path: root/testsuite/tests/lib-bigarray-2/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/lib-bigarray-2/')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib-bigarray-2/ b/testsuite/tests/lib-bigarray-2/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c91562284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/lib-bigarray-2/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+open Bigarray
+open Printf
+(* Test harness *)
+let error_occurred = ref false
+let function_tested = ref ""
+let testing_function s =
+ function_tested := s;
+ print_newline();
+ print_string s;
+ print_newline()
+let test test_number answer correct_answer =
+ flush stdout;
+ flush stderr;
+ if answer <> correct_answer then begin
+ eprintf "*** Bad result (%s, test %d)\n" !function_tested test_number;
+ flush stderr;
+ error_occurred := true
+ end else begin
+ printf " %d..." test_number
+ end
+(* External C and Fortran functions *)
+external c_filltab : unit -> (float, float64_elt, c_layout) Array2.t = "c_filltab"
+external c_printtab : (float, float64_elt, c_layout) Array2.t -> unit = "c_printtab"
+external fortran_filltab : unit -> (float, float32_elt, fortran_layout) Array2.t = "fortran_filltab"
+external fortran_printtab : (float, float32_elt, fortran_layout) Array2.t -> unit = "fortran_printtab"
+let _ =
+ let make_array2 kind layout ind0 dim1 dim2 fromint =
+ let a = Array2.create kind layout dim1 dim2 in
+ for i = ind0 to dim1 - 1 + ind0 do
+ for j = ind0 to dim2 - 1 + ind0 do
+ a.{i,j} <- (fromint (i * 1000 + j))
+ done
+ done;
+ a in
+ print_newline();
+ testing_function "------ Foreign function interface --------";
+ testing_function "Passing an array to C";
+ c_printtab (make_array2 float64 c_layout 0 6 8 float);
+ testing_function "Accessing a C array";
+ let a = c_filltab () in
+ test 1 a.{0,0} 0.0;
+ test 2 a.{1,0} 100.0;
+ test 3 a.{0,1} 1.0;
+ test 4 a.{5,4} 504.0;
+ testing_function "Passing an array to Fortran";
+ fortran_printtab (make_array2 float32 fortran_layout 1 5 4 float);
+ testing_function "Accessing a Fortran array";
+ let a = fortran_filltab () in
+ test 1 a.{1,1} 101.0;
+ test 2 a.{2,1} 201.0;
+ test 3 a.{1,2} 102.0;
+ test 4 a.{5,4} 504.0;