path: root/stdlib/string.mli
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1 files changed, 93 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/string.mli b/stdlib/string.mli
index 14f2c82db..8f1e178b5 100644
--- a/stdlib/string.mli
+++ b/stdlib/string.mli
@@ -13,41 +13,36 @@
(** String operations.
- Given a string [s] of length [l], we call character number in [s]
- the index of a character in [s]. Indexes start at [0], and we will
- call a character number valid in [s] if it falls within the range
- [[0...l-1]]. A position is the point between two characters or at
- the beginning or end of the string. We call a position valid
- in [s] if it falls within the range [[0...l]]. Note that character
- number [n] is between positions [n] and [n+1].
+ A string is an immutable data structure that contains a
+ fixed-length sequence of (single-byte) characters. Each character
+ can be accessed in constant time through its index.
+ Given a string [s] of length [l], we can access each of the [l]
+ characters of [s] via its index in the sequence. Indexes start at
+ [0], and we will call an index valid in [s] if it falls within the
+ range [[0...l-1]] (inclusive). A position is the point between two
+ characters or at the beginning or end of the string. We call a
+ position valid in [s] if it falls within the range [[0...l]]
+ (inclusive). Note that the character at index [n] is between
+ positions [n] and [n+1].
Two parameters [start] and [len] are said to designate a valid
substring of [s] if [len >= 0] and [start] and [start+len] are
valid positions in [s].
- OCaml strings can be modified in place, for instance via the
- {!String.set} and {!String.blit} functions described below. This
- possibility should be used rarely and with much care, however, since
- both the OCaml compiler and most OCaml libraries share strings as if
- they were immutable, rather than copying them. In particular,
- string literals are shared: a single copy of the string is created
- at program loading time and returned by all evaluations of the
- string literal. Consider for example:
- {[
- # let f () = "foo";;
- val f : unit -> string = <fun>
- # (f ()).[0] <- 'b';;
- - : unit = ()
- # f ();;
- - : string = "boo"
- ]}
- Likewise, many functions from the standard library can return string
- literals or one of their string arguments. Therefore, the returned strings
- must not be modified directly. If mutation is absolutely necessary,
- it should be performed on a fresh copy of the string, as produced by
- {!String.copy}.
+ OCaml strings used to be modifiable in place, for instance via the
+ {!String.set} and {!String.blit} functions described below. This
+ usage is deprecated and only possible when the compiler is put in
+ "unsafe-string" mode by giving the [-unsafe-string] command-line
+ option (which is currently the default for reasons of backward
+ compatibility). This is done by making the types [string] and
+ [bytes] (see module {!Bytes}) interchangeable so that functions
+ expecting byte sequences can also accept strings as arguments and
+ modify them.
+ All new code should avoid this feature and be compiled with the
+ [-safe-string] command-line option to enforce the separation between
+ the types [string] and [bytes].
@@ -55,33 +50,51 @@ external length : string -> int = "%string_length"
(** Return the length (number of characters) of the given string. *)
external get : string -> int -> char = "%string_safe_get"
-(** [String.get s n] returns character number [n] in string [s].
+(** [String.get s n] returns the character at index [n] in string [s].
You can also write [s.[n]] instead of [String.get s n].
- Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n] not a valid character number in [s]. *)
+ Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n] not a valid index in [s]. *)
-external set : string -> int -> char -> unit = "%string_safe_set"
-(** [String.set s n c] modifies string [s] in place,
- replacing the character number [n] by [c].
+external set : bytes -> int -> char -> unit = "%string_safe_set"
+ [@@ocaml.deprecated]
+(** [String.set s n c] modifies byte sequence [s] in place,
+ replacing the byte at index [n] with [c].
You can also write [s.[n] <- c] instead of [String.set s n c].
- Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n] is not a valid character number in [s]. *)
+ Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n] is not a valid index in [s].
-external create : int -> string = "caml_create_string"
-(** [String.create n] returns a fresh string of length [n].
- The string initially contains arbitrary characters.
+ @deprecated This is a deprecated alias of {!Bytes.set}.[ ] *)
- Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n < 0] or [n > ]{!Sys.max_string_length}. *)
+external create : int -> bytes = "caml_create_string" [@@ocaml.deprecated]
+(** [String.create n] returns a fresh byte sequence of length [n].
+ The sequence is uninitialized and contains arbitrary bytes.
+ Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n < 0] or [n > ]{!Sys.max_string_length}.
+ @deprecated This is a deprecated alias of {!Bytes.create}.[ ] *)
val make : int -> char -> string
(** [String.make n c] returns a fresh string of length [n],
filled with the character [c].
- Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n < 0] or [n > ]{!Sys.max_string_length}.*)
+ Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n < 0] or [n > ]{!Sys.max_string_length}. *)
+val init : int -> (int -> char) -> string
+(** [String.init n f] returns a string of length [n], with character
+ [i] initialized to the result of [f i] (called in increasing
+ index order).
+ Raise [Invalid_argument] if [n < 0] or [n > ]{!Sys.max_string_length}.
+ @since 4.02.0
-val copy : string -> string
-(** Return a copy of the given string. *)
+val copy : string -> string [@@ocaml.deprecated]
+(** Return a copy of the given string.
+ @deprecated Because strings are immutable, it doesn't make much
+ sense to make identical copies of them. *)
val sub : string -> int -> int -> string
(** [String.sub s start len] returns a fresh string of length [len],
@@ -91,27 +104,24 @@ val sub : string -> int -> int -> string
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [start] and [len] do not
designate a valid substring of [s]. *)
-val fill : string -> int -> int -> char -> unit
-(** [String.fill s start len c] modifies string [s] in place,
- replacing [len] characters by [c], starting at [start].
+val fill : bytes -> int -> int -> char -> unit [@@ocaml.deprecated]
+(** [String.fill s start len c] modifies byte sequence [s] in place,
+ replacing [len] bytes with [c], starting at [start].
Raise [Invalid_argument] if [start] and [len] do not
- designate a valid substring of [s]. *)
+ designate a valid range of [s].
-val blit : string -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit
-(** [String.blit src srcoff dst dstoff len] copies [len] characters
- from string [src], starting at character number [srcoff], to
- string [dst], starting at character number [dstoff]. It works
- correctly even if [src] and [dst] are the same string,
- and the source and destination intervals overlap.
+ @deprecated This is a deprecated alias of {!Bytes.fill}.[ ] *)
- Raise [Invalid_argument] if [srcoff] and [len] do not
- designate a valid substring of [src], or if [dstoff] and [len]
- do not designate a valid substring of [dst]. *)
+val blit : string -> int -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit
+(** Same as {!Bytes.blit_string}. *)
val concat : string -> string list -> string
(** [String.concat sep sl] concatenates the list of strings [sl],
- inserting the separator string [sep] between each. *)
+ inserting the separator string [sep] between each.
+ Raise [Invalid_argument] if the result is longer than
+ {!Sys.max_string_length} bytes. *)
val iter : (char -> unit) -> string -> unit
(** [String.iter f s] applies function [f] in turn to all
@@ -122,19 +132,24 @@ val iteri : (int -> char -> unit) -> string -> unit
(** Same as {!String.iter}, but the
function is applied to the index of the element as first argument
(counting from 0), and the character itself as second argument.
- @since 4.00.0
+ @since 4.00.0 *)
val map : (char -> char) -> string -> string
-(** [ f s] applies function [f] in turn to all
- the characters of [s] and stores the results in a new string that
- is returned.
- @since 4.00.0 *)
+(** [ f s] applies function [f] in turn to all the
+ characters of [s] (in increasing index order) and stores the
+ results in a new string that is returned.
+ @since 4.00.0 *)
+val mapi : (int -> char -> char) -> string -> string
+(** [String.mapi f s] calls [f] with each character of [s] and its
+ index (in increasing index order) and stores the results in a new
+ string that is returned.
+ @since 4.02.0 *)
val trim : string -> string
(** Return a copy of the argument, without leading and trailing
whitespace. The characters regarded as whitespace are: [' '],
- ['\012'], ['\n'], ['\r'], and ['\t']. If there is no leading nor
+ ['\012'], ['\n'], ['\r'], and ['\t']. If there is neither leading nor
trailing whitespace character in the argument, return the original
string itself, not a copy.
@since 4.00.0 *)
@@ -144,22 +159,25 @@ val escaped : string -> string
represented by escape sequences, following the lexical
conventions of OCaml. If there is no special
character in the argument, return the original string itself,
- not a copy. Its inverse function is Scanf.unescaped. *)
+ not a copy. Its inverse function is Scanf.unescaped.
+ Raise [Invalid_argument] if the result is longer than
+ {!Sys.max_string_length} bytes. *)
val index : string -> char -> int
-(** [String.index s c] returns the character number of the first
+(** [String.index s c] returns the index of the first
occurrence of character [c] in string [s].
Raise [Not_found] if [c] does not occur in [s]. *)
val rindex : string -> char -> int
-(** [String.rindex s c] returns the character number of the last
+(** [String.rindex s c] returns the index of the last
occurrence of character [c] in string [s].
Raise [Not_found] if [c] does not occur in [s]. *)
val index_from : string -> int -> char -> int
-(** [String.index_from s i c] returns the character number of the
+(** [String.index_from s i c] returns the index of the
first occurrence of character [c] in string [s] after position [i].
[String.index s c] is equivalent to [String.index_from s 0 c].
@@ -167,7 +185,7 @@ val index_from : string -> int -> char -> int
Raise [Not_found] if [c] does not occur in [s] after position [i]. *)
val rindex_from : string -> int -> char -> int
-(** [String.rindex_from s i c] returns the character number of the
+(** [String.rindex_from s i c] returns the index of the
last occurrence of character [c] in string [s] before position [i+1].
[String.rindex s c] is equivalent to
[String.rindex_from s (String.length s - 1) c].
@@ -224,8 +242,11 @@ val compare: t -> t -> int
(* The following is for system use only. Do not call directly. *)
external unsafe_get : string -> int -> char = "%string_unsafe_get"
-external unsafe_set : string -> int -> char -> unit = "%string_unsafe_set"
+external unsafe_set : bytes -> int -> char -> unit = "%string_unsafe_set"
+ [@@ocaml.deprecated]
external unsafe_blit :
- string -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit = "caml_blit_string" "noalloc"
+ string -> int -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit
+ = "caml_blit_string" "noalloc"
external unsafe_fill :
- string -> int -> int -> char -> unit = "caml_fill_string" "noalloc"
+ bytes -> int -> int -> char -> unit = "caml_fill_string" "noalloc"
+ [@@ocaml.deprecated]