> after "@{". *)
- and parse_open_tag : type e f . int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
- fun str_ind end_ind ->
+ (* Try to read the optionnal <name> after "@{" or "@[". *)
+ and parse_tag : type e f . bool -> int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun is_open_tag str_ind end_ind ->
if str_ind = end_ind then raise Not_found;
match str.[str_ind] with
| '<' ->
let ind = String.index_from str (str_ind + 1) '>' in
if ind >= end_ind then raise Not_found;
- let as_str = String.sub str (str_ind + 1) (ind - str_ind - 1) in
+ let sub_str = String.sub str str_ind (ind - str_ind + 1) in
let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (ind + 1) end_ind in
- let Fmt_EBB sub_fmt = parse (str_ind + 1) ind in
- Fmt_EBB (Formatting_gen (Open_tag (Format (sub_fmt, as_str)), fmt_rest))
+ let Fmt_EBB sub_fmt = parse str_ind (ind + 1) in
+ let sub_format = Format (sub_fmt, sub_str) in
+ let formatting = if is_open_tag then Open_tag sub_format else (
+ check_open_box sub_fmt;
+ Open_box sub_format) in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_gen (formatting, fmt_rest))
| _ ->
raise Not_found
with Not_found ->
let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
- Fmt_EBB (Formatting_gen (Open_tag (Format (End_of_format, "")), fmt_rest))
+ let sub_format = Format (End_of_format, "") in
+ let formatting =
+ if is_open_tag then Open_tag sub_format else Open_box sub_format in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_gen (formatting, fmt_rest))
(* Try to read the optionnal <width offset> after "@;". *)
and parse_good_break : type e f . int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =