path: root/stdlib/printexc.mli
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Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/printexc.mli')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/printexc.mli b/stdlib/printexc.mli
index c378d9cb3..6bffe174c 100644
--- a/stdlib/printexc.mli
+++ b/stdlib/printexc.mli
@@ -86,25 +86,46 @@ val register_printer: (exn -> string option) -> unit
(** {6 Raw backtraces} *)
type raw_backtrace
-(** The abstract type [backtrace] stores exception backtraces in
+(** The abstract type [raw_backtrace] stores a backtrace in
a low-level format, instead of directly exposing them as string as
the [get_backtrace()] function does.
This allows delaying the formatting of backtraces to when they are
- actually printed, which might be useful if you record more
+ actually printed, which may be useful if you record more
backtraces than you print.
+ Raw backtraces cannot be marshalled. If you need marshalling, you
+ should use the array returned by the [backtrace_slots] function of
+ the next section.
+ @since 4.01.0
val get_raw_backtrace: unit -> raw_backtrace
+(** [Printexc.get_raw_backtrace ()] returns the same exception
+ backtrace that [Printexc.print_backtrace] would print, but in
+ a raw format.
+ @since 4.01.0
val print_raw_backtrace: out_channel -> raw_backtrace -> unit
+(** Print a raw backtrace in the same format
+ [Printexc.print_backtrace] uses.
+ @since 4.01.0
val raw_backtrace_to_string: raw_backtrace -> string
+(** Return a string from a raw backtrace, in the same format
+ [Printexc.get_backtrace] uses.
+ @since 4.01.0
(** {6 Current call stack} *)
val get_callstack: int -> raw_backtrace
(** [Printexc.get_callstack n] returns a description of the top of the
call stack on the current program point (for the current thread),
with at most [n] entries. (Note: this function is not related to
@@ -113,6 +134,138 @@ val get_callstack: int -> raw_backtrace
@since 4.01.0
+(** {6 Uncaught exceptions} *)
+val set_uncaught_exception_handler: (exn -> raw_backtrace -> unit) -> unit
+(** [Printexc.set_uncaught_exception_handler fn] registers [fn] as the handler
+ for uncaught exceptions. The default handler prints the exception and
+ backtrace on standard error output.
+ Note that when [fn] is called all the functions registered with
+ {!Pervasives.at_exit} have already been called. Because of this you must
+ make sure any output channel [fn] writes on is flushed.
+ If [fn] raises an exception, it is ignored.
+ @since 4.02.0
+(** {6 Manipulation of backtrace information}
+ Those function allow to traverse the slots of a raw backtrace,
+ extract information from them in a programmer-friendly format.
+type backtrace_slot
+(** The abstract type [backtrace_slot] represents a single slot of
+ a backtrace.
+ @since 4.02
+val backtrace_slots : raw_backtrace -> backtrace_slot array option
+(** Returns the slots of a raw backtrace, or [None] if none of them
+ contain useful information.
+ In the return array, the slot at index [0] corresponds to the most
+ recent function call, raise, or primitive [get_backtrace] call in
+ the trace.
+ Some possible reasons for returning [None] are as follow:
+ - none of the slots in the trace come from modules compiled with
+ debug information ([-g])
+ - the program is a bytecode program that has not been linked with
+ debug information enabled ([ocamlc -g])
+type location = {
+ filename : string;
+ line_number : int;
+ start_char : int;
+ end_char : int;
+(** The type of location information found in backtraces. [start_char]
+ and [end_char] are positions relative to the beginning of the
+ line.
+ @since 4.02
+module Slot : sig
+ type t = backtrace_slot
+ val is_raise : t -> bool
+ (** [is_raise slot] is [true] when [slot] refers to a raising
+ point in the code, and [false] when it comes from a simple
+ function call.
+ @since 4.02
+ *)
+ val location : t -> location option
+ (** [location slot] returns the location information of the slot,
+ if available, and [None] otherwise.
+ Some possible reasons for failing to return a location are as follow:
+ - the slot corresponds to a compiler-inserted raise
+ - the slot corresponds to a part of the program that has not been
+ compiled with debug information ([-g])
+ @since 4.02
+ *)
+ val format : int -> t -> string option
+ (** [format pos slot] returns the string representation of [slot] as
+ [raw_backtrace_to_string] would format it, assuming it is the
+ [pos]-th element of the backtrace: the [0]-th element is
+ pretty-printed differently than the others.
+ Whole-backtrace printing functions also skip some uninformative
+ slots; in that case, [format pos slot] returns [None].
+ @since 4.02
+ *)
+(** {6 Raw backtrace slots} *)
+type raw_backtrace_slot
+(** This type allows direct access to raw backtrace slots, without any
+ conversion in an OCaml-usable data-structure. Being
+ process-specific, they must absolutely not be marshalled, and are
+ unsafe to use for this reason (marshalling them may not fail, but
+ un-marshalling and using the result will result in
+ undefined behavior).
+ Elements of this type can still be compared and hashed: when two
+ elements are equal, then they represent the same source location
+ (the converse is not necessarily true in presence of inlining,
+ for example).
+val raw_backtrace_length : raw_backtrace -> int
+(** [raw_backtrace_length bckt] returns the number of slots in the
+ backtrace [bckt].
+ @since 4.02
+val get_raw_backtrace_slot : raw_backtrace -> int -> raw_backtrace_slot
+(** [get_slot bckt pos] returns the slot in position [pos] in the
+ backtrace [bckt].
+ @since 4.02
+val convert_raw_backtrace_slot : raw_backtrace_slot -> backtrace_slot
+(** Extracts the user-friendly [backtrace_slot] from a low-level
+ [raw_backtrace_slot].
+ @since 4.02
(** {6 Exception slots} *)
@@ -130,5 +283,3 @@ val exn_slot_name: exn -> string
@since 4.02.0