path: root/stdlib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index e56955c2c..0719ceddd 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -1116,222 +1116,225 @@ let implode_rev s0 = function
according to the format string.
Regular [fprintf]-like functions of this module are obtained via partial
applications of [mkprintf]. *)
-let mkprintf to_s get_out =
- let rec kprintf k fmt =
+let mkprintf to_s get_out k fmt =
+ (* [out] is global to this definition of [pr], and must be shared by all its
+ recursive calls (if any). *)
+ let out = get_out fmt in
+ let print_as = ref None in
+ let outc c =
+ match !print_as with
+ | None -> pp_print_char out c
+ | Some size ->
+ pp_print_as_size out size (String.make 1 c);
+ print_as := None
+ and outs s =
+ match !print_as with
+ | None -> pp_print_string out s
+ | Some size ->
+ pp_print_as_size out size s;
+ print_as := None
+ and flush out = pp_print_flush out () in
+ let rec pr k n fmt v =
let len = Sformat.length fmt in
- let kpr fmt v =
- let ppf = get_out fmt in
- let print_as = ref None in
- let pp_print_as_char c =
- match !print_as with
- | None -> pp_print_char ppf c
- | Some size ->
- pp_print_as_size ppf size (String.make 1 c);
- print_as := None
- and pp_print_as_string s =
- match !print_as with
- | None -> pp_print_string ppf s
- | Some size ->
- pp_print_as_size ppf size s;
- print_as := None in
- let rec doprn n i =
- if i >= len then Obj.magic (k ppf) else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '%' ->
- Tformat.scan_format fmt v n i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
- | '@' ->
- let i = succ i in
- if i >= len then invalid_format fmt i else
- begin match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '[' ->
- do_pp_open_box ppf n (succ i)
- | ']' ->
- pp_close_box ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | '{' ->
- do_pp_open_tag ppf n (succ i)
- | '}' ->
- pp_close_tag ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | ' ' ->
- pp_print_space ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | ',' ->
- pp_print_cut ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | '?' ->
- pp_print_flush ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | '.' ->
- pp_print_newline ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | '\n' ->
- pp_force_newline ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | ';' ->
- do_pp_break ppf n (succ i)
- | '<' ->
- let got_size size n i =
- print_as := Some size;
- doprn n (skip_gt i) in
- get_int n (succ i) got_size
- | _ -> invalid_format fmt i
- end
- | c ->
- pp_print_as_char c;
- doprn n (succ i)
- and cont_s n s i =
- pp_print_as_string s; doprn n i
- and cont_a n printer arg i =
- if to_s then
- pp_print_as_string ((Obj.magic printer : unit -> _ -> string) () arg)
- else
- printer ppf arg;
- doprn n i
- and cont_t n printer i =
- if to_s then
- pp_print_as_string ((Obj.magic printer : unit -> string) ())
- else
- printer ppf;
- doprn n i
- and cont_f n i =
- pp_print_flush ppf (); doprn n i
- and cont_m n sfmt i =
- kprintf (Obj.magic (fun _ -> doprn n i)) sfmt
- and get_int n i c =
- if i >= len then invalid_integer fmt i else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | ' ' -> get_int n (succ i) c
- | '%' ->
- let cont_s n s i = c (format_int_of_string fmt i s) n i
- and cont_a _n _printer _arg i = invalid_integer fmt i
- and cont_t _n _printer i = invalid_integer fmt i
- and cont_f _n i = invalid_integer fmt i
- and cont_m _n _sfmt i = invalid_integer fmt i in
- Tformat.scan_format fmt v n i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
- | _ ->
- let rec get j =
- if j >= len then invalid_integer fmt j else
- match Sformat.get fmt j with
- | '0' .. '9' | '-' -> get (succ j)
- | _ ->
- let size =
- if j = i then size_of_int 0 else
- let s = Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i) in
- format_int_of_string fmt j s in
- c size n j in
- get i
- and skip_gt i =
+ let rec doprn n i =
+ if i >= len then Obj.magic (k out) else
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
+ | '%' ->
+ Tformat.scan_format fmt v n i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
+ | '@' ->
+ let i = succ i in
if i >= len then invalid_format fmt i else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | ' ' -> skip_gt (succ i)
- | '>' -> succ i
+ begin match Sformat.get fmt i with
+ | '[' ->
+ do_pp_open_box out n (succ i)
+ | ']' ->
+ pp_close_box out ();
+ doprn n (succ i)
+ | '{' ->
+ do_pp_open_tag out n (succ i)
+ | '}' ->
+ pp_close_tag out ();
+ doprn n (succ i)
+ | ' ' ->
+ pp_print_space out ();
+ doprn n (succ i)
+ | ',' ->
+ pp_print_cut out ();
+ doprn n (succ i)
+ | '?' ->
+ pp_print_flush out ();
+ doprn n (succ i)
+ | '.' ->
+ pp_print_newline out ();
+ doprn n (succ i)
+ | '\n' ->
+ pp_force_newline out ();
+ doprn n (succ i)
+ | ';' ->
+ do_pp_break out n (succ i)
+ | '<' ->
+ let got_size size n i =
+ print_as := Some size;
+ doprn n (skip_gt i) in
+ get_int n (succ i) got_size
| _ -> invalid_format fmt i
- and get_box_kind i =
- if i >= len then Pp_box, i else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | 'h' ->
+ end
+ | c -> outc c; doprn n (succ i)
+ and cont_s n s i =
+ outs s; doprn n i
+ and cont_a n printer arg i =
+ if to_s then
+ outs ((Obj.magic printer : unit -> _ -> string) () arg)
+ else
+ printer out arg;
+ doprn n i
+ and cont_t n printer i =
+ if to_s then
+ outs ((Obj.magic printer : unit -> string) ())
+ else
+ printer out;
+ doprn n i
+ and cont_f n i =
+ flush out; doprn n i
+ and cont_m n xf i =
+ let m =
+ Sformat.add_int_index
+ (Tformat.count_printing_arguments_of_format xf) n in
+ pr (Obj.magic (fun _ -> doprn m i)) n xf v
+ and get_int n i c =
+ if i >= len then invalid_integer fmt i else
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
+ | ' ' -> get_int n (succ i) c
+ | '%' ->
+ let cont_s n s i = c (format_int_of_string fmt i s) n i
+ and cont_a _n _printer _arg i = invalid_integer fmt i
+ and cont_t _n _printer i = invalid_integer fmt i
+ and cont_f _n i = invalid_integer fmt i
+ and cont_m _n _sfmt i = invalid_integer fmt i in
+ Tformat.scan_format fmt v n i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
+ | _ ->
+ let rec get j =
+ if j >= len then invalid_integer fmt j else
+ match Sformat.get fmt j with
+ | '0' .. '9' | '-' -> get (succ j)
+ | _ ->
+ let size =
+ if j = i then size_of_int 0 else
+ let s = Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i) in
+ format_int_of_string fmt j s in
+ c size n j in
+ get i
+ and skip_gt i =
+ if i >= len then invalid_format fmt i else
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
+ | ' ' -> skip_gt (succ i)
+ | '>' -> succ i
+ | _ -> invalid_format fmt i
+ and get_box_kind i =
+ if i >= len then Pp_box, i else
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
+ | 'h' ->
+ let i = succ i in
+ if i >= len then Pp_hbox, i else
+ begin match Sformat.get fmt i with
+ | 'o' ->
let i = succ i in
- if i >= len then Pp_hbox, i else
+ if i >= len then format_invalid_arg "bad box format" fmt i else
begin match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | 'o' ->
- let i = succ i in
- if i >= len then format_invalid_arg "bad box format" fmt i else
- begin match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | 'v' -> Pp_hovbox, succ i
- | c ->
- format_invalid_arg
- ("bad box name ho" ^ String.make 1 c) fmt i
- end
- | 'v' -> Pp_hvbox, succ i
- | _ -> Pp_hbox, i
+ | 'v' -> Pp_hovbox, succ i
+ | c ->
+ format_invalid_arg
+ ("bad box name ho" ^ String.make 1 c) fmt i
- | 'b' -> Pp_box, succ i
- | 'v' -> Pp_vbox, succ i
- | _ -> Pp_box, i
- and get_tag_name n i c =
- let rec get accu n i j =
- if j >= len then
- c (implode_rev
- (Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i))
- accu)
- n j else
- match Sformat.get fmt j with
- | '>' ->
- c (implode_rev
- (Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i))
- accu)
- n j
- | '%' ->
- let s0 = Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i) in
- let cont_s n s i = get (s :: s0 :: accu) n i i
- and cont_a n printer arg i =
- let s =
- if to_s
- then (Obj.magic printer : unit -> _ -> string) () arg
- else exstring printer arg in
- get (s :: s0 :: accu) n i i
- and cont_t n printer i =
- let s =
- if to_s
- then (Obj.magic printer : unit -> string) ()
- else exstring (fun ppf () -> printer ppf) () in
- get (s :: s0 :: accu) n i i
- and cont_f _n i =
- format_invalid_arg "bad tag name specification" fmt i
- and cont_m _n _sfmt i =
- format_invalid_arg "bad tag name specification" fmt i in
- Tformat.scan_format fmt v n j cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
- | _ -> get accu n i (succ j) in
- get [] n i i
- and do_pp_break ppf n i =
- if i >= len then begin pp_print_space ppf (); doprn n i end else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '<' ->
- let rec got_nspaces nspaces n i =
- get_int n i (got_offset nspaces)
- and got_offset nspaces offset n i =
- pp_print_break ppf (int_of_size nspaces) (int_of_size offset);
- doprn n (skip_gt i) in
- get_int n (succ i) got_nspaces
- | _c -> pp_print_space ppf (); doprn n i
- and do_pp_open_box ppf n i =
- if i >= len then begin pp_open_box_gen ppf 0 Pp_box; doprn n i end else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '<' ->
- let kind, i = get_box_kind (succ i) in
- let got_size size n i =
- pp_open_box_gen ppf (int_of_size size) kind;
- doprn n (skip_gt i) in
- get_int n i got_size
- | _c -> pp_open_box_gen ppf 0 Pp_box; doprn n i
- and do_pp_open_tag ppf n i =
- if i >= len then begin pp_open_tag ppf ""; doprn n i end else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '<' ->
- let got_name tag_name n i =
- pp_open_tag ppf tag_name;
- doprn n (skip_gt i) in
- get_tag_name n (succ i) got_name
- | _c -> pp_open_tag ppf ""; doprn n i in
- doprn (Sformat.index_of_int 0) 0 in
- Tformat.kapr kpr fmt in
- kprintf
+ | 'v' -> Pp_hvbox, succ i
+ | _ -> Pp_hbox, i
+ end
+ | 'b' -> Pp_box, succ i
+ | 'v' -> Pp_vbox, succ i
+ | _ -> Pp_box, i
+ and get_tag_name n i c =
+ let rec get accu n i j =
+ if j >= len then
+ c (implode_rev
+ (Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i))
+ accu)
+ n j else
+ match Sformat.get fmt j with
+ | '>' ->
+ c (implode_rev
+ (Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i))
+ accu)
+ n j
+ | '%' ->
+ let s0 = Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i) in
+ let cont_s n s i = get (s :: s0 :: accu) n i i
+ and cont_a n printer arg i =
+ let s =
+ if to_s
+ then (Obj.magic printer : unit -> _ -> string) () arg
+ else exstring printer arg in
+ get (s :: s0 :: accu) n i i
+ and cont_t n printer i =
+ let s =
+ if to_s
+ then (Obj.magic printer : unit -> string) ()
+ else exstring (fun ppf () -> printer ppf) () in
+ get (s :: s0 :: accu) n i i
+ and cont_f _n i =
+ format_invalid_arg "bad tag name specification" fmt i
+ and cont_m _n _sfmt i =
+ format_invalid_arg "bad tag name specification" fmt i in
+ Tformat.scan_format fmt v n j cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
+ | _ -> get accu n i (succ j) in
+ get [] n i i
+ and do_pp_break ppf n i =
+ if i >= len then begin pp_print_space ppf (); doprn n i end else
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
+ | '<' ->
+ let rec got_nspaces nspaces n i =
+ get_int n i (got_offset nspaces)
+ and got_offset nspaces offset n i =
+ pp_print_break ppf (int_of_size nspaces) (int_of_size offset);
+ doprn n (skip_gt i) in
+ get_int n (succ i) got_nspaces
+ | _c -> pp_print_space ppf (); doprn n i
+ and do_pp_open_box ppf n i =
+ if i >= len then begin pp_open_box_gen ppf 0 Pp_box; doprn n i end else
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
+ | '<' ->
+ let kind, i = get_box_kind (succ i) in
+ let got_size size n i =
+ pp_open_box_gen ppf (int_of_size size) kind;
+ doprn n (skip_gt i) in
+ get_int n i got_size
+ | _c -> pp_open_box_gen ppf 0 Pp_box; doprn n i
+ and do_pp_open_tag ppf n i =
+ if i >= len then begin pp_open_tag ppf ""; doprn n i end else
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
+ | '<' ->
+ let got_name tag_name n i =
+ pp_open_tag ppf tag_name;
+ doprn n (skip_gt i) in
+ get_tag_name n (succ i) got_name
+ | _c -> pp_open_tag ppf ""; doprn n i in
+ doprn n 0 in
+ let kpr = pr k (Sformat.index_of_int 0) in
+ Tformat.kapr kpr fmt