path: root/stdlib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib')
45 files changed, 3289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/.depend b/stdlib/.depend
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f988c3da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/.depend
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+baltree.cmi: list.cmi
+format.cmi: list.cmi
+lexing.cmi: obj.cmi
+parsing.cmi: lexing.cmi obj.cmi
+pervasives.cmi: sys.cmi
+arg.cmo: arg.cmi sys.cmi string.cmi list.cmi array.cmi printf.cmi
+array.cmo: array.cmi list.cmi array.cmi
+baltree.cmo: baltree.cmi baltree.cmi list.cmi
+char.cmo: char.cmi char.cmi string.cmi
+filename.cmo: filename.cmi string.cmi
+format.cmo: format.cmi queue.cmi string.cmi list.cmi
+gc.cmo: gc.cmi printf.cmi
+hashtbl.cmo: hashtbl.cmi array.cmi
+lexing.cmo: lexing.cmi string.cmi obj.cmi
+list.cmo: list.cmi list.cmi
+obj.cmo: obj.cmi
+parsing.cmo: parsing.cmi array.cmi lexing.cmi obj.cmi
+pervasives.cmo: pervasives.cmi sys.cmi
+printexc.cmo: printexc.cmi obj.cmi
+printf.cmo: printf.cmi string.cmi obj.cmi
+queue.cmo: queue.cmi
+set.cmo: set.cmi baltree.cmi
+sort.cmo: sort.cmi
+stack.cmo: stack.cmi list.cmi
+string.cmo: string.cmi char.cmi string.cmi
+sys.cmo: sys.cmi
diff --git a/stdlib/Makefile b/stdlib/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a00cd82b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+include ../Makefile.config
+CAMLC=../boot/camlrun $(COMPILER)
+OBJS=pervasives.cmo string.cmo char.cmo list.cmo array.cmo sys.cmo \
+ hashtbl.cmo sort.cmo filename.cmo obj.cmo lexing.cmo parsing.cmo \
+ baltree.cmo set.cmo stack.cmo queue.cmo \
+ printf.cmo format.cmo arg.cmo printexc.cmo gc.cmo
+all: stdlib.cma header.exe
+ cp stdlib.cma *.cmi *.mli header.exe $(LIBDIR)
+stdlib.cma: $(OBJS)
+ $(CAMLC) -a -o stdlib.cma $(OBJS)
+header.exe: header.c ../Makefile.config
+ then echo "#!$(BINDIR)/cslrun" > header.exe; \
+ else $(CC) $(CCCOMPOPTS) $(CCLINKOPTS) header.c -o header.exe; \
+ strip header.exe; fi
+pervasives.cmi: pervasives.mli
+ $(CAMLC) -nopervasives -c pervasives.mli
+ $(CAMLC) -nopervasives -c
+sys.cmi: sys.mli
+ $(CAMLC) -nopervasives -c sys.mli
+.SUFFIXES: .mli .ml .cmi .cmo
+ $(CAMLC) $(COMPFLAGS) -c $<
+ $(CAMLC) $(COMPFLAGS) -c $<
+$(OBJS): pervasives.cmi
+$(OBJS:.cmo=.cmi): $(COMPILER)
+ rm -f *.cm[ioa]
+ rm -f *~
+include .depend
+ $(CAMLDEP) *.mli *.ml > .depend
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3726760f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+type spec =
+ String of (string -> unit)
+ | Int of (int -> unit)
+ | Unit of (unit -> unit)
+ | Float of (float -> unit)
+exception Bad of string
+type error =
+ Unknown of string
+ | Wrong of string * string * string (* option, actual, expected *)
+ | Missing of string
+ | Message of string
+open Printf
+let stop error =
+ let progname =
+ if Array.length Sys.argv > 0 then Sys.argv.(0) else "(?)" in
+ begin match error with
+ Unknown s ->
+ eprintf "%s: unknown option `%s'.\n" progname s
+ | Missing s ->
+ eprintf "%s: option `%s' needs an argument.\n" progname s
+ | Wrong (opt, arg, expected) ->
+ eprintf "%s: wrong argument `%s'; option `%s' expects %s.\n"
+ progname arg opt expected
+ | Message s ->
+ eprintf "%s: %s.\n" progname s
+ end;
+ exit 2
+let parse speclist anonfun =
+ let rec p = function
+ [] -> ()
+ | s :: t ->
+ if String.length s >= 1 & String.get s 0 = '-'
+ then do_key s t
+ else begin try (anonfun s); p t with Bad m -> stop (Message m) end
+ and do_key s l =
+ let action =
+ try
+ List.assoc s speclist
+ with Not_found ->
+ stop (Unknown s) in
+ try
+ match (action, l) with
+ (Unit f, l) -> f (); p l
+ | (String f, arg::t) -> f arg; p t
+ | (Int f, arg::t) ->
+ begin try f (int_of_string arg)
+ with Failure "int_of_string" -> stop (Wrong (s, arg, "an integer"))
+ end;
+ p t
+ | (Float f, arg::t) -> f (float_of_string arg); p t
+ | (_, []) -> stop (Missing s)
+ with Bad m -> stop (Message m)
+ in
+ match Array.to_list Sys.argv with
+ [] -> ()
+ | a::l -> p l
diff --git a/stdlib/arg.mli b/stdlib/arg.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..593d5b36b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/arg.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(* Parsing of command line arguments. *)
+(* This module provides a general mechanism for extracting options and
+ arguments from the command line to the program. *)
+(* Syntax of command lines:
+ A keyword is a character string starting with a [-].
+ An option is a keyword alone or followed by an argument.
+ There are four types of keywords: Unit, String, Int, and Float.
+ Unit keywords do not take an argument.
+ String, Int, and Float keywords take the following word on the command line
+ as an argument.
+ Arguments not preceded by a keyword are called anonymous arguments. *)
+(* Examples ([cmd] is assumed to be the command name):
+- [cmd -flag ](a unit option)
+- [cmd -int 1 ](an int option with argument [1])
+- [cmd -string foobar ](a string option with argument ["foobar"])
+- [cmd -float 12.34 ](a float option with argument [12.34])
+- [cmd 1 2 3 ](three anonymous arguments: ["1"], ["2"], and ["3"])
+- [cmd 1 2 -flag 3 -string bar 4]
+- [ ](four anonymous arguments, a unit option, and
+- [ ] a string option with argument ["bar"])
+type spec =
+ String of (string -> unit)
+ | Int of (int -> unit)
+ | Unit of (unit -> unit)
+ | Float of (float -> unit)
+ (* The concrete type describing the behavior associated
+ with a keyword. *)
+val parse : (string * spec) list -> (string -> unit) -> unit
+ (* [parse speclist anonfun] parses the command line,
+ calling the functions in [speclist] whenever appropriate,
+ and [anonfun] on anonymous arguments.
+ The functions are called in the same order as they appear
+ on the command line.
+ The strings in the [(string * spec) list] are keywords and must
+ start with a [-], else they are ignored. *)
+exception Bad of string
+ (* Functions in [speclist] or [anonfun] can raise [Bad] with
+ an error message to reject invalid arguments. *)
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa156bef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+(* Array operations *)
+external length : 'a array -> int = "%array_length"
+external unsafe_get: 'a array -> int -> 'a = "%array_get"
+external unsafe_set: 'a array -> int -> 'a -> unit = "%array_set"
+external new: int -> 'a -> 'a array = "make_vect"
+let get a n =
+ if n < 0 or n >= length a
+ then invalid_arg "Array.get"
+ else unsafe_get a n
+let set a n v =
+ if n < 0 or n >= length a
+ then invalid_arg "Array.set"
+ else unsafe_set a n v
+let new_matrix sx sy init =
+ let res = new sx [||] in
+ for x = 0 to pred sx do
+ unsafe_set res x (new sy init)
+ done;
+ res
+let copy a =
+ let l = length a in
+ if l = 0 then [||] else begin
+ let r = new l (unsafe_get a 0) in
+ for i = 1 to l-1 do
+ unsafe_set r i (unsafe_get a i)
+ done;
+ r
+ end
+let concat_aux a1 a2 l1 l2 init =
+ let r = new (l1 + l2) init in
+ for i = 0 to l1 - 1 do unsafe_set r i (unsafe_get a1 i) done;
+ for i = 0 to l2 - 1 do unsafe_set r (i + l1) (unsafe_get a1 i) done;
+ r
+let concat a1 a2 =
+ let l1 = length a1 and l2 = length a2 in
+ if l1 = 0 & l2 = 0 then [||] else begin
+ let r = new (l1 + l2) (unsafe_get (if l1 > 0 then a1 else a2) 0) in
+ for i = 0 to l1 - 1 do unsafe_set r i (unsafe_get a1 i) done;
+ for i = 0 to l2 - 1 do unsafe_set r (i + l1) (unsafe_get a1 i) done;
+ r
+ end
+let sub a ofs len =
+ if ofs < 0 or len < 0 or ofs + len > length a then invalid_arg "Array.sub"
+ else if len = 0 then [||]
+ else begin
+ let r = new len (unsafe_get a ofs) in
+ for i = 1 to len - 1 do unsafe_set r i (unsafe_get a (ofs + i)) done;
+ r
+ end
+let fill a ofs len v =
+ if ofs < 0 or len < 0 or ofs + len > length a
+ then invalid_arg "Array.fill"
+ else for i = ofs to ofs + len - 1 do unsafe_set a i v done
+let blit a1 ofs1 a2 ofs2 len =
+ if len < 0 or ofs1 < 0 or ofs1 + len > length a1
+ or ofs2 < 0 or ofs2 + len > length a2
+ then invalid_arg "Array.blit"
+ else
+ for i = 0 to len - 1 do
+ unsafe_set a2 (ofs2 + i) (unsafe_get a1 (ofs1 + i))
+ done
+let iter f a =
+ for i = 0 to length a - 1 do f(unsafe_get a i) done
+let map f a =
+ let l = length a in
+ if l = 0 then [||] else begin
+ let r = new l (f(unsafe_get a 0)) in
+ for i = 1 to l - 1 do
+ unsafe_set r i (f(unsafe_get a i))
+ done;
+ r
+ end
+let to_list a =
+ let len = length a in
+ let rec tolist i =
+ if i >= len then [] else unsafe_get a i :: tolist(i+1) in
+ tolist 0
+let of_list = function
+ [] -> [||]
+ | hd::tl ->
+ let a = new (List.length tl + 1) hd in
+ let rec fill i = function
+ [] -> a
+ | hd::tl -> unsafe_set a i hd; fill (i+1) tl in
+ fill 1 tl
diff --git a/stdlib/array.mli b/stdlib/array.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..add7a92ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/array.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(* Array operations *)
+val length : 'a array -> int = "%array_length"
+val get: 'a array -> int -> 'a
+val set: 'a array -> int -> 'a -> unit
+val new: int -> 'a -> 'a array = "make_vect"
+val new_matrix: int -> int -> 'a -> 'a array array
+val concat: 'a array -> 'a array -> 'a array
+val sub: 'a array -> int -> int -> 'a array
+val copy: 'a array -> 'a array
+val fill: 'a array -> int -> int -> 'a -> unit
+val blit: 'a array -> int -> 'a array -> int -> int -> unit
+val iter: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> unit
+val map: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b array
+val to_list: 'a array -> 'a list
+val of_list: 'a list -> 'a array
+val unsafe_get: 'a array -> int -> 'a = "%array_get"
+val unsafe_set: 'a array -> int -> 'a -> unit = "%array_set"
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c61a8f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+(* Weight-balanced binary trees.
+ These are binary trees such that one child of a node has at most N times
+ as many elements as the other child. We take N=3. *)
+type 'a t = Empty | Node of 'a t * 'a * 'a t * int
+ (* The type of trees containing elements of type ['a].
+ [Empty] is the empty tree (containing no elements). *)
+type 'a contents = Nothing | Something of 'a
+ (* Used with the functions [modify] and [List.split], to represent
+ the presence or the absence of an element in a tree. *)
+(* Compute the size (number of nodes and leaves) of a tree. *)
+let size = function
+ Empty -> 1
+ | Node(_, _, _, s) -> s
+(* Creates a new node with left son l, val x and right son r.
+ l and r must be balanced and size l / size r must be between 1/N and N.
+ Inline expansion of size for better speed. *)
+let new l x r =
+ let sl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,s) -> s in
+ let sr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,s) -> s in
+ Node(l, x, r, sl + sr + 1)
+(* Same as new, but performs rebalancing if necessary.
+ Assumes l and r balanced, and size l / size r "reasonable"
+ (between 1/N^2 and N^2 ???).
+ Inline expansion of new for better speed in the most frequent case
+ where no rebalancing is required. *)
+let bal l x r =
+ let sl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,s) -> s in
+ let sr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,s) -> s in
+ if sl > 3 * sr then begin
+ match l with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Baltree.bal"
+ | Node(ll, lv, lr, _) ->
+ if size ll >= size lr then
+ new ll lv (new lr x r)
+ else begin
+ match lr with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Baltree.bal"
+ | Node(lrl, lrv, lrr, _)->
+ new (new ll lv lrl) lrv (new lrr x r)
+ end
+ end else if sr > 3 * sl then begin
+ match r with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Baltree.bal"
+ | Node(rl, rv, rr, _) ->
+ if size rr >= size rl then
+ new (new l x rl) rv rr
+ else begin
+ match rl with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Baltree.bal"
+ | Node(rll, rlv, rlr, _) ->
+ new (new l x rll) rlv (new rlr rv rr)
+ end
+ end else
+ Node(l, x, r, sl + sr + 1)
+(* Same as bal, but rebalance regardless of the original ratio
+ size l / size r *)
+let rec join l x r =
+ match bal l x r with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Baltree.join"
+ | Node(l', x', r', _) as t' ->
+ let sl = size l' and sr = size r' in
+ if sl > 3 * sr or sr > 3 * sl then join l' x' r' else t'
+(* Merge two trees l and r into one.
+ All elements of l must precede the elements of r.
+ Assumes size l / size r between 1/N and N. *)
+let rec merge t1 t2 =
+ match (t1, t2) with
+ (Empty, t) -> t
+ | (t, Empty) -> t
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, h1), Node(l2, v2, r2, h2)) ->
+ bal l1 v1 (bal (merge r1 l2) v2 r2)
+(* Same as merge, but does not assume anything about l and r. *)
+let rec concat t1 t2 =
+ match (t1, t2) with
+ (Empty, t) -> t
+ | (t, Empty) -> t
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, h1), Node(l2, v2, r2, h2)) ->
+ join l1 v1 (join (concat r1 l2) v2 r2)
+(* Insertion *)
+let add searchpred x t =
+ let rec add = function
+ Empty ->
+ Node(Empty, x, Empty, 1)
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) as t ->
+ let c = searchpred v in
+ if c == 0 then t else
+ if c < 0 then bal (add l) v r else bal l v (add r)
+ in add t
+(* Membership *)
+let contains searchpred t =
+ let rec contains = function
+ Empty -> false
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
+ let c = searchpred v in
+ if c == 0 then true else
+ if c < 0 then contains l else contains r
+ in contains t
+(* Search *)
+let find searchpred t =
+ let rec find = function
+ Empty ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
+ let c = searchpred v in
+ if c == 0 then v else
+ if c < 0 then find l else find r
+ in find t
+(* Deletion *)
+let remove searchpred t =
+ let rec remove = function
+ Empty ->
+ Empty
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
+ let c = searchpred v in
+ if c == 0 then merge l r else
+ if c < 0 then bal (remove l) v r else bal l v (remove r)
+ in remove t
+(* Modification *)
+let modify searchpred modifier t =
+ let rec modify = function
+ Empty ->
+ begin match modifier Nothing with
+ Nothing -> Empty
+ | Something v -> Node(Empty, v, Empty, 1)
+ end
+ | Node(l, v, r, s) ->
+ let c = searchpred v in
+ if c == 0 then
+ begin match modifier(Something v) with
+ Nothing -> merge l r
+ | Something v' -> Node(l, v', r, s)
+ end
+ else if c < 0 then bal (modify l) v r else bal l v (modify r)
+ in modify t
+(* Splitting *)
+let split searchpred =
+ let rec split = function
+ Empty ->
+ (Empty, Nothing, Empty)
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
+ let c = searchpred v in
+ if c == 0 then (l, Something v, r)
+ else if c < 0 then
+ let (ll, vl, rl) = split l in (ll, vl, join rl v r)
+ else
+ let (lr, vr, rr) = split r in (join l v lr, vr, rr)
+ in split
+(* Comparison (by lexicographic ordering of the fringes of the two trees). *)
+let compare cmp s1 s2 =
+ let rec compare_aux l1 l2 =
+ match (l1, l2) with
+ ([], []) -> 0
+ | ([], _) -> -1
+ | (_, []) -> 1
+ | (Empty::t1, Empty::t2) ->
+ compare_aux t1 t2
+ | (Node(Empty, v1, r1, _) :: t1, Node(Empty, v2, r2, _) :: t2) ->
+ let c = cmp v1 v2 in
+ if c != 0 then c else compare_aux (r1::t1) (r2::t2)
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _) :: t1, t2) ->
+ compare_aux (l1 :: Node(Empty, v1, r1, 0) :: t1) t2
+ | (t1, Node(l2, v2, r2, _) :: t2) ->
+ compare_aux t1 (l2 :: Node(Empty, v2, r2, 0) :: t2)
+ in
+ compare_aux [s1] [s2]
diff --git a/stdlib/baltree.mli b/stdlib/baltree.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e6f35efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/baltree.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+(* Basic balanced binary trees *)
+(* This module implements balanced ordered binary trees.
+ All operations over binary trees are applicative (no side-effects).
+ The [set] and [] modules are based on this module.
+ This modules gives a more direct access to the internals of the
+ binary tree implementation than the [set] and [] abstractions,
+ but is more delicate to use and not as safe. For advanced users only. *)
+type 'a t = Empty | Node of 'a t * 'a * 'a t * int
+ (* The type of trees containing elements of type ['a].
+ [Empty] is the empty tree (containing no elements). *)
+type 'a contents = Nothing | Something of 'a
+ (* Used with the functions [modify] and [List.split], to represent
+ the presence or the absence of an element in a tree. *)
+val add: ('a -> int) -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
+ (* [add f x t] inserts the element [x] into the tree [t].
+ [f] is an ordering function: [f y] must return [0] if
+ [x] and [y] are equal (or equivalent), a negative integer if
+ [x] is smaller than [y], and a positive integer if [x] is
+ greater than [y]. The tree [t] is returned unchanged if
+ it already contains an element equivalent to [x] (that is,
+ an element [y] such that [f y] is [0]).
+ The ordering [f] must be consistent with the orderings used
+ to build [t] with [add], [remove], [modify] or [List.split]
+ operations. *)
+val contains: ('a -> int) -> 'a t -> bool
+ (* [contains f t] checks whether [t] contains an element
+ satisfying [f], that is, an element [x] such
+ that [f x] is [0]. [f] is an ordering function with the same
+ constraints as for [add]. It can be coarser (identify more
+ elements) than the orderings used to build [t], but must be
+ consistent with them. *)
+val find: ('a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a
+ (* Same as [contains], except that [find f t] returns the element [x]
+ such that [f x] is [0], or raises [Not_found] if none has been
+ found. *)
+val remove: ('a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t
+ (* [remove f t] removes one element [x] of [t] such that [f x] is [0].
+ [f] is an ordering function with the same constraints as for [add].
+ [t] is returned unchanged if it does not contain any element
+ satisfying [f]. If several elements of [t] satisfy [f],
+ only one is removed. *)
+val modify: ('a -> int) -> ('a contents -> 'a contents) -> 'a t -> 'a t
+ (* General insertion/modification/deletion function.
+ [modify f g t] searchs [t] for an element [x] satisfying the
+ ordering function [f]. If one is found, [g] is applied to
+ [Something x]; if [g] returns [Nothing], the element [x]
+ is removed; if [g] returns [Something y], the element [y]
+ replaces [x] in the tree. (It is assumed that [x] and [y]
+ are equivalent, in particular, that [f y] is [0].)
+ If the tree does not contain any [x] satisfying [f],
+ [g] is applied to [Nothing]; if it returns [Nothing],
+ the tree is returned unchanged; if it returns [Something x],
+ the element [x] is inserted in the tree. (It is assumed that
+ [f x] is [0].) The functions [add] and [remove] are special cases
+ of [modify], slightly more efficient. *)
+val split: ('a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t * 'a contents * 'a t
+ (* [split f t] returns a triple [(less, elt, greater)] where
+ [less] is a tree containing all elements [x] of [t] such that
+ [f x] is negative, [greater] is a tree containing all
+ elements [x] of [t] such that [f x] is positive, and [elt]
+ is [Something x] if [t] contains an element [x] such that
+ [f x] is [0], and [Nothing] otherwise. *)
+val compare: ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int
+ (* Compare two trees. The first argument [f] is a comparison function
+ over the tree elements: [f e1 e2] is zero if the elements [e1] and
+ [e2] are equal, negative if [e1] is smaller than [e2],
+ and positive if [e1] is greater than [e2]. [compare f t1 t2]
+ compares the fringes of [t1] and [t2] by lexicographic extension
+ of [f]. *)
+val join: 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
+val concat: 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..348c5683c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+(* Character operations *)
+external code: char -> int = "%identity"
+external unsafe_chr: int -> char = "%identity"
+let chr n =
+ if n < 0 or n > 255 then invalid_arg "Char.chr" else unsafe_chr n
+external is_printable: char -> bool = "is_printable"
+let escaped = function
+ '\'' -> "\\'"
+ | '\\' -> "\\\\"
+ | '\n' -> "\\n"
+ | '\t' -> "\\t"
+ | c -> if is_printable c then
+ String.make 1 c
+ else begin
+ let n = code c in
+ let s = String.create 4 in
+ String.unsafe_set s 0 '\\';
+ String.unsafe_set s 1 (unsafe_chr (48 + n / 100));
+ String.unsafe_set s 2 (unsafe_chr (48 + (n / 10) mod 10));
+ String.unsafe_set s 3 (unsafe_chr (48 + n mod 10));
+ s
+ end
diff --git a/stdlib/char.mli b/stdlib/char.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40791c94b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/char.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+(* Character operations *)
+val code: char -> int = "%identity"
+val chr: int -> char
+val escaped : char -> string
+val unsafe_chr: int -> char = "%identity"
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af63af08f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+let check_suffix name suff =
+ String.length name >= String.length suff &
+ String.sub name (String.length name - String.length suff) (String.length suff)
+ = suff
+let chop_suffix name suff =
+ let n = String.length name - String.length suff in
+ if n < 0 then invalid_arg "chop_suffix" else String.sub name 0 n
+let current_dir_name = "."
+let concat dirname filename =
+ let l = String.length dirname - 1 in
+ if l < 0 or String.get dirname l = '/'
+ then dirname ^ filename
+ else dirname ^ "/" ^ filename
+let is_absolute n =
+ (String.length n >= 1 & String.sub n 0 1 = "/")
+ or (String.length n >= 2 & String.sub n 0 2 = "./")
+ or (String.length n >= 3 & String.sub n 0 3 = "../")
+let slash_pos s =
+ let rec pos i =
+ if i < 0 then raise Not_found
+ else if String.get s i = '/' then i
+ else pos (i - 1)
+ in pos (String.length s - 1)
+let basename name =
+ try
+ let p = slash_pos name + 1 in
+ String.sub name p (String.length name - p)
+ with Not_found ->
+ name
+let dirname name =
+ try
+ match slash_pos name with
+ 0 -> "/"
+ | n -> String.sub name 0 (slash_pos name)
+ with Not_found ->
+ "."
diff --git a/stdlib/filename.mli b/stdlib/filename.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf75f61c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/filename.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+(* Operations on file names *)
+val current_dir_name : string
+ (* The conventional name for the current directory
+ (e.g. [.] in Unix). *)
+val concat : string -> string -> string
+ (* [concat dir file] returns a file name that designates file
+ [file] in directory [dir]. *)
+val is_absolute : string -> bool
+ (* Return [true] if the file name is absolute or starts with an
+ explicit reference to the current directory ([./] or [../] in
+ Unix), and [false] if it is relative to the current directory. *)
+val check_suffix : string -> string -> bool
+ (* [check_suffix name suff] returns [true] if the filename [name]
+ ends with the suffix [suff]. *)
+val chop_suffix : string -> string -> string
+ (* [chop_suffix name suff] removes the suffix [suff] from
+ the filename [name]. The behavior is undefined if [name] does not
+ end with the suffix [suff]. *)
+val basename : string -> string
+val dirname : string -> string
+ (* Split a file name into directory name / base file name.
+ [concat (dirname name) (basename name)] returns a file name
+ which is equivalent to [name]. Moreover, after setting the
+ current directory to [dirname name] (with [sys__chdir]),
+ references to [basename name] (which is a relative file name)
+ designate the same file as [name] before the call to [chdir]. *)
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca631fdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+(* Tokens are one of the following : *)
+type pp_token =
+ Pp_text of string (* normal text *)
+ | Pp_break of int * int (* complete break *)
+ | Pp_tbreak of int * int (* go to next tab *)
+ | Pp_stab (* set a tabulation *)
+ | Pp_begin of int * block_type (* beginning of a block *)
+ | Pp_end (* end of a block *)
+ | Pp_tbegin of tblock (* Beginning of a tabulation block *)
+ | Pp_tend (* end of a tabulation block *)
+ | Pp_newline (* to force a newline inside a block *)
+ | Pp_if_newline (* to do something only if this very
+ line has been broken *)
+and block_type =
+ Pp_hbox (* Horizontal block no line breaking *)
+ | Pp_vbox (* Vertical block each break leads to a new line *)
+ | Pp_hvbox (* Horizontal-vertical block: same as vbox, except if this block
+ is small enough to fit on a single line *)
+ | Pp_hovbox (* Horizontal or Vertical block: breaks lead to new line
+ only when necessary to print the content of the block *)
+ | Pp_fits (* Internal usage: when a block fits on a single line *)
+and tblock = Pp_tbox of int list ref (* Tabulation box *)
+(* The Queue: contains all formatting elements.
+ elements are tuples (size,token,length), where
+ size is set when the size of the block is known
+ len is the declared length of the token *)
+type pp_queue_elem =
+ {mutable elem_size : int; token : pp_token; length : int}
+(* Scan stack
+ each element is (left_total, queue element) where left_total
+ is the val of pp_left_total when the element has been enqueued *)
+type pp_scan_elem = Scan_elem of int * pp_queue_elem
+let pp_scan_stack = ref ([] : pp_scan_elem list)
+(* Formatting Stack:
+ used to break the lines while printing tokens.
+ The formatting stack contains the description of
+ the currently active blocks. *)
+type pp_format_elem = Format_elem of block_type * int
+let pp_format_stack = ref ([]:pp_format_elem list)
+let pp_tbox_stack = ref ([]:tblock list)
+(* Large val for default tokens size *)
+let pp_infinity = 9999
+(* Global variables: default initialization is
+ set_margin 78
+ set_min_space_left 0 *)
+(* val of right margin *)
+let pp_margin = ref 78
+(* Minimal space left before margin, when opening a block *)
+let pp_min_space_left = ref 10
+(* maximum val of indentation:
+ no blocks can be opened further *)
+let pp_max_indent = ref (!pp_margin - !pp_min_space_left)
+let pp_space_left = ref !pp_margin(* space remaining on the current line *)
+and pp_current_indent = ref 0 (* current val of indentation *)
+and pp_left_total = ref 1 (* total width of tokens already printed *)
+and pp_right_total = ref 1 (* total width of tokens ever put in queue *)
+and pp_curr_depth = ref 0 (* current number of opened blocks *)
+and pp_max_boxes = ref 35 (* maximum number of blocks which can be
+ opened at the same time *)
+and pp_ellipsis = ref "." (* ellipsis string *)
+and pp_out_channel = ref stdout (* out_channel of the pretty_printer *)
+(* Output functions for the formatter *)
+let pp_output s = output !pp_out_channel s
+and pp_output_string s = output_string !pp_out_channel s
+and pp_output_newline () = output_char !pp_out_channel '\n'
+(* The pretty-printer queue *)
+let pp_queue = ( () : pp_queue_elem Queue.t)
+let pp_clear_queue () =
+ pp_left_total := 1; pp_right_total := 1;
+ Queue.clear pp_queue
+(* Enter a token in the pretty-printer queue *)
+let pp_enqueue ({length=len} as token) =
+ pp_right_total := !pp_right_total + len;
+ Queue.add token pp_queue
+(* To output spaces *)
+let blank_line = String.make 80 ' '
+let display_blanks n =
+ if n > 0 then
+ if n <= 80 then pp_output blank_line 0 n
+ else pp_output_string (String.make n ' ')
+(* To format a break, indenting a new line *)
+let break_new_line offset width =
+ pp_output_newline ();
+ let indent = !pp_margin - width + offset in
+ (* Don't indent more than pp_max_indent *)
+ let real_indent = min !pp_max_indent indent in
+ pp_current_indent := real_indent;
+ pp_space_left := !pp_margin - !pp_current_indent;
+ display_blanks !pp_current_indent
+(* To force a line break inside a block: no offset is added *)
+let break_line width = break_new_line 0 width
+(* To format a break that fits on the current line *)
+let break_same_line width =
+ pp_space_left := !pp_space_left - width;
+ display_blanks width
+(* To indent no more than pp_max_indent, if one tries to open a block
+ beyond pp_max_indent, then the block is rejected on the left
+ by simulating a break. *)
+let pp_force_newline () =
+ match !pp_format_stack with
+ Format_elem (bl_ty, width) :: _ ->
+ if width > !pp_space_left then
+ (match bl_ty with
+ Pp_fits -> () | Pp_hbox -> () | _ -> break_line width)
+ | _ -> pp_output_newline()
+(* To skip a token, if the previous line has been broken *)
+let pp_skip_token () =
+ (* When calling pp_skip_token the queue cannot be empty *)
+ match Queue.take pp_queue with
+ {elem_size = size; length = len} ->
+ pp_left_total := !pp_left_total - len;
+ pp_space_left := !pp_space_left + size
+(* To format a token *)
+let format_pp_token size = function
+ Pp_text s -> pp_space_left := !pp_space_left - size; pp_output_string s
+ | Pp_begin (off,ty) ->
+ let insertion_point = !pp_margin - !pp_space_left in
+ if insertion_point > !pp_max_indent then
+ (* can't open a block right there ! *)
+ pp_force_newline () else
+ (* If block is rejected on the left current indentation will change *)
+ if size > !pp_space_left & !pp_current_indent < insertion_point then
+ pp_force_newline ();
+ let offset = !pp_space_left - off in
+ let bl_type =
+ begin match ty with
+ Pp_vbox -> Pp_vbox
+ | _ -> if size > !pp_space_left then ty else Pp_fits
+ end in
+ pp_format_stack := Format_elem (bl_type, offset) :: !pp_format_stack
+ | Pp_end ->
+ begin match !pp_format_stack with
+ x::(y::l as ls) -> pp_format_stack := ls
+ | _ -> () (* No more block to close *)
+ end
+ | Pp_tbegin (Pp_tbox _ as tbox) -> pp_tbox_stack := tbox :: !pp_tbox_stack
+ | Pp_tend ->
+ begin match !pp_tbox_stack with
+ x::ls -> pp_tbox_stack := ls
+ | _ -> () (* No more tabulation block to close *)
+ end
+ | Pp_stab ->
+ begin match !pp_tbox_stack with
+ Pp_tbox tabs :: _ ->
+ let rec add_tab n = function
+ [] -> [n]
+ | x::l as ls -> if n < x then n :: ls else x::add_tab n l in
+ tabs := add_tab (!pp_margin - !pp_space_left) !tabs
+ | _ -> () (* No opened tabulation block *)
+ end
+ | Pp_tbreak (n,off) ->
+ let insertion_point = !pp_margin - !pp_space_left in
+ begin match !pp_tbox_stack with
+ Pp_tbox tabs :: _ ->
+ let rec find n = function
+ x :: l -> if x >= n then x else find n l
+ | [] -> raise Not_found in
+ let tab =
+ match !tabs with
+ x :: l ->
+ begin try find insertion_point !tabs with Not_found -> x end
+ | _ -> insertion_point in
+ let offset = tab - insertion_point in
+ if offset >= 0 then break_same_line (offset + n) else
+ break_new_line (tab + off) !pp_margin
+ | _ -> () (* No opened tabulation block *)
+ end
+ | Pp_newline ->
+ begin match !pp_format_stack with
+ Format_elem (_,width) :: _ -> break_line width
+ | _ -> pp_output_newline()
+ end
+ | Pp_if_newline ->
+ if !pp_current_indent != !pp_margin - !pp_space_left
+ then pp_skip_token ()
+ | Pp_break (n,off) ->
+ begin match !pp_format_stack with
+ Format_elem (ty,width) :: _ ->
+ begin match ty with
+ Pp_hovbox ->
+ if size > !pp_space_left then break_new_line off width else
+ (* break the line here leads to new indentation ? *)
+ if (!pp_current_indent > !pp_margin - width + off)
+ then break_new_line off width else break_same_line n
+ | Pp_hvbox -> break_new_line off width
+ | Pp_fits -> break_same_line n
+ | Pp_vbox -> break_new_line off width
+ | Pp_hbox -> break_same_line n
+ end
+ | _ -> () (* No opened block *)
+ end
+(* Print if token size is known or printing is delayed
+ Size is known when not negative
+ Printing is delayed when the text waiting in the queue requires
+ more room to format than List.exists on the current line *)
+let rec advance_left () =
+ try
+ match Queue.peek pp_queue with
+ {elem_size = size; token = tok; length = len} ->
+ if not (size < 0 &
+ (!pp_right_total - !pp_left_total <= !pp_space_left)) then
+ begin
+ Queue.take pp_queue;
+ format_pp_token (if size < 0 then pp_infinity else size) tok;
+ pp_left_total := len + !pp_left_total;
+ advance_left ()
+ end
+ with Queue.Empty -> ()
+let enqueue_advance tok = pp_enqueue tok; advance_left ()
+(* To enqueue a string : try to advance *)
+let enqueue_string_as n s =
+ enqueue_advance {elem_size = n; token = Pp_text s; length = n}
+let enqueue_string s = enqueue_string_as (String.length s) s
+(* Routines for scan stack
+ determine sizes of blocks *)
+(* scan_stack is never empty *)
+let empty_scan_stack =
+ [Scan_elem (-1, {elem_size = (-1); token = Pp_text ""; length = 0})]
+let clear_scan_stack () = pp_scan_stack := empty_scan_stack
+(* Set size of blocks on scan stack:
+ if ty = true then size of break is set else size of block is set
+ in each case pp_scan_stack is popped *)
+(* Pattern matching on scan stack is exhaustive,
+ since scan_stack is never empty.
+ Pattern matching on token in scan stack is also exhaustive,
+ since scan_push is used on breaks and opening of boxes *)
+let set_size ty =
+ match !pp_scan_stack with
+ Scan_elem (left_tot,
+ ({elem_size = size; token = tok} as queue_elem)) :: t ->
+ (* test if scan stack contains any data that is not obsolete *)
+ if left_tot < !pp_left_total then clear_scan_stack () else
+ begin match tok with
+ Pp_break (_, _) | Pp_tbreak (_, _) ->
+ if ty then
+ begin
+ queue_elem.elem_size <- !pp_right_total + size;
+ pp_scan_stack := t
+ end
+ | Pp_begin (_, _) ->
+ if not ty then
+ begin
+ queue_elem.elem_size <- !pp_right_total + size;
+ pp_scan_stack := t
+ end
+ | _ -> () (* scan_push is only used for breaks and boxes *)
+ end
+ | _ -> () (* scan_stack is never empty *)
+(* Push a token on scan stack. If b is true set_size is called *)
+let scan_push b tok =
+ pp_enqueue tok;
+ if b then set_size true;
+ pp_scan_stack := Scan_elem (!pp_right_total,tok) :: !pp_scan_stack
+ To open a new block :
+ the user may set the depth bound pp_max_boxes
+ any text nested deeper is printed as the character the ellipsis
+let pp_open_box (indent,br_ty) =
+ incr pp_curr_depth;
+ if !pp_curr_depth < !pp_max_boxes then
+ (scan_push false
+ {elem_size = (- !pp_right_total);
+ token = Pp_begin (indent, br_ty); length = 0}) else
+ if !pp_curr_depth = !pp_max_boxes then enqueue_string !pp_ellipsis
+(* The box which is always opened *)
+let pp_open_sys_box () =
+ incr pp_curr_depth;
+ scan_push false
+ {elem_size = (- !pp_right_total);
+ token = Pp_begin (0, Pp_hovbox); length = 0}
+(* close a block, setting sizes of its subblocks *)
+let close_box () =
+ if !pp_curr_depth > 1 then
+ begin
+ if !pp_curr_depth < !pp_max_boxes then
+ begin
+ pp_enqueue {elem_size = 0; token = Pp_end; length = 0};
+ set_size true; set_size false
+ end;
+ decr pp_curr_depth
+ end
+(* Initialize pretty-printer. *)
+let pp_rinit () =
+ pp_clear_queue ();
+ clear_scan_stack();
+ pp_current_indent := 0;
+ pp_curr_depth := 0; pp_space_left := !pp_margin;
+ pp_format_stack := [];
+ pp_tbox_stack := [];
+ pp_open_sys_box ()
+(* Flushing pretty-printer queue. *)
+let pp_flush b =
+ while !pp_curr_depth > 1 do
+ close_box ()
+ done;
+ pp_right_total := pp_infinity; advance_left ();
+ if b then pp_output_newline ();
+ flush !pp_out_channel;
+ pp_rinit()
+ Procedures to format objects, and use boxes
+ **************************************************************)
+(* To format a string *)
+let print_as n s =
+ if !pp_curr_depth < !pp_max_boxes then (enqueue_string_as n s)
+let print_string s = print_as (String.length s) s
+(* To format an integer *)
+let print_int i = print_string (string_of_int i)
+(* To format a float *)
+let print_float f = print_string (string_of_float f)
+(* To format a boolean *)
+let print_bool b = print_string (string_of_bool b)
+(* To format a char *)
+let print_char c = print_string (String.make 1 c)
+let open_hbox () = pp_open_box (0, Pp_hbox)
+and open_vbox indent = pp_open_box (indent, Pp_vbox)
+and open_hvbox indent = pp_open_box (indent, Pp_hvbox)
+and open_hovbox indent = pp_open_box (indent, Pp_hovbox)
+(* Print a new line after printing all queued text
+ (same for print_flush but without a newline) *)
+let print_newline () = pp_flush true
+and print_flush () = pp_flush false
+(* To get a newline when one does not want to close the current block *)
+let force_newline () =
+ if !pp_curr_depth < !pp_max_boxes
+ then enqueue_advance {elem_size = 0; token = Pp_newline; length = 0}
+(* To format something if the line has just been broken *)
+let print_if_newline () =
+ if !pp_curr_depth < !pp_max_boxes
+ then enqueue_advance {elem_size = 0; token = Pp_if_newline ;length = 0}
+(* Breaks: indicate where a block may be broken.
+ If line is broken then offset is added to the indentation of the current
+ block else (the val of) width blanks are printed.
+ To do (?) : add a maximum width and offset val *)
+let print_break (width, offset) =
+ if !pp_curr_depth < !pp_max_boxes then
+ scan_push true
+ {elem_size = (- !pp_right_total); token = Pp_break (width,offset);
+ length = width}
+let print_space () = print_break (1,0)
+and print_cut () = print_break (0,0)
+let open_tbox () =
+ incr pp_curr_depth;
+ if !pp_curr_depth < !pp_max_boxes then
+ enqueue_advance
+ {elem_size = 0;
+ token = Pp_tbegin (Pp_tbox (ref [])); length = 0}
+(* Close a tabulation block *)
+let close_tbox () =
+ if !pp_curr_depth > 1 then begin
+ if !pp_curr_depth < !pp_max_boxes then
+ enqueue_advance {elem_size = 0; token = Pp_tend; length = 0};
+ decr pp_curr_depth end
+(* Print a tabulation break *)
+let print_tbreak (width, offset) =
+ if !pp_curr_depth < !pp_max_boxes then
+ scan_push true
+ {elem_size = (- !pp_right_total); token = Pp_tbreak (width,offset);
+ length = width}
+let print_tab () = print_tbreak (0,0)
+let set_tab () =
+ if !pp_curr_depth < !pp_max_boxes
+ then enqueue_advance {elem_size = 0; token = Pp_stab; length=0}
+ Procedures to control the pretty-printer
+ **************************************************************)
+(* Fit max_boxes *)
+let set_max_boxes n = if n > 1 then pp_max_boxes := n
+(* To know the current maximum number of boxes allowed *)
+let get_max_boxes () = !pp_max_boxes
+(* Ellipsis *)
+let set_ellipsis_text s = pp_ellipsis := s
+and get_ellipsis_text () = !pp_ellipsis
+(* To set the margin of pretty-formater *)
+let set_margin n =
+ if n >= 1 then
+ begin
+ pp_margin := n;
+ pp_max_indent := !pp_margin - !pp_min_space_left;
+ pp_rinit () end
+let get_margin () = !pp_margin
+let set_min_space_left n =
+ if n >= 1 then
+ begin
+ pp_min_space_left := n;
+ pp_max_indent := !pp_margin - !pp_min_space_left;
+ pp_rinit () end
+let set_max_indent n = set_min_space_left (!pp_margin - n)
+let get_max_indent () = !pp_max_indent
+let set_formatter_output os = pp_out_channel := os
+let get_formatter_output () = !pp_out_channel
+(* Initializing formatter *)
+let _ = pp_rinit()
diff --git a/stdlib/format.mli b/stdlib/format.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d9a9ac3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/format.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+(* Pretty printing *)
+(* This module implements a pretty-printing facility to format text
+ within ``pretty-printing boxes''. The pretty-printer breaks lines
+ at specified break hints, and indents lines according to the box structure.
+(* The behaviour of pretty-printing commands is unspecified
+ if there is no opened pretty-printing box. *)
+(*** Boxes *)
+val open_vbox : int -> unit
+ (* [open_vbox d] opens a new pretty-printing box
+ with offset [d].
+ This box is ``vertical'': every break hint inside this
+ box leads to a new line.
+ When a new line is printed in the box, [d] is added to the
+ current indentation. *)
+val open_hbox : unit -> unit
+ (* [open_hbox ()] opens a new pretty-printing box.
+ This box is ``horizontal'': the line is not List.split in this box
+ (new lines may still occur inside boxes nested deeper). *)
+val open_hvbox : int -> unit
+ (* [open_hovbox d] opens a new pretty-printing box
+ with offset [d].
+ This box is ``horizontal-vertical'': it behaves as an
+ ``horizontal'' box if it fits on a single line,
+ otherwise it behaves as a ``vertical'' box.
+ When a new line is printed in the box, [d] is added to the
+ current indentation. *)
+val open_hovbox : int -> unit
+ (* [open_hovbox d] opens a new pretty-printing box
+ with offset [d].
+ This box is ``horizontal or vertical'': break hints
+ inside this box may lead to a new line, if there is no more room
+ on the line to print the remainder of the box.
+ When a new line is printed in the box, [d] is added to the
+ current indentation. *)
+val close_box : unit -> unit
+ (* Close the most recently opened pretty-printing box. *)
+(*** Formatting functions *)
+val print_string : string -> unit
+ (* [print_string str] prints [str] in the current box. *)
+val print_as : int -> string -> unit
+ (* [print_as len str] prints [str] in the
+ current box. The pretty-printer formats [str] as if
+ it were of length [len]. *)
+val print_int : int -> unit
+ (* Print an integer in the current box. *)
+val print_float : float -> unit
+ (* Print a floating point number in the current box. *)
+val print_char : char -> unit
+ (* Print a character in the current box. *)
+val print_bool : bool -> unit
+ (* Print an boolean in the current box. *)
+(*** Break hints *)
+val print_break : int * int -> unit
+ (* Insert a break hint in a pretty-printing box.
+ [print_break (nspaces, offset)] indicates that the line may
+ be List.split (a newline character is printed) at this point,
+ if the contents of the current box does not fit on one line.
+ If the line is List.split at that point, [offset] is added to
+ the current indentation. If the line is not List.split,
+ [nspaces] spaces are printed. *)
+val print_cut : unit -> unit
+ (* [print_cut ()] is equivalent to [print_break (0,0)].
+ This allows line splitting at the current point, without printing
+ spaces or adding indentation. *)
+val print_space : unit -> unit
+ (* [print_space ()] is equivalent to [print_break (1,0)].
+ This either prints one space or splits the line at that point. *)
+val force_newline : unit -> unit
+ (* Force a newline in the current box. *)
+val print_flush : unit -> unit
+ (* Flush the pretty printer: all opened boxes are closed,
+ and all pending text is displayed. *)
+val print_newline : unit -> unit
+ (* Equivalent to [print_flush] followed by a new line. *)
+val print_if_newline : unit -> unit
+ (* If the preceding line has not been List.split, the next
+ formatting command is ignored. *)
+(*** Tabulations *)
+val open_tbox : unit -> unit
+ (* Open a tabulation box. *)
+val close_tbox : unit -> unit
+ (* Close the most recently opened tabulation box. *)
+val print_tbreak : int * int -> unit
+ (* Break hint in a tabulation box.
+ [print_tbreak (spaces, offset)] moves the insertion point to
+ the next tabulation ([spaces] being added to this position).
+ Nothing occurs if insertion point is already on a
+ tabulation mark.
+ If there is no next tabulation on the line, then a newline
+ is printed and the insertion point moves to the first
+ tabulation of the box.
+ If a new line is printed, [offset] is added to the current
+ indentation. *)
+val set_tab : unit -> unit
+ (* Set a tabulation mark at the current insertion point. *)
+val print_tab : unit -> unit
+ (* [print_tab ()] is equivalent to [print_tbreak (0,0)]. *)
+(*** Margin *)
+val set_margin : int -> unit
+ (* [set_margin d] sets the val of the right margin
+ to [d] (in characters): this val is used to detect line
+ overflows that leads to List.split lines.
+ Nothing happens if [d] is not greater than 1. *)
+val get_margin : unit -> int
+ (* Return the position of the right margin. *)
+(*** Maximum indentation limit *)
+val set_max_indent : int -> unit
+ (* [set_max_indent d] sets the val of the maximum
+ indentation limit to [d] (in characters):
+ once this limit is reached, boxes are rejected to the left,
+ if they do not fit on the current line.
+ Nothing happens if [d] is not greater than 1. *)
+val get_max_indent : unit -> int
+ (* Return the val of the maximum indentation limit (in
+ characters). *)
+(*** Formatting depth: maximum number of boxes allowed before ellipsis *)
+val set_max_boxes : int -> unit
+ (* [set_max_boxes max] sets the maximum number
+ of boxes simultaneously opened.
+ Material inside boxes nested deeper is printed as an
+ ellipsis (more precisely as the text returned by
+ [get_ellipsis_text]).
+ Nothing happens if [max] is not greater than 1. *)
+val get_max_boxes : unit -> int
+ (* Return the maximum number of boxes allowed before ellipsis. *)
+(*** Ellipsis *)
+val set_ellipsis_text : string -> unit
+ (* Set the text of the ellipsis printed when too many boxes
+ are opened (a single dot, [.], by default). *)
+val get_ellipsis_text : unit -> string
+ (* Return the text of the ellipsis. *)
+(*** Redirecting formatter output *)
+val set_formatter_output : out_channel -> unit
+ (* Redirect the pretty-printer output to the given channel. *)
+val get_formatter_output : unit -> out_channel
+ (* Return the channel connected to the pretty-printer. *)
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78065fdd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+type stat = {
+ minor_words : int;
+ promoted_words : int;
+ major_words : int;
+ minor_collections : int;
+ major_collections : int;
+ heap_size : int;
+ heap_chunks : int;
+ live_words : int;
+ live_blocks : int;
+ free_words : int;
+ free_blocks : int;
+ largest_free : int;
+ fragments : int
+type control = {
+ mutable minor_heap_size : int;
+ mutable major_heap_increment : int;
+ mutable space_overhead : int;
+ mutable verbose : bool
+external stat : unit -> stat = "gc_stat"
+external get : unit -> control = "gc_get"
+external set : control -> unit = "gc_set"
+external minor : unit -> unit = "gc_minor"
+external major : unit -> unit = "gc_major"
+external full_major : unit -> unit = "gc_full_major"
+open Printf
+let print_stat c =
+ let st = stat () in
+ fprintf c "minor_words: %d\n" st.minor_words;
+ fprintf c "promoted_words: %d\n" st.promoted_words;
+ fprintf c "major_words: %d\n" st.major_words;
+ fprintf c "minor_collections: %d\n" st.minor_collections;
+ fprintf c "major_collections: %d\n" st.major_collections;
+ fprintf c "heap_size: %d\n" st.heap_size;
+ fprintf c "heap_chunks: %d\n" st.heap_chunks;
+ fprintf c "live_words: %d\n" st.live_words;
+ fprintf c "live_blocks: %d\n" st.live_blocks;
+ fprintf c "free_words: %d\n" st.free_words;
+ fprintf c "free_blocks: %d\n" st.free_blocks;
+ fprintf c "largest_free: %d\n" st.largest_free;
+ fprintf c "fragments: %d\n" st.fragments
diff --git a/stdlib/gc.mli b/stdlib/gc.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b77b0e286
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/gc.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+(* Memory management control and statistics. *)
+type stat = {
+ minor_words : int;
+ promoted_words : int;
+ major_words : int;
+ minor_collections : int;
+ major_collections : int;
+ heap_size : int;
+ heap_chunks : int;
+ live_words : int;
+ live_blocks : int;
+ free_words : int;
+ free_blocks : int;
+ largest_free : int;
+ fragments : int
+ (* The memory management counters are returned in a [stat] record.
+ All the numbers are computed since the start of the program.
+ The fields of this record are:
+- [minor_words] Number of words allocated in the minor heap.
+- [promoted_words] Number of words allocated in the minor heap that
+ survived a minor collection and were moved to the major heap.
+- [major_words] Number of words allocated in the major heap, including
+ the promoted words.
+- [minor_collections] Number of minor collections.
+- [major_collections] Number of major collection cycles, not counting
+ the current cycle.
+- [heap_size] Total number of words in the major heap.
+- [heap_chunks] Number of times the major heap size was increased.
+- [live_words] Number of words of live data in the major heap, including
+ the header words.
+- [live_blocks] Number of live objects in the major heap.
+- [free_words] Number of words in the free list.
+- [free_blocks] Number of objects in the free list.
+- [largest_free] Size (in words) of the largest object in the free list.
+- [fragments] Number of wasted words due to fragmentation. These are
+ 1-words free blocks placed between two live objects. They
+ cannot be inserted in the free list, thus they are not available
+ for allocation.
+- The total amount of memory allocated by the program is (in words)
+ [minor_words + major_words - promoted_words]. Multiply by
+ the word size (4 on a 32-bit machine, 8 on a 64-bit machine) to get
+ the number of bytes.
+ *)
+type control = {
+ mutable minor_heap_size : int;
+ mutable major_heap_increment : int;
+ mutable space_overhead : int;
+ mutable verbose : bool
+ (* The GC parameters are given as a [control] record. The fields are:
+- [minor_heap_size] The size (in words) of the minor heap. Changing
+ this parameter will trigger a minor collection.
+- [major_heap_increment] The minimum number of words to add to the
+ major heap when increasing it.
+- [space_overhead] The major GC speed is computed from this parameter.
+ This is the percentage of heap space that will be "wasted"
+ because the GC does not immediatly collect unreachable
+ objects. The GC will work more (use more CPU time and collect
+ objects more eagerly) if [space_overhead] is smaller.
+ The computation of the GC speed assumes that the amount
+ of live data is constant.
+- [verbose] This flag controls the GC messages on standard error output.
+ *)
+val stat : unit -> stat = "gc_stat"
+ (* Return the current values of the memory management counters in a
+ [stat] record. *)
+val print_stat : out_channel -> unit
+ (* Print the current values of the memory management counters (in
+ human-readable form) into the channel argument. *)
+val get : unit -> control = "gc_get"
+ (* Return the current values of the GC parameters in a [control] record. *)
+val set : control -> unit = "gc_set"
+ (* [set r] changes the GC parameters according to the [control] record [r].
+ The normal usage is:
+ [
+ let r = Gc.get () in (* Get the current parameters. *)
+ r.verbose <- true; (* Change some of them. *)
+ Gc.set r (* Set the new values. *)
+ ]
+ *)
+val minor : unit -> unit = "gc_minor"
+ (* Trigger a minor collection. *)
+val major : unit -> unit = "gc_major"
+ (* Finish the current major collection cycle. *)
+val full_major : unit -> unit = "gc_full_major"
+ (* Finish the current major collection cycle and perform a complete
+ new cycle. This will collect all currently unreachable objects. *)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7cbda3ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+(* Hash tables *)
+(* We do dynamic hashing, and we double the size of the table when
+ buckets become too long, but without re-hashing the elements. *)
+type ('a, 'b) t =
+ { mutable max_len: int; (* max length of a bucket *)
+ mutable data: ('a, 'b) bucketlist array } (* the buckets *)
+and ('a, 'b) bucketlist =
+ Empty
+ | Cons of 'a * 'b * ('a, 'b) bucketlist
+let new initial_size =
+ { max_len = 2; data = initial_size Empty }
+let clear h =
+ for i = 0 to Array.length - 1 do
+ <- Empty
+ done
+let resize h =
+ let n = Array.length in
+ let newdata = (n+n) Empty in
+ Array.blit 0 newdata 0 n;
+ Array.blit 0 newdata n n;
+ <- newdata;
+ h.max_len <- 2 * h.max_len
+let rec bucket_too_long n bucket =
+ if n < 0 then true else
+ match bucket with
+ Empty -> false
+ | Cons(_,_,rest) -> bucket_too_long (pred n) rest
+external hash_param : int -> int -> 'a -> int = "hash_univ_param"
+let add h key info =
+ let i = (hash_param 10 100 key) mod (Array.length in
+ let bucket = Cons(key, info, in
+ <- bucket;
+ if bucket_too_long h.max_len bucket then resize h
+let remove h key =
+ let rec remove_bucket = function
+ Empty ->
+ Empty
+ | Cons(k, i, next) ->
+ if k = key then next else Cons(k, i, remove_bucket next) in
+ let i = (hash_param 10 100 key) mod (Array.length in
+ <- remove_bucket
+let find h key =
+ match 10 100 key) mod (Array.length with
+ Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Cons(k1, d1, rest1) ->
+ if key = k1 then d1 else
+ match rest1 with
+ Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Cons(k2, d2, rest2) ->
+ if key = k2 then d2 else
+ match rest2 with
+ Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Cons(k3, d3, rest3) ->
+ if key = k3 then d3 else begin
+ let rec find = function
+ Empty ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | Cons(k, d, rest) ->
+ if key = k then d else find rest
+ in find rest3
+ end
+let find_all h key =
+ let rec find_in_bucket = function
+ Empty ->
+ []
+ | Cons(k, d, rest) ->
+ if k = key then d :: find_in_bucket rest else find_in_bucket rest in
+ find_in_bucket 10 100 key) mod (Array.length
+let iter f h =
+ let len = Array.length in
+ for i = 0 to Array.length - 1 do
+ let rec do_bucket = function
+ Empty ->
+ ()
+ | Cons(k, d, rest) ->
+ if (hash_param 10 100 k) mod len = i
+ then begin f k d; do_bucket rest end
+ else do_bucket rest in
+ do_bucket
+ done
+let hash x = hash_param 50 500 x
diff --git a/stdlib/hashtbl.mli b/stdlib/hashtbl.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd32f6a36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/hashtbl.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+(* Hash tables and hash functions *)
+(* Hash tables are hashed association tables, with in-place modification. *)
+type ('a, 'b) t
+ (* The type of hash tables from type ['a] to type ['b]. *)
+val new : int -> ('a,'b) t
+ (* [new n] creates a new, empty hash table, with initial size [n].
+ The table grows as needed, so [n] is just an initial guess.
+ Better results are said to be achieved when [n] is a prime
+ number. *)
+val clear : ('a, 'b) t -> unit
+ (* Empty a hash table. *)
+val add : ('a, 'b) t -> 'a -> 'b -> unit
+ (* [add tbl x y] adds a binding of [x] to [y] in table [tbl].
+ Previous bindings for [x] are not removed, but simply
+ hidden. That is, after performing [remove tbl x], the previous
+ binding for [x], if any, is restored.
+ (This is the semantics of association lists.) *)
+val find : ('a, 'b) t -> 'a -> 'b
+ (* [find tbl x] returns the current binding of [x] in [tbl],
+ or raises [Not_found] if no such binding exists. *)
+val find_all : ('a, 'b) t -> 'a -> 'b list
+ (* [find_all tbl x] returns the list of all data associated with [x]
+ in [tbl]. The current binding is returned first, then the previous
+ bindings, in reverse order of introduction in the table. *)
+val remove : ('a, 'b) t -> 'a -> unit
+ (* [remove tbl x] removes the current binding of [x] in [tbl],
+ restoring the previous binding if it exists.
+ It does nothing if [x] is not bound in [tbl]. *)
+val iter : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b) t -> unit
+ (* [iter f tbl] applies [f] to all bindings in table [tbl],
+ discarding all the results.
+ [f] receives the key as first argument, and the associated val
+ as second argument. The order in which the bindings are passed to
+ [f] is unpredictable. Each binding is presented exactly once
+ to [f]. *)
+(*** The polymorphic hash primitive *)
+val hash : 'a -> int
+ (* [hash x] associates a positive integer to any val of
+ any type. It is guaranteed that
+ if [x = y], then [hash x = hash y].
+ Moreover, [hash] always terminates, even on cyclic
+ structures. *)
+val hash_param : int -> int -> 'a -> int = "hash_univ_param"
+ (* [hash_param n m x] computes a hash val for [x], with the
+ same properties as for [hash]. The two extra parameters [n] and
+ [m] give more precise control over hashing. Hashing performs a
+ depth-first, right-to-left traversal of the structure [x], stopping
+ after [n] meaningful nodes were encountered, or [m] nodes,
+ meaningful or not, were encountered. Meaningful nodes are: integers;
+ floating-point numbers; strings; characters; booleans; and constant
+ constructors. Larger vals of [m] and [n] means that more
+ nodes are taken into account to compute the final hash
+ val, and therefore collisions are less likely to happen.
+ However, hashing takes longer. The parameters [m] and [n]
+ govern the tradeoff between accuracy and speed. *)
diff --git a/stdlib/header.c b/stdlib/header.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aba20e62a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/header.c
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+char * runtime_name = "cslrun";
+char * errmsg = "Cannot exec cslrun.\n";
+int main(argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char ** argv;
+ execvp(runtime_name, argv);
+ write(2, errmsg, sizeof(errmsg)-1);
+ return 2;
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07bb7b5df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+(* The run-time library for lexers generated by camllex *)
+type lexbuf =
+ { refill_buff : lexbuf -> unit;
+ lex_buffer : string;
+ mutable lex_abs_pos : int;
+ mutable lex_start_pos : int;
+ mutable lex_curr_pos : int;
+ mutable lex_last_pos : int;
+ mutable lex_last_action : lexbuf -> Obj.t }
+let lex_aux_buffer = String.create 1024
+let lex_refill read_fun lexbuf =
+ let read =
+ read_fun lex_aux_buffer 1024 in
+ let n =
+ if read > 0
+ then read
+ else (String.unsafe_set lex_aux_buffer 0 '\000'; 1) in
+ String.unsafe_blit lexbuf.lex_buffer n lexbuf.lex_buffer 0 (2048 - n);
+ String.unsafe_blit lex_aux_buffer 0 lexbuf.lex_buffer (2048 - n) n;
+ lexbuf.lex_abs_pos <- lexbuf.lex_abs_pos + n;
+ lexbuf.lex_curr_pos <- lexbuf.lex_curr_pos - n;
+ lexbuf.lex_start_pos <- lexbuf.lex_start_pos - n;
+ lexbuf.lex_last_pos <- lexbuf.lex_last_pos - n;
+ if lexbuf.lex_start_pos < 0 then failwith "lexing: token too long"
+let dummy_action x = failwith "lexing: empty token"
+let from_function f =
+ { refill_buff = lex_refill f;
+ lex_buffer = String.create 2048;
+ lex_abs_pos = - 2048;
+ lex_start_pos = 2048;
+ lex_curr_pos = 2048;
+ lex_last_pos = 2048;
+ lex_last_action = dummy_action }
+let from_channel ic =
+ from_function (fun buf n -> input ic buf 0 n)
+let from_string s =
+ { refill_buff =
+ (fun lexbuf -> lexbuf.lex_curr_pos <- lexbuf.lex_curr_pos - 1);
+ lex_buffer = s ^ "\000";
+ lex_abs_pos = 0;
+ lex_start_pos = 0;
+ lex_curr_pos = 0;
+ lex_last_pos = 0;
+ lex_last_action = dummy_action }
+external get_next_char : lexbuf -> char = "get_next_char"
+let lexeme lexbuf =
+ let len = lexbuf.lex_curr_pos - lexbuf.lex_start_pos in
+ let s = String.create len in
+ String.unsafe_blit lexbuf.lex_buffer lexbuf.lex_start_pos s 0 len; s
+let lexeme_char lexbuf i =
+ String.get lexbuf.lex_buffer (lexbuf.lex_start_pos + i)
+let start_lexing lexbuf =
+ lexbuf.lex_start_pos <- lexbuf.lex_curr_pos;
+ lexbuf.lex_last_action <- dummy_action
+let backtrack lexbuf =
+ lexbuf.lex_curr_pos <- lexbuf.lex_last_pos;
+ Obj.magic(lexbuf.lex_last_action lexbuf)
+let lexeme_start lexbuf =
+ lexbuf.lex_abs_pos + lexbuf.lex_start_pos
+and lexeme_end lexbuf =
+ lexbuf.lex_abs_pos + lexbuf.lex_curr_pos
diff --git a/stdlib/lexing.mli b/stdlib/lexing.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e224c4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/lexing.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+(* The run-time library for lexers generated by camllex *)
+(*** Lexer buffers *)
+type lexbuf =
+ { refill_buff : lexbuf -> unit;
+ lex_buffer : string;
+ mutable lex_abs_pos : int;
+ mutable lex_start_pos : int;
+ mutable lex_curr_pos : int;
+ mutable lex_last_pos : int;
+ mutable lex_last_action : lexbuf -> Obj.t }
+ (* The type of lexer buffers. A lexer buffer is the argument passed
+ to the scanning functions defined by the generated scanners.
+ The lexer buffer holds the current state of the scanner, plus
+ a function to refill the buffer from the input. *)
+val from_channel : in_channel -> lexbuf
+ (* Create a lexer buffer on the given input channel.
+ [create_lexer_channel inchan] returns a lexer buffer which reads
+ from the input channel [inchan], at the current reading position. *)
+val from_string : string -> lexbuf
+ (* Create a lexer buffer which reads from
+ the given string. Reading starts from the first character in
+ the string. An end-of-input condition is generated when the
+ end of the string is reached. *)
+val from_function : (string -> int -> int) -> lexbuf
+ (* Create a lexer buffer with the given function as its reading method.
+ When the scanner needs more characters, it will call the given
+ function, giving it a character string [s] and a character
+ count [n]. The function should put [n] characters or less in [s],
+ starting at character number 0, and return the number of characters
+ provided. A return value of 0 means end of input. *)
+(*** Functions for lexer semantic actions *)
+ (* The following functions can be called from the semantic actions
+ of lexer definitions (the ML code enclosed in braces that
+ computes the value returned by lexing functions). They give
+ access to the character string matched by the regular expression
+ associated with the semantic action. These functions must be
+ applied to the argument [lexbuf], which, in the code generated by
+ camllex, is bound to the lexer buffer passed to the parsing
+ function. *)
+val lexeme : lexbuf -> string
+ (* [get_lexeme lexbuf] returns the string matched by
+ the regular expression. *)
+val lexeme_char : lexbuf -> int -> char
+ (* [get_lexeme_char lexbuf i] returns character number [i] in
+ the matched string. *)
+val lexeme_start : lexbuf -> int
+ (* [get_lexeme_start lexbuf] returns the position in the input stream
+ of the first character of the matched string. The first character
+ of the stream has position 0. *)
+val lexeme_end : lexbuf -> int
+ (* [get_lexeme_end lexbuf] returns the position in the input stream
+ of the character following the last character of the matched
+ string. The first character of the stream has position 0. *)
+(* The following definitions are used by the generated scanners only.
+ They are not intended to be used by user programs. *)
+val start_lexing : lexbuf -> unit
+val get_next_char : lexbuf -> char = "get_next_char"
+val backtrack : lexbuf -> 'a
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b6cdb440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+(* List operations *)
+let rec length = function
+ [] -> 0
+ | a::l -> 1 + length l
+let hd = function
+ [] -> failwith "hd"
+ | a::l -> a
+let tl = function
+ [] -> failwith "tl"
+ | a::l -> l
+let rec rev_append accu = function
+ [] -> accu
+ | a::l -> rev_append (a :: accu) l
+let rev l = rev_append [] l
+let rec flatten = function
+ [] -> []
+ | l::r -> l @ flatten r
+let rec map f = function
+ [] -> []
+ | a::l -> let r = f a in r :: map f l
+(* let rec map f = function
+ [] -> []
+ | a::l -> f a :: map f l *)
+let rec iter f = function
+ [] -> ()
+ | a::l -> f a; iter f l
+let rec fold_left f accu l =
+ match l with
+ [] -> accu
+ | a::l -> fold_left f (f accu a) l
+let rec fold_right f l accu =
+ match l with
+ [] -> accu
+ | a::l -> f a (fold_right f l accu)
+let rec map2 f l1 l2 =
+ match (l1, l2) with
+ ([], []) -> []
+ | (a1::l1, a2::l2) -> f a1 a2 :: map2 f l1 l2
+ | (_, _) -> invalid_arg "List.map2"
+let rec iter2 f l1 l2 =
+ match (l1, l2) with
+ ([], []) -> ()
+ | (a1::l1, a2::l2) -> f a1 a2; iter2 f l1 l2
+ | (_, _) -> invalid_arg "List.iter2"
+let rec fold_left2 f accu l1 l2 =
+ match (l1, l2) with
+ ([], []) -> accu
+ | (a1::l1, a2::l2) -> fold_left2 f (f accu a1 a2) l1 l2
+ | (_, _) -> invalid_arg "List.fold_left2"
+let rec fold_right2 f l1 l2 accu =
+ match (l1, l2) with
+ ([], []) -> accu
+ | (a1::l1, a2::l2) -> f a1 a2 (fold_right2 f l1 l2 accu)
+ | (_, _) -> invalid_arg "List.fold_right2"
+let rec for_all p = function
+ [] -> true
+ | a::l -> p a & for_all p l
+let rec exists p = function
+ [] -> false
+ | a::l -> p a or exists p l
+let rec mem x = function
+ [] -> false
+ | a::l -> a = x or mem x l
+let rec assoc x = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (a,b)::l -> if a = x then b else assoc x l
+let rec mem_assoc x = function
+ [] -> false
+ | (a,b)::l -> a = x or mem_assoc x l
+let rec assq x = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (a,b)::l -> if a == x then b else assq x l
+let rec split = function
+ [] -> ([], [])
+ | (x,y)::l ->
+ let (rx, ry) = split l in (x::rx, y::ry)
+let rec combine = function
+ ([], []) -> []
+ | (a1::l1, a2::l2) -> (a1, a2) :: combine(l1, l2)
+ | (_, _) -> invalid_arg "List.combine"
diff --git a/stdlib/list.mli b/stdlib/list.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00d0cc469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/list.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+(* List operations *)
+val length : 'a list -> int
+val hd : 'a list -> 'a
+val tl : 'a list -> 'a list
+val rev : 'a list -> 'a list
+val flatten : 'a list list -> 'a list
+val iter : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> unit
+val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
+val fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a
+val fold_right : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b
+val map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list
+val iter2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> unit
+val fold_left2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'a
+val fold_right2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c -> 'c
+val for_all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool
+val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool
+val mem : 'a -> 'a list -> bool
+val assoc : 'a -> ('a * 'b) list -> 'b
+val mem_assoc : 'a -> ('a * 'b) list -> bool
+val assq : 'a -> ('a * 'b) list -> 'b
+val split : ('a * 'b) list -> 'a list * 'b list
+val combine : 'a list * 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4c131ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+(* Operations on internal representations of values *)
+type t
+external repr : 'a -> t = "%identity"
+external magic : 'a -> 'b = "%identity"
+external is_block : t -> bool = "obj_is_block"
+external tag : t -> int = "%tagof"
+external size : t -> int = "%array_length"
+external field : t -> int -> t = "%array_get"
+external set_field : t -> int -> t -> unit = "%array_set"
+external new_block : int -> int -> t = "obj_block"
+external update : t -> t -> unit = "%update"
diff --git a/stdlib/obj.mli b/stdlib/obj.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9509c2b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/obj.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+(* Operations on internal representations of values *)
+type t
+val repr : 'a -> t = "%identity"
+val magic : 'a -> 'b = "%identity"
+val is_block : t -> bool = "obj_is_block"
+val tag : t -> int = "%tagof"
+val size : t -> int = "%array_length"
+val field : t -> int -> t = "%array_get"
+val set_field : t -> int -> t -> unit = "%array_set"
+val new_block : int -> int -> t = "obj_block"
+val update : t -> t -> unit = "%update"
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ddf431e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+(* The parsing engine *)
+type parse_tables =
+ { actions : (unit -> Obj.t) array;
+ transl : int array;
+ lhs : string;
+ len : string;
+ defred : string;
+ dgoto : string;
+ sindex : string;
+ rindex : string;
+ gindex : string;
+ tablesize : int;
+ table : string;
+ check : string }
+exception YYexit of Obj.t
+exception Parse_error
+open Lexing
+(* Internal interface to the parsing engine *)
+type parser_env =
+ { mutable s_stack : int array; (* States *)
+ mutable v_stack : Obj.t array; (* Semantic attributes *)
+ mutable symb_start_stack : int array; (* Start positions *)
+ mutable symb_end_stack : int array; (* End positions *)
+ mutable stacksize : int; (* Size of the stacks *)
+ mutable curr_char : int; (* Last token read *)
+ mutable lval : Obj.t; (* Its semantic attribute *)
+ mutable symb_start : int; (* Start pos. of the current symbol*)
+ mutable symb_end : int; (* End pos. of the current symbol *)
+ mutable asp : int; (* The stack pointer for attributes *)
+ mutable rule_len : int; (* Number of rhs items in the rule *)
+ mutable rule_number : int; (* Rule number to reduce by *)
+ mutable sp : int; (* Saved sp for parse_engine *)
+ mutable state : int } (* Saved state for parse_engine *)
+type parser_input =
+ Start
+ | Token_read
+ | Stacks_grown_1
+ | Stacks_grown_2
+ | Semantic_action_computed
+type parser_output =
+ Read_token
+ | Raise_parse_error
+ | Grow_stacks_1
+ | Grow_stacks_2
+ | Compute_semantic_action
+external parse_engine :
+ parse_tables -> parser_env -> parser_input -> Obj.t -> parser_output
+ = "parse_engine"
+let env =
+ { s_stack = 100 0;
+ v_stack = 100 (Obj.repr ());
+ symb_start_stack = 100 0;
+ symb_end_stack = 100 0;
+ stacksize = 100;
+ curr_char = 0;
+ lval = Obj.repr ();
+ symb_start = 0;
+ symb_end = 0;
+ asp = 0;
+ rule_len = 0;
+ rule_number = 0;
+ sp = 0;
+ state = 0 }
+let grow_stacks() =
+ let oldsize = env.stacksize in
+ let newsize = oldsize * 2 in
+ let new_s = newsize 0
+ and new_v = newsize (Obj.repr ())
+ and new_start = newsize 0
+ and new_end = newsize 0 in
+ Array.blit env.s_stack 0 new_s 0 oldsize;
+ env.s_stack <- new_s;
+ Array.blit env.v_stack 0 new_v 0 oldsize;
+ env.v_stack <- new_v;
+ Array.blit env.symb_start_stack 0 new_start 0 oldsize;
+ env.symb_start_stack <- new_start;
+ Array.blit env.symb_end_stack 0 new_end 0 oldsize;
+ env.symb_end_stack <- new_end;
+ env.stacksize <- newsize
+let clear_parser() =
+ Array.fill env.v_stack 0 env.stacksize (Obj.repr ());
+ env.lval <- Obj.repr ()
+let current_lookahead_fun = ref (fun (x: Obj.t) -> false)
+let yyparse tables start lexer lexbuf =
+ let rec loop cmd arg =
+ match parse_engine tables env cmd arg with
+ Read_token ->
+ let t = Obj.repr(lexer lexbuf) in
+ env.symb_start <- lexbuf.lex_abs_pos + lexbuf.lex_start_pos;
+ env.symb_end <- lexbuf.lex_abs_pos + lexbuf.lex_curr_pos;
+ loop Token_read t
+ | Raise_parse_error ->
+ raise Parse_error
+ | Compute_semantic_action ->
+ loop Semantic_action_computed (tables.actions.(env.rule_number) ())
+ | Grow_stacks_1 ->
+ grow_stacks(); loop Stacks_grown_1 (Obj.repr ())
+ | Grow_stacks_2 ->
+ grow_stacks(); loop Stacks_grown_2 (Obj.repr ()) in
+ let init_asp = env.asp
+ and init_sp = env.sp
+ and init_state = env.state
+ and init_curr_char = env.curr_char in
+ env.curr_char <- start;
+ try
+ loop Start (Obj.repr ())
+ with exn ->
+ let curr_char = env.curr_char in
+ env.asp <- init_asp;
+ env.sp <- init_sp;
+ env.state <- init_state;
+ env.curr_char <- init_curr_char;
+ match exn with
+ YYexit v ->
+ Obj.magic v
+ | _ ->
+ current_lookahead_fun :=
+ (fun tok -> tables.transl.(Obj.tag tok) = curr_char);
+ raise exn
+let peek_val n =
+ Obj.magic env.v_stack.(env.asp - n)
+let symbol_start () =
+ env.symb_start_stack.(env.asp - env.rule_len + 1)
+let symbol_end () =
+ env.symb_end_stack.(env.asp)
+let rhs_start n =
+ env.symb_start_stack.(env.asp - (env.rule_len - n))
+let rhs_end n =
+ env.symb_end_stack.(env.asp - (env.rule_len - n))
+let is_current_lookahead tok =
+ (!current_lookahead_fun)(Obj.repr tok)
diff --git a/stdlib/parsing.mli b/stdlib/parsing.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f5fbaffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/parsing.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+(* The run-time library for parsers generated by camlyacc *)
+val symbol_start : unit -> int
+val symbol_end : unit -> int
+ (* [symbol_start] and [symbol_end] are to be called in the action part
+ of a grammar rule only. They return the position of the string that
+ matches the left-hand side of the rule: [symbol_start()] returns
+ the position of the first character; [symbol_end()] returns the
+ position of the last character, plus one. The first character
+ in a file is at position 0. *)
+val rhs_start: int -> int
+val rhs_end: int -> int
+ (* Same as [symbol_start] and [symbol_end] above, but return then
+ position of the string matching the [n]th item on the
+ right-hand side of the rule, where [n] is the integer parameter
+ to [lhs_start] and [lhs_end]. [n] is 1 for the leftmost item. *)
+val clear_parser : unit -> unit
+ (* Empty the parser stack. Call it just after a parsing function
+ has returned, to remove all pointers from the parser stack
+ to structures that were built by semantic actions during parsing.
+ This is optional, but lowers the memory requirements of the
+ programs. *)
+exception Parse_error
+ (* Raised when a parser encounters a syntax error. *)
+(* The following definitions are used by the generated parsers only.
+ They are not intended to be used by user programs. *)
+type parse_tables =
+ { actions : (unit -> Obj.t) array;
+ transl : int array;
+ lhs : string;
+ len : string;
+ defred : string;
+ dgoto : string;
+ sindex : string;
+ rindex : string;
+ gindex : string;
+ tablesize : int;
+ table : string;
+ check : string }
+exception YYexit of Obj.t
+val yyparse :
+ parse_tables -> int -> (Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'b
+val peek_val : int -> 'a
+val is_current_lookahead: 'a -> bool
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc1014158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+(* Exceptions *)
+external raise : exn -> 'a = "%raise"
+let failwith s = raise(Failure s)
+let invalid_arg s = raise(Invalid_argument s)
+exception Exit
+(* Comparisons *)
+external (=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%equal"
+external (<>) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%notequal"
+external (<) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%lessthan"
+external (>) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%greaterthan"
+external (<=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%lessequal"
+external (>=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%greaterequal"
+external compare: 'a -> 'a -> int = "compare"
+let min x y = if x <= y then x else y
+let max x y = if x >= y then x else y
+external (==) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%eq"
+external (!=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%noteq"
+(* Boolean operations *)
+external not : bool -> bool = "%boolnot"
+external (&) : bool -> bool -> bool = "%sequand"
+external (or) : bool -> bool -> bool = "%sequor"
+(* Integer operations *)
+external (~-) : int -> int = "%negint"
+external succ : int -> int = "%succint"
+external pred : int -> int = "%predint"
+external (+) : int -> int -> int = "%addint"
+external (-) : int -> int -> int = "%subint"
+external ( * ) : int -> int -> int = "%mulint"
+external (/) : int -> int -> int = "%divint"
+external (mod) : int -> int -> int = "%modint"
+let abs x = if x >= 0 then x else -x
+external (land) : int -> int -> int = "%andint"
+external (lor) : int -> int -> int = "%orint"
+external (lxor) : int -> int -> int = "%xorint"
+let lnot x = x lxor (-1)
+external (lsl) : int -> int -> int = "%lslint"
+external (lsr) : int -> int -> int = "%lsrint"
+external (asr) : int -> int -> int = "%asrint"
+(* Floating-point operations *)
+external (~-.) : float -> float = "neg_float"
+external (+.) : float -> float -> float = "add_float"
+external (-.) : float -> float -> float = "sub_float"
+external ( *. ) : float -> float -> float = "mul_float"
+external (/.) : float -> float -> float = "div_float"
+external ( ** ) : float -> float -> float = "power_float"
+external exp : float -> float = "exp_float"
+external log : float -> float = "log_float"
+external sqrt : float -> float = "sqrt_float"
+external sin : float -> float = "sin_float"
+external cos : float -> float = "cos_float"
+external tan : float -> float = "tan_float"
+external asin : float -> float = "asin_float"
+external acos : float -> float = "acos_float"
+external atan : float -> float = "atan_float"
+external atan2 : float -> float -> float = "atan2_float"
+let abs_float f = if f >= 0.0 then f else -. f
+external float : int -> float = "float_of_int"
+external truncate : float -> int = "int_of_float"
+(* String operations -- more in module String *)
+external string_length : string -> int = "ml_string_length"
+external string_create: int -> string = "create_string"
+external string_blit : string -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit
+ = "blit_string"
+let (^) s1 s2 =
+ let l1 = string_length s1 and l2 = string_length s2 in
+ let s = string_create (l1 + l2) in
+ string_blit s1 0 s 0 l1;
+ string_blit s2 0 s l1 l2;
+ s
+(* Pair operations *)
+external fst : 'a * 'b -> 'a = "%field0"
+external snd : 'a * 'b -> 'b = "%field1"
+(* String conversion functions *)
+external format_int: string -> int -> string = "format_int"
+external format_float: string -> float -> string = "format_float"
+let string_of_bool b =
+ if b then "true" else "false"
+let string_of_int n =
+ format_int "%d" n
+external int_of_string : string -> int = "int_of_string"
+let string_of_float f =
+ format_float "%.12g" f
+external float_of_string : string -> float = "float_of_string"
+(* List operations -- more in module List *)
+let rec (@) l1 l2 =
+ match l1 with
+ [] -> l2
+ | hd :: tl -> hd :: (tl @ l2)
+(* I/O operations *)
+type in_channel
+type out_channel
+external open_descriptor_out: int -> out_channel = "open_descriptor"
+external open_descriptor_in: int -> in_channel = "open_descriptor"
+let stdin = open_descriptor_in 0
+let stdout = open_descriptor_out 1
+let stderr = open_descriptor_out 2
+(* General output functions *)
+open Sys
+let open_out_gen mode perm name =
+ open_descriptor_out(open_desc name mode perm)
+let open_out name =
+ open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_trunc; Open_text] 0o666 name
+let open_out_bin name =
+ open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_trunc; Open_binary] 0o666 name
+external flush : out_channel -> unit = "flush"
+external unsafe_output : out_channel -> string -> int -> int -> unit = "output"
+external output_char : out_channel -> char -> unit = "output_char"
+let output_string oc s =
+ unsafe_output oc s 0 (string_length s)
+let output oc s ofs len =
+ if ofs < 0 or ofs + len > string_length s
+ then invalid_arg "output"
+ else unsafe_output oc s ofs len
+external output_byte : out_channel -> int -> unit = "output_char"
+external output_binary_int : out_channel -> int -> unit = "output_int"
+external output_value : out_channel -> 'a -> unit = "output_value"
+external output_compact_value : out_channel -> 'a -> unit = "output_value"
+external seek_out : out_channel -> int -> unit = "seek_out"
+external pos_out : out_channel -> int = "pos_out"
+external size_out : out_channel -> int = "channel_size"
+external close_out : out_channel -> unit = "close_out"
+(* General input functions *)
+let open_in_gen mode perm name =
+ open_descriptor_in(open_desc name mode perm)
+let open_in name =
+ open_in_gen [Open_rdonly; Open_text] 0 name
+let open_in_bin name =
+ open_in_gen [Open_rdonly; Open_binary] 0 name
+external input_char : in_channel -> char = "input_char"
+external unsafe_input : in_channel -> string -> int -> int -> int = "input"
+let input ic s ofs len =
+ if ofs < 0 or ofs + len > string_length s
+ then invalid_arg "input"
+ else unsafe_input ic s ofs len
+let rec unsafe_really_input ic s ofs len =
+ if len <= 0 then () else begin
+ let r = unsafe_input ic s ofs len in
+ if r = 0
+ then raise End_of_file
+ else unsafe_really_input ic s (ofs+r) (len-r)
+ end
+let really_input ic s ofs len =
+ if ofs < 0 or ofs + len > string_length s
+ then invalid_arg "really_input"
+ else unsafe_really_input ic s ofs len
+external input_scan_line : in_channel -> int = "input_scan_line"
+let rec input_line chan =
+ let n = input_scan_line chan in
+ if n = 0 then (* n = 0: we are at EOF *)
+ raise End_of_file
+ else if n > 0 then begin (* n > 0: newline found in buffer *)
+ let res = string_create (n-1) in
+ unsafe_input chan res 0 (n-1);
+ input_char chan; (* skip the newline *)
+ res
+ end else begin (* n < 0: newline not found *)
+ let beg = string_create (-n) in
+ unsafe_input chan beg 0 (-n);
+ try
+ beg ^ input_line chan
+ with End_of_file ->
+ beg
+ end
+external input_byte : in_channel -> int = "input_char"
+external input_binary_int : in_channel -> int = "input_int"
+external input_value : in_channel -> 'a = "input_value"
+external seek_in : in_channel -> int -> unit = "seek_in"
+external pos_in : in_channel -> int = "pos_in"
+external in_channel_length : in_channel -> int = "channel_size"
+external close_in : in_channel -> unit = "close_in"
+(* Output functions on standard output *)
+let print_char c = output_char stdout c
+let print_string s = output_string stdout s
+let print_int i = output_string stdout (string_of_int i)
+let print_float f = output_string stdout (string_of_float f)
+let print_endline s = output_string stdout s; output_char stdout '\n'
+let print_newline () = output_char stdout '\n'; flush stdout
+(* Output functions on standard error *)
+let prerr_char c = output_char stderr c
+let prerr_string s = output_string stderr s
+let prerr_int i = output_string stderr (string_of_int i)
+let prerr_float f = output_string stderr (string_of_float f)
+let prerr_endline s =
+ output_string stderr s; output_char stderr '\n'; flush stderr
+let prerr_newline () = output_char stderr '\n'; flush stderr
+(* Input functions on standard input *)
+let read_line () = flush stdout; input_line stdin
+let read_int () = int_of_string(read_line())
+let read_float () = float_of_string(read_line())
+(* References *)
+type 'a ref = { mutable contents: 'a }
+external ref: 'a -> 'a ref = "%makeblock"
+external (!): 'a ref -> 'a = "%field0"
+external (:=): 'a ref -> 'a -> unit = "%setfield0"
+external incr: int ref -> unit = "%incr"
+external decr: int ref -> unit = "%decr"
+(* Miscellaneous *)
+external sys_exit : int -> 'a = "sys_exit"
+let exit retcode =
+ flush stdout; flush stderr; sys_exit retcode
+type 'a option = None | Some of 'a
diff --git a/stdlib/pervasives.mli b/stdlib/pervasives.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff40c49d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/pervasives.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+(* The initially opened module *)
+(* Predefined in the compiler *)
+type int
+type char
+type string
+type float
+type bool
+type unit = ()
+type exn
+type 'a array
+type 'a list = [] | :: of 'a * 'a list
+type ('a, 'b, 'c) format
+exception Out_of_memory
+exception Invalid_argument of string
+exception Failure of string
+exception Not_found
+exception Sys_error of string
+exception End_of_file
+exception Division_by_zero
+(* Exceptions *)
+val raise : exn -> 'a = "%raise"
+val failwith: string -> 'a
+val invalid_arg: string -> 'a
+exception Exit
+(* Comparisons *)
+val (=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%equal"
+val (<>) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%notequal"
+val (<) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%lessthan"
+val (>) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%greaterthan"
+val (<=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%lessequal"
+val (>=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%greaterequal"
+val compare: 'a -> 'a -> int = "compare"
+val min: 'a -> 'a -> 'a
+val max: 'a -> 'a -> 'a
+val (==) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%eq"
+val (!=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool = "%noteq"
+(* Boolean operations *)
+val not : bool -> bool = "%boolnot"
+val (&) : bool -> bool -> bool = "%sequand"
+val (or) : bool -> bool -> bool = "%sequor"
+(* Integer operations *)
+val (~-) : int -> int = "%negint"
+val succ : int -> int = "%succint"
+val pred : int -> int = "%predint"
+val (+) : int -> int -> int = "%addint"
+val (-) : int -> int -> int = "%subint"
+val ( * ) : int -> int -> int = "%mulint"
+val (/) : int -> int -> int = "%divint"
+val (mod) : int -> int -> int = "%modint"
+val abs : int -> int
+val (land) : int -> int -> int = "%andint"
+val (lor) : int -> int -> int = "%orint"
+val (lxor) : int -> int -> int = "%xorint"
+val lnot: int -> int
+val (lsl) : int -> int -> int = "%lslint"
+val (lsr) : int -> int -> int = "%lsrint"
+val (asr) : int -> int -> int = "%asrint"
+(* Floating-point operations *)
+val (~-.) : float -> float = "neg_float"
+val (+.) : float -> float -> float = "add_float"
+val (-.) : float -> float -> float = "sub_float"
+val ( *. ) : float -> float -> float = "mul_float"
+val (/.) : float -> float -> float = "div_float"
+val ( ** ) : float -> float -> float = "power_float"
+val exp : float -> float = "exp_float"
+val log : float -> float = "log_float"
+val sqrt : float -> float = "sqrt_float"
+val sin : float -> float = "sin_float"
+val cos : float -> float = "cos_float"
+val tan : float -> float = "tan_float"
+val asin : float -> float = "asin_float"
+val acos : float -> float = "acos_float"
+val atan : float -> float = "atan_float"
+val atan2 : float -> float -> float = "atan2_float"
+val abs_float : float -> float
+val float : int -> float = "float_of_int"
+val truncate : float -> int = "int_of_float"
+(* String operations -- more in module String *)
+val (^) : string -> string -> string
+(* Pair operations *)
+val fst : 'a * 'b -> 'a = "%field0"
+val snd : 'a * 'b -> 'b = "%field1"
+(* String conversion functions *)
+val string_of_bool : bool -> string
+val string_of_int : int -> string
+val int_of_string : string -> int = "int_of_string"
+val string_of_float : float -> string
+val float_of_string : string -> float = "float_of_string"
+(* List operations -- more in module List *)
+val (@) : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
+(* I/O operations *)
+type in_channel
+type out_channel
+val stdin : in_channel
+val stdout : out_channel
+val stderr : out_channel
+(* Output functions on standard output *)
+val print_char : char -> unit
+val print_string : string -> unit
+val print_int : int -> unit
+val print_float : float -> unit
+val print_endline : string -> unit
+val print_newline : unit -> unit
+(* Output functions on standard error *)
+val prerr_char : char -> unit
+val prerr_string : string -> unit
+val prerr_int : int -> unit
+val prerr_float : float -> unit
+val prerr_endline : string -> unit
+val prerr_newline : unit -> unit
+(* Input functions on standard input *)
+val read_line : unit -> string
+val read_int : unit -> int
+val read_float : unit -> float
+(* General output functions *)
+val open_out : string -> out_channel
+val open_out_bin : string -> out_channel
+val open_out_gen : Sys.open_flag list -> int -> string -> out_channel
+val flush : out_channel -> unit = "flush"
+val output_char : out_channel -> char -> unit = "output_char"
+val output_string : out_channel -> string -> unit
+val output : out_channel -> string -> int -> int -> unit
+val output_byte : out_channel -> int -> unit = "output_char"
+val output_binary_int : out_channel -> int -> unit = "output_int"
+val output_value : out_channel -> 'a -> unit = "output_value"
+val output_compact_value : out_channel -> 'a -> unit = "output_value"
+val seek_out : out_channel -> int -> unit = "seek_out"
+val pos_out : out_channel -> int = "pos_out"
+val size_out : out_channel -> int = "channel_size"
+val close_out : out_channel -> unit = "close_out"
+(* General input functions *)
+val open_in : string -> in_channel
+val open_in_bin : string -> in_channel
+val open_in_gen : Sys.open_flag list -> int -> string -> in_channel
+val input_char : in_channel -> char = "input_char"
+val input_line : in_channel -> string
+val input : in_channel -> string -> int -> int -> int
+val really_input : in_channel -> string -> int -> int -> unit
+val input_byte : in_channel -> int = "input_char"
+val input_binary_int : in_channel -> int = "input_int"
+val input_value : in_channel -> 'a = "input_value"
+val seek_in : in_channel -> int -> unit = "seek_in"
+val pos_in : in_channel -> int = "pos_in"
+val in_channel_length : in_channel -> int = "channel_size"
+val close_in : in_channel -> unit = "close_in"
+(* References *)
+type 'a ref = { mutable contents: 'a }
+val ref: 'a -> 'a ref = "%makeblock"
+val (!): 'a ref -> 'a = "%field0"
+val (:=): 'a ref -> 'a -> unit = "%setfield0"
+val incr: int ref -> unit = "%incr"
+val decr: int ref -> unit = "%decr"
+(* Miscellaneous *)
+val exit : int -> 'a
+type 'a option = None | Some of 'a
+(**** For system use, not for the casual user ****)
+val unsafe_really_input: in_channel -> string -> int -> int -> unit
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..740451328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+let print_exn = function
+ Out_of_memory ->
+ prerr_string "Out of memory\n"
+ | Match_failure(file, first_char, last_char) ->
+ prerr_string "Pattern matching failed, file ";
+ prerr_string file;
+ prerr_string ", chars "; prerr_int first_char;
+ prerr_char '-'; prerr_int last_char; prerr_char '\n'
+ | x ->
+ prerr_string "Uncaught exception: ";
+ prerr_string (Obj.magic(Obj.field (Obj.field (Obj.repr x) 0) 0));
+ if Obj.size (Obj.repr x) > 1 then begin
+ prerr_char '(';
+ for i = 1 to Obj.size (Obj.repr x) - 1 do
+ if i > 1 then prerr_string ", ";
+ let arg = Obj.field (Obj.repr x) i in
+ if not (Obj.is_block arg) then
+ prerr_int (Obj.magic arg : int)
+ else if Obj.tag arg = 253 then begin
+ prerr_char '"';
+ prerr_string (Obj.magic arg : string);
+ prerr_char '"'
+ end else
+ prerr_char '_'
+ done;
+ prerr_char ')'
+ end;
+ prerr_char '\n'
+let print fct arg =
+ try
+ fct arg
+ with x ->
+ print_exn x;
+ raise x
+let catch fct arg =
+ try
+ fct arg
+ with x ->
+ flush stdout;
+ print_exn x;
+ exit 2
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index 000000000..0b56bd2a8
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+++ b/stdlib/printexc.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(* A catch-all exception handler *)
+val catch: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+ (* [Printexc.catch fn x] applies [fn] to [x] and returns the result.
+ If the evaluation of [fn x] raises any exception, the
+ name of the exception is printed on standard error output,
+ and the programs aborts with exit code 2.
+ Typical use is [Printexc.catch main ()], where [main], with type
+ [unit->unit], is the entry point of a standalone program, to catch
+ and print stray exceptions. *)
+val print: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+ (* Same as [catch], but re-raise the stray exception after
+ printing it, instead of aborting the program. *)
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index 000000000..e13c2a600
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+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+external format_int: string -> int -> string = "format_int"
+external format_float: string -> float -> string = "format_float"
+let fprintf outchan format =
+ let format = (Obj.magic format : string) in
+ let rec doprn i =
+ if i >= String.length format then
+ Obj.magic ()
+ else
+ match String.get format i with
+ '%' ->
+ let j = skip_args (succ i) in
+ begin match String.get format j with
+ '%' ->
+ output_char outchan '%';
+ doprn (succ j)
+ | 's' ->
+ Obj.magic(fun s ->
+ if j <= i+1 then
+ output_string outchan s
+ else begin
+ let p =
+ try
+ int_of_string (String.sub format (i+1) (j-i-1))
+ with _ ->
+ invalid_arg "fprintf: bad %s format" in
+ if p > 0 & String.length s < p then begin
+ output_string outchan
+ (String.make (p - String.length s) ' ');
+ output_string outchan s
+ end else if p < 0 & String.length s < -p then begin
+ output_string outchan s;
+ output_string outchan
+ (String.make (-p - String.length s) ' ')
+ end else
+ output_string outchan s
+ end;
+ doprn (succ j))
+ | 'c' ->
+ Obj.magic(fun c ->
+ output_char outchan c;
+ doprn (succ j))
+ | 'd' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
+ Obj.magic(doint i j)
+ | 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
+ Obj.magic(dofloat i j)
+ | 'b' ->
+ Obj.magic(fun b ->
+ output_string outchan (string_of_bool b);
+ doprn (succ j))
+ | 'a' ->
+ Obj.magic(fun printer arg ->
+ printer outchan arg;
+ doprn(succ j))
+ | 't' ->
+ Obj.magic(fun printer ->
+ printer outchan;
+ doprn(succ j))
+ | c ->
+ invalid_arg ("fprintf: unknown format")
+ end
+ | c -> output_char outchan c; doprn (succ i)
+ and skip_args j =
+ match String.get format j with
+ '0' .. '9' | ' ' | '.' | '-' -> skip_args (succ j)
+ | c -> j
+ and doint i j n =
+ let len = j-i in
+ let fmt = String.create (len+2) in
+ String.blit format i fmt 0 len;
+ String.set fmt len 'l';
+ String.set fmt (len+1) (String.get format j);
+ output_string outchan (format_int fmt n);
+ doprn (succ j)
+ and dofloat i j f =
+ output_string outchan (format_float (String.sub format i (j-i+1)) f);
+ doprn (succ j)
+ in doprn 0
+let printf fmt = fprintf stdout fmt
+and eprintf fmt = fprintf stderr fmt
diff --git a/stdlib/printf.mli b/stdlib/printf.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..943f97209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/printf.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+(* Formatting printing functions *)
+val fprintf: out_channel -> ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a
+ (* [fprintf outchan format arg1 ... argN] formats the arguments
+ [arg1] to [argN] according to the format string [format],
+ and outputs the resulting string on the channel [outchan].
+ The format is a character string which contains two types of
+ objects: plain characters, which are simply copied to the
+ output channel, and conversion specifications, each of which
+ causes conversion and printing of one argument.
+ Conversion specifications consist in the [%] character, followed
+ by optional flags and field widths, followed by one conversion
+ character. The conversion characters and their meanings are:
+- [d] or [i]: convert an integer argument to signed decimal
+- [u]: convert an integer argument to unsigned decimal
+- [x]: convert an integer argument to unsigned hexadecimal,
+ using lowercase letters.
+- [X]: convert an integer argument to unsigned hexadecimal,
+ using uppercase letters.
+- [s]: insert a string argument
+- [c]: insert a character argument
+- [f]: convert a floating-point argument to decimal notation,
+ in the style [dddd.ddd]
+- [e] or [E]: convert a floating-point argument to decimal notation,
+ in the style [d.ddd e+-dd] (mantissa and exponent)
+- [g] or [G]: convert a floating-point argument to decimal notation,
+ in style [f] or [e], [E] (whichever is more compact)
+- [b]: convert a boolean argument to the string [true] or [false]
+- [a]: user-defined printer. Takes two arguments and apply the first
+ one to [outchan] (the current output channel) and to the second
+ argument. The first argument must therefore have type
+ [out_channel -> 'b -> unit] and the second ['b].
+ The output produced by the function is therefore inserted
+ in the output of [fprintf] at the current point.
+- [t]: same as [%a], but takes only one argument (with type
+ [out_channel -> unit]) and apply it to [outchan].
+- Refer to the C library [printf] function for the meaning of
+ flags and field width specifiers. *)
+val printf: ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a
+ (* Same as [fprintf], but output on [std_out]. *)
+val eprintf: ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a
+ (* Same as [fprintf], but output on [std_err]. *)
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+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+exception Empty
+type 'a queue_cell =
+ Nil
+ | Cons of 'a * 'a queue_cell ref
+type 'a t =
+ { mutable head: 'a queue_cell;
+ mutable tail: 'a queue_cell }
+let new () =
+ { head = Nil; tail = Nil }
+let clear q =
+ q.head <- Nil; q.tail <- Nil
+let add x q =
+ match q.tail with
+ Nil -> (* if tail = Nil then head = Nil *)
+ let c = Cons(x, ref Nil) in
+ q.head <- c; q.tail <- c
+ | Cons(_, newtailref) ->
+ let c = Cons(x, ref Nil) in
+ newtailref := c;
+ q.tail <- c
+let peek q =
+ match q.head with
+ Nil ->
+ raise Empty
+ | Cons(x, _) ->
+ x
+let take q =
+ match q.head with
+ Nil ->
+ raise Empty
+ | Cons(x, rest) ->
+ q.head <- !rest;
+ begin match !rest with
+ Nil -> q.tail <- Nil
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ x
+let rec length_aux = function
+ Nil -> 0
+ | Cons(_, rest) -> succ (length_aux !rest)
+let length q = length_aux q.head
+let rec iter_aux f = function
+ Nil ->
+ ()
+ | Cons(x, rest) ->
+ f x; iter_aux f !rest
+let iter f q = iter_aux f q.head
diff --git a/stdlib/queue.mli b/stdlib/queue.mli
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index 000000000..297e81afa
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+++ b/stdlib/queue.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(* Queues *)
+(* This module implements queues (FIFOs), with in-place modification. *)
+type 'a t
+ (* The type of queues containing elements of type ['a]. *)
+exception Empty
+ (* Raised when [take] is applied to an empty queue. *)
+val new: unit -> 'a t
+ (* Return a new queue, initially empty. *)
+val add: 'a -> 'a t -> unit
+ (* [add x q] adds the element [x] at the end of the queue [q]. *)
+val take: 'a t -> 'a
+ (* [take q] removes and returns the first element in queue [q],
+ or raises [Empty] if the queue is empty. *)
+val peek: 'a t -> 'a
+ (* [peek q] returns the first element in queue [q], without removing
+ it from the queue, or raises [Empty] if the queue is empty. *)
+val clear : 'a t -> unit
+ (* Discard all elements from a queue. *)
+val length: 'a t -> int
+ (* Return the number of elements in a queue. *)
+val iter: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> unit
+ (* [iter f q] applies [f] in turn to all elements of [q], from the
+ least recently entered to the most recently entered.
+ The queue itself is unchanged. *)
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+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+(* Sets over ordered types *)
+module type OrderedType =
+ sig
+ type t
+ val compare: t -> t -> int
+ end
+module type S =
+ sig
+ type elt
+ type t
+ val empty: t
+ val is_empty: t -> bool
+ val mem: elt -> t -> bool
+ val add: elt -> t -> t
+ val remove: elt -> t -> t
+ val union: t -> t -> t
+ val inter: t -> t -> t
+ val diff: t -> t -> t
+ val compare: t -> t -> int
+ val equal: t -> t -> bool
+ val iter: (elt -> 'a) -> t -> unit
+ val fold: (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+ val elements: t -> elt list
+ end
+module Make(Ord: OrderedType): (S with elt = Ord.t) =
+ struct
+ open Baltree
+ type elt = Ord.t
+ type t = elt Baltree.t
+ let empty = Empty
+ let is_empty = function Empty -> true | _ -> false
+ let mem x s =
+ Baltree.contains ( x) s
+ let add x s =
+ Baltree.add ( x) x s
+ let remove x s =
+ Baltree.remove ( x) s
+ let rec union s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ (Empty, t2) -> t2
+ | (t1, Empty) -> t1
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _), t2) ->
+ let (l2, _, r2) = Baltree.split ( v1) t2 in
+ Baltree.join (union l1 l2) v1 (union r1 r2)
+ let rec inter s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ (Empty, t2) -> Empty
+ | (t1, Empty) -> Empty
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _), t2) ->
+ match Baltree.split ( v1) t2 with
+ (l2, Nothing, r2) ->
+ Baltree.concat (inter l1 l2) (inter r1 r2)
+ | (l2, Something _, r2) ->
+ Baltree.join (inter l1 l2) v1 (inter r1 r2)
+ let rec diff s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ (Empty, t2) -> Empty
+ | (t1, Empty) -> t1
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _), t2) ->
+ match Baltree.split ( v1) t2 with
+ (l2, Nothing, r2) ->
+ Baltree.join (diff l1 l2) v1 (diff r1 r2)
+ | (l2, Something _, r2) ->
+ Baltree.concat (diff l1 l2) (diff r1 r2)
+ let compare s1 s2 =
+ s1 s2
+ let equal s1 s2 =
+ compare s1 s2 = 0
+ let rec iter f = function
+ Empty -> ()
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> iter f l; f v; iter f r
+ let rec fold f s accu =
+ match s with
+ Empty -> accu
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> fold f l (f v (fold f r accu))
+ let rec elements_aux accu = function
+ Empty -> accu
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> elements_aux (v :: elements_aux accu r) l
+ let elements s =
+ elements_aux [] s
+ end
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+++ b/stdlib/set.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(* Sets over ordered types *)
+module type OrderedType =
+ sig
+ type t
+ val compare: t -> t -> int
+ end
+module type S =
+ sig
+ type elt
+ type t
+ val empty: t
+ val is_empty: t -> bool
+ val mem: elt -> t -> bool
+ val add: elt -> t -> t
+ val remove: elt -> t -> t
+ val union: t -> t -> t
+ val inter: t -> t -> t
+ val diff: t -> t -> t
+ val compare: t -> t -> int
+ val equal: t -> t -> bool
+ val iter: (elt -> 'a) -> t -> unit
+ val fold: (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+ val elements: t -> elt list
+ end
+module Make(Ord: OrderedType): (S with elt = Ord.t)
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+(* Merging and sorting *)
+let rec merge order l1 l2 =
+ match l1 with
+ [] -> l2
+ | h1 :: t1 ->
+ match l2 with
+ [] -> l1
+ | h2 :: t2 ->
+ if order h1 h2
+ then h1 :: merge order t1 l2
+ else h2 :: merge order l1 t2
+let list order l =
+ let rec initlist = function
+ [] -> []
+ | [e] -> [[e]]
+ | e1::e2::rest ->
+ (if order e1 e2 then [e1;e2] else [e2;e1]) :: initlist rest in
+ let rec merge2 = function
+ l1::l2::rest -> merge order l1 l2 :: merge2 rest
+ | x -> x in
+ let rec mergeall = function
+ [] -> []
+ | [l] -> l
+ | llist -> mergeall (merge2 llist) in
+ mergeall(initlist l)
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+++ b/stdlib/sort.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+(* Sorting and merging lists *)
+val list : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+ (* Sort a list in increasing order according to an ordering predicate.
+ The predicate should return [true] if its first argument is
+ less than or equal to its second argument. *)
+val merge : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
+ (* Merge two lists according to the given predicate.
+ Assuming the two argument lists are sorted according to the
+ predicate, [merge] returns a sorted list containing the elements
+ from the two lists. The behavior is undefined if the two
+ argument lists were not sorted. *)
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+type 'a t = { mutable c : 'a list }
+exception Empty
+let new () = { c = [] }
+let clear s = s.c <- []
+let push x s = s.c <- x :: s.c
+let pop s =
+ match s.c with
+ hd::tl -> s.c <- tl; hd
+ | [] -> raise Empty
+let length s = List.length s.c
+let iter f s = List.iter f s.c
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index 000000000..a1133edcc
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+++ b/stdlib/stack.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(* Stacks *)
+(* This modl implements stacks (LIFOs), with in-place modification. *)
+type 'a t
+ (* The type of stacks containing elements of type ['a]. *)
+exception Empty
+ (* Raised when [pop] is applied to an empty stack. *)
+val new: unit -> 'a t
+ (* Return a new stack, initially empty. *)
+val push: 'a -> 'a t -> unit
+ (* [push x s] adds the element [x] at the top of stack [s]. *)
+val pop: 'a t -> 'a
+ (* [pop s] removes and returns the topmost element in stack [s],
+ or raises [Empty] if the stack is empty. *)
+val clear : 'a t -> unit
+ (* Discard all elements from a stack. *)
+val length: 'a t -> int
+ (* Return the number of elements in a stack. *)
+val iter: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> unit
+ (* [iter f s] applies [f] in turn to all elements of [s], from the
+ element at the top of the stack to the element at the
+ bottom of the stack. The stack itself is unchanged. *)
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index 000000000..eeb5676a7
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+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+(* String operations *)
+external length : string -> int = "ml_string_length"
+external create: int -> string = "create_string"
+external unsafe_get : string -> int -> char = "%string_get"
+external unsafe_set : string -> int -> char -> unit = "%string_set"
+external unsafe_blit : string -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit
+ = "blit_string"
+external unsafe_fill : string -> int -> int -> char -> unit = "fill_string"
+let get s n =
+ if n < 0 or n >= length s
+ then invalid_arg "String.get"
+ else unsafe_get s n
+let set s n c =
+ if n < 0 or n >= length s
+ then invalid_arg "String.set"
+ else unsafe_set s n c
+let make n c =
+ let s = create n in
+ unsafe_fill s 0 n c;
+ s
+let copy s =
+ let len = length s in
+ let r = create len in
+ unsafe_blit s 0 r 0 len;
+ r
+let sub s ofs len =
+ if ofs < 0 or len < 0 or ofs + len > length s
+ then invalid_arg "String.sub"
+ else begin
+ let r = create len in
+ unsafe_blit s ofs r 0 len;
+ r
+ end
+let fill s ofs len c =
+ if ofs < 0 or len < 0 or ofs + len > length s
+ then invalid_arg "String.fill"
+ else unsafe_fill s ofs len c
+let blit s1 ofs1 s2 ofs2 len =
+ if len < 0 or ofs1 < 0 or ofs1 + len > length s1
+ or ofs2 < 0 or ofs2 + len > length s2
+ then invalid_arg "String.blit"
+ else unsafe_blit s1 ofs1 s2 ofs2 len
+external is_printable: char -> bool = "is_printable"
+let escaped s =
+ let n = ref 0 in
+ for i = 0 to length s - 1 do
+ n := !n +
+ (match unsafe_get s i with
+ '"' | '\\' | '\n' | '\t' -> 2
+ | c -> if is_printable c then 1 else 4)
+ done;
+ if !n = length s then s else begin
+ let s' = create !n in
+ n := 0;
+ for i = 0 to length s - 1 do
+ begin
+ match unsafe_get s i with
+ ('"' | '\\') as c ->
+ unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; unsafe_set s' !n c
+ | '\n' ->
+ unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; unsafe_set s' !n 'n'
+ | '\t' ->
+ unsafe_set s' !n '\\'; incr n; unsafe_set s' !n 't'
+ | c ->
+ if is_printable c then
+ unsafe_set s' !n c
+ else begin
+ let a = Char.code c in
+ unsafe_set s' !n '\\';
+ incr n;
+ unsafe_set s' !n (Char.unsafe_chr (48 + a / 100));
+ incr n;
+ unsafe_set s' !n (Char.unsafe_chr (48 + (a / 10) mod 10));
+ incr n;
+ unsafe_set s' !n (Char.unsafe_chr (48 + a mod 10))
+ end
+ end;
+ incr n
+ done;
+ s'
+ end
diff --git a/stdlib/string.mli b/stdlib/string.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6dd586f86
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+++ b/stdlib/string.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+(* String operations *)
+val length : string -> int = "ml_string_length"
+val get : string -> int -> char
+val set : string -> int -> char -> unit
+val create : int -> string = "create_string"
+val make : int -> char -> string
+val copy : string -> string
+val sub : string -> int -> int -> string
+val fill : string -> int -> int -> char -> unit
+val blit : string -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit
+val escaped: string -> string
+val unsafe_get : string -> int -> char = "%string_get"
+val unsafe_set : string -> int -> char -> unit = "%string_set"
+val unsafe_blit : string -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit
+ = "blit_string"
+val unsafe_fill : string -> int -> int -> char -> unit = "fill_string"
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+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+(* System interface *)
+type open_flag =
+ Open_rdonly | Open_wronly | Open_rdwr
+ | Open_append | Open_creat | Open_trunc | Open_excl
+ | Open_binary | Open_text
+external get_argv: unit -> string array = "sys_get_argv"
+let argv = get_argv()
+external remove: string -> unit = "sys_remove"
+external getenv: string -> string = "sys_getenv"
+external open_desc: string -> open_flag list -> int -> int = "sys_open"
+external close_desc: int -> unit = "sys_close"
+external command: string -> int = "sys_system_command"
+external chdir: string -> unit = "sys_chdir"
+type signal_behavior =
+ Signal_default
+ | Signal_ignore
+ | Signal_handle of (int -> unit)
+external signal: int -> signal_behavior -> unit = "install_signal_handler"
+let sigabrt = -1
+let sigalrm = -2
+let sigfpe = -3
+let sighup = -4
+let sigill = -5
+let sigint = -6
+let sigkill = -7
+let sigpipe = -8
+let sigquit = -9
+let sigsegv = -10
+let sigterm = -11
+let sigusr1 = -12
+let sigusr2 = -13
+let sigchld = -14
+let sigcont = -15
+let sigstop = -16
+let sigtstp = -17
+let sigttin = -18
+let sigttou = -19
+exception Break
+let catch_break on =
+ if on then
+ signal sigint (Signal_handle(fun _ -> raise Break))
+ else
+ signal sigint Signal_default
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+++ b/stdlib/sys.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+(* System interface *)
+type open_flag =
+ Open_rdonly | Open_wronly | Open_rdwr
+ | Open_append | Open_creat | Open_trunc | Open_excl
+ | Open_binary | Open_text
+val argv: string array
+val remove: string -> unit = "sys_remove"
+val getenv: string -> string = "sys_getenv"
+val open_desc: string -> open_flag list -> int -> int = "sys_open"
+val close_desc: int -> unit = "sys_close"
+val command: string -> int = "sys_system_command"
+val chdir: string -> unit = "sys_chdir"
+type signal_behavior =
+ Signal_default
+ | Signal_ignore
+ | Signal_handle of (int -> unit)
+val signal: int -> signal_behavior -> unit = "install_signal_handler"
+val sigabrt: int
+val sigalrm: int
+val sigfpe: int
+val sighup: int
+val sigill: int
+val sigint: int
+val sigkill: int
+val sigpipe: int
+val sigquit: int
+val sigsegv: int
+val sigterm: int
+val sigusr1: int
+val sigusr2: int
+val sigchld: int
+val sigcont: int
+val sigstop: int
+val sigtstp: int
+val sigttin: int
+val sigttou: int
+exception Break
+val catch_break: bool -> unit