path: root/stdlib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/')
1 files changed, 2644 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fb82dbe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,2644 @@
+open CamlinternalFormatBasics
+ (* Tools to manipulate scanning set of chars (see %[...]) *)
+type mutable_char_set = bytes
+(* Create a fresh, empty, mutable char set. *)
+let create_char_set () = Bytes.make 32 '\000'
+(* Add a char in a mutable char set. *)
+let add_in_char_set char_set c =
+ let ind = int_of_char c in
+ let str_ind = ind lsr 3 and mask = 1 lsl (ind land 0b111) in
+ Bytes.set char_set str_ind
+ (char_of_int (int_of_char (Bytes.get char_set str_ind) lor mask))
+let freeze_char_set char_set =
+ Bytes.to_string char_set
+(* Compute the complement of a char set. *)
+let rev_char_set char_set =
+ let char_set' = create_char_set () in
+ for i = 0 to 31 do
+ Bytes.set char_set' i
+ (char_of_int (int_of_char (String.get char_set i) lxor 0xFF));
+ done;
+ Bytes.unsafe_to_string char_set'
+(* Return true if a `c' is in `char_set'. *)
+let is_in_char_set char_set c =
+ let ind = int_of_char c in
+ let str_ind = ind lsr 3 and mask = 1 lsl (ind land 0b111) in
+ (int_of_char (String.get char_set str_ind) land mask) <> 0
+ (* Ignored param conversion *)
+(* GADT used to abstract an existential type parameter. *)
+(* See param_format_of_ignored_format. *)
+type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) param_format_ebb = Param_format_EBB :
+ ('x -> 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) fmt ->
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) param_format_ebb
+(* Compute a padding associated to a pad_option (see "%_42d"). *)
+let pad_of_pad_opt pad_opt = match pad_opt with
+ | None -> No_padding
+ | Some width -> Lit_padding (Right, width)
+(* Compute a precision associated to a prec_option (see "%_.42f"). *)
+let prec_of_prec_opt prec_opt = match prec_opt with
+ | None -> No_precision
+ | Some ndec -> Lit_precision ndec
+(* Turn an ignored param into its equivalent not-ignored format node. *)
+(* Used for format pretty-printing and Scanf. *)
+let param_format_of_ignored_format : type a b c d e f x y .
+ (a, b, c, d, y, x) ignored -> (x, b, c, y, e, f) fmt ->
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) param_format_ebb =
+fun ign fmt -> match ign with
+ | Ignored_char ->
+ Param_format_EBB (Char fmt)
+ | Ignored_caml_char ->
+ Param_format_EBB (Caml_char fmt)
+ | Ignored_string pad_opt ->
+ Param_format_EBB (String (pad_of_pad_opt pad_opt, fmt))
+ | Ignored_caml_string pad_opt ->
+ Param_format_EBB (Caml_string (pad_of_pad_opt pad_opt, fmt))
+ | Ignored_int (iconv, pad_opt) ->
+ Param_format_EBB (Int (iconv, pad_of_pad_opt pad_opt, No_precision, fmt))
+ | Ignored_int32 (iconv, pad_opt) ->
+ Param_format_EBB
+ (Int32 (iconv, pad_of_pad_opt pad_opt, No_precision, fmt))
+ | Ignored_nativeint (iconv, pad_opt) ->
+ Param_format_EBB
+ (Nativeint (iconv, pad_of_pad_opt pad_opt, No_precision, fmt))
+ | Ignored_int64 (iconv, pad_opt) ->
+ Param_format_EBB
+ (Int64 (iconv, pad_of_pad_opt pad_opt, No_precision, fmt))
+ | Ignored_float (pad_opt, prec_opt) ->
+ Param_format_EBB
+ (Float (Float_f, pad_of_pad_opt pad_opt, prec_of_prec_opt prec_opt, fmt))
+ | Ignored_bool ->
+ Param_format_EBB (Bool fmt)
+ | Ignored_format_arg (pad_opt, fmtty) ->
+ Param_format_EBB (Format_arg (pad_opt, fmtty, fmt))
+ | Ignored_format_subst (pad_opt, fmtty) ->
+ Param_format_EBB
+ (Format_subst (pad_opt, fmtty, fmt))
+ | Ignored_reader ->
+ Param_format_EBB (Reader fmt)
+ | Ignored_scan_char_set (width_opt, char_set) ->
+ Param_format_EBB (Scan_char_set (width_opt, char_set, fmt))
+ | Ignored_scan_get_counter counter ->
+ Param_format_EBB (Scan_get_counter (counter, fmt))
+ (* Types *)
+type ('b, 'c) acc_formatting_gen =
+ | Acc_open_tag of ('b, 'c) acc
+ | Acc_open_box of ('b, 'c) acc
+(* Reversed list of printing atoms. *)
+(* Used to accumulate printf arguments. *)
+and ('b, 'c) acc =
+ | Acc_formatting_lit of ('b, 'c) acc * formatting_lit (* Special fmtting (box) *)
+ | Acc_formatting_gen of ('b, 'c) acc * ('b, 'c) acc_formatting_gen (* Special fmtting (box) *)
+ | Acc_string_literal of ('b, 'c) acc * string (* Literal string *)
+ | Acc_char_literal of ('b, 'c) acc * char (* Literal char *)
+ | Acc_data_string of ('b, 'c) acc * string (* Generated string *)
+ | Acc_data_char of ('b, 'c) acc * char (* Generated char *)
+ | Acc_delay of ('b, 'c) acc * ('b -> 'c) (* Delayed printing (%a, %t) *)
+ | Acc_flush of ('b, 'c) acc (* Flush *)
+ | Acc_invalid_arg of ('b, 'c) acc * string (* Raise Invalid_argument msg *)
+ | End_of_acc
+(* List of heterogeneous values. *)
+(* Used to accumulate scanf callback arguments. *)
+type ('a, 'b) heter_list =
+ | Cons : 'c * ('a, 'b) heter_list -> ('c -> 'a, 'b) heter_list
+ | Nil : ('b, 'b) heter_list
+(* Existential Black Boxes. *)
+(* Used to abstract some existential type parameters. *)
+(* GADT type associating a padding and an fmtty. *)
+(* See the type_padding function. *)
+type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) padding_fmtty_ebb = Padding_fmtty_EBB :
+ ('x, 'y) padding * ('y, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) fmtty ->
+ ('x, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) padding_fmtty_ebb
+(* GADT type associating a padding, a precision and an fmtty. *)
+(* See the type_padprec function. *)
+type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) padprec_fmtty_ebb = Padprec_fmtty_EBB :
+ ('x, 'y) padding * ('y, 'z) precision * ('z, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) fmtty ->
+ ('x, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) padprec_fmtty_ebb
+(* GADT type associating a padding and an fmt. *)
+(* See make_padding_fmt_ebb and parse_format functions. *)
+type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'e, 'f) padding_fmt_ebb = Padding_fmt_EBB :
+ (_, 'x -> 'a) padding *
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) fmt ->
+ ('x, 'b, 'c, 'e, 'f) padding_fmt_ebb
+(* GADT type associating a precision and an fmt. *)
+(* See make_precision_fmt_ebb and parse_format functions. *)
+type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'e, 'f) precision_fmt_ebb = Precision_fmt_EBB :
+ (_, 'x -> 'a) precision *
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) fmt ->
+ ('x, 'b, 'c, 'e, 'f) precision_fmt_ebb
+(* GADT type associating a padding, a precision and an fmt. *)
+(* See make_padprec_fmt_ebb and parse_format functions. *)
+type ('p, 'b, 'c, 'e, 'f) padprec_fmt_ebb = Padprec_fmt_EBB :
+ ('x, 'y) padding * ('y, 'p -> 'a) precision *
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) fmt ->
+ ('p, 'b, 'c, 'e, 'f) padprec_fmt_ebb
+(* Abstract the 'a and 'd parameters of an fmt. *)
+(* Output type of the format parsing function. *)
+type ('b, 'c, 'e, 'f) fmt_ebb = Fmt_EBB :
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) fmt ->
+ ('b, 'c, 'e, 'f) fmt_ebb
+(* GADT type associating an fmtty and an fmt. *)
+(* See the type_format_gen function. *)
+type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) fmt_fmtty_ebb = Fmt_fmtty_EBB :
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'y, 'x) fmt *
+ ('x, 'b, 'c, 'y, 'e, 'f) fmtty ->
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) fmt_fmtty_ebb
+(* GADT type associating an fmtty and an fmt. *)
+(* See the type_ignored_format_substitution function. *)
+type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) fmtty_fmt_ebb = Fmtty_fmt_EBB :
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'y, 'x) fmtty *
+ ('x, 'b, 'c, 'y, 'e, 'f) fmt_fmtty_ebb ->
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) fmtty_fmt_ebb
+(* Abstract all fmtty type parameters. *)
+(* Used to compare format types. *)
+type fmtty_ebb = Fmtty_EBB : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) fmtty -> fmtty_ebb
+(* Abstract all padding type parameters. *)
+(* Used to compare paddings. *)
+type padding_ebb = Padding_EBB : ('a, 'b) padding -> padding_ebb
+(* Abstract all precision type parameters. *)
+(* Used to compare precisions. *)
+type precision_ebb = Precision_EBB : ('a, 'b) precision -> precision_ebb
+ (* Constants *)
+(* Default precision for float printing. *)
+let default_float_precision = 6
+ (* Externals *)
+external format_float: string -> float -> string
+ = "caml_format_float"
+external format_int: string -> int -> string
+ = "caml_format_int"
+external format_int32: string -> int32 -> string
+ = "caml_int32_format"
+external format_nativeint: string -> nativeint -> string
+ = "caml_nativeint_format"
+external format_int64: string -> int64 -> string
+ = "caml_int64_format"
+ (* Tools to pretty-print formats *)
+(* Type of extensible character buffers. *)
+type buffer = {
+ mutable ind : int;
+ mutable bytes : bytes;
+(* Create a fresh buffer. *)
+let buffer_create init_size = { ind = 0; bytes = Bytes.create init_size }
+(* Check size of the buffer and grow it if needed. *)
+let buffer_check_size buf overhead =
+ let len = Bytes.length buf.bytes in
+ let min_len = buf.ind + overhead in
+ if min_len > len then (
+ let new_len = max (len * 2) min_len in
+ let new_str = Bytes.create new_len in
+ Bytes.blit buf.bytes 0 new_str 0 len;
+ buf.bytes <- new_str;
+ )
+(* Add the character `c' to the buffer `buf'. *)
+let buffer_add_char buf c =
+ buffer_check_size buf 1;
+ Bytes.set buf.bytes buf.ind c;
+ buf.ind <- buf.ind + 1
+(* Add the string `s' to the buffer `buf'. *)
+let buffer_add_string buf s =
+ let str_len = String.length s in
+ buffer_check_size buf str_len;
+ String.blit s 0 buf.bytes buf.ind str_len;
+ buf.ind <- buf.ind + str_len
+(* Get the content of the buffer. *)
+let buffer_contents buf =
+ Bytes.sub_string buf.bytes 0 buf.ind
+(* Convert an integer conversion to char. *)
+let char_of_iconv iconv = match iconv with
+ | Int_d | Int_pd | Int_sd -> 'd' | Int_i | Int_pi | Int_si -> 'i'
+ | Int_x | Int_Cx -> 'x' | Int_X | Int_CX -> 'X' | Int_o | Int_Co -> 'o'
+ | Int_u -> 'u'
+(* Convert a float conversion to char. *)
+let char_of_fconv fconv = match fconv with
+ | Float_f | Float_pf | Float_sf -> 'f' | Float_e | Float_pe | Float_se -> 'e'
+ | Float_E | Float_pE | Float_sE -> 'E' | Float_g | Float_pg | Float_sg -> 'g'
+ | Float_G | Float_pG | Float_sG -> 'G' | Float_F -> 'F'
+(* Convert a scanning counter to char. *)
+let char_of_counter counter = match counter with
+ | Line_counter -> 'l'
+ | Char_counter -> 'n'
+ | Token_counter -> 'N'
+(* Print a char_set in a buffer with the OCaml format lexical convention. *)
+let bprint_char_set buf char_set =
+ let rec print_start set =
+ let is_alone c =
+ let before, after = Char.(chr (code c - 1), chr (code c + 1)) in
+ is_in_char_set set c
+ && not (is_in_char_set set before && is_in_char_set set after) in
+ if is_alone ']' then buffer_add_char buf ']';
+ print_out set 1;
+ if is_alone '-' then buffer_add_char buf '-';
+ and print_out set i =
+ if i < 256 then
+ if is_in_char_set set (char_of_int i) then print_first set i
+ else print_out set (i + 1)
+ and print_first set i =
+ match char_of_int i with
+ | '\255' -> print_char buf 255;
+ | ']' | '-' -> print_out set (i + 1);
+ | _ -> print_second set (i + 1);
+ and print_second set i =
+ if is_in_char_set set (char_of_int i) then
+ match char_of_int i with
+ | '\255' ->
+ print_char buf 254;
+ print_char buf 255;
+ | ']' | '-' when not (is_in_char_set set (char_of_int (i + 1))) ->
+ print_char buf (i - 1);
+ print_out set (i + 1);
+ | _ when not (is_in_char_set set (char_of_int (i + 1))) ->
+ print_char buf (i - 1);
+ print_char buf i;
+ print_out set (i + 2);
+ | _ ->
+ print_in set (i - 1) (i + 2);
+ else (
+ print_char buf (i - 1);
+ print_out set (i + 1);
+ )
+ and print_in set i j =
+ if j = 256 || not (is_in_char_set set (char_of_int j)) then (
+ print_char buf i;
+ print_char buf (int_of_char '-');
+ print_char buf (j - 1);
+ if j < 256 then print_out set (j + 1);
+ ) else
+ print_in set i (j + 1);
+ and print_char buf i = match char_of_int i with
+ | '%' -> buffer_add_char buf '%'; buffer_add_char buf '%';
+ | '@' -> buffer_add_char buf '%'; buffer_add_char buf '@';
+ | c -> buffer_add_char buf c;
+ in
+ buffer_add_char buf '[';
+ print_start (
+ if is_in_char_set char_set '\000'
+ then ( buffer_add_char buf '^'; rev_char_set char_set )
+ else char_set
+ );
+ buffer_add_char buf ']'
+(* Print a padty in a buffer with the format-like syntax. *)
+let bprint_padty buf padty = match padty with
+ | Left -> buffer_add_char buf '-'
+ | Right -> ()
+ | Zeros -> buffer_add_char buf '0'
+(* Print the '_' of an ignored flag if needed. *)
+let bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag =
+ if ign_flag then buffer_add_char buf '_'
+let bprint_pad_opt buf pad_opt = match pad_opt with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some width -> buffer_add_string buf (string_of_int width)
+(* Print padding in a buffer with the format-like syntax. *)
+let bprint_padding : type a b . buffer -> (a, b) padding -> unit =
+fun buf pad -> match pad with
+ | No_padding -> ()
+ | Lit_padding (padty, n) ->
+ bprint_padty buf padty;
+ buffer_add_string buf (string_of_int n);
+ | Arg_padding padty ->
+ bprint_padty buf padty;
+ buffer_add_char buf '*'
+(* Print precision in a buffer with the format-like syntax. *)
+let bprint_precision : type a b . buffer -> (a, b) precision -> unit =
+ fun buf prec -> match prec with
+ | No_precision -> ()
+ | Lit_precision n ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '.';
+ buffer_add_string buf (string_of_int n);
+ | Arg_precision ->
+ buffer_add_string buf ".*"
+(* Print the optionnal '+', ' ' or '#' associated to an int conversion. *)
+let bprint_iconv_flag buf iconv = match iconv with
+ | Int_pd | Int_pi -> buffer_add_char buf '+'
+ | Int_sd | Int_si -> buffer_add_char buf ' '
+ | Int_Cx | Int_CX | Int_Co -> buffer_add_char buf '#'
+ | Int_d | Int_i | Int_x | Int_X | Int_o | Int_u -> ()
+(* Print an complete int format in a buffer (ex: "%3.*d"). *)
+let bprint_int_fmt buf ign_flag iconv pad prec =
+ buffer_add_char buf '%';
+ bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ bprint_iconv_flag buf iconv;
+ bprint_padding buf pad;
+ bprint_precision buf prec;
+ buffer_add_char buf (char_of_iconv iconv)
+(* Print a complete int32, nativeint or int64 format in a buffer. *)
+let bprint_altint_fmt buf ign_flag iconv pad prec c =
+ buffer_add_char buf '%';
+ bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ bprint_iconv_flag buf iconv;
+ bprint_padding buf pad;
+ bprint_precision buf prec;
+ buffer_add_char buf c;
+ buffer_add_char buf (char_of_iconv iconv)
+(* Print the optionnal '+' associated to a float conversion. *)
+let bprint_fconv_flag buf fconv = match fconv with
+ | Float_pf | Float_pe | Float_pE | Float_pg | Float_pG ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '+'
+ | Float_sf | Float_se | Float_sE | Float_sg | Float_sG ->
+ buffer_add_char buf ' '
+ | Float_f | Float_e | Float_E | Float_g | Float_G | Float_F ->
+ ()
+(* Print a complete float format in a buffer (ex: "%+*.3f"). *)
+let bprint_float_fmt buf ign_flag fconv pad prec =
+ buffer_add_char buf '%';
+ bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ bprint_fconv_flag buf fconv;
+ bprint_padding buf pad;
+ bprint_precision buf prec;
+ buffer_add_char buf (char_of_fconv fconv)
+(* Compute the literal string representation of a formatting_lit. *)
+(* Also used by Printf and Scanf where formatting is not interpreted. *)
+let string_of_formatting_lit formatting_lit = match formatting_lit with
+ | Close_box -> "@]"
+ | Close_tag -> "@}"
+ | Break (str, _, _) -> str
+ | FFlush -> "@?"
+ | Force_newline -> "@\n"
+ | Flush_newline -> "@."
+ | Magic_size (str, _) -> str
+ | Escaped_at -> "@@"
+ | Escaped_percent -> "@%"
+ | Scan_indic c -> "@" ^ (String.make 1 c)
+(* Compute the literal string representation of a formatting. *)
+(* Also used by Printf and Scanf where formatting is not interpreted. *)
+let string_of_formatting_gen : type a b c d e f .
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) formatting_gen -> string =
+ fun formatting_gen -> match formatting_gen with
+ | Open_tag (Format (_, str)) -> str
+ | Open_box (Format (_, str)) -> str
+(* Print a literal char in a buffer, escape '%' by "%%". *)
+let bprint_char_literal buf chr = match chr with
+ | '%' -> buffer_add_string buf "%%"
+ | _ -> buffer_add_char buf chr
+(* Print a literal string in a buffer, escape all '%' by "%%". *)
+let bprint_string_literal buf str =
+ for i = 0 to String.length str - 1 do
+ bprint_char_literal buf str.[i]
+ done
+ (* Format pretty-printing *)
+(* Print a complete format type (an fmtty) in a buffer. *)
+let rec bprint_fmtty : type a b c d e f g h i j k l .
+ buffer -> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) fmtty_rel -> unit =
+fun buf fmtty -> match fmtty with
+ | Char_ty rest -> buffer_add_string buf "%c"; bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | String_ty rest -> buffer_add_string buf "%s"; bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | Int_ty rest -> buffer_add_string buf "%i"; bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | Int32_ty rest -> buffer_add_string buf "%li"; bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | Nativeint_ty rest -> buffer_add_string buf "%ni"; bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | Int64_ty rest -> buffer_add_string buf "%Li"; bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | Float_ty rest -> buffer_add_string buf "%f"; bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | Bool_ty rest -> buffer_add_string buf "%B"; bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | Alpha_ty rest -> buffer_add_string buf "%a"; bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | Theta_ty rest -> buffer_add_string buf "%t"; bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | Reader_ty rest -> buffer_add_string buf "%r"; bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | Ignored_reader_ty rest ->
+ buffer_add_string buf "%_r";
+ bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | Format_arg_ty (sub_fmtty, rest) ->
+ buffer_add_string buf "%{"; bprint_fmtty buf sub_fmtty;
+ buffer_add_string buf "%}"; bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | Format_subst_ty (sub_fmtty, _, rest) ->
+ buffer_add_string buf "%("; bprint_fmtty buf sub_fmtty;
+ buffer_add_string buf "%)"; bprint_fmtty buf rest;
+ | End_of_fmtty -> ()
+(* Print a complete format in a buffer. *)
+let bprint_fmt buf fmt =
+ let rec fmtiter : type a b c d e f .
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmt -> bool -> unit =
+ fun fmt ign_flag -> match fmt with
+ | String (pad, rest) ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ bprint_padding buf pad; buffer_add_char buf 's';
+ fmtiter rest false;
+ | Caml_string (pad, rest) ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ bprint_padding buf pad; buffer_add_char buf 'S';
+ fmtiter rest false;
+ | Int (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ bprint_int_fmt buf ign_flag iconv pad prec;
+ fmtiter rest false;
+ | Int32 (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ bprint_altint_fmt buf ign_flag iconv pad prec 'l';
+ fmtiter rest false;
+ | Nativeint (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ bprint_altint_fmt buf ign_flag iconv pad prec 'n';
+ fmtiter rest false;
+ | Int64 (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ bprint_altint_fmt buf ign_flag iconv pad prec 'L';
+ fmtiter rest false;
+ | Float (fconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ bprint_float_fmt buf ign_flag fconv pad prec;
+ fmtiter rest false;
+ | Char rest ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ buffer_add_char buf 'c'; fmtiter rest false;
+ | Caml_char rest ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ buffer_add_char buf 'C'; fmtiter rest false;
+ | Bool rest ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ buffer_add_char buf 'B'; fmtiter rest false;
+ | Alpha rest ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ buffer_add_char buf 'a'; fmtiter rest false;
+ | Theta rest ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ buffer_add_char buf 't'; fmtiter rest false;
+ | Reader rest ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ buffer_add_char buf 'r'; fmtiter rest false;
+ | Flush rest ->
+ buffer_add_string buf "%!";
+ fmtiter rest ign_flag;
+ | String_literal (str, rest) ->
+ bprint_string_literal buf str;
+ fmtiter rest ign_flag;
+ | Char_literal (chr, rest) ->
+ bprint_char_literal buf chr;
+ fmtiter rest ign_flag;
+ | Format_arg (pad_opt, fmtty, rest) ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ bprint_pad_opt buf pad_opt; buffer_add_char buf '{';
+ bprint_fmtty buf fmtty; buffer_add_char buf '%'; buffer_add_char buf '}';
+ fmtiter rest false;
+ | Format_subst (pad_opt, fmtty, rest) ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ bprint_pad_opt buf pad_opt; buffer_add_char buf '(';
+ bprint_fmtty buf fmtty; buffer_add_char buf '%'; buffer_add_char buf ')';
+ fmtiter rest false;
+ | Scan_char_set (width_opt, char_set, rest) ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ bprint_pad_opt buf width_opt; bprint_char_set buf char_set;
+ fmtiter rest false;
+ | Scan_get_counter (counter, rest) ->
+ buffer_add_char buf '%'; bprint_ignored_flag buf ign_flag;
+ buffer_add_char buf (char_of_counter counter);
+ fmtiter rest false;
+ | Ignored_param (ign, rest) ->
+ let Param_format_EBB fmt' = param_format_of_ignored_format ign rest in
+ fmtiter fmt' true;
+ | Formatting_lit (fmting_lit, rest) ->
+ bprint_string_literal buf (string_of_formatting_lit fmting_lit);
+ fmtiter rest ign_flag;
+ | Formatting_gen (fmting_gen, rest) ->
+ bprint_string_literal buf "@{";
+ bprint_string_literal buf (string_of_formatting_gen fmting_gen);
+ fmtiter rest ign_flag;
+ | End_of_format -> ()
+ in fmtiter fmt false
+(* Convert a format to string. *)
+let string_of_fmt fmt =
+ let buf = buffer_create 16 in
+ bprint_fmt buf fmt;
+ buffer_contents buf
+ (* Type extraction *)
+type (_, _) eq = Refl : ('a, 'a) eq
+(* Invariant: this function is the identity on values.
+ In particular, if (ty1, ty2) have equal values, then
+ (trans (symm ty1) ty2) respects the 'trans' precondition. *)
+let rec symm : type a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 .
+ (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1,
+ a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2) fmtty_rel
+-> (a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2,
+ a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1) fmtty_rel
+= function
+ | Char_ty rest -> Char_ty (symm rest)
+ | Int_ty rest -> Int_ty (symm rest)
+ | Int32_ty rest -> Int32_ty (symm rest)
+ | Int64_ty rest -> Int64_ty (symm rest)
+ | Nativeint_ty rest -> Nativeint_ty (symm rest)
+ | Float_ty rest -> Float_ty (symm rest)
+ | Bool_ty rest -> Bool_ty (symm rest)
+ | String_ty rest -> String_ty (symm rest)
+ | Theta_ty rest -> Theta_ty (symm rest)
+ | Alpha_ty rest -> Alpha_ty (symm rest)
+ | Reader_ty rest -> Reader_ty (symm rest)
+ | Ignored_reader_ty rest -> Ignored_reader_ty (symm rest)
+ | Format_arg_ty (ty, rest) ->
+ Format_arg_ty (ty, symm rest)
+ | Format_subst_ty (ty1, ty2, rest) ->
+ Format_subst_ty (ty2, ty1, symm rest)
+ | End_of_fmtty -> End_of_fmtty
+let rec fmtty_rel_det : type a1 b c d1 e1 f1 a2 d2 e2 f2 .
+ (a1, b, c, d1, e1, f1,
+ a2, b, c, d2, e2, f2) fmtty_rel ->
+ ((f1, f2) eq -> (a1, a2) eq)
+ * ((a1, a2) eq -> (f1, f2) eq)
+ * ((e1, e2) eq -> (d1, d2) eq)
+ * ((d1, d2) eq -> (e1, e2) eq)
+= function
+ | End_of_fmtty ->
+ (fun Refl -> Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> Refl)
+ | Char_ty rest ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ ed, de
+ | String_ty rest ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ ed, de
+ | Int_ty rest ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ ed, de
+ | Int32_ty rest ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ ed, de
+ | Int64_ty rest ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ ed, de
+ | Nativeint_ty rest ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ ed, de
+ | Float_ty rest ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ ed, de
+ | Bool_ty rest ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ ed, de
+ | Theta_ty rest ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ ed, de
+ | Alpha_ty rest ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ ed, de
+ | Reader_ty rest ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = ed Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = de Refl in Refl)
+ | Ignored_reader_ty rest ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = ed Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = de Refl in Refl)
+ | Format_arg_ty (_ty, rest) ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ ed, de
+ | Format_subst_ty (ty1, ty2, rest) ->
+ let fa, af, ed, de = fmtty_rel_det rest in
+ let ty = trans (symm ty1) ty2 in
+ let ag, ga, dj, jd = fmtty_rel_det ty in
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = fa Refl in let Refl = ag Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = ga Refl in let Refl = af Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = ed Refl in let Refl = dj Refl in Refl),
+ (fun Refl -> let Refl = jd Refl in let Refl = de Refl in Refl)
+(* Precondition: we assume that the two fmtty_rel arguments have equal
+ values (at possibly distinct types); this invariant comes from the way
+ fmtty_rel witnesses are produced by the type-checker
+ The code below uses (assert false) when this assumption is broken. The
+ code pattern is the following:
+ | Foo x, Foo y ->
+ (* case where indeed both values
+ start with constructor Foo *)
+ | Foo _, _
+ | _, Foo _ ->
+ (* different head constructors: broken precondition *)
+ assert false
+and trans : type
+ a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1
+ a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2
+ a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3
+ (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1,
+ a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2) fmtty_rel
+-> (a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2,
+ a3, b3, c3, d3, e3, f3) fmtty_rel
+-> (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1,
+ a3, b3, c3, d3, e3, f3) fmtty_rel
+= fun ty1 ty2 -> match ty1, ty2 with
+ | Char_ty rest1, Char_ty rest2 -> Char_ty (trans rest1 rest2)
+ | String_ty rest1, String_ty rest2 -> String_ty (trans rest1 rest2)
+ | Bool_ty rest1, Bool_ty rest2 -> Bool_ty (trans rest1 rest2)
+ | Int_ty rest1, Int_ty rest2 -> Int_ty (trans rest1 rest2)
+ | Int32_ty rest1, Int32_ty rest2 -> Int32_ty (trans rest1 rest2)
+ | Int64_ty rest1, Int64_ty rest2 -> Int64_ty (trans rest1 rest2)
+ | Nativeint_ty rest1, Nativeint_ty rest2 -> Nativeint_ty (trans rest1 rest2)
+ | Float_ty rest1, Float_ty rest2 -> Float_ty (trans rest1 rest2)
+ | Alpha_ty rest1, Alpha_ty rest2 -> Alpha_ty (trans rest1 rest2)
+ | Alpha_ty _, _ -> assert false
+ | _, Alpha_ty _ -> assert false
+ | Theta_ty rest1, Theta_ty rest2 -> Theta_ty (trans rest1 rest2)
+ | Theta_ty _, _ -> assert false
+ | _, Theta_ty _ -> assert false
+ | Reader_ty rest1, Reader_ty rest2 -> Reader_ty (trans rest1 rest2)
+ | Reader_ty _, _ -> assert false
+ | _, Reader_ty _ -> assert false
+ | Ignored_reader_ty rest1, Ignored_reader_ty rest2 ->
+ Ignored_reader_ty (trans rest1 rest2)
+ | Ignored_reader_ty _, _ -> assert false
+ | _, Ignored_reader_ty _ -> assert false
+ | Format_arg_ty (ty1, rest1), Format_arg_ty (ty2, rest2) ->
+ Format_arg_ty (trans ty1 ty2, trans rest1 rest2)
+ | Format_arg_ty _, _ -> assert false
+ | _, Format_arg_ty _ -> assert false
+ | Format_subst_ty (ty11, ty12, rest1),
+ Format_subst_ty (ty21, ty22, rest2) ->
+ let ty = trans (symm ty12) ty21 in
+ let _, f2, _, f4 = fmtty_rel_det ty in
+ let Refl = f2 Refl in
+ let Refl = f4 Refl in
+ Format_subst_ty (ty11, ty22, trans rest1 rest2)
+ | Format_subst_ty _, _ -> assert false
+ | _, Format_subst_ty _ -> assert false
+ | End_of_fmtty, End_of_fmtty -> End_of_fmtty
+ | End_of_fmtty, _ -> assert false
+ | _, End_of_fmtty -> assert false
+let rec fmtty_of_formatting_gen : type a b c d e f .
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) formatting_gen ->
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmtty =
+fun formatting_gen -> match formatting_gen with
+ | Open_tag (Format (fmt, _)) -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Open_box (Format (fmt, _)) -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+(* Extract the type representation (an fmtty) of a format. *)
+and fmtty_of_fmt : type a b c d e f .
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmt -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmtty =
+fun fmtty -> match fmtty with
+ | String (pad, rest) ->
+ fmtty_of_padding_fmtty pad (String_ty (fmtty_of_fmt rest))
+ | Caml_string (pad, rest) ->
+ fmtty_of_padding_fmtty pad (String_ty (fmtty_of_fmt rest))
+ | Int (_, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ let ty_rest = fmtty_of_fmt rest in
+ let prec_ty = fmtty_of_precision_fmtty prec (Int_ty ty_rest) in
+ fmtty_of_padding_fmtty pad prec_ty
+ | Int32 (_, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ let ty_rest = fmtty_of_fmt rest in
+ let prec_ty = fmtty_of_precision_fmtty prec (Int32_ty ty_rest) in
+ fmtty_of_padding_fmtty pad prec_ty
+ | Nativeint (_, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ let ty_rest = fmtty_of_fmt rest in
+ let prec_ty = fmtty_of_precision_fmtty prec (Nativeint_ty ty_rest) in
+ fmtty_of_padding_fmtty pad prec_ty
+ | Int64 (_, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ let ty_rest = fmtty_of_fmt rest in
+ let prec_ty = fmtty_of_precision_fmtty prec (Int64_ty ty_rest) in
+ fmtty_of_padding_fmtty pad prec_ty
+ | Float (_, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ let ty_rest = fmtty_of_fmt rest in
+ let prec_ty = fmtty_of_precision_fmtty prec (Float_ty ty_rest) in
+ fmtty_of_padding_fmtty pad prec_ty
+ | Char rest -> Char_ty (fmtty_of_fmt rest)
+ | Caml_char rest -> Char_ty (fmtty_of_fmt rest)
+ | Bool rest -> Bool_ty (fmtty_of_fmt rest)
+ | Alpha rest -> Alpha_ty (fmtty_of_fmt rest)
+ | Theta rest -> Theta_ty (fmtty_of_fmt rest)
+ | Reader rest -> Reader_ty (fmtty_of_fmt rest)
+ | Format_arg (_, ty, rest) ->
+ Format_arg_ty (ty, fmtty_of_fmt rest)
+ | Format_subst (_, ty, rest) ->
+ Format_subst_ty (ty, ty, fmtty_of_fmt rest)
+ | Flush rest -> fmtty_of_fmt rest
+ | String_literal (_, rest) -> fmtty_of_fmt rest
+ | Char_literal (_, rest) -> fmtty_of_fmt rest
+ | Scan_char_set (_, _, rest) -> String_ty (fmtty_of_fmt rest)
+ | Scan_get_counter (_, rest) -> Int_ty (fmtty_of_fmt rest)
+ | Ignored_param (ign, rest) -> fmtty_of_ignored_format ign rest
+ | Formatting_lit (_, rest) -> fmtty_of_fmt rest
+ | Formatting_gen (fmting_gen, rest) ->
+ concat_fmtty (fmtty_of_formatting_gen fmting_gen) (fmtty_of_fmt rest)
+ | End_of_format -> End_of_fmtty
+(* Extract the fmtty of an ignored parameter followed by the rest of
+ the format. *)
+and fmtty_of_ignored_format : type x y a b c d e f .
+ (a, b, c, d, y, x) ignored ->
+ (x, b, c, y, e, f) fmt ->
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmtty =
+fun ign fmt -> match ign with
+ | Ignored_char -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Ignored_caml_char -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Ignored_string _ -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Ignored_caml_string _ -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Ignored_int (_, _) -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Ignored_int32 (_, _) -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Ignored_nativeint (_, _) -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Ignored_int64 (_, _) -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Ignored_float (_, _) -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Ignored_bool -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Ignored_format_arg _ -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Ignored_format_subst (_, fmtty) -> concat_fmtty fmtty (fmtty_of_fmt fmt)
+ | Ignored_reader -> Ignored_reader_ty (fmtty_of_fmt fmt)
+ | Ignored_scan_char_set _ -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+ | Ignored_scan_get_counter _ -> fmtty_of_fmt fmt
+(* Add an Int_ty node if padding is taken as an extra argument (ex: "%*s"). *)
+and fmtty_of_padding_fmtty : type x a b c d e f .
+ (x, a) padding -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmtty -> (x, b, c, d, e, f) fmtty =
+ fun pad fmtty -> match pad with
+ | No_padding -> fmtty
+ | Lit_padding _ -> fmtty
+ | Arg_padding _ -> Int_ty fmtty
+(* Add an Int_ty node if precision is taken as an extra argument (ex: "%.*f").*)
+and fmtty_of_precision_fmtty : type x a b c d e f .
+ (x, a) precision -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmtty -> (x, b, c, d, e, f) fmtty =
+ fun prec fmtty -> match prec with
+ | No_precision -> fmtty
+ | Lit_precision _ -> fmtty
+ | Arg_precision -> Int_ty fmtty
+ (* Format typing *)
+(* Exception raised when a format does not match a given format type. *)
+exception Type_mismatch
+(* Type a padding. *)
+(* Take an Int_ty from the fmtty if the integer should be kept as argument. *)
+(* Raise Type_mismatch in case of type mismatch. *)
+let type_padding : type a b c d e f x y .
+ (x, y) padding -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmtty ->
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) padding_fmtty_ebb =
+fun pad fmtty -> match pad, fmtty with
+ | No_padding, _ -> Padding_fmtty_EBB (No_padding, fmtty)
+ | Lit_padding (padty, w), _ -> Padding_fmtty_EBB (Lit_padding (padty,w),fmtty)
+ | Arg_padding padty, Int_ty rest -> Padding_fmtty_EBB (Arg_padding padty,rest)
+ | _ -> raise Type_mismatch
+(* Convert a (upadding, uprecision) to a (padding, precision). *)
+(* Take one or two Int_ty from the fmtty if needed. *)
+(* Raise Type_mismatch in case of type mismatch. *)
+let type_padprec : type a b c d e f x y z .
+ (x, y) padding -> (y, z) precision -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmtty ->
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) padprec_fmtty_ebb =
+fun pad prec fmtty -> match prec, type_padding pad fmtty with
+ | No_precision, Padding_fmtty_EBB (pad, rest) ->
+ Padprec_fmtty_EBB (pad, No_precision, rest)
+ | Lit_precision p, Padding_fmtty_EBB (pad, rest) ->
+ Padprec_fmtty_EBB (pad, Lit_precision p, rest)
+ | Arg_precision, Padding_fmtty_EBB (pad, Int_ty rest) ->
+ Padprec_fmtty_EBB (pad, Arg_precision, rest)
+ | _, Padding_fmtty_EBB (_, _) -> raise Type_mismatch
+(* Type a format according to an fmtty. *)
+(* If typing succeed, generate a copy of the format with the same
+ type parameters as the fmtty. *)
+(* Raise a Failure with an error message in case of type mismatch. *)
+let rec type_format :
+ type a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1
+ a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 .
+ (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1) fmt
+ -> (a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2) fmtty
+ -> (a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2) fmt
+= fun fmt fmtty -> match type_format_gen fmt fmtty with
+ | Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', End_of_fmtty) -> fmt'
+ | _ -> raise Type_mismatch
+and type_format_gen :
+ type a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1
+ a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 .
+ (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1) fmt
+ -> (a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2) fmtty
+ -> (a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2) fmt_fmtty_ebb
+= fun fmt fmtty -> match fmt, fmtty with
+ | Char fmt_rest, Char_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Char fmt', fmtty')
+ | Caml_char fmt_rest, Char_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Caml_char fmt', fmtty')
+ | String (pad, fmt_rest), _ -> (
+ match type_padding pad fmtty with
+ | Padding_fmtty_EBB (pad, String_ty fmtty_rest) ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (String (pad, fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Padding_fmtty_EBB (_, _) -> raise Type_mismatch
+ )
+ | Caml_string (pad, fmt_rest), _ -> (
+ match type_padding pad fmtty with
+ | Padding_fmtty_EBB (pad, String_ty fmtty_rest) ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Caml_string (pad, fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Padding_fmtty_EBB (_, _) -> raise Type_mismatch
+ )
+ | Int (iconv, pad, prec, fmt_rest), _ -> (
+ match type_padprec pad prec fmtty with
+ | Padprec_fmtty_EBB (pad, prec, Int_ty fmtty_rest) ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Int (iconv, pad, prec, fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Padprec_fmtty_EBB (_, _, _) -> raise Type_mismatch
+ )
+ | Int32 (iconv, pad, prec, fmt_rest), _ -> (
+ match type_padprec pad prec fmtty with
+ | Padprec_fmtty_EBB (pad, prec, Int32_ty fmtty_rest) ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Int32 (iconv, pad, prec, fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Padprec_fmtty_EBB (_, _, _) -> raise Type_mismatch
+ )
+ | Nativeint (iconv, pad, prec, fmt_rest), _ -> (
+ match type_padprec pad prec fmtty with
+ | Padprec_fmtty_EBB (pad, prec, Nativeint_ty fmtty_rest) ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Nativeint (iconv, pad, prec, fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Padprec_fmtty_EBB (_, _, _) -> raise Type_mismatch
+ )
+ | Int64 (iconv, pad, prec, fmt_rest), _ -> (
+ match type_padprec pad prec fmtty with
+ | Padprec_fmtty_EBB (pad, prec, Int64_ty fmtty_rest) ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Int64 (iconv, pad, prec, fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Padprec_fmtty_EBB (_, _, _) -> raise Type_mismatch
+ )
+ | Float (fconv, pad, prec, fmt_rest), _ -> (
+ match type_padprec pad prec fmtty with
+ | Padprec_fmtty_EBB (pad, prec, Float_ty fmtty_rest) ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Float (fconv, pad, prec, fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Padprec_fmtty_EBB (_, _, _) -> raise Type_mismatch
+ )
+ | Bool fmt_rest, Bool_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Bool fmt', fmtty')
+ | Flush fmt_rest, fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Flush fmt', fmtty')
+ | String_literal (str, fmt_rest), fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (String_literal (str, fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Char_literal (chr, fmt_rest), fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Char_literal (chr, fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Format_arg (pad_opt, sub_fmtty, fmt_rest),
+ Format_arg_ty (sub_fmtty', fmtty_rest) ->
+ if Fmtty_EBB sub_fmtty <> Fmtty_EBB sub_fmtty' then raise Type_mismatch;
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Format_arg (pad_opt, sub_fmtty', fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Format_subst (pad_opt, sub_fmtty, fmt_rest),
+ Format_subst_ty (sub_fmtty1, _sub_fmtty2, fmtty_rest) ->
+ if Fmtty_EBB (erase_rel sub_fmtty) <> Fmtty_EBB (erase_rel sub_fmtty1) then
+ raise Type_mismatch;
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest (erase_rel fmtty_rest) in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Format_subst (pad_opt, sub_fmtty1, fmt'), fmtty')
+ (* Printf and Format specific constructors: *)
+ | Alpha fmt_rest, Alpha_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Alpha fmt', fmtty')
+ | Theta fmt_rest, Theta_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Theta fmt', fmtty')
+ (* Format specific constructors: *)
+ | Formatting_lit (formatting_lit, fmt_rest), fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Formatting_lit (formatting_lit, fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Formatting_gen (formatting_gen, fmt_rest), fmtty_rest ->
+ type_formatting_gen formatting_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest
+ (* Scanf specific constructors: *)
+ | Reader fmt_rest, Reader_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Reader fmt', fmtty')
+ | Scan_char_set (width_opt, char_set, fmt_rest), String_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Scan_char_set (width_opt, char_set, fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Scan_get_counter (counter, fmt_rest), Int_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt_rest fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Scan_get_counter (counter, fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Ignored_param (ign, rest), fmtty_rest ->
+ type_ignored_param ign rest fmtty_rest
+ | End_of_format, fmtty_rest -> Fmt_fmtty_EBB (End_of_format, fmtty_rest)
+ | _ -> raise Type_mismatch
+and type_formatting_gen : type a1 a3 b1 b3 c1 c3 d1 d3 e1 e2 e3 f1 f2 f3 .
+ (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1) formatting_gen ->
+ (f1, b1, c1, e1, e2, f2) fmt ->
+ (a3, b3, c3, d3, e3, f3) fmtty ->
+ (a3, b3, c3, d3, e3, f3) fmt_fmtty_ebb =
+fun formatting_gen fmt0 fmtty0 -> match formatting_gen with
+ | Open_tag (Format (fmt1, str)) ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt2, fmtty2) = type_format_gen fmt1 fmtty0 in
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt3, fmtty3) = type_format_gen fmt0 fmtty2 in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Formatting_gen (Open_tag (Format (fmt2, str)), fmt3), fmtty3)
+ | Open_box (Format (fmt1, str)) ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt2, fmtty2) = type_format_gen fmt1 fmtty0 in
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt3, fmtty3) = type_format_gen fmt0 fmtty2 in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Formatting_gen (Open_tag (Format (fmt2, str)), fmt3), fmtty3)
+(* Type an Ignored_param node according to an fmtty. *)
+and type_ignored_param : type p q x y z t u v a b c d e f .
+ (x, y, z, t, q, p) ignored ->
+ (p, y, z, q, u, v) fmt ->
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmtty ->
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmt_fmtty_ebb =
+fun ign fmt fmtty -> match ign with
+ | Ignored_char as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_caml_char as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_string _ as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_caml_string _ as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_int _ as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_int32 _ as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_nativeint _ as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_int64 _ as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_float _ as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_bool as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_scan_char_set _ as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_scan_get_counter _ as ign' -> type_ignored_param_one ign' fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_format_arg (pad_opt, sub_fmtty) ->
+ type_ignored_param_one (Ignored_format_arg (pad_opt, sub_fmtty)) fmt fmtty
+ | Ignored_format_subst (pad_opt, sub_fmtty) ->
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty', Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty')) =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty fmt fmtty in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Ignored_param (Ignored_format_subst (pad_opt, sub_fmtty'), fmt'), fmtty')
+ | Ignored_reader -> (
+ match fmtty with
+ | Ignored_reader_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Ignored_param (Ignored_reader, fmt'), fmtty')
+ | _ -> raise Type_mismatch
+ )
+and type_ignored_param_one : type a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2 d1 d2 e1 e2 f1 f2 .
+ (a2, b2, c2, d2, d2, a2) ignored ->
+ (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1) fmt ->
+ (a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2) fmtty ->
+ (a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2) fmt_fmtty_ebb
+= fun ign fmt fmtty ->
+ let Fmt_fmtty_EBB (fmt', fmtty') = type_format_gen fmt fmtty in
+ Fmt_fmtty_EBB (Ignored_param (ign, fmt'), fmtty')
+(* Typing of the complex case: "%_(...%)". *)
+and type_ignored_format_substitution : type w x y z p s t u a b c d e f .
+ (w, x, y, z, s, p) fmtty ->
+ (p, x, y, s, t, u) fmt ->
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmtty -> (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmtty_fmt_ebb =
+fun sub_fmtty fmt fmtty -> match sub_fmtty, fmtty with
+ | Char_ty sub_fmtty_rest, Char_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty_rest fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (Char_ty sub_fmtty_rest', fmt')
+ | String_ty sub_fmtty_rest, String_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty_rest fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (String_ty sub_fmtty_rest', fmt')
+ | Int_ty sub_fmtty_rest, Int_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty_rest fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (Int_ty sub_fmtty_rest', fmt')
+ | Int32_ty sub_fmtty_rest, Int32_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty_rest fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (Int32_ty sub_fmtty_rest', fmt')
+ | Nativeint_ty sub_fmtty_rest, Nativeint_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty_rest fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (Nativeint_ty sub_fmtty_rest', fmt')
+ | Int64_ty sub_fmtty_rest, Int64_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty_rest fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (Int64_ty sub_fmtty_rest', fmt')
+ | Float_ty sub_fmtty_rest, Float_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty_rest fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (Float_ty sub_fmtty_rest', fmt')
+ | Bool_ty sub_fmtty_rest, Bool_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty_rest fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (Bool_ty sub_fmtty_rest', fmt')
+ | Alpha_ty sub_fmtty_rest, Alpha_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty_rest fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (Alpha_ty sub_fmtty_rest', fmt')
+ | Theta_ty sub_fmtty_rest, Theta_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty_rest fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (Theta_ty sub_fmtty_rest', fmt')
+ | Reader_ty sub_fmtty_rest, Reader_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty_rest fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (Reader_ty sub_fmtty_rest', fmt')
+ | Ignored_reader_ty sub_fmtty_rest, Ignored_reader_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty_rest fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (Ignored_reader_ty sub_fmtty_rest', fmt')
+ | Format_arg_ty (sub2_fmtty, sub_fmtty_rest),
+ Format_arg_ty (sub2_fmtty', fmtty_rest) ->
+ if Fmtty_EBB sub2_fmtty <> Fmtty_EBB sub2_fmtty' then raise Type_mismatch;
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution sub_fmtty_rest fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (Format_arg_ty (sub2_fmtty', sub_fmtty_rest'), fmt')
+ | Format_subst_ty (sub1_fmtty, sub2_fmtty, sub_fmtty_rest),
+ Format_subst_ty (sub1_fmtty', sub2_fmtty', fmtty_rest) ->
+ (* TODO define Fmtty_rel_EBB to remove those erase_rel *)
+ if Fmtty_EBB (erase_rel sub1_fmtty) <> Fmtty_EBB (erase_rel sub1_fmtty') then raise Type_mismatch;
+ if Fmtty_EBB (erase_rel sub2_fmtty) <> Fmtty_EBB (erase_rel sub2_fmtty') then raise Type_mismatch;
+ let sub_fmtty' = trans (symm sub1_fmtty') sub2_fmtty' in
+ let _, f2, _, f4 = fmtty_rel_det sub_fmtty' in
+ let Refl = f2 Refl in
+ let Refl = f4 Refl in
+ let Fmtty_fmt_EBB (sub_fmtty_rest', fmt') =
+ type_ignored_format_substitution (erase_rel sub_fmtty_rest) fmt fmtty_rest in
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (Format_subst_ty (sub1_fmtty', sub2_fmtty', symm sub_fmtty_rest'), fmt')
+ | End_of_fmtty, fmtty ->
+ Fmtty_fmt_EBB (End_of_fmtty, type_format_gen fmt fmtty)
+ | _ -> raise Type_mismatch
+(* This implementation of `recast` is a bit disappointing. The
+ invariant provided by the type are very strong: the input format's
+ type is in relation to the output type's as witnessed by the
+ fmtty_rel argument. One would at first expect this function to be
+ total, and implementable by exhaustive pattern matching. Instead,
+ we reuse the highly partial and much less well-defined function
+ `type_format` that has lost all knowledge of the correspondence
+ between the argument's types.
+ Besides the fact that this function reuses a lot of the
+ `type_format` logic (eg.: seeing Int_ty in the fmtty parameter does
+ not let you match on Int only, as you may in fact have Float
+ (Arg_padding, ...) ("%.*d") beginning with an Int_ty), it is also
+ a partial function, because the typing information in a format is
+ not quite enough to reconstruct it unambiguously. For example, the
+ format types of "%d%_r" and "%_r%d" have the same format6
+ parameters, but they are not at all exchangeable, and putting one
+ in place of the other must result in a dynamic failure.
+ Given that:
+ - we'd have to duplicate a lot of non-trivial typing logic from type_format
+ - this wouldn't even eliminate (all) the dynamic failures
+ we decided to just reuse type_format directly for now.
+let recast :
+ type a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1
+ a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2
+ .
+ (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1) fmt
+ -> (a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1,
+ a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2) fmtty_rel
+ -> (a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2) fmt
+= fun fmt fmtty ->
+ type_format fmt (erase_rel (symm fmtty))
+ (* Printing tools *)
+(* Add padding spaces arround a string. *)
+let fix_padding padty width str =
+ let len = String.length str in
+ if width <= len then str else
+ let res = Bytes.make width (if padty = Zeros then '0' else ' ') in
+ begin match padty with
+ | Left -> String.blit str 0 res 0 len
+ | Right -> String.blit str 0 res (width - len) len
+ | Zeros when len > 0 && (str.[0] = '+' || str.[0] = '-' || str.[0] = ' ') ->
+ Bytes.set res 0 str.[0];
+ String.blit str 1 res (width - len + 1) (len - 1)
+ | Zeros when len > 1 && str.[0] = '0' && (str.[1] = 'x' || str.[1] = 'X') ->
+ Bytes.set res 1 str.[1];
+ String.blit str 2 res (width - len + 2) (len - 2)
+ | Zeros ->
+ String.blit str 0 res (width - len) len
+ end;
+ Bytes.unsafe_to_string res
+(* Add '0' padding to int, int32, nativeint or int64 string representation. *)
+let fix_int_precision prec str =
+ let len = String.length str in
+ if prec <= len then str else
+ let res = Bytes.make prec '0' in
+ begin match str.[0] with
+ | ('+' | '-' | ' ') as c ->
+ Bytes.set res 0 c;
+ String.blit str 1 res (prec - len + 1) (len - 1);
+ | '0' when len > 1 && (str.[1] = 'x' || str.[1] = 'X') ->
+ Bytes.set res 1 str.[1];
+ String.blit str 2 res (prec - len + 2) (len - 2);
+ | '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' ->
+ String.blit str 0 res (prec - len) len;
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ end;
+ Bytes.unsafe_to_string res
+(* Escape a string according to the OCaml lexing convention. *)
+let string_to_caml_string str =
+ let str = String.escaped str in
+ let l = String.length str in
+ let res = Bytes.make (l + 2) '\"' in
+ String.unsafe_blit str 0 res 1 l;
+ Bytes.unsafe_to_string res
+(* Generate the format_int/int32/nativeint/int64 first argument
+ from an int_conv. *)
+let format_of_iconv = function
+ | Int_d -> "%d" | Int_pd -> "%+d" | Int_sd -> "% d"
+ | Int_i -> "%i" | Int_pi -> "%+i" | Int_si -> "% i"
+ | Int_x -> "%x" | Int_Cx -> "%#x"
+ | Int_X -> "%X" | Int_CX -> "%#X"
+ | Int_o -> "%o" | Int_Co -> "%#o"
+ | Int_u -> "%u"
+let format_of_iconvL = function
+ | Int_d -> "%Ld" | Int_pd -> "%+Ld" | Int_sd -> "% Ld"
+ | Int_i -> "%Li" | Int_pi -> "%+Li" | Int_si -> "% Li"
+ | Int_x -> "%Lx" | Int_Cx -> "%#Lx"
+ | Int_X -> "%LX" | Int_CX -> "%#LX"
+ | Int_o -> "%Lo" | Int_Co -> "%#Lo"
+ | Int_u -> "%Lu"
+let format_of_iconvl = function
+ | Int_d -> "%ld" | Int_pd -> "%+ld" | Int_sd -> "% ld"
+ | Int_i -> "%li" | Int_pi -> "%+li" | Int_si -> "% li"
+ | Int_x -> "%lx" | Int_Cx -> "%#lx"
+ | Int_X -> "%lX" | Int_CX -> "%#lX"
+ | Int_o -> "%lo" | Int_Co -> "%#lo"
+ | Int_u -> "%lu"
+let format_of_iconvn = function
+ | Int_d -> "%nd" | Int_pd -> "%+nd" | Int_sd -> "% nd"
+ | Int_i -> "%ni" | Int_pi -> "%+ni" | Int_si -> "% ni"
+ | Int_x -> "%nx" | Int_Cx -> "%#nx"
+ | Int_X -> "%nX" | Int_CX -> "%#nX"
+ | Int_o -> "%no" | Int_Co -> "%#no"
+ | Int_u -> "%nu"
+(* Generate the format_float first argument form a float_conv. *)
+let format_of_fconv fconv prec =
+ let symb = if fconv = Float_F then 'g' else char_of_fconv fconv in
+ let buf = buffer_create 16 in
+ buffer_add_char buf '%';
+ bprint_fconv_flag buf fconv;
+ buffer_add_char buf '.';
+ buffer_add_string buf (string_of_int prec);
+ buffer_add_char buf symb;
+ buffer_contents buf
+(* Convert an integer to a string according to a conversion. *)
+let convert_int iconv n = format_int (format_of_iconv iconv) n
+let convert_int32 iconv n = format_int32 (format_of_iconvl iconv) n
+let convert_nativeint iconv n = format_nativeint (format_of_iconvn iconv) n
+let convert_int64 iconv n = format_int64 (format_of_iconvL iconv) n
+(* Convert a float to string. *)
+(* Fix special case of "OCaml float format". *)
+let convert_float fconv prec x =
+ let str = format_float (format_of_fconv fconv prec) x in
+ if fconv <> Float_F then str else
+ let len = String.length str in
+ let rec is_valid i =
+ if i = len then false else
+ match str.[i] with
+ | '.' | 'e' | 'E' -> true
+ | _ -> is_valid (i + 1)
+ in
+ match classify_float x with
+ | FP_normal | FP_subnormal | FP_zero ->
+ if is_valid 0 then str else str ^ "."
+ | FP_infinite ->
+ if x < 0.0 then "neg_infinity" else "infinity"
+ | FP_nan -> "nan"
+(* Convert a char to a string according to the OCaml lexical convention. *)
+let format_caml_char c =
+ let str = Char.escaped c in
+ let l = String.length str in
+ let res = Bytes.make (l + 2) '\'' in
+ String.unsafe_blit str 0 res 1 l;
+ Bytes.unsafe_to_string res
+(* Convert a format type to string *)
+let string_of_fmtty fmtty =
+ let buf = buffer_create 16 in
+ bprint_fmtty buf fmtty;
+ buffer_contents buf
+ (* Generic printing function *)
+(* Make a generic printing function. *)
+(* Used to generate Printf and Format printing functions. *)
+(* Parameters:
+ k: a continuation finally applied to the output stream and the accumulator.
+ o: the output stream (see k, %a and %t).
+ acc: rev list of printing entities (string, char, flush, formatting, ...).
+ fmt: the format. *)
+let rec make_printf : type a b c d e f .
+ (b -> (b, c) acc -> f) -> b -> (b, c) acc ->
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmt -> a =
+fun k o acc fmt -> match fmt with
+ | Char rest ->
+ fun c ->
+ let new_acc = Acc_data_char (acc, c) in
+ make_printf k o new_acc rest
+ | Caml_char rest ->
+ fun c ->
+ let new_acc = Acc_data_string (acc, format_caml_char c) in
+ make_printf k o new_acc rest
+ | String (pad, rest) ->
+ make_string_padding k o acc rest pad (fun str -> str)
+ | Caml_string (pad, rest) ->
+ make_string_padding k o acc rest pad string_to_caml_string
+ | Int (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ make_int_padding_precision k o acc rest pad prec convert_int iconv
+ | Int32 (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ make_int_padding_precision k o acc rest pad prec convert_int32 iconv
+ | Nativeint (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ make_int_padding_precision k o acc rest pad prec convert_nativeint iconv
+ | Int64 (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ make_int_padding_precision k o acc rest pad prec convert_int64 iconv
+ | Float (fconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ make_float_padding_precision k o acc rest pad prec fconv
+ | Bool rest ->
+ fun b -> make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, string_of_bool b)) rest
+ | Alpha rest ->
+ fun f x -> make_printf k o (Acc_delay (acc, fun o -> f o x)) rest
+ | Theta rest ->
+ fun f -> make_printf k o (Acc_delay (acc, f)) rest
+ | Reader _ ->
+ (* This case is impossible, by typing of formats. *)
+ (* Indeed, since printf and co. take a format4 as argument, the 'd and 'e
+ type parameters of fmt are obviously equals. The Reader is the
+ only constructor which touch 'd and 'e type parameters of the format
+ type, it adds an (->) to the 'd parameters. Consequently, a format4
+ cannot contain a Reader node, except in the sub-format associated to
+ an %{...%}. It's not a problem because make_printf do not call
+ itself recursively on the sub-format associated to %{...%}. *)
+ assert false
+ | Flush rest ->
+ make_printf k o (Acc_flush acc) rest
+ | String_literal (str, rest) ->
+ make_printf k o (Acc_string_literal (acc, str)) rest
+ | Char_literal (chr, rest) ->
+ make_printf k o (Acc_char_literal (acc, chr)) rest
+ | Format_arg (_, sub_fmtty, rest) ->
+ let ty = string_of_fmtty sub_fmtty in
+ (fun str ->
+ ignore str;
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, ty)) rest)
+ | Format_subst (_, fmtty, rest) ->
+ fun (Format (fmt, _)) -> make_printf k o acc
+ (concat_fmt (recast fmt fmtty) rest)
+ | Scan_char_set (_, _, rest) ->
+ let new_acc = Acc_invalid_arg (acc, "Printf: bad conversion %[") in
+ fun _ -> make_printf k o new_acc rest
+ | Scan_get_counter (_, rest) ->
+ (* This case should be refused for Printf. *)
+ (* Accepted for backward compatibility. *)
+ (* Interpret %l, %n and %L as %u. *)
+ fun n ->
+ let new_acc = Acc_data_string (acc, format_int "%u" n) in
+ make_printf k o new_acc rest
+ | Ignored_param (ign, rest) ->
+ make_ignored_param k o acc ign rest
+ | Formatting_lit (fmting_lit, rest) ->
+ make_printf k o (Acc_formatting_lit (acc, fmting_lit)) rest
+ | Formatting_gen (Open_tag (Format (fmt', _)), rest) ->
+ let k' koc kacc =
+ make_printf k koc (Acc_formatting_gen (acc, Acc_open_tag kacc)) rest in
+ make_printf k' o End_of_acc fmt'
+ | Formatting_gen (Open_box (Format (fmt', _)), rest) ->
+ let k' koc kacc =
+ make_printf k koc (Acc_formatting_gen (acc, Acc_open_box kacc)) rest in
+ make_printf k' o End_of_acc fmt'
+ | End_of_format ->
+ k o acc
+(* Delay the error (Invalid_argument "Printf: bad conversion %_"). *)
+(* Generate functions to take remaining arguments (after the "%_"). *)
+and make_ignored_param : type x y a b c d e f .
+ (b -> (b, c) acc -> f) -> b -> (b, c) acc ->
+ (a, b, c, d, y, x) ignored ->
+ (x, b, c, y, e, f) fmt -> a =
+fun k o acc ign fmt -> match ign with
+ | Ignored_char -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Ignored_caml_char -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Ignored_string _ -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Ignored_caml_string _ -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Ignored_int (_, _) -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Ignored_int32 (_, _) -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Ignored_nativeint (_, _) -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Ignored_int64 (_, _) -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Ignored_float (_, _) -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Ignored_bool -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Ignored_format_arg _ -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Ignored_format_subst (_, fmtty) -> make_from_fmtty k o acc fmtty fmt
+ | Ignored_reader -> assert false
+ | Ignored_scan_char_set _ -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Ignored_scan_get_counter _ -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+(* Special case of printf "%_(". *)
+and make_from_fmtty : type x y a b c d e f .
+ (b -> (b, c) acc -> f) -> b -> (b, c) acc ->
+ (a, b, c, d, y, x) fmtty ->
+ (x, b, c, y, e, f) fmt -> a =
+fun k o acc fmtty fmt -> match fmtty with
+ | Char_ty rest -> fun _ -> make_from_fmtty k o acc rest fmt
+ | String_ty rest -> fun _ -> make_from_fmtty k o acc rest fmt
+ | Int_ty rest -> fun _ -> make_from_fmtty k o acc rest fmt
+ | Int32_ty rest -> fun _ -> make_from_fmtty k o acc rest fmt
+ | Nativeint_ty rest -> fun _ -> make_from_fmtty k o acc rest fmt
+ | Int64_ty rest -> fun _ -> make_from_fmtty k o acc rest fmt
+ | Float_ty rest -> fun _ -> make_from_fmtty k o acc rest fmt
+ | Bool_ty rest -> fun _ -> make_from_fmtty k o acc rest fmt
+ | Alpha_ty rest -> fun _ _ -> make_from_fmtty k o acc rest fmt
+ | Theta_ty rest -> fun _ -> make_from_fmtty k o acc rest fmt
+ | Reader_ty _ -> assert false
+ | Ignored_reader_ty _ -> assert false
+ | Format_arg_ty (_, rest) -> fun _ -> make_from_fmtty k o acc rest fmt
+ | End_of_fmtty -> make_invalid_arg k o acc fmt
+ | Format_subst_ty (ty1, ty2, rest) ->
+ let ty = trans (symm ty1) ty2 in
+ fun _ -> make_from_fmtty k o acc (concat_fmtty ty rest) fmt
+(* Insert an Acc_invalid_arg in the accumulator and continue to generate
+ closures to get the remaining arguments. *)
+and make_invalid_arg : type a b c d e f .
+ (b -> (b, c) acc -> f) -> b -> (b, c) acc ->
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmt -> a =
+fun k o acc fmt ->
+ make_printf k o (Acc_invalid_arg (acc, "Printf: bad conversion %_")) fmt
+(* Fix padding, take it as an extra integer argument if needed. *)
+and make_string_padding : type x z a b c d e f .
+ (b -> (b, c) acc -> f) -> b -> (b, c) acc ->
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmt ->
+ (x, z -> a) padding -> (z -> string) -> x =
+ fun k o acc fmt pad trans -> match pad with
+ | No_padding ->
+ fun x ->
+ let new_acc = Acc_data_string (acc, trans x) in
+ make_printf k o new_acc fmt
+ | Lit_padding (padty, width) ->
+ fun x ->
+ let new_acc = Acc_data_string (acc, fix_padding padty width (trans x)) in
+ make_printf k o new_acc fmt
+ | Arg_padding padty ->
+ fun w x ->
+ let new_acc = Acc_data_string (acc, fix_padding padty w (trans x)) in
+ make_printf k o new_acc fmt
+(* Fix padding and precision for int, int32, nativeint or int64. *)
+(* Take one or two extra integer arguments if needed. *)
+and make_int_padding_precision : type x y z a b c d e f .
+ (b -> (b, c) acc -> f) -> b -> (b, c) acc ->
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmt ->
+ (x, y) padding -> (y, z -> a) precision -> (int_conv -> z -> string) ->
+ int_conv -> x =
+ fun k o acc fmt pad prec trans iconv -> match pad, prec with
+ | No_padding, No_precision ->
+ fun x ->
+ let str = trans iconv x in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | No_padding, Lit_precision p ->
+ fun x ->
+ let str = fix_int_precision p (trans iconv x) in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | No_padding, Arg_precision ->
+ fun p x ->
+ let str = fix_int_precision p (trans iconv x) in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | Lit_padding (padty, w), No_precision ->
+ fun x ->
+ let str = fix_padding padty w (trans iconv x) in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | Lit_padding (padty, w), Lit_precision p ->
+ fun x ->
+ let str = fix_padding padty w (fix_int_precision p (trans iconv x)) in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | Lit_padding (padty, w), Arg_precision ->
+ fun p x ->
+ let str = fix_padding padty w (fix_int_precision p (trans iconv x)) in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | Arg_padding padty, No_precision ->
+ fun w x ->
+ let str = fix_padding padty w (trans iconv x) in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | Arg_padding padty, Lit_precision p ->
+ fun w x ->
+ let str = fix_padding padty w (fix_int_precision p (trans iconv x)) in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | Arg_padding padty, Arg_precision ->
+ fun w p x ->
+ let str = fix_padding padty w (fix_int_precision p (trans iconv x)) in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+(* Convert a float, fix padding and precision if needed. *)
+(* Take the float argument and one or two extra integer arguments if needed. *)
+and make_float_padding_precision : type x y a b c d e f .
+ (b -> (b, c) acc -> f) -> b -> (b, c) acc ->
+ (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmt ->
+ (x, y) padding -> (y, float -> a) precision -> float_conv -> x =
+ fun k o acc fmt pad prec fconv -> match pad, prec with
+ | No_padding, No_precision ->
+ fun x ->
+ let str = convert_float fconv default_float_precision x in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | No_padding, Lit_precision p ->
+ fun x ->
+ let str = convert_float fconv p x in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | No_padding, Arg_precision ->
+ fun p x ->
+ let str = convert_float fconv p x in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | Lit_padding (padty, w), No_precision ->
+ fun x ->
+ let str = convert_float fconv default_float_precision x in
+ let str' = fix_padding padty w str in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str')) fmt
+ | Lit_padding (padty, w), Lit_precision p ->
+ fun x ->
+ let str = fix_padding padty w (convert_float fconv p x) in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | Lit_padding (padty, w), Arg_precision ->
+ fun p x ->
+ let str = fix_padding padty w (convert_float fconv p x) in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | Arg_padding padty, No_precision ->
+ fun w x ->
+ let str = convert_float fconv default_float_precision x in
+ let str' = fix_padding padty w str in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str')) fmt
+ | Arg_padding padty, Lit_precision p ->
+ fun w x ->
+ let str = fix_padding padty w (convert_float fconv p x) in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ | Arg_padding padty, Arg_precision ->
+ fun w p x ->
+ let str = fix_padding padty w (convert_float fconv p x) in
+ make_printf k o (Acc_data_string (acc, str)) fmt
+ (* Continuations for make_printf *)
+(* Recursively output an "accumulator" containing a reversed list of
+ printing entities (string, char, flus, ...) in an output_stream. *)
+(* Used as a continuation of make_printf. *)
+let rec output_acc o acc = match acc with
+ | Acc_formatting_lit (p, fmting_lit) ->
+ let s = string_of_formatting_lit fmting_lit in
+ output_acc o p; output_string o s;
+ | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_tag acc') ->
+ output_acc o p; output_string o "@{"; output_acc o acc';
+ | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
+ output_acc o p; output_string o "@["; output_acc o acc';
+ | Acc_string_literal (p, s)
+ | Acc_data_string (p, s) -> output_acc o p; output_string o s
+ | Acc_char_literal (p, c)
+ | Acc_data_char (p, c) -> output_acc o p; output_char o c
+ | Acc_delay (p, f) -> output_acc o p; f o
+ | Acc_flush p -> output_acc o p; flush o
+ | Acc_invalid_arg (p, msg) -> output_acc o p; invalid_arg msg;
+ | End_of_acc -> ()
+(* Recursively output an "accumulator" containing a reversed list of
+ printing entities (string, char, flus, ...) in a buffer. *)
+(* Used as a continuation of make_printf. *)
+let rec bufput_acc b acc = match acc with
+ | Acc_formatting_lit (p, fmting_lit) ->
+ let s = string_of_formatting_lit fmting_lit in
+ bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b s;
+ | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_tag acc') ->
+ bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b "@{"; bufput_acc b acc';
+ | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
+ bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b "@["; bufput_acc b acc';
+ | Acc_string_literal (p, s)
+ | Acc_data_string (p, s) -> bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b s
+ | Acc_char_literal (p, c)
+ | Acc_data_char (p, c) -> bufput_acc b p; Buffer.add_char b c
+ | Acc_delay (p, f) -> bufput_acc b p; f b
+ | Acc_flush p -> bufput_acc b p;
+ | Acc_invalid_arg (p, msg) -> bufput_acc b p; invalid_arg msg;
+ | End_of_acc -> ()
+(* Recursively output an "accumulator" containing a reversed list of
+ printing entities (string, char, flus, ...) in a buffer. *)
+(* Differ from bufput_acc by the interpretation of %a and %t. *)
+(* Used as a continuation of make_printf. *)
+let rec strput_acc b acc = match acc with
+ | Acc_formatting_lit (p, fmting_lit) ->
+ let s = string_of_formatting_lit fmting_lit in
+ strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b s;
+ | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_tag acc') ->
+ strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b "@{"; strput_acc b acc';
+ | Acc_formatting_gen (p, Acc_open_box acc') ->
+ strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b "@["; strput_acc b acc';
+ | Acc_string_literal (p, s)
+ | Acc_data_string (p, s) -> strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b s
+ | Acc_char_literal (p, c)
+ | Acc_data_char (p, c) -> strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_char b c
+ | Acc_delay (p, f) -> strput_acc b p; Buffer.add_string b (f ())
+ | Acc_flush p -> strput_acc b p;
+ | Acc_invalid_arg (p, msg) -> strput_acc b p; invalid_arg msg;
+ | End_of_acc -> ()
+ (* Error managment *)
+(* Raise a Failure with a pretty-printed error message. *)
+let failwith_message (Format (fmt, _)) =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 256 in
+ let k () acc = strput_acc buf acc; failwith (Buffer.contents buf) in
+ make_printf k () End_of_acc fmt
+ (* Formatting tools *)
+(* Convert a string to an open block description (indent, block_type) *)
+let open_box_of_string str =
+ if str = "" then (0, Pp_box) else
+ let len = String.length str in
+ let invalid_box () = failwith_message "invalid box description %S" str in
+ let rec parse_spaces i =
+ if i = len then i else
+ match str.[i] with
+ | ' ' | '\t' -> parse_spaces (i + 1)
+ | _ -> i
+ and parse_lword i j =
+ if j = len then j else
+ match str.[j] with
+ | 'a' .. 'z' -> parse_lword i (j + 1)
+ | _ -> j
+ and parse_int i j =
+ if j = len then j else
+ match str.[j] with
+ | '0' .. '9' | '-' -> parse_int i (j + 1)
+ | _ -> j in
+ let wstart = parse_spaces 0 in
+ let wend = parse_lword wstart wstart in
+ let box_name = String.sub str wstart (wend - wstart) in
+ let nstart = parse_spaces wend in
+ let nend = parse_int nstart nstart in
+ let indent =
+ if nstart = nend then 0 else
+ try int_of_string (String.sub str nstart (nend - nstart))
+ with Failure _ -> invalid_box () in
+ let exp_end = parse_spaces nend in
+ let () = if exp_end <> len then invalid_box () in
+ let box_type = match box_name with
+ | "" | "b" -> Pp_box
+ | "h" -> Pp_hbox
+ | "v" -> Pp_vbox
+ | "hv" -> Pp_hvbox
+ | "hov" -> Pp_hovbox
+ | _ -> invalid_box () in
+ (indent, box_type)
+ (* Parsing tools *)
+(* Create a padding_fmt_ebb from a padding and a format. *)
+(* Copy the padding to disjoin the type parameters of argument and result. *)
+let make_padding_fmt_ebb : type x y .
+ (x, y) padding -> (_, _, _, _, _, _) fmt ->
+ (_, _, _, _, _) padding_fmt_ebb =
+fun pad fmt -> match pad with
+ | No_padding -> Padding_fmt_EBB (No_padding, fmt)
+ | Lit_padding (s, w) -> Padding_fmt_EBB (Lit_padding (s, w), fmt)
+ | Arg_padding s -> Padding_fmt_EBB (Arg_padding s, fmt)
+(* Create a precision_fmt_ebb from a precision and a format. *)
+(* Copy the precision to disjoin the type parameters of argument and result. *)
+let make_precision_fmt_ebb : type x y .
+ (x, y) precision -> (_, _, _, _, _, _) fmt ->
+ (_, _, _, _, _) precision_fmt_ebb =
+fun prec fmt -> match prec with
+ | No_precision -> Precision_fmt_EBB (No_precision, fmt)
+ | Lit_precision p -> Precision_fmt_EBB (Lit_precision p, fmt)
+ | Arg_precision -> Precision_fmt_EBB (Arg_precision, fmt)
+(* Create a padprec_fmt_ebb forma a padding, a precision and a format. *)
+(* Copy the padding and the precision to disjoin type parameters of arguments
+ and result. *)
+let make_padprec_fmt_ebb : type x y z t .
+ (x, y) padding -> (z, t) precision ->
+ (_, _, _, _, _, _) fmt ->
+ (_, _, _, _, _) padprec_fmt_ebb =
+fun pad prec fmt ->
+ let Precision_fmt_EBB (prec, fmt') = make_precision_fmt_ebb prec fmt in
+ match pad with
+ | No_padding -> Padprec_fmt_EBB (No_padding, prec, fmt')
+ | Lit_padding (s, w) -> Padprec_fmt_EBB (Lit_padding (s, w), prec, fmt')
+ | Arg_padding s -> Padprec_fmt_EBB (Arg_padding s, prec, fmt')
+ (* Format parsing *)
+(* Parse a string representing a format and create a fmt_ebb. *)
+(* Raise an Failure exception in case of invalid format. *)
+let fmt_ebb_of_string ?legacy_behavior str =
+ (* Parameters naming convention: *)
+ (* - lit_start: start of the literal sequence. *)
+ (* - str_ind: current index in the string. *)
+ (* - end_ind: end of the current (sub-)format. *)
+ (* - pct_ind: index of the '%' in the current micro-format. *)
+ (* - zero: is the '0' flag defined in the current micro-format. *)
+ (* - minus: is the '-' flag defined in the current micro-format. *)
+ (* - plus: is the '+' flag defined in the current micro-format. *)
+ (* - sharp: is the '#' flag defined in the current micro-format. *)
+ (* - space: is the ' ' flag defined in the current micro-format. *)
+ (* - ign: is the '_' flag defined in the current micro-format. *)
+ (* - pad: padding of the current micro-format. *)
+ (* - prec: precision of the current micro-format. *)
+ (* - symb: char representing the conversion ('c', 's', 'd', ...). *)
+ (* - char_set: set of characters as bitmap (see scanf %[...]). *)
+ let legacy_behavior = match legacy_behavior with
+ | Some flag -> flag
+ | None -> true
+ (** When this flag is enabled, the format parser tries to behave as
+ the <4.02 implementations, in particular it ignores most benine
+ nonsensical format. When the flag is disabled, it will reject any
+ format that is not accepted by the specification.
+ A typical example would be "%+ d": specifying both '+' (if the
+ number is positive, pad with a '+' to get the same width as
+ negative numbres) and ' ' (if the number is positive, pad with
+ a space) does not make sense, but the legacy (< 4.02)
+ implementation was happy to just ignore the space.
+ *)
+ in
+ (* Raise a Failure with a friendly error message. *)
+ (* Used when the end of the format (or the current sub-format) was encoutered
+ unexpectedly. *)
+ let unexpected_end_of_format end_ind =
+ failwith_message
+ "invalid format %S: at character number %d, unexpected end of format"
+ str end_ind;
+ (* Raise Failure with a friendly error message about an option dependencie
+ problem. *)
+ and invalid_format_without str_ind c s =
+ failwith_message
+ "invalid format %S: at character number %d, '%c' without %s"
+ str str_ind c s
+ (* Raise Failure with a friendly error message about an unexpected
+ character. *)
+ and expected_character str_ind expected read =
+ failwith_message
+ "invalid format %S: at character number %d, %s expected, read %C"
+ str str_ind expected read in
+ (* Parse the string from beg_ind (included) to end_ind (excluded). *)
+ let rec parse : type e f . int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun beg_ind end_ind -> parse_literal beg_ind beg_ind end_ind
+ (* Read literal characters up to '%' or '@' special characters. *)
+ and parse_literal : type e f . int -> int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun lit_start str_ind end_ind ->
+ if str_ind = end_ind then add_literal lit_start str_ind End_of_format else
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | '%' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse_format str_ind end_ind in
+ add_literal lit_start str_ind fmt_rest
+ | '@' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse_after_at (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ add_literal lit_start str_ind fmt_rest
+ | _ ->
+ parse_literal lit_start (str_ind + 1) end_ind
+ (* Parse a format after '%' *)
+ and parse_format : type e f . int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun pct_ind end_ind -> parse_ign pct_ind (pct_ind + 1) end_ind
+ and parse_ign : type e f . int -> int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind ->
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | '_' -> parse_flags pct_ind (str_ind+1) end_ind true
+ | _ -> parse_flags pct_ind str_ind end_ind false
+ and parse_flags : type e f . int -> int -> int -> bool -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind ign ->
+ let zero = ref false and minus = ref false
+ and plus = ref false and space = ref false
+ and sharp = ref false in
+ let set_flag str_ind flag =
+ (* in legacy mode, duplicate flags are accepted *)
+ if !flag && not legacy_behavior then
+ failwith_message
+ "invalid format %S: at character number %d, duplicate flag %C"
+ str str_ind str.[str_ind];
+ flag := true;
+ in
+ let rec read_flags str_ind =
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ begin match str.[str_ind] with
+ | '0' -> set_flag str_ind zero; read_flags (str_ind + 1)
+ | '-' -> set_flag str_ind minus; read_flags (str_ind + 1)
+ | '+' -> set_flag str_ind plus; read_flags (str_ind + 1)
+ | '#' -> set_flag str_ind sharp; read_flags (str_ind + 1)
+ | ' ' -> set_flag str_ind space; read_flags (str_ind + 1)
+ | _ ->
+ parse_padding pct_ind str_ind end_ind
+ !zero !minus !plus !sharp !space ign
+ end
+ in
+ read_flags str_ind
+ (* Try to read a digital or a '*' padding. *)
+ and parse_padding : type e f .
+ int -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool ->
+ (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind zero minus plus sharp space ign ->
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ let padty = match zero, minus with
+ | false, false -> Right
+ | false, true -> Left
+ | true, false -> Zeros
+ | true, true ->
+ if legacy_behavior then Left
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind '-' "0" in
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | '0' .. '9' ->
+ let new_ind, width = parse_positive str_ind end_ind 0 in
+ parse_after_padding pct_ind new_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign
+ (Lit_padding (padty, width))
+ | '*' ->
+ parse_after_padding pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign
+ (Arg_padding padty)
+ | _ ->
+ if legacy_behavior then
+ parse_after_padding pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign
+ No_padding
+ else begin match padty with
+ | Left ->
+ invalid_format_without (str_ind - 1) '-' "padding"
+ | Zeros ->
+ invalid_format_without (str_ind - 1) '0' "padding"
+ | Right ->
+ parse_after_padding pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign
+ No_padding
+ end
+ (* Is precision defined? *)
+ and parse_after_padding : type x e f .
+ int -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> (x, _) padding ->
+ (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign pad ->
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | '.' ->
+ parse_precision pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign pad
+ | symb ->
+ parse_conversion pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign pad
+ No_precision symb
+ (* Read the digital or '*' precision. *)
+ and parse_precision : type x e f .
+ int -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> (x, _) padding ->
+ (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign pad ->
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ let parse_literal str_ind =
+ let new_ind, prec = parse_positive str_ind end_ind 0 in
+ if new_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ parse_conversion pct_ind (new_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign pad
+ (Lit_precision prec) str.[new_ind] in
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | '0' .. '9' -> parse_literal str_ind
+ | ('+' | '-') when legacy_behavior ->
+ (* Legacy mode would accept and ignore '+' or '-' before the
+ integer describing the desired precision; not that this
+ cannot happen for padding width, as '+' and '-' already have
+ a semantics there.
+ That said, the idea (supported by this tweak) that width and
+ precision literals are "integer literals" in the OCaml sense is
+ still blatantly wrong, as 123_456 or 0xFF are rejected. *)
+ parse_literal (str_ind + 1)
+ | '*' ->
+ parse_after_precision pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign
+ pad Arg_precision
+ | _ ->
+ if legacy_behavior then
+ (* note that legacy implementation did not ignore '.' without
+ a number (as it does for padding indications), but
+ interprets it as '.0' *)
+ parse_after_precision pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign pad (Lit_precision 0) else
+ invalid_format_without (str_ind - 1) '.' "precision"
+ (* Try to read the conversion. *)
+ and parse_after_precision : type x z e f .
+ int -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> (x, _) padding ->
+ (z, _) precision -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign pad prec ->
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ parse_conversion pct_ind (str_ind + 1) end_ind plus sharp space ign pad prec
+ str.[str_ind]
+ (* Case analysis on conversion. *)
+ and parse_conversion : type x y z t e f .
+ int -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> (x, y) padding ->
+ (z, t) precision -> char -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun pct_ind str_ind end_ind plus sharp space ign pad prec symb ->
+ (* Flags used to check option usages/compatibilities. *)
+ let plus_used = ref false and sharp_used = ref false
+ and space_used = ref false and ign_used = ref false
+ and pad_used = ref false and prec_used = ref false in
+ (* Access to options, update flags. *)
+ let get_plus () = plus_used := true; plus
+ and get_sharp () = sharp_used := true; sharp
+ and get_space () = space_used := true; space
+ and get_ign () = ign_used := true; ign
+ and get_pad () = pad_used := true; pad
+ and get_prec () = prec_used := true; prec in
+ (* Check that padty <> Zeros. *)
+ let check_no_0 symb (type a) (type b) (pad : (a,b) padding) =
+ match pad with
+ | No_padding -> pad
+ | Lit_padding ((Left | Right), _) -> pad
+ | Arg_padding (Left | Right) -> pad
+ | Lit_padding (Zeros, width) ->
+ if legacy_behavior then Lit_padding (Right, width)
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "0"
+ | Arg_padding Zeros ->
+ if legacy_behavior then Arg_padding Right
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "0"
+ in
+ (* Get padding as a pad_option (see "%_", "%{", "%(" and "%[").
+ (no need for legacy mode tweaking, those were rejected by the
+ legacy parser as well) *)
+ let get_pad_opt c = match get_pad () with
+ | No_padding -> None
+ | Lit_padding (Right, width) -> Some width
+ | Lit_padding (Zeros, width) ->
+ if legacy_behavior then Some width
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind c "'0'"
+ | Lit_padding (Left, width) ->
+ if legacy_behavior then Some width
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind c "'-'"
+ | Arg_padding _ -> incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind c "'*'"
+ in
+ (* Get precision as a prec_option (see "%_f").
+ (no need for legacy mode tweaking, those were rejected by the
+ legacy parser as well) *)
+ let get_prec_opt () = match get_prec () with
+ | No_precision -> None
+ | Lit_precision ndec -> Some ndec
+ | Arg_precision -> incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind '_' "'*'"
+ in
+ let fmt_result = match symb with
+ | ',' ->
+ parse str_ind end_ind
+ | 'c' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ if get_ign () then Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (Ignored_char, fmt_rest))
+ else Fmt_EBB (Char fmt_rest)
+ | 'C' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ if get_ign () then Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (Ignored_caml_char,fmt_rest))
+ else Fmt_EBB (Caml_char fmt_rest)
+ | 's' ->
+ let pad = check_no_0 symb (get_pad ()) in
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ if get_ign () then
+ let ignored = Ignored_string (get_pad_opt '_') in
+ Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
+ else
+ let Padding_fmt_EBB (pad', fmt_rest') =
+ make_padding_fmt_ebb pad fmt_rest in
+ Fmt_EBB (String (pad', fmt_rest'))
+ | 'S' ->
+ let pad = check_no_0 symb (get_pad ()) in
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ if get_ign () then
+ let ignored = Ignored_caml_string (get_pad_opt '_') in
+ Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
+ else
+ let Padding_fmt_EBB (pad', fmt_rest') =
+ make_padding_fmt_ebb pad fmt_rest in
+ Fmt_EBB (Caml_string (pad', fmt_rest'))
+ | 'd' | 'i' | 'x' | 'X' | 'o' | 'u' ->
+ let iconv = compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind (get_plus ()) (get_sharp ())
+ (get_space ()) symb in
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ if get_ign () then
+ let ignored = Ignored_int (iconv, get_pad_opt '_') in
+ Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
+ else
+ let Padprec_fmt_EBB (pad', prec', fmt_rest') =
+ make_padprec_fmt_ebb (get_pad ()) (get_prec ()) fmt_rest in
+ Fmt_EBB (Int (iconv, pad', prec', fmt_rest'))
+ | 'N' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ let counter = Token_counter in
+ if get_ign () then
+ let ignored = Ignored_scan_get_counter counter in
+ Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
+ else
+ Fmt_EBB (Scan_get_counter (counter, fmt_rest))
+ | 'l' | 'n' | 'L' when str_ind=end_ind || not (is_int_base str.[str_ind]) ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ let counter = counter_of_char symb in
+ if get_ign () then
+ let ignored = Ignored_scan_get_counter counter in
+ Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
+ else
+ Fmt_EBB (Scan_get_counter (counter, fmt_rest))
+ | 'l' ->
+ let iconv =
+ compute_int_conv pct_ind (str_ind + 1) (get_plus ()) (get_sharp ())
+ (get_space ()) str.[str_ind] in
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ if get_ign () then
+ let ignored = Ignored_int32 (iconv, get_pad_opt '_') in
+ Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
+ else
+ let Padprec_fmt_EBB (pad', prec', fmt_rest') =
+ make_padprec_fmt_ebb (get_pad ()) (get_prec ()) fmt_rest in
+ Fmt_EBB (Int32 (iconv, pad', prec', fmt_rest'))
+ | 'n' ->
+ let iconv =
+ compute_int_conv pct_ind (str_ind + 1) (get_plus ())
+ (get_sharp ()) (get_space ()) str.[str_ind] in
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ if get_ign () then
+ let ignored = Ignored_nativeint (iconv, get_pad_opt '_') in
+ Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
+ else
+ let Padprec_fmt_EBB (pad', prec', fmt_rest') =
+ make_padprec_fmt_ebb (get_pad ()) (get_prec ()) fmt_rest in
+ Fmt_EBB (Nativeint (iconv, pad', prec', fmt_rest'))
+ | 'L' ->
+ let iconv =
+ compute_int_conv pct_ind (str_ind + 1) (get_plus ()) (get_sharp ())
+ (get_space ()) str.[str_ind] in
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ if get_ign () then
+ let ignored = Ignored_int64 (iconv, get_pad_opt '_') in
+ Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
+ else
+ let Padprec_fmt_EBB (pad', prec', fmt_rest') =
+ make_padprec_fmt_ebb (get_pad ()) (get_prec ()) fmt_rest in
+ Fmt_EBB (Int64 (iconv, pad', prec', fmt_rest'))
+ | 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' | 'F' ->
+ let fconv = compute_float_conv pct_ind str_ind (get_plus ())
+ (get_space ()) symb in
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ if get_ign () then
+ let ignored = Ignored_float (get_pad_opt '_', get_prec_opt ()) in
+ Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
+ else
+ let Padprec_fmt_EBB (pad', prec', fmt_rest') =
+ make_padprec_fmt_ebb (get_pad ()) (get_prec ()) fmt_rest in
+ Fmt_EBB (Float (fconv, pad', prec', fmt_rest'))
+ | 'b' | 'B' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ if get_ign () then Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (Ignored_bool, fmt_rest))
+ else Fmt_EBB (Bool fmt_rest)
+ | 'a' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Alpha fmt_rest)
+ | 't' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Theta fmt_rest)
+ | 'r' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ if get_ign () then Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (Ignored_reader, fmt_rest))
+ else Fmt_EBB (Reader fmt_rest)
+ | '!' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Flush fmt_rest)
+ | ('%' | '@') as c ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Char_literal (c, fmt_rest))
+ | '{' ->
+ let sub_end = search_subformat_end str_ind end_ind '}' in
+ let Fmt_EBB sub_fmt = parse str_ind sub_end in
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (sub_end + 2) end_ind in
+ let sub_fmtty = fmtty_of_fmt sub_fmt in
+ if get_ign () then
+ let ignored = Ignored_format_arg (get_pad_opt '_', sub_fmtty) in
+ Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
+ else
+ Fmt_EBB (Format_arg (get_pad_opt '{', sub_fmtty, fmt_rest))
+ | '(' ->
+ let sub_end = search_subformat_end str_ind end_ind ')' in
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (sub_end + 2) end_ind in
+ let Fmt_EBB sub_fmt = parse str_ind sub_end in
+ let sub_fmtty = fmtty_of_fmt sub_fmt in
+ if get_ign () then
+ let ignored = Ignored_format_subst (get_pad_opt '_', sub_fmtty) in
+ Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
+ else
+ Fmt_EBB (Format_subst (get_pad_opt '(', sub_fmtty, fmt_rest))
+ | '[' ->
+ let next_ind, char_set = parse_char_set str_ind end_ind in
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse next_ind end_ind in
+ if get_ign () then
+ let ignored = Ignored_scan_char_set (get_pad_opt '_', char_set) in
+ Fmt_EBB (Ignored_param (ignored, fmt_rest))
+ else
+ Fmt_EBB (Scan_char_set (get_pad_opt '[', char_set, fmt_rest))
+ | '-' | '+' | '#' | ' ' | '_' ->
+ failwith_message
+ "invalid format %S: at character number %d, \
+ flag %C is only allowed after the '%%', before padding and precision"
+ str pct_ind symb
+ | _ ->
+ failwith_message
+ "invalid format %S: at character number %d, \
+ invalid conversion \"%%%c\"" str (str_ind - 1) symb
+ in
+ (* Check for unused options, and reject them as incompatible.
+ Such checks need to be disabled in legacy mode, as the legacy
+ parser silently ignored incompatible flags. *)
+ if not legacy_behavior then begin
+ if not !plus_used && plus then
+ incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'+'";
+ if not !sharp_used && sharp then
+ incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'#'";
+ if not !space_used && space then
+ incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "' '";
+ if not !pad_used && Padding_EBB pad <> Padding_EBB No_padding then
+ incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "`padding'";
+ if not !prec_used && Precision_EBB prec <> Precision_EBB No_precision then
+ incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind (if ign then '_' else symb)
+ "`precision'";
+ if ign && plus then incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind '_' "'+'";
+ end;
+ (* this last test must not be disabled in legacy mode,
+ as ignoring it would typically result in a different typing
+ than what the legacy parser used *)
+ if not !ign_used && ign then
+ begin match symb with
+ (* argument-less formats can safely be ignored in legacy mode *)
+ | ('@' | '%' | '!' | ',') when legacy_behavior -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'_'"
+ end;
+ fmt_result
+ (* Parse formatting informations (after '@'). *)
+ and parse_after_at : type e f . int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun str_ind end_ind ->
+ if str_ind = end_ind then Fmt_EBB (Char_literal ('@', End_of_format))
+ else
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | '[' ->
+ parse_tag false (str_ind + 1) end_ind
+ | ']' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Close_box, fmt_rest))
+ | '{' ->
+ parse_tag true (str_ind + 1) end_ind
+ | '}' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Close_tag, fmt_rest))
+ | ',' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Break ("@,", 0, 0), fmt_rest))
+ | ' ' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Break ("@ ", 1, 0), fmt_rest))
+ | ';' ->
+ parse_good_break (str_ind + 1) end_ind
+ | '?' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (FFlush, fmt_rest))
+ | '\n' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Force_newline, fmt_rest))
+ | '.' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Flush_newline, fmt_rest))
+ | '<' ->
+ parse_magic_size (str_ind + 1) end_ind
+ | '@' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Escaped_at, fmt_rest))
+ | '%' when str_ind + 1 < end_ind && str.[str_ind + 1] = '%' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 2) end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Escaped_percent, fmt_rest))
+ | '%' ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Char_literal ('@', fmt_rest))
+ | c ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Scan_indic c, fmt_rest))
+ and check_open_box : type a b c d e f . (a, b, c, d, e, f) fmt -> unit =
+ fun fmt -> match fmt with
+ | String_literal (str, End_of_format) -> (
+ try ignore (open_box_of_string str) with Failure _ ->
+ ((* Emit warning: invalid open box *))
+ )
+ | _ -> ()
+ (* Try to read the optionnal <name> after "@{" or "@[". *)
+ and parse_tag : type e f . bool -> int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun is_open_tag str_ind end_ind ->
+ try
+ if str_ind = end_ind then raise Not_found;
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | '<' ->
+ let ind = String.index_from str (str_ind + 1) '>' in
+ if ind >= end_ind then raise Not_found;
+ let sub_str = String.sub str str_ind (ind - str_ind + 1) in
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse (ind + 1) end_ind in
+ let Fmt_EBB sub_fmt = parse str_ind (ind + 1) in
+ let sub_format = Format (sub_fmt, sub_str) in
+ let formatting = if is_open_tag then Open_tag sub_format else (
+ check_open_box sub_fmt;
+ Open_box sub_format) in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_gen (formatting, fmt_rest))
+ | _ ->
+ raise Not_found
+ with Not_found ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ let sub_format = Format (End_of_format, "") in
+ let formatting =
+ if is_open_tag then Open_tag sub_format else Open_box sub_format in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_gen (formatting, fmt_rest))
+ (* Try to read the optionnal <width offset> after "@;". *)
+ and parse_good_break : type e f . int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun str_ind end_ind ->
+ let next_ind, formatting_lit =
+ try
+ if str_ind = end_ind || str.[str_ind] <> '<' then raise Not_found;
+ let str_ind_1 = parse_spaces (str_ind + 1) end_ind in
+ match str.[str_ind_1] with
+ | '0' .. '9' | '-' -> (
+ let str_ind_2, width = parse_integer str_ind_1 end_ind in
+ let str_ind_3 = parse_spaces str_ind_2 end_ind in
+ match str.[str_ind_3] with
+ | '>' ->
+ let s = String.sub str (str_ind-2) (str_ind_3-str_ind+3) in
+ str_ind_3 + 1, Break (s, width, 0)
+ | '0' .. '9' | '-' ->
+ let str_ind_4, offset = parse_integer str_ind_3 end_ind in
+ let str_ind_5 = parse_spaces str_ind_4 end_ind in
+ if str.[str_ind_5] <> '>' then raise Not_found;
+ let s = String.sub str (str_ind-2) (str_ind_5-str_ind+3) in
+ str_ind_5 + 1, Break (s, width, offset)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ )
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ with Not_found | Failure _ ->
+ str_ind, Break ("@;", 1, 0)
+ in
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse next_ind end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (formatting_lit, fmt_rest))
+ (* Parse the size in a <n>. *)
+ and parse_magic_size : type e f . int -> int -> (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun str_ind end_ind ->
+ match
+ try
+ let str_ind_1 = parse_spaces str_ind end_ind in
+ match str.[str_ind_1] with
+ | '0' .. '9' | '-' ->
+ let str_ind_2, size = parse_integer str_ind_1 end_ind in
+ let str_ind_3 = parse_spaces str_ind_2 end_ind in
+ if str.[str_ind_3] <> '>' then raise Not_found;
+ let s = String.sub str (str_ind - 2) (str_ind_3 - str_ind + 3) in
+ Some (str_ind_3 + 1, Magic_size (s, size))
+ | _ -> None
+ with Not_found | Failure _ ->
+ None
+ with
+ | Some (next_ind, formatting_lit) ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse next_ind end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (formatting_lit, fmt_rest))
+ | None ->
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt_rest = parse str_ind end_ind in
+ Fmt_EBB (Formatting_lit (Scan_indic '<', fmt_rest))
+ (* Parse and construct a char set. *)
+ and parse_char_set str_ind end_ind =
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ let char_set = create_char_set () in
+ let add_char c =
+ add_in_char_set char_set c;
+ in
+ let add_range c c' =
+ for i = int_of_char c to int_of_char c' do
+ add_in_char_set char_set (char_of_int i);
+ done;
+ in
+ let fail_single_percent str_ind =
+ failwith_message
+ "invalid format %S: '%%' alone is not accepted in character sets, \
+ use %%%% instead at position %d." str str_ind;
+ in
+ (* Parse the first character of a char set. *)
+ let rec parse_char_set_start str_ind end_ind =
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ let c = str.[str_ind] in
+ parse_char_set_after_char (str_ind + 1) end_ind c;
+ (* Parse the content of a char set until the first ']'. *)
+ and parse_char_set_content str_ind end_ind =
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | ']' ->
+ str_ind + 1
+ | '-' ->
+ add_char '-';
+ parse_char_set_content (str_ind + 1) end_ind;
+ | c ->
+ parse_char_set_after_char (str_ind + 1) end_ind c;
+ (* Test for range in char set. *)
+ and parse_char_set_after_char str_ind end_ind c =
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | ']' ->
+ add_char c;
+ str_ind + 1
+ | '-' ->
+ parse_char_set_after_minus (str_ind + 1) end_ind c
+ | ('%' | '@') as c' when c = '%' ->
+ add_char c';
+ parse_char_set_content (str_ind + 1) end_ind
+ | c' ->
+ if c = '%' then fail_single_percent str_ind;
+ (* note that '@' alone is accepted, as done by the legacy implementation;
+ the documentation specifically requires %@ so we could warn on that *)
+ add_char c;
+ parse_char_set_after_char (str_ind + 1) end_ind c'
+ (* Manage range in char set (except if the '-' the last char before ']') *)
+ and parse_char_set_after_minus str_ind end_ind c =
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | ']' ->
+ add_char c;
+ add_char '-';
+ str_ind + 1
+ | '%' ->
+ if str_ind + 1 = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ begin match str.[str_ind + 1] with
+ | ('%' | '@') as c' ->
+ add_range c c';
+ parse_char_set_content (str_ind + 2) end_ind
+ | _ -> fail_single_percent str_ind
+ end
+ | c' ->
+ add_range c c';
+ parse_char_set_content (str_ind + 1) end_ind
+ in
+ let str_ind, reverse =
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | '^' -> str_ind + 1, true
+ | _ -> str_ind, false in
+ let next_ind = parse_char_set_start str_ind end_ind in
+ let char_set = freeze_char_set char_set in
+ next_ind, (if reverse then rev_char_set char_set else char_set)
+ (* Consume all next spaces, raise an Failure if end_ind is reached. *)
+ and parse_spaces str_ind end_ind =
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ if str.[str_ind] = ' ' then parse_spaces (str_ind + 1) end_ind else str_ind
+ (* Read a positive integer from the string, raise a Failure if end_ind is
+ reached. *)
+ and parse_positive str_ind end_ind acc =
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | '0' .. '9' as c ->
+ let new_acc = acc * 10 + (int_of_char c - int_of_char '0') in
+ if new_acc > Sys.max_string_length then
+ failwith_message
+ "invalid format %S: integer %d is greater than the limit %d"
+ str new_acc Sys.max_string_length
+ else
+ parse_positive (str_ind + 1) end_ind new_acc
+ | _ -> str_ind, acc
+ (* Read a positive or negative integer from the string, raise a Failure
+ if end_ind is reached. *)
+ and parse_integer str_ind end_ind =
+ if str_ind = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | '0' .. '9' -> parse_positive str_ind end_ind 0
+ | '-' -> (
+ if str_ind + 1 = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ match str.[str_ind + 1] with
+ | '0' .. '9' ->
+ let next_ind, n = parse_positive (str_ind + 1) end_ind 0 in
+ next_ind, -n
+ | c ->
+ expected_character (str_ind + 1) "digit" c
+ )
+ | _ -> assert false
+ (* Add a literal to a format from a literal character sub-sequence. *)
+ and add_literal : type a d e f .
+ int -> int -> (a, _, _, d, e, f) fmt ->
+ (_, _, e, f) fmt_ebb =
+ fun lit_start str_ind fmt -> match str_ind - lit_start with
+ | 0 -> Fmt_EBB fmt
+ | 1 -> Fmt_EBB (Char_literal (str.[lit_start], fmt))
+ | size -> Fmt_EBB (String_literal (String.sub str lit_start size, fmt))
+ (* Search the end of the current sub-format
+ (i.e. the corresponding "%}" or "%)") *)
+ and search_subformat_end str_ind end_ind c =
+ if str_ind = end_ind then
+ failwith_message
+ "invalid format %S: unclosed sub-format, \
+ expected \"%%%c\" at character number %d" str c end_ind;
+ match str.[str_ind] with
+ | '%' ->
+ if str_ind + 1 = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ if str.[str_ind + 1] = c then (* End of format found *) str_ind else
+ begin match str.[str_ind + 1] with
+ | '_' ->
+ (* Search for "%_(" or "%_{". *)
+ if str_ind + 2 = end_ind then unexpected_end_of_format end_ind;
+ begin match str.[str_ind + 2] with
+ | '{' ->
+ let sub_end = search_subformat_end (str_ind + 3) end_ind '}' in
+ search_subformat_end (sub_end + 2) end_ind c
+ | '(' ->
+ let sub_end = search_subformat_end (str_ind + 3) end_ind ')' in
+ search_subformat_end (sub_end + 2) end_ind c
+ | _ -> search_subformat_end (str_ind + 3) end_ind c
+ end
+ | '{' ->
+ (* %{...%} sub-format found. *)
+ let sub_end = search_subformat_end (str_ind + 2) end_ind '}' in
+ search_subformat_end (sub_end + 2) end_ind c
+ | '(' ->
+ (* %(...%) sub-format found. *)
+ let sub_end = search_subformat_end (str_ind + 2) end_ind ')' in
+ search_subformat_end (sub_end + 2) end_ind c
+ | '}' ->
+ (* Error: %(...%}. *)
+ expected_character (str_ind + 1) "character ')'" '}';
+ | ')' ->
+ (* Error: %{...%). *)
+ expected_character (str_ind + 1) "character '}'" ')';
+ | _ ->
+ search_subformat_end (str_ind + 2) end_ind c
+ end
+ | _ -> search_subformat_end (str_ind + 1) end_ind c
+ (* Check if symb is a valid int conversion after "%l", "%n" or "%L" *)
+ and is_int_base symb = match symb with
+ | 'd' | 'i' | 'x' | 'X' | 'o' | 'u' -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ (* Convert a char (l, n or L) to its associated counter. *)
+ and counter_of_char symb = match symb with
+ | 'l' -> Line_counter | 'n' -> Char_counter
+ | 'L' -> Token_counter | _ -> assert false
+ (* Convert (plus, symb) to its associated int_conv. *)
+ and compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind plus sharp space symb =
+ match plus, sharp, space, symb with
+ | false, false, false, 'd' -> Int_d | false, false, false, 'i' -> Int_i
+ | false, false, true, 'd' -> Int_sd | false, false, true, 'i' -> Int_si
+ | true, false, false, 'd' -> Int_pd | true, false, false, 'i' -> Int_pi
+ | false, false, false, 'x' -> Int_x | false, false, false, 'X' -> Int_X
+ | false, true, false, 'x' -> Int_Cx | false, true, false, 'X' -> Int_CX
+ | false, false, false, 'o' -> Int_o
+ | false, true, false, 'o' -> Int_Co
+ | false, false, false, 'u' -> Int_u
+ | _, true, _, 'x' when legacy_behavior -> Int_Cx
+ | _, true, _, 'X' when legacy_behavior -> Int_CX
+ | _, true, _, 'o' when legacy_behavior -> Int_Co
+ | _, true, _, _ ->
+ if legacy_behavior then (* ignore *)
+ compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind plus false space symb
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'#'"
+ | true, false, true, _ ->
+ if legacy_behavior then
+ (* plus and space: legacy implementation prefers plus *)
+ compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind plus sharp false symb
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind ' ' "'+'"
+ | false, false, true, _ ->
+ if legacy_behavior then (* ignore *)
+ compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind plus sharp false symb
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "' '"
+ | true, false, false, _ ->
+ if legacy_behavior then (* ignore *)
+ compute_int_conv pct_ind str_ind false sharp space symb
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'+'"
+ | false, false, false, _ -> assert false
+ (* Convert (plus, symb) to its associated float_conv. *)
+ and compute_float_conv pct_ind str_ind plus space symb =
+ match plus, space, symb with
+ | false, false, 'f' -> Float_f | false, false, 'e' -> Float_e
+ | false, true, 'f' -> Float_sf | false, true, 'e' -> Float_se
+ | true, false, 'f' -> Float_pf | true, false, 'e' -> Float_pe
+ | false, false, 'E' -> Float_E | false, false, 'g' -> Float_g
+ | false, true, 'E' -> Float_sE | false, true, 'g' -> Float_sg
+ | true, false, 'E' -> Float_pE | true, false, 'g' -> Float_pg
+ | false, false, 'G' -> Float_G
+ | false, true, 'G' -> Float_sG
+ | true, false, 'G' -> Float_pG
+ | false, false, 'F' -> Float_F
+ | true, true, _ ->
+ if legacy_behavior then
+ (* plus and space: legacy implementation prefers plus *)
+ compute_float_conv pct_ind str_ind plus false symb
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind ' ' "'+'"
+ | false, true, _ ->
+ if legacy_behavior then (* ignore *)
+ compute_float_conv pct_ind str_ind plus false symb
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "' '"
+ | true, false, _ ->
+ if legacy_behavior then (* ignore *)
+ compute_float_conv pct_ind str_ind false space symb
+ else incompatible_flag pct_ind str_ind symb "'+'"
+ | false, false, _ -> assert false
+ (* Raise a Failure with a friendly error message about incompatible options.*)
+ and incompatible_flag : type a . int -> int -> char -> string -> a =
+ fun pct_ind str_ind symb option ->
+ let subfmt = String.sub str pct_ind (str_ind - pct_ind) in
+ failwith_message
+ "invalid format %S: at character number %d, \
+ %s is incompatible with '%c' in sub-format %S"
+ str pct_ind option symb subfmt;
+ in parse 0 (String.length str)
+ (* Guarded string to format conversions *)
+(* Convert a string to a format according to an fmtty. *)
+(* Raise a Failure with an error message in case of type mismatch. *)
+let format_of_string_fmtty str fmtty =
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt = fmt_ebb_of_string str in
+ try Format (type_format fmt fmtty, str)
+ with Type_mismatch ->
+ failwith_message
+ "bad input: format type mismatch between %S and %S"
+ str (string_of_fmtty fmtty)
+(* Convert a string to a format compatible with an other format. *)
+(* Raise a Failure with an error message in case of type mismatch. *)
+let format_of_string_format str (Format (fmt', str')) =
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt = fmt_ebb_of_string str in
+ try Format (type_format fmt (fmtty_of_fmt fmt'), str)
+ with Type_mismatch ->
+ failwith_message
+ "bad input: format type mismatch between %S and %S" str str'