path: root/stdlib/
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1 files changed, 51 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index f28e05f18..983fc33a9 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -120,13 +120,15 @@ type ('b, 'c) acc_formatting_gen =
(* Reversed list of printing atoms. *)
(* Used to accumulate printf arguments. *)
and ('b, 'c) acc =
- | Acc_formatting_lit of ('b, 'c) acc * formatting_lit(* Special fmtting (box) *)
+ | Acc_formatting_lit of ('b, 'c) acc * formatting_lit (* Special fmtting (box) *)
| Acc_formatting_gen of ('b, 'c) acc * ('b, 'c) acc_formatting_gen (* Special fmtting (box) *)
- | Acc_string of ('b, 'c) acc * string (* Literal or generated string*)
- | Acc_char of ('b, 'c) acc * char (* Literal or generated char *)
- | Acc_delay of ('b, 'c) acc * ('b -> 'c) (* Delayed printing (%a, %t) *)
- | Acc_flush of ('b, 'c) acc (* Flush *)
- | Acc_invalid_arg of ('b, 'c) acc * string (* Raise Invalid_argument msg *)
+ | Acc_string_literal of ('b, 'c) acc * string (* Literal string *)
+ | Acc_char_literal of ('b, 'c) acc * char (* Literal char *)
+ | Acc_data_string of ('b, 'c) acc * string (* Generated string *)
+ | Acc_data_char of ('b, 'c) acc * char (* Generated char *)
+ | Acc_delay of ('b, 'c) acc * ('b -> 'c) (* Delayed printing (%a, %t) *)
+ | Acc_flush of ('b, 'c) acc (* Flush *)
+ | Acc_invalid_arg of ('b, 'c) acc * string (* Raise Invalid_argument msg *)
| End_of_acc
(* List of heterogeneous values. *)
@@ -1363,11 +1365,11 @@ let rec make_printf : type a b c d e f .
fun k o acc fmt -> match fmt with
| Char rest ->
fun c ->
- let new_acc = Acc_char (acc, c) in
+ let new_acc = Acc_data_char (acc, c) in
make_printf k o new_acc rest
| Caml_char rest ->
fun c ->
- let new_acc = Acc_string (acc, format_caml_char c) in
+ let new_acc = Acc_data_string (acc, format_caml_char c) in
make_printf k o new_acc rest
| String (pad, rest) ->
make_string_padding k o acc rest pad (fun str -> str)
@@ -1384,7 +1386,7 @@ fun k o acc fmt -> match fmt with
| Float (fconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
make_float_padding_precision k o acc rest pad prec fconv
| Bool rest ->
- fun b -> make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, string_of_bool b)) rest
+ fun b -> make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, string_of_bool b)) rest
| Alpha rest ->
fun f x -> make_printf k o (Acc_delay (acc, fun o -> f o x)) rest
| Theta rest ->
@@ -1403,15 +1405,15 @@ fun k o acc fmt -> match fmt with
make_printf k o (Acc_flush acc) rest
| String_literal (str, rest) ->
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) rest
+ make_printf k o (Acc_string_literal (acc, str)) rest
| Char_literal (chr, rest) ->
- make_printf k o (Acc_char (acc, chr)) rest
+ make_printf k o (Acc_char_literal (acc, chr)) rest
| Format_arg (_, sub_fmtty, rest) ->
let ty = string_of_fmtty sub_fmtty in
(fun str ->
ignore str;
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, ty)) rest)
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, ty)) rest)
| Format_subst (_, fmtty, rest) ->
fun (Format (fmt, _)) -> make_printf k o acc
(concat_fmt (recast fmt fmtty) rest)
@@ -1424,7 +1426,7 @@ fun k o acc fmt -> match fmt with
(* Accepted for backward compatibility. *)
(* Interpret %l, %n and %L as %u. *)
fun n ->
- let new_acc = Acc_string (acc, format_int "%u" n) in
+ let new_acc = Acc_data_string (acc, format_int "%u" n) in
make_printf k o new_acc rest
| Ignored_param (ign, rest) ->
make_ignored_param k o acc ign rest
@@ -1507,15 +1509,15 @@ and make_string_padding : type x z a b c d e f .
fun k o acc fmt pad trans -> match pad with
| No_padding ->
fun x ->
- let new_acc = Acc_string (acc, trans x) in
+ let new_acc = Acc_data_string (acc, trans x) in
make_printf k o new_acc fmt
| Lit_padding (padty, width) ->
fun x ->
- let new_acc = Acc_string (acc, fix_padding padty width (trans x)) in
+ let new_acc = Acc_data_string (acc, fix_padding padty width (trans x)) in
make_printf k o new_acc fmt
| Arg_padding padty ->
fun w x ->
- let new_acc = Acc_string (acc, fix_padding padty w (trans x)) in
+ let new_acc = Acc_data_string (acc, fix_padding padty w (trans x)) in
make_printf k o new_acc fmt
(* Fix padding and precision for int, int32, nativeint or int64. *)
@@ -1529,39 +1531,39 @@ and make_int_padding_precision : type x y z a b c d e f .
| No_padding, No_precision ->
fun x ->
let str = trans iconv x in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| No_padding, Lit_precision p ->
fun x ->
let str = fix_int_precision p (trans iconv x) in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| No_padding, Arg_precision ->
fun p x ->
let str = fix_int_precision p (trans iconv x) in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| Lit_padding (padty, w), No_precision ->
fun x ->
let str = fix_padding padty w (trans iconv x) in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| Lit_padding (padty, w), Lit_precision p ->
fun x ->
let str = fix_padding padty w (fix_int_precision p (trans iconv x)) in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| Lit_padding (padty, w), Arg_precision ->
fun p x ->
let str = fix_padding padty w (fix_int_precision p (trans iconv x)) in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| Arg_padding padty, No_precision ->
fun w x ->
let str = fix_padding padty w (trans iconv x) in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| Arg_padding padty, Lit_precision p ->
fun w x ->
let str = fix_padding padty w (fix_int_precision p (trans iconv x)) in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| Arg_padding padty, Arg_precision ->
fun w p x ->
let str = fix_padding padty w (fix_int_precision p (trans iconv x)) in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
(* Convert a float, fix padding and precision if needed. *)
(* Take the float argument and one or two extra integer arguments if needed. *)
@@ -1573,41 +1575,41 @@ and make_float_padding_precision : type x y a b c d e f .
| No_padding, No_precision ->
fun x ->
let str = convert_float fconv default_float_precision x in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| No_padding, Lit_precision p ->
fun x ->
let str = convert_float fconv p x in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| No_padding, Arg_precision ->
fun p x ->
let str = convert_float fconv p x in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| Lit_padding (padty, w), No_precision ->
fun x ->
let str = convert_float fconv default_float_precision x in
let str' = fix_padding padty w str in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str')) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str')) fmt
| Lit_padding (padty, w), Lit_precision p ->
fun x ->
let str = fix_padding padty w (convert_float fconv p x) in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| Lit_padding (padty, w), Arg_precision ->
fun p x ->
let str = fix_padding padty w (convert_float fconv p x) in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| Arg_padding padty, No_precision ->
fun w x ->
let str = convert_float fconv default_float_precision x in
let str' = fix_padding padty w str in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str')) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str')) fmt
| Arg_padding padty, Lit_precision p ->
fun w x ->
let str = fix_padding padty w (convert_float fconv p x) in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
| Arg_padding padty, Arg_precision ->
fun w p x ->
let str = fix_padding padty w (convert_float fconv p x) in
- make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
(* Continuations for make_printf *)
@@ -1623,8 +1625,10 @@ let rec output_acc o acc = match acc with
output_acc o p; output_string o "@{"; output_acc o acc';
| Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
output_acc o p; output_string o "@["; output_acc o acc';
- | Acc_string (p, s) -> output_acc o p; output_string o s
- | Acc_char (p, c) -> output_acc o p; output_char o c
+ | Acc_string_literal (p, s)
+ | Acc_data_string (p, s) -> output_acc o p; output_string o s
+ | Acc_char_literal (p, c)
+ | Acc_data_char (p, c) -> output_acc o p; output_char o c
| Acc_delay (p, f) -> output_acc o p; f o
| Acc_flush p -> output_acc o p; flush o
| Acc_invalid_arg (p, msg) -> output_acc o p; invalid_arg msg;
@@ -1641,8 +1645,10 @@ let rec bufput_acc b acc = match acc with
bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b "@{"; bufput_acc b acc';
| Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b "@["; bufput_acc b acc';
- | Acc_string (p, s) -> bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b s
- | Acc_char (p, c) -> bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_char b c
+ | Acc_string_literal (p, s)
+ | Acc_data_string (p, s) -> bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b s
+ | Acc_char_literal (p, c)
+ | Acc_data_char (p, c) -> bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_char b c
| Acc_delay (p, f) -> bufput_acc b p; f b
| Acc_flush p -> bufput_acc b p;
| Acc_invalid_arg (p, msg) -> bufput_acc b p; invalid_arg msg;
@@ -1660,8 +1666,10 @@ let rec strput_acc b acc = match acc with
strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b "@{"; strput_acc b acc';
| Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b "@["; strput_acc b acc';
- | Acc_string (p, s) -> strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b s
- | Acc_char (p, c) -> strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_char b c
+ | Acc_string_literal (p, s)
+ | Acc_data_string (p, s) -> strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b s
+ | Acc_char_literal (p, c)
+ | Acc_data_char (p, c) -> strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_char b c
| Acc_delay (p, f) -> strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b (f ())
| Acc_flush p -> strput_acc b p;
| Acc_invalid_arg (p, msg) -> strput_acc b p; invalid_arg msg;
@@ -1824,6 +1832,7 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string str =
and parse_ign : type e f . int -> int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind ->
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
match str.[str_ind] with
| '_' -> parse_flags pct_ind (str_ind+1) end_ind true
| _ -> parse_flags pct_ind str_ind end_ind false
@@ -1912,6 +1921,7 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string str =
if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
let parse_literal str_ind =
let new_ind, prec = parse_positive str_ind end_ind 0 in
+ if new_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
parse_conversion pct_ind (new_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign pad
(Lit_precision prec) str.[new_ind] in
match str.[str_ind] with
@@ -2409,6 +2419,7 @@ let fmt_ebb_of_string str =
parse_char_set_content (str_ind + 1) end_ind
let str_ind, reverse =
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
match str.[str_ind] with
| '^' -> str_ind + 1, true
| _ -> str_ind, false in