path: root/testsuite/tests
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22 files changed, 1689 insertions, 115 deletions
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index 000000000..895be5a05
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+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
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+(* Encoding generics using GADTs *)
+(* (c) Alain Frisch / Lexifi *)
+(* cf. *)
+(* Basic tag *)
+type 'a ty =
+ | Int: int ty
+ | String: string ty
+ | List: 'a ty -> 'a list ty
+ | Pair: ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
+(* Tagging data *)
+type variant =
+ | VInt of int
+ | VString of string
+ | VList of variant list
+ | VPair of variant * variant
+let rec variantize: type t. t ty -> t -> variant =
+ fun ty x ->
+ (* type t is abstract here *)
+ match ty with
+ | Int -> VInt x (* in this branch: t = int *)
+ | String -> VString x (* t = string *)
+ | List ty1 ->
+ VList ( (variantize ty1) x)
+ (* t = 'a list for some 'a *)
+ | Pair (ty1, ty2) ->
+ VPair (variantize ty1 (fst x), variantize ty2 (snd x))
+ (* t = ('a, 'b) for some 'a and 'b *)
+exception VariantMismatch
+let rec devariantize: type t. t ty -> variant -> t =
+ fun ty v ->
+ match ty, v with
+ | Int, VInt x -> x
+ | String, VString x -> x
+ | List ty1, VList vl ->
+ (devariantize ty1) vl
+ | Pair (ty1, ty2), VPair (x1, x2) ->
+ (devariantize ty1 x1, devariantize ty2 x2)
+ | _ -> raise VariantMismatch
+(* Handling records *)
+type 'a ty =
+ | Int: int ty
+ | String: string ty
+ | List: 'a ty -> 'a list ty
+ | Pair: ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
+ | Record: 'a record -> 'a ty
+and 'a record =
+ {
+ path: string;
+ fields: 'a field_ list;
+ }
+and 'a field_ =
+ | Field: ('a, 'b) field -> 'a field_
+and ('a, 'b) field =
+ {
+ label: string;
+ field_type: 'b ty;
+ get: ('a -> 'b);
+ }
+(* Again *)
+type variant =
+ | VInt of int
+ | VString of string
+ | VList of variant list
+ | VPair of variant * variant
+ | VRecord of (string * variant) list
+let rec variantize: type t. t ty -> t -> variant =
+ fun ty x ->
+ (* type t is abstract here *)
+ match ty with
+ | Int -> VInt x (* in this branch: t = int *)
+ | String -> VString x (* t = string *)
+ | List ty1 ->
+ VList ( (variantize ty1) x)
+ (* t = 'a list for some 'a *)
+ | Pair (ty1, ty2) ->
+ VPair (variantize ty1 (fst x), variantize ty2 (snd x))
+ (* t = ('a, 'b) for some 'a and 'b *)
+ | Record {fields} ->
+ VRecord
+ ( (fun (Field{field_type; label; get}) ->
+ (label, variantize field_type (get x))) fields)
+(* Extraction *)
+type 'a ty =
+ | Int: int ty
+ | String: string ty
+ | List: 'a ty -> 'a list ty
+ | Pair: ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
+ | Record: ('a, 'builder) record -> 'a ty
+and ('a, 'builder) record =
+ {
+ path: string;
+ fields: ('a, 'builder) field list;
+ create_builder: (unit -> 'builder);
+ of_builder: ('builder -> 'a);
+ }
+and ('a, 'builder) field =
+ | Field: ('a, 'builder, 'b) field_ -> ('a, 'builder) field
+and ('a, 'builder, 'b) field_ =
+ {
+ label: string;
+ field_type: 'b ty;
+ get: ('a -> 'b);
+ set: ('builder -> 'b -> unit);
+ }
+let rec devariantize: type t. t ty -> variant -> t =
+ fun ty v ->
+ match ty, v with
+ | Int, VInt x -> x
+ | String, VString x -> x
+ | List ty1, VList vl ->
+ (devariantize ty1) vl
+ | Pair (ty1, ty2), VPair (x1, x2) ->
+ (devariantize ty1 x1, devariantize ty2 x2)
+ | Record {fields; create_builder; of_builder}, VRecord fl ->
+ if List.length fields <> List.length fl then raise VariantMismatch;
+ let builder = create_builder () in
+ List.iter2
+ (fun (Field {label; field_type; set}) (lab, v) ->
+ if label <> lab then raise VariantMismatch;
+ set builder (devariantize field_type v)
+ )
+ fields fl;
+ of_builder builder
+ | _ -> raise VariantMismatch
+type my_record =
+ {
+ a: int;
+ b: string list;
+ }
+let my_record =
+ let fields =
+ [
+ Field {label = "a"; field_type = Int;
+ get = (fun {a} -> a);
+ set = (fun (r, _) x -> r := Some x)};
+ Field {label = "b"; field_type = List String;
+ get = (fun {b} -> b);
+ set = (fun (_, r) x -> r := Some x)};
+ ]
+ in
+ let create_builder () = (ref None, ref None) in
+ let of_builder (a, b) =
+ match !a, !b with
+ | Some a, Some b -> {a; b}
+ | _ -> failwith "Some fields are missing in record of type my_record"
+ in
+ Record {path = "My_module.my_record"; fields; create_builder; of_builder}
+(* Extension to recursive types and polymorphic variants *)
+(* by Jacques Garrigue *)
+type noarg = Noarg
+type (_,_) ty =
+ | Int: (int,_) ty
+ | String: (string,_) ty
+ | List: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
+ | Option: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
+ | Pair: (('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b,'e) ty
+ (* Support for type variables and recursive types *)
+ | Var: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
+ | Rec: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a,'e) ty
+ | Pop: ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
+ (* Change the representation of a type *)
+ | Conv: string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ (* Sum types (both normal sums and polymorphic variants) *)
+ | Sum: ('a, 'e, 'b) ty_sum -> ('a, 'e) ty
+and ('a, 'e, 'b) ty_sum =
+ { sum_proj: 'a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option;
+ sum_cases: (string * ('e,'b) ty_case) list;
+ sum_inj: 'c. ('b,'c) ty_sel * 'c -> 'a; }
+and 'e ty_dyn = (* dynamic type *)
+ | Tdyn : ('a,'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
+and (_,_) ty_sel = (* selector from a list of types *)
+ | Thd : ('a -> 'b, 'a) ty_sel
+ | Ttl : ('b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel
+and (_,_) ty_case = (* type a sum case *)
+ | TCarg : ('b,'a) ty_sel * ('a,'e) ty -> ('e,'b) ty_case
+ | TCnoarg : ('b,noarg) ty_sel -> ('e,'b) ty_case
+type _ ty_env = (* type variable substitution *)
+ | Enil : unit ty_env
+ | Econs : ('a,'e) ty * 'e ty_env -> ('a -> 'e) ty_env
+(* Comparing selectors *)
+type (_,_) eq = Eq: ('a,'a) eq
+let rec eq_sel : type a b c. (a,b) ty_sel -> (a,c) ty_sel -> (b,c) eq option =
+ fun s1 s2 ->
+ match s1, s2 with
+ | Thd, Thd -> Some Eq
+ | Ttl s1, Ttl s2 ->
+ (match eq_sel s1 s2 with None -> None | Some Eq -> Some Eq)
+ | _ -> None
+(* Auxiliary function to get the type of a case from its selector *)
+let rec get_case : type a b e.
+ (b, a) ty_sel -> (string * (e,b) ty_case) list -> string * (a, e) ty option =
+ fun sel cases ->
+ match cases with
+ | (name, TCnoarg sel') :: rem ->
+ begin match eq_sel sel sel' with
+ | None -> get_case sel rem
+ | Some Eq -> name, None
+ end
+ | (name, TCarg (sel', ty)) :: rem ->
+ begin match eq_sel sel sel' with
+ | None -> get_case sel rem
+ | Some Eq -> name, Some ty
+ end
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+(* Untyped representation of values *)
+type variant =
+ | VInt of int
+ | VString of string
+ | VList of variant list
+ | VOption of variant option
+ | VPair of variant * variant
+ | VConv of string * variant
+ | VSum of string * variant option
+let may_map f = function Some x -> Some (f x) | None -> None
+let rec variantize : type a e. e ty_env -> (a,e) ty -> a -> variant =
+ fun e ty v ->
+ match ty with
+ | Int -> VInt v
+ | String -> VString v
+ | List t -> VList ( (variantize e t) v)
+ | Option t -> VOption (may_map (variantize e t) v)
+ | Pair (t1, t2) -> VPair (variantize e t1 (fst v), variantize e t2 (snd v))
+ | Rec t -> variantize (Econs (ty, e)) t v
+ | Pop t -> (match e with Econs (_, e') -> variantize e' t v)
+ | Var -> (match e with Econs (t, e') -> variantize e' t v)
+ | Conv (s, proj, inj, t) -> VConv (s, variantize e t (proj v))
+ | Sum ops ->
+ let tag, arg = ops.sum_proj v in
+ VSum (tag, may_map (function Tdyn (ty,arg) -> variantize e ty arg) arg)
+let rec devariantize : type t e. e ty_env -> (t, e) ty -> variant -> t =
+ fun e ty v ->
+ match ty, v with
+ | Int, VInt x -> x
+ | String, VString x -> x
+ | List ty1, VList vl ->
+ (devariantize e ty1) vl
+ | Pair (ty1, ty2), VPair (x1, x2) ->
+ (devariantize e ty1 x1, devariantize e ty2 x2)
+ | Rec t, _ -> devariantize (Econs (ty, e)) t v
+ | Pop t, _ -> (match e with Econs (_, e') -> devariantize e' t v)
+ | Var, _ -> (match e with Econs (t, e') -> devariantize e' t v)
+ | Conv (s, proj, inj, t), VConv (s', v) when s = s' ->
+ inj (devariantize e t v)
+ | Sum ops, VSum (tag, a) ->
+ begin try match List.assoc tag ops.sum_cases, a with
+ | TCarg (sel, t), Some a -> ops.sum_inj (sel, devariantize e t a)
+ | TCnoarg sel, None -> ops.sum_inj (sel, Noarg)
+ | _ -> raise VariantMismatch
+ with Not_found -> raise VariantMismatch
+ end
+ | _ -> raise VariantMismatch
+(* First attempt: represent 1-constructor variants using Conv *)
+let wrap_A t = Conv ("`A", (fun (`A x) -> x), (fun x -> `A x), t);;
+let ty a = Rec (wrap_A (Option (Pair (a, Var)))) ;;
+let v = variantize Enil (ty Int);;
+let x = v (`A (Some (1, `A (Some (2, `A None))))) ;;
+(* Can also use it to decompose a tuple *)
+let triple t1 t2 t3 =
+ Conv ("Triple", (fun (a,b,c) -> (a,(b,c))),
+ (fun (a,(b,c)) -> (a,b,c)), Pair (t1, Pair (t2, t3)))
+let v = variantize Enil (triple String Int Int) ("A", 2, 3) ;;
+(* Second attempt: introduce a real sum construct *)
+let ty_abc =
+ (* Could also use [get_case] for proj, but direct definition is shorter *)
+ let proj = function
+ `A n -> "A", Some (Tdyn (Int, n))
+ | `B s -> "B", Some (Tdyn (String, s))
+ | `C -> "C", None
+ (* Define inj in advance to be able to write the type annotation easily *)
+ and inj : type c. (int -> string -> noarg -> unit, c) ty_sel * c ->
+ [`A of int | `B of string | `C] = function
+ Thd, v -> `A v
+ | Ttl Thd, v -> `B v
+ | Ttl (Ttl Thd), Noarg -> `C
+ in
+ (* Coherence of sum_inj and sum_cases is checked by the typing *)
+ Sum { sum_proj = proj; sum_inj = inj; sum_cases =
+ [ "A", TCarg (Thd, Int); "B", TCarg (Ttl Thd, String);
+ "C", TCnoarg (Ttl (Ttl Thd)) ] }
+let v = variantize Enil ty_abc (`A 3)
+let a = devariantize Enil ty_abc v
+(* And an example with recursion... *)
+type 'a vlist = [`Nil | `Cons of 'a * 'a vlist]
+let ty_list : type a e. (a, e) ty -> (a vlist, e) ty = fun t ->
+ let tcons = Pair (Pop t, Var) in
+ Rec (Sum {
+ sum_proj = (function
+ `Nil -> "Nil", None
+ | `Cons p -> "Cons", Some (Tdyn (tcons, p)));
+ sum_cases = ["Nil", TCnoarg Thd; "Cons", TCarg (Ttl Thd, tcons)];
+ sum_inj = fun (type c) ->
+ (function
+ | Thd, Noarg -> `Nil
+ | Ttl Thd, v -> `Cons v
+ : (noarg -> a * a vlist -> unit, c) ty_sel * c -> a vlist)
+ (* One can also write the type annotation directly *)
+ })
+let v = variantize Enil (ty_list Int) (`Cons (1, `Cons (2, `Nil))) ;;
+(* Simpler but weaker approach *)
+type (_,_) ty =
+ | Int: (int,_) ty
+ | String: (string,_) ty
+ | List: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
+ | Option: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
+ | Pair: (('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b,'e) ty
+ | Var: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
+ | Rec: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a,'e) ty
+ | Pop: ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
+ | Conv: string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Sum: ('a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option) * (string * 'e ty_dyn option -> 'a)
+ -> ('a, 'e) ty
+and 'e ty_dyn =
+ | Tdyn : ('a,'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
+let ty_abc : ([`A of int | `B of string | `C],'e) ty =
+ (* Could also use [get_case] for proj, but direct definition is shorter *)
+ Sum (
+ (function
+ `A n -> "A", Some (Tdyn (Int, n))
+ | `B s -> "B", Some (Tdyn (String, s))
+ | `C -> "C", None),
+ (function
+ "A", Some (Tdyn (Int, n)) -> `A n
+ | "B", Some (Tdyn (String, s)) -> `B s
+ | "C", None -> `C
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "ty_abc"))
+(* Breaks: no way to pattern-match on a full recursive type *)
+let ty_list : type a e. (a,e) ty -> (a vlist,e) ty = fun t ->
+ let targ = Pair (Pop t, Var) in
+ Rec (Sum (
+ (function `Nil -> "Nil", None
+ | `Cons p -> "Cons", Some (Tdyn (targ, p))),
+ (function "Nil", None -> `Nil
+ | "Cons", Some (Tdyn (Pair (_, Var), (p : a * a vlist))) -> `Cons p)))
+(* Define Sum using object instead of record for first-class polymorphism *)
+type (_,_) ty =
+ | Int: (int,_) ty
+ | String: (string,_) ty
+ | List: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
+ | Option: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
+ | Pair: (('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b,'e) ty
+ | Var: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
+ | Rec: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a,'e) ty
+ | Pop: ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
+ | Conv: string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Sum: < proj: 'a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option;
+ cases: (string * ('e,'b) ty_case) list;
+ inj: 'c. ('b,'c) ty_sel * 'c -> 'a >
+ -> ('a, 'e) ty
+and 'e ty_dyn =
+ | Tdyn : ('a,'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
+and (_,_) ty_sel =
+ | Thd : ('a -> 'b, 'a) ty_sel
+ | Ttl : ('b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel
+and (_,_) ty_case =
+ | TCarg : ('b,'a) ty_sel * ('a,'e) ty -> ('e,'b) ty_case
+ | TCnoarg : ('b,noarg) ty_sel -> ('e,'b) ty_case
+let ty_abc : ([`A of int | `B of string | `C] as 'a, 'e) ty =
+ Sum (object
+ method proj = function
+ `A n -> "A", Some (Tdyn (Int, n))
+ | `B s -> "B", Some (Tdyn (String, s))
+ | `C -> "C", None
+ method cases =
+ [ "A", TCarg (Thd, Int); "B", TCarg (Ttl Thd, String);
+ "C", TCnoarg (Ttl (Ttl Thd)) ];
+ method inj : type c.
+ (int -> string -> noarg -> unit, c) ty_sel * c ->
+ [`A of int | `B of string | `C] =
+ function
+ Thd, v -> `A v
+ | Ttl Thd, v -> `B v
+ | Ttl (Ttl Thd), Noarg -> `C
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end)
+type 'a vlist = [`Nil | `Cons of 'a * 'a vlist]
+let ty_list : type a e. (a, e) ty -> (a vlist, e) ty = fun t ->
+ let tcons = Pair (Pop t, Var) in
+ Rec (Sum (object
+ method proj = function
+ `Nil -> "Nil", None
+ | `Cons p -> "Cons", Some (Tdyn (tcons, p))
+ method cases = ["Nil", TCnoarg Thd; "Cons", TCarg (Ttl Thd, tcons)]
+ method inj : type c.(noarg -> a * a vlist -> unit, c) ty_sel * c -> a vlist
+ = function
+ | Thd, Noarg -> `Nil
+ | Ttl Thd, v -> `Cons v
+ end))
+type (_,_) ty_assoc =
+ | Anil : (unit,'e) ty_assoc
+ | Acons : string * ('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty_assoc -> ('a -> 'b, 'e) ty_assoc
+and (_,_) ty_pvar =
+ | Pnil : ('a,'e) ty_pvar
+ | Pconst : 't * ('b,'e) ty_pvar -> ('t -> 'b, 'e) ty_pvar
+ | Parg : 't * ('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty_pvar -> ('t * 'a -> 'b, 'e) ty_pvar
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dda0a0fa7
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+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# type 'a ty =
+ Int : int ty
+ | String : string ty
+ | List : 'a ty -> 'a list ty
+ | Pair : ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
+# type variant =
+ VInt of int
+ | VString of string
+ | VList of variant list
+ | VPair of variant * variant
+val variantize : 'a ty -> 'a -> variant = <fun>
+exception VariantMismatch
+val devariantize : 'a ty -> variant -> 'a = <fun>
+# type 'a ty =
+ Int : int ty
+ | String : string ty
+ | List : 'a ty -> 'a list ty
+ | Pair : ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
+ | Record : 'a record -> 'a ty
+and 'a record = { path : string; fields : 'a field_ list; }
+and 'a field_ = Field : ('a, 'b) field -> 'a field_
+and ('a, 'b) field = { label : string; field_type : 'b ty; get : 'a -> 'b; }
+# type variant =
+ VInt of int
+ | VString of string
+ | VList of variant list
+ | VPair of variant * variant
+ | VRecord of (string * variant) list
+val variantize : 'a ty -> 'a -> variant = <fun>
+# type 'a ty =
+ Int : int ty
+ | String : string ty
+ | List : 'a ty -> 'a list ty
+ | Pair : ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
+ | Record : ('a, 'builder) record -> 'a ty
+and ('a, 'builder) record = {
+ path : string;
+ fields : ('a, 'builder) field list;
+ create_builder : unit -> 'builder;
+ of_builder : 'builder -> 'a;
+and ('a, 'builder) field =
+ Field : ('a, 'builder, 'b) field_ -> ('a, 'builder) field
+and ('a, 'builder, 'b) field_ = {
+ label : string;
+ field_type : 'b ty;
+ get : 'a -> 'b;
+ set : 'builder -> 'b -> unit;
+val devariantize : 'a ty -> variant -> 'a = <fun>
+# type my_record = { a : int; b : string list; }
+val my_record : my_record ty =
+ Record
+ {path = "My_module.my_record";
+ fields =
+ [Field {label = "a"; field_type = Int; get = <fun>; set = <fun>};
+ Field {label = "b"; field_type = List String; get = <fun>; set = <fun>}];
+ create_builder = <fun>; of_builder = <fun>}
+# type noarg = Noarg
+type ('a, 'b) ty =
+ Int : (int, 'c) ty
+ | String : (string, 'd) ty
+ | List : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
+ | Option : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
+ | Pair : (('a, 'e) ty * ('b, 'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b, 'e) ty
+ | Var : ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
+ | Rec : ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Pop : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
+ | Conv : string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Sum : ('a, 'e, 'b) ty_sum -> ('a, 'e) ty
+and ('a, 'e, 'b) ty_sum = {
+ sum_proj : 'a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option;
+ sum_cases : (string * ('e, 'b) ty_case) list;
+ sum_inj : 'c. ('b, 'c) ty_sel * 'c -> 'a;
+and 'e ty_dyn = Tdyn : ('a, 'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
+and ('a, 'b) ty_sel =
+ Thd : ('a -> 'b, 'a) ty_sel
+ | Ttl : ('b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel
+and ('a, 'b) ty_case =
+ TCarg : ('b, 'a) ty_sel * ('a, 'e) ty -> ('e, 'b) ty_case
+ | TCnoarg : ('b, noarg) ty_sel -> ('e, 'b) ty_case
+# type 'a ty_env =
+ Enil : unit ty_env
+ | Econs : ('a, 'e) ty * 'e ty_env -> ('a -> 'e) ty_env
+# type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
+val eq_sel : ('a, 'b) ty_sel -> ('a, 'c) ty_sel -> ('b, 'c) eq option = <fun>
+val get_case :
+ ('a, 'b) ty_sel ->
+ (string * ('c, 'a) ty_case) list -> string * ('b, 'c) ty option = <fun>
+# type variant =
+ VInt of int
+ | VString of string
+ | VList of variant list
+ | VOption of variant option
+ | VPair of variant * variant
+ | VConv of string * variant
+ | VSum of string * variant option
+val may_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option = <fun>
+val variantize : 'a ty_env -> ('b, 'a) ty -> 'b -> variant = <fun>
+# val devariantize : 'a ty_env -> ('b, 'a) ty -> variant -> 'b = <fun>
+# val wrap_A : ('a, 'b) ty -> ([ `A of 'a ], 'b) ty = <fun>
+# val ty : ('a, ([ `A of ('a * 'b) option ] as 'b) -> 'c) ty -> ('b, 'c) ty =
+ <fun>
+# val v : ([ `A of (int * 'a) option ] as 'a) -> variant = <fun>
+# val x : variant =
+ VConv ("`A",
+ VOption
+ (Some
+ (VPair (VInt 1,
+ VConv ("`A",
+ VOption (Some (VPair (VInt 2, VConv ("`A", VOption None)))))))))
+# val triple :
+ ('a, 'b) ty -> ('c, 'b) ty -> ('d, 'b) ty -> ('a * 'c * 'd, 'b) ty = <fun>
+val v : variant =
+ VConv ("Triple", VPair (VString "A", VPair (VInt 2, VInt 3)))
+# val ty_abc : ([ `A of int | `B of string | `C ], 'a) ty =
+ Sum
+ {sum_proj = <fun>;
+ sum_cases =
+ [("A", TCarg (Thd, Int)); ("B", TCarg (Ttl Thd, String));
+ ("C", TCnoarg (Ttl (Ttl Thd)))];
+ sum_inj = <fun>}
+# val a : [ `A of int | `B of string | `C ] = `A 3
+type 'a vlist = [ `Cons of 'a * 'a vlist | `Nil ]
+val ty_list : ('a, 'b) ty -> ('a vlist, 'b) ty = <fun>
+val v : variant =
+ VSum ("Cons",
+ Some
+ (VPair (VInt 1, VSum ("Cons", Some (VPair (VInt 2, VSum ("Nil", None)))))))
+# type ('a, 'b) ty =
+ Int : (int, 'c) ty
+ | String : (string, 'd) ty
+ | List : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
+ | Option : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
+ | Pair : (('a, 'e) ty * ('b, 'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b, 'e) ty
+ | Var : ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
+ | Rec : ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Pop : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
+ | Conv : string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Sum : ('a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option) *
+ (string * 'e ty_dyn option -> 'a) -> ('a, 'e) ty
+and 'e ty_dyn = Tdyn : ('a, 'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
+val ty_abc : ([ `A of int | `B of string | `C ], 'e) ty = Sum (<fun>, <fun>)
+# Characters 327-344:
+ | "Cons", Some (Tdyn (Pair (_, Var), (p : a * a vlist))) -> `Cons p)))
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+Error: This pattern matches values of type a * a vlist
+ but a pattern was expected which matches values of type
+ ex#42 = ex#43 * ex#44
+# type ('a, 'b) ty =
+ Int : (int, 'd) ty
+ | String : (string, 'f) ty
+ | List : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
+ | Option : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
+ | Pair : (('a, 'e) ty * ('b, 'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b, 'e) ty
+ | Var : ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
+ | Rec : ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Pop : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
+ | Conv : string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Sum :
+ < cases : (string * ('e, 'b) ty_case) list;
+ inj : 'c. ('b, 'c) ty_sel * 'c -> 'a;
+ proj : 'a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option > -> ('a, 'e) ty
+and 'e ty_dyn = Tdyn : ('a, 'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
+and ('a, 'b) ty_sel =
+ Thd : ('a -> 'b, 'a) ty_sel
+ | Ttl : ('b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel
+and ('a, 'b) ty_case =
+ TCarg : ('b, 'a) ty_sel * ('a, 'e) ty -> ('e, 'b) ty_case
+ | TCnoarg : ('b, noarg) ty_sel -> ('e, 'b) ty_case
+# val ty_abc : ([ `A of int | `B of string | `C ], 'e) ty = Sum <obj>
+type 'a vlist = [ `Cons of 'a * 'a vlist | `Nil ]
+val ty_list : ('a, 'b) ty -> ('a vlist, 'b) ty = <fun>
+# * * * * * * * * *
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dda0a0fa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# type 'a ty =
+ Int : int ty
+ | String : string ty
+ | List : 'a ty -> 'a list ty
+ | Pair : ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
+# type variant =
+ VInt of int
+ | VString of string
+ | VList of variant list
+ | VPair of variant * variant
+val variantize : 'a ty -> 'a -> variant = <fun>
+exception VariantMismatch
+val devariantize : 'a ty -> variant -> 'a = <fun>
+# type 'a ty =
+ Int : int ty
+ | String : string ty
+ | List : 'a ty -> 'a list ty
+ | Pair : ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
+ | Record : 'a record -> 'a ty
+and 'a record = { path : string; fields : 'a field_ list; }
+and 'a field_ = Field : ('a, 'b) field -> 'a field_
+and ('a, 'b) field = { label : string; field_type : 'b ty; get : 'a -> 'b; }
+# type variant =
+ VInt of int
+ | VString of string
+ | VList of variant list
+ | VPair of variant * variant
+ | VRecord of (string * variant) list
+val variantize : 'a ty -> 'a -> variant = <fun>
+# type 'a ty =
+ Int : int ty
+ | String : string ty
+ | List : 'a ty -> 'a list ty
+ | Pair : ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
+ | Record : ('a, 'builder) record -> 'a ty
+and ('a, 'builder) record = {
+ path : string;
+ fields : ('a, 'builder) field list;
+ create_builder : unit -> 'builder;
+ of_builder : 'builder -> 'a;
+and ('a, 'builder) field =
+ Field : ('a, 'builder, 'b) field_ -> ('a, 'builder) field
+and ('a, 'builder, 'b) field_ = {
+ label : string;
+ field_type : 'b ty;
+ get : 'a -> 'b;
+ set : 'builder -> 'b -> unit;
+val devariantize : 'a ty -> variant -> 'a = <fun>
+# type my_record = { a : int; b : string list; }
+val my_record : my_record ty =
+ Record
+ {path = "My_module.my_record";
+ fields =
+ [Field {label = "a"; field_type = Int; get = <fun>; set = <fun>};
+ Field {label = "b"; field_type = List String; get = <fun>; set = <fun>}];
+ create_builder = <fun>; of_builder = <fun>}
+# type noarg = Noarg
+type ('a, 'b) ty =
+ Int : (int, 'c) ty
+ | String : (string, 'd) ty
+ | List : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
+ | Option : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
+ | Pair : (('a, 'e) ty * ('b, 'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b, 'e) ty
+ | Var : ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
+ | Rec : ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Pop : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
+ | Conv : string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Sum : ('a, 'e, 'b) ty_sum -> ('a, 'e) ty
+and ('a, 'e, 'b) ty_sum = {
+ sum_proj : 'a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option;
+ sum_cases : (string * ('e, 'b) ty_case) list;
+ sum_inj : 'c. ('b, 'c) ty_sel * 'c -> 'a;
+and 'e ty_dyn = Tdyn : ('a, 'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
+and ('a, 'b) ty_sel =
+ Thd : ('a -> 'b, 'a) ty_sel
+ | Ttl : ('b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel
+and ('a, 'b) ty_case =
+ TCarg : ('b, 'a) ty_sel * ('a, 'e) ty -> ('e, 'b) ty_case
+ | TCnoarg : ('b, noarg) ty_sel -> ('e, 'b) ty_case
+# type 'a ty_env =
+ Enil : unit ty_env
+ | Econs : ('a, 'e) ty * 'e ty_env -> ('a -> 'e) ty_env
+# type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
+val eq_sel : ('a, 'b) ty_sel -> ('a, 'c) ty_sel -> ('b, 'c) eq option = <fun>
+val get_case :
+ ('a, 'b) ty_sel ->
+ (string * ('c, 'a) ty_case) list -> string * ('b, 'c) ty option = <fun>
+# type variant =
+ VInt of int
+ | VString of string
+ | VList of variant list
+ | VOption of variant option
+ | VPair of variant * variant
+ | VConv of string * variant
+ | VSum of string * variant option
+val may_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option = <fun>
+val variantize : 'a ty_env -> ('b, 'a) ty -> 'b -> variant = <fun>
+# val devariantize : 'a ty_env -> ('b, 'a) ty -> variant -> 'b = <fun>
+# val wrap_A : ('a, 'b) ty -> ([ `A of 'a ], 'b) ty = <fun>
+# val ty : ('a, ([ `A of ('a * 'b) option ] as 'b) -> 'c) ty -> ('b, 'c) ty =
+ <fun>
+# val v : ([ `A of (int * 'a) option ] as 'a) -> variant = <fun>
+# val x : variant =
+ VConv ("`A",
+ VOption
+ (Some
+ (VPair (VInt 1,
+ VConv ("`A",
+ VOption (Some (VPair (VInt 2, VConv ("`A", VOption None)))))))))
+# val triple :
+ ('a, 'b) ty -> ('c, 'b) ty -> ('d, 'b) ty -> ('a * 'c * 'd, 'b) ty = <fun>
+val v : variant =
+ VConv ("Triple", VPair (VString "A", VPair (VInt 2, VInt 3)))
+# val ty_abc : ([ `A of int | `B of string | `C ], 'a) ty =
+ Sum
+ {sum_proj = <fun>;
+ sum_cases =
+ [("A", TCarg (Thd, Int)); ("B", TCarg (Ttl Thd, String));
+ ("C", TCnoarg (Ttl (Ttl Thd)))];
+ sum_inj = <fun>}
+# val a : [ `A of int | `B of string | `C ] = `A 3
+type 'a vlist = [ `Cons of 'a * 'a vlist | `Nil ]
+val ty_list : ('a, 'b) ty -> ('a vlist, 'b) ty = <fun>
+val v : variant =
+ VSum ("Cons",
+ Some
+ (VPair (VInt 1, VSum ("Cons", Some (VPair (VInt 2, VSum ("Nil", None)))))))
+# type ('a, 'b) ty =
+ Int : (int, 'c) ty
+ | String : (string, 'd) ty
+ | List : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
+ | Option : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
+ | Pair : (('a, 'e) ty * ('b, 'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b, 'e) ty
+ | Var : ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
+ | Rec : ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Pop : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
+ | Conv : string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Sum : ('a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option) *
+ (string * 'e ty_dyn option -> 'a) -> ('a, 'e) ty
+and 'e ty_dyn = Tdyn : ('a, 'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
+val ty_abc : ([ `A of int | `B of string | `C ], 'e) ty = Sum (<fun>, <fun>)
+# Characters 327-344:
+ | "Cons", Some (Tdyn (Pair (_, Var), (p : a * a vlist))) -> `Cons p)))
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+Error: This pattern matches values of type a * a vlist
+ but a pattern was expected which matches values of type
+ ex#42 = ex#43 * ex#44
+# type ('a, 'b) ty =
+ Int : (int, 'd) ty
+ | String : (string, 'f) ty
+ | List : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
+ | Option : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
+ | Pair : (('a, 'e) ty * ('b, 'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b, 'e) ty
+ | Var : ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
+ | Rec : ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Pop : ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
+ | Conv : string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
+ | Sum :
+ < cases : (string * ('e, 'b) ty_case) list;
+ inj : 'c. ('b, 'c) ty_sel * 'c -> 'a;
+ proj : 'a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option > -> ('a, 'e) ty
+and 'e ty_dyn = Tdyn : ('a, 'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
+and ('a, 'b) ty_sel =
+ Thd : ('a -> 'b, 'a) ty_sel
+ | Ttl : ('b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel
+and ('a, 'b) ty_case =
+ TCarg : ('b, 'a) ty_sel * ('a, 'e) ty -> ('e, 'b) ty_case
+ | TCnoarg : ('b, noarg) ty_sel -> ('e, 'b) ty_case
+# val ty_abc : ([ `A of int | `B of string | `C ], 'e) ty = Sum <obj>
+type 'a vlist = [ `Cons of 'a * 'a vlist | `Nil ]
+val ty_list : ('a, 'b) ty -> ('a vlist, 'b) ty = <fun>
+# * * * * * * * * *
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index 22f67d99a..cddfe460b 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ let rec summandLessThanSum : type a b c. (a,b,c) plus -> (a,c) le = fun p ->
type (_,_) equal = Eq : ('a,'a) equal
+let convert : type a b. (a,b) equal -> a -> b = fun Eq x -> x
let rec sameNat : type a b. a nat -> b nat -> (a,b) equal option = fun a b ->
match a, b with
| NZ, NZ -> Some Eq
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index d8cd31f2c..60ef06cb3 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ val even2 : two even = EvenSS EvenZ
val even4 : four even = EvenSS (EvenSS EvenZ)
# val p1 : (two, one, three) plus = PlusS (PlusS (PlusZ (NS NZ)))
# val summandLessThanSum : ('a, 'b, 'c) plus -> ('a, 'c) le = <fun>
-# type ('a, 'b) equal = Eq : ('a, 'a) equal
+# type ('a, 'b) equal = Eq : ('a, 'a) equal
+val convert : ('a, 'b) equal -> 'a -> 'b = <fun>
val sameNat : 'a nat -> 'b nat -> ('a, 'b) equal option = <fun>
# val smaller : ('a succ, 'b succ) le -> ('a, 'b) le = <fun>
# type ('a, 'b) diff = Diff : 'c nat * ('a, 'c, 'b) plus -> ('a, 'b) diff
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index d8cd31f2c..60ef06cb3 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ val even2 : two even = EvenSS EvenZ
val even4 : four even = EvenSS (EvenSS EvenZ)
# val p1 : (two, one, three) plus = PlusS (PlusS (PlusZ (NS NZ)))
# val summandLessThanSum : ('a, 'b, 'c) plus -> ('a, 'c) le = <fun>
-# type ('a, 'b) equal = Eq : ('a, 'a) equal
+# type ('a, 'b) equal = Eq : ('a, 'a) equal
+val convert : ('a, 'b) equal -> 'a -> 'b = <fun>
val sameNat : 'a nat -> 'b nat -> ('a, 'b) equal option = <fun>
# val smaller : ('a succ, 'b succ) le -> ('a, 'b) le = <fun>
# type ('a, 'b) diff = Diff : 'c nat * ('a, 'c, 'b) plus -> ('a, 'b) diff
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index 000000000..9b53cd6ea
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+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+(* HOAS to de Bruijn, by chak *)
+(* *)
+module Typeable = struct
+ type 'a ty =
+ | Int: int ty
+ | String: string ty
+ | List: 'a ty -> 'a list ty
+ | Pair: ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
+ | Fun: ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a -> 'b) ty
+ type (_,_) eq = Eq : ('a,'a) eq
+ exception CastFailure
+ let rec check_eq : type t t'. t ty -> t' ty -> (t,t') eq = fun t t' ->
+ match t, t' with
+ | Int, Int -> Eq
+ | String, String -> Eq
+ | List t, List t' -> (match check_eq t t' with Eq -> Eq)
+ | Pair (t1,t2), Pair (t1',t2') ->
+ (match check_eq t1 t1', check_eq t2 t2' with Eq, Eq -> Eq)
+ | Fun (t1,t2), Fun (t1',t2') ->
+ (match check_eq t1 t1', check_eq t2 t2' with Eq, Eq -> Eq)
+ | _ -> raise CastFailure
+ let gcast : type t t'. t ty -> t' ty -> t -> t' = fun t t' x ->
+ match check_eq t t' with Eq -> x
+module HOAS = struct
+ open Typeable
+ type _ term =
+ | Tag : 't ty * int -> 't term
+ | Con : 't -> 't term
+ | Lam : 's ty * ('s term -> 't term) -> ('s -> 't) term
+ | App : ('s -> 't) term * 's term -> 't term
+ let rec intp : type t. t term -> t = function
+ | Tag (_, ix) -> failwith "HOAS.intp"
+ | Con v -> v
+ | Lam (_, f) -> fun x -> intp (f (Con x))
+ | App (f, a) -> intp f (intp a)
+module DeBruijn = struct
+ type ('env,'t) ix =
+ | ZeroIx : ('env * 't, 't) ix
+ | SuccIx : ('env,'t) ix -> ('env * 's, 't) ix
+ let rec to_int : type env t. (env,t) ix -> int = function
+ | ZeroIx -> 0
+ | SuccIx n -> to_int n + 1
+ type ('env,'t) term =
+ | Var : ('env,'t) ix -> ('env,'t) term
+ | Con : 't -> ('env,'t) term
+ | Lam : ('env * 's, 't) term -> ('env, 's -> 't) term
+ | App : ('env, 's -> 't) term * ('env, 's) term -> ('env, 't) term
+ type _ stack =
+ | Empty : unit stack
+ | Push : 'env stack * 't -> ('env * 't) stack
+ let rec prj : type env t. (env,t) ix -> env stack -> t = fun i s ->
+ match i, s with
+ | ZeroIx, Push (s,v) -> v
+ | SuccIx i, Push (s,_) -> prj i s
+ let rec intp : type env t. (env,t) term -> env stack -> t = fun t s ->
+ match t with
+ | Var ix -> prj ix s
+ | Con v -> v
+ | Lam b -> fun x -> intp b (Push (s, x))
+ | App(f,a) -> intp f s (intp a s)
+module Convert = struct
+ type (_,_) layout =
+ | EmptyLayout : ('env, unit) layout
+ | PushLayout :
+ 't Typeable.ty * ('env,'env') layout * ('env,'t) DeBruijn.ix
+ -> ('env,'env' * 't) layout
+ let rec size : type env env'. (env,env') layout -> int = function
+ | EmptyLayout -> 0
+ | PushLayout (_, lyt, _) -> size lyt + 1
+ let rec inc : type env env'. (env,env') layout -> (env * 't, env') layout =
+ function
+ | EmptyLayout -> EmptyLayout
+ | PushLayout (t, lyt, ix) -> PushLayout (t, inc lyt, DeBruijn.SuccIx ix)
+ let rec prj : type env env' t.
+ t Typeable.ty -> int -> (env,env') layout -> (env,t) DeBruijn.ix
+ = fun t n -> function
+ | EmptyLayout -> failwith "Convert.prj: internal error"
+ | PushLayout (t', l, ix) ->
+ if n = 0 then
+ match Typeable.check_eq t t' with Typeable.Eq -> ix
+ else prj t (n-1) l
+ let rec cvt :
+ type env t. (env,env) layout -> t HOAS.term -> (env,t) DeBruijn.term =
+ fun lyt -> function
+ | HOAS.Tag (t, sz) -> DeBruijn.Var (prj t (size lyt - sz -1) lyt)
+ | HOAS.Con v -> DeBruijn.Con v
+ | HOAS.Lam (t, f) ->
+ let lyt' = PushLayout (t, inc lyt, DeBruijn.ZeroIx) in
+ DeBruijn.Lam (cvt lyt' (f (HOAS.Tag (t, size lyt))))
+ | HOAS.App (f, a) ->
+ DeBruijn.App (cvt lyt f, cvt lyt a)
+ let convert t = cvt EmptyLayout t
+module Main = struct
+ open HOAS
+ let i t = Lam (t, fun x -> x)
+ let zero t = Lam (Typeable.Fun(t,t), fun f -> Lam(t, fun x -> x))
+ let one t = Lam (Typeable.Fun(t,t), fun f -> Lam(t, fun x -> App (f, x)))
+ let two t =
+ Lam (Typeable.Fun(t,t), fun f -> Lam(t, fun x -> App (f, App (f, x))))
+ let three t =
+ Lam (Typeable.Fun(t,t),
+ fun f -> Lam(t, fun x -> App (f, App (f, App (f, x)))))
+ let plus t =
+ let t1 = Typeable.Fun(t,t) in let t2 = Typeable.Fun(t1,t1) in
+ Lam (t2, fun m -> Lam (t2, fun n ->
+ Lam (t1, fun f -> Lam(t, fun x -> App(App(m,f), App(App(n,f),x))))))
+ let plus_2_3 t = App (App (plus t, two t), three t)
+ open Convert
+ let i' = convert (i Typeable.Int)
+ let plus_2_3' = convert (plus_2_3 Typeable.Int)
+ let eval_plus_2_3' = DeBruijn.intp plus_2_3' DeBruijn.Empty succ 0
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c6b335f6
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+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# module Typeable :
+ sig
+ type 'a ty =
+ Int : int ty
+ | String : string ty
+ | List : 'a ty -> 'a list ty
+ | Pair : ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
+ | Fun : ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a -> 'b) ty
+ type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
+ exception CastFailure
+ val check_eq : 'a ty -> 'b ty -> ('a, 'b) eq
+ val gcast : 'a ty -> 'b ty -> 'a -> 'b
+ end
+# module HOAS :
+ sig
+ type 'a term =
+ Tag : 't Typeable.ty * int -> 't term
+ | Con : 't -> 't term
+ | Lam : 's Typeable.ty * ('s term -> 't term) -> ('s -> 't) term
+ | App : ('s -> 't) term * 's term -> 't term
+ val intp : 'a term -> 'a
+ end
+# module DeBruijn :
+ sig
+ type ('env, 't) ix =
+ ZeroIx : ('env * 't, 't) ix
+ | SuccIx : ('env, 't) ix -> ('env * 's, 't) ix
+ val to_int : ('a, 'b) ix -> int
+ type ('env, 't) term =
+ Var : ('env, 't) ix -> ('env, 't) term
+ | Con : 't -> ('env, 't) term
+ | Lam : ('env * 's, 't) term -> ('env, 's -> 't) term
+ | App : ('env, 's -> 't) term * ('env, 's) term -> ('env, 't) term
+ type 'a stack =
+ Empty : unit stack
+ | Push : 'env stack * 't -> ('env * 't) stack
+ val prj : ('a, 'b) ix -> 'a stack -> 'b
+ val intp : ('a, 'b) term -> 'a stack -> 'b
+ end
+# module Convert :
+ sig
+ type ('a, 'b) layout =
+ EmptyLayout : ('env, unit) layout
+ | PushLayout : 't Typeable.ty * ('env, 'env') layout *
+ ('env, 't) DeBruijn.ix -> ('env, 'env' * 't) layout
+ val size : ('a, 'b) layout -> int
+ val inc : ('a, 'b) layout -> ('a * 't, 'b) layout
+ val prj :
+ 'a Typeable.ty -> int -> ('b, 'c) layout -> ('b, 'a) DeBruijn.ix
+ val cvt : ('a, 'a) layout -> 'b HOAS.term -> ('a, 'b) DeBruijn.term
+ val convert : 'a HOAS.term -> (unit, 'a) DeBruijn.term
+ end
+# module Main :
+ sig
+ val i : 'a Typeable.ty -> ('a -> 'a) HOAS.term
+ val zero : 'a Typeable.ty -> (('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) HOAS.term
+ val one : 'a Typeable.ty -> (('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) HOAS.term
+ val two : 'a Typeable.ty -> (('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) HOAS.term
+ val three : 'a Typeable.ty -> (('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) HOAS.term
+ val plus :
+ 'a Typeable.ty ->
+ ((('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+ (('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a)
+ HOAS.term
+ val plus_2_3 : 'a Typeable.ty -> (('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) HOAS.term
+ val i' : (unit, int -> int) DeBruijn.term
+ val plus_2_3' : (unit, (int -> int) -> int -> int) DeBruijn.term
+ val eval_plus_2_3' : int
+ end
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c6b335f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# module Typeable :
+ sig
+ type 'a ty =
+ Int : int ty
+ | String : string ty
+ | List : 'a ty -> 'a list ty
+ | Pair : ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
+ | Fun : ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a -> 'b) ty
+ type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
+ exception CastFailure
+ val check_eq : 'a ty -> 'b ty -> ('a, 'b) eq
+ val gcast : 'a ty -> 'b ty -> 'a -> 'b
+ end
+# module HOAS :
+ sig
+ type 'a term =
+ Tag : 't Typeable.ty * int -> 't term
+ | Con : 't -> 't term
+ | Lam : 's Typeable.ty * ('s term -> 't term) -> ('s -> 't) term
+ | App : ('s -> 't) term * 's term -> 't term
+ val intp : 'a term -> 'a
+ end
+# module DeBruijn :
+ sig
+ type ('env, 't) ix =
+ ZeroIx : ('env * 't, 't) ix
+ | SuccIx : ('env, 't) ix -> ('env * 's, 't) ix
+ val to_int : ('a, 'b) ix -> int
+ type ('env, 't) term =
+ Var : ('env, 't) ix -> ('env, 't) term
+ | Con : 't -> ('env, 't) term
+ | Lam : ('env * 's, 't) term -> ('env, 's -> 't) term
+ | App : ('env, 's -> 't) term * ('env, 's) term -> ('env, 't) term
+ type 'a stack =
+ Empty : unit stack
+ | Push : 'env stack * 't -> ('env * 't) stack
+ val prj : ('a, 'b) ix -> 'a stack -> 'b
+ val intp : ('a, 'b) term -> 'a stack -> 'b
+ end
+# module Convert :
+ sig
+ type ('a, 'b) layout =
+ EmptyLayout : ('env, unit) layout
+ | PushLayout : 't Typeable.ty * ('env, 'env') layout *
+ ('env, 't) DeBruijn.ix -> ('env, 'env' * 't) layout
+ val size : ('a, 'b) layout -> int
+ val inc : ('a, 'b) layout -> ('a * 't, 'b) layout
+ val prj :
+ 'a Typeable.ty -> int -> ('b, 'c) layout -> ('b, 'a) DeBruijn.ix
+ val cvt : ('a, 'a) layout -> 'b HOAS.term -> ('a, 'b) DeBruijn.term
+ val convert : 'a HOAS.term -> (unit, 'a) DeBruijn.term
+ end
+# module Main :
+ sig
+ val i : 'a Typeable.ty -> ('a -> 'a) HOAS.term
+ val zero : 'a Typeable.ty -> (('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) HOAS.term
+ val one : 'a Typeable.ty -> (('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) HOAS.term
+ val two : 'a Typeable.ty -> (('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) HOAS.term
+ val three : 'a Typeable.ty -> (('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) HOAS.term
+ val plus :
+ 'a Typeable.ty ->
+ ((('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+ (('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a)
+ HOAS.term
+ val plus_2_3 : 'a Typeable.ty -> (('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) HOAS.term
+ val i' : (unit, int -> int) DeBruijn.term
+ val plus_2_3' : (unit, (int -> int) -> int -> int) DeBruijn.term
+ val eval_plus_2_3' : int
+ end
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
index 46e0590c3..1ae0c9748 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ module Exp =
(eval f) (eval a)
| Abs f -> f
+ let discern : type a. a t -> _ = function
+ IntLit _ -> 1
+ | BoolLit _ -> 2
+ | Pair _ -> 3
+ | App _ -> 4
+ | Abs _ -> 5
@@ -159,17 +165,37 @@ type _ t = Int : int t ;;
let ky x y = ignore (x = y); x ;;
+let test : type a. a t -> a =
+ function Int -> ky (1 : a) 1
+let test : type a. a t -> _ =
+ function Int -> 1 (* ok *)
+let test : type a. a t -> _ =
+ function Int -> ky (1 : a) 1 (* fails *)
let test : type a. a t -> a = fun x ->
- let r = match x with Int -> ky (1 : a) 1
+ let r = match x with Int -> ky (1 : a) 1 (* fails *)
in r
let test : type a. a t -> a = fun x ->
- let r = match x with Int -> ky 1 (1 : a)
+ let r = match x with Int -> ky 1 (1 : a) (* fails *)
+ in r
+let test (type a) x =
+ let r = match (x : a t) with Int -> ky 1 1
in r
let test : type a. a t -> a = fun x ->
- let r = match x with Int -> (1 : a)
- in r (* fails too *)
+ let r = match x with Int -> (1 : a) (* ok! *)
+ in r
+let test : type a. a t -> _ = fun x ->
+ let r = match x with Int -> 1 (* ok! *)
+ in r
let test : type a. a t -> a = fun x ->
let r : a = match x with Int -> 1
@@ -178,7 +204,7 @@ let test : type a. a t -> a = fun x ->
let test2 : type a. a t -> a option = fun x ->
let r = ref None in
begin match x with Int -> r := Some (1 : a) end;
- !r (* normalized to int option *)
+ !r (* ok *)
let test2 : type a. a t -> a option = fun x ->
let r : a option ref = ref None in
@@ -190,19 +216,19 @@ let test2 : type a. a t -> a option = fun x ->
let u = ref None in
begin match x with Int -> r := Some 1; u := !r end;
-;; (* fail *)
+;; (* ok (u non-ambiguous) *)
let test2 : type a. a t -> a option = fun x ->
let r : a option ref = ref None in
let u = ref None in
begin match x with Int -> u := Some 1; r := !u end;
-;; (* fail *)
+;; (* fails because u : (int | a) option ref *)
let test2 : type a. a t -> a option = fun x ->
let u = ref None in
let r : a option ref = ref None in
begin match x with Int -> r := Some 1; u := !r end;
-;; (* fail *)
+;; (* ok *)
let test2 : type a. a t -> a option = fun x ->
let u = ref None in
let a =
@@ -210,34 +236,136 @@ let test2 : type a. a t -> a option = fun x ->
begin match x with Int -> r := Some 1; u := !r end;
in a
+;; (* ok *)
+let either = ky
+let we_y1x (type a) (x : a) (v : a t) =
+ match v with Int -> let y = either 1 x in y
;; (* fail *)
(* Effect of external consraints *)
let f (type a) (x : a t) y =
ignore (y : a);
- let r = match x with Int -> (y : a) in (* fails *)
+ let r = match x with Int -> (y : a) in (* ok *)
let f (type a) (x : a t) y =
let r = match x with Int -> (y : a) in
- ignore (y : a); (* fails *)
+ ignore (y : a); (* ok *)
let f (type a) (x : a t) y =
ignore (y : a);
- let r = match x with Int -> y in
+ let r = match x with Int -> y in (* ok *)
let f (type a) (x : a t) y =
let r = match x with Int -> y in
- ignore (y : a);
+ ignore (y : a); (* ok *)
let f (type a) (x : a t) (y : a) =
- match x with Int -> y (* should return an int! *)
+ match x with Int -> y (* returns 'a *)
+(* Combination with local modules *)
+let f (type a) (x : a t) y =
+ match x with Int ->
+ let module M = struct type b = a let z = (y : b) end
+ in M.z
+;; (* fails because of aliasing... *)
+let f (type a) (x : a t) y =
+ match x with Int ->
+ let module M = struct type b = int let z = (y : b) end
+ in M.z
+;; (* ok *)
+(* Objects and variants *)
+type _ h =
+ | Has_m : <m : int> h
+ | Has_b : <b : bool> h
+let f : type a. a h -> a = function
+ | Has_m -> object method m = 1 end
+ | Has_b -> object method b = true end
+type _ j =
+ | Has_A : [`A of int] j
+ | Has_B : [`B of bool] j
+let f : type a. a j -> a = function
+ | Has_A -> `A 1
+ | Has_B -> `B true
+type (_,_) eq = Eq : ('a,'a) eq ;;
+let f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> (<m : a; ..> as 'a) -> (<m : b; ..> as 'a) =
+ fun Eq o -> o
+;; (* fail *)
+let f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> <m : a; ..> -> <m : b; ..> =
+ fun Eq o -> o
+;; (* fail *)
+let f (type a) (type b) (eq : (a,b) eq) (o : <m : a; ..>) : <m : b; ..> =
+ match eq with Eq -> o ;; (* should fail *)
+let f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> <m : a> -> <m : b> =
+ fun Eq o -> o
+;; (* ok *)
+let int_of_bool : (bool,int) eq = Obj.magic Eq;;
+let x = object method m = true end;;
+let y = (x, f int_of_bool x);;
+let f : type a. (a, int) eq -> <m : a> -> bool =
+ fun Eq o -> ignore (o : <m : int; ..>); o#m = 3
+;; (* should be ok *)
+let f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> < m : a; .. > -> < m : b > =
+ fun eq o ->
+ ignore (o : < m : a >);
+ let r : < m : b > = match eq with Eq -> o in (* fail with principal *)
+ r;;
+let f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> < m : a; .. > -> < m : b > =
+ fun eq o ->
+ let r : < m : b > = match eq with Eq -> o in (* fail *)
+ ignore (o : < m : a >);
+ r;;
+let f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> [> `A of a] -> [> `A of b] =
+ fun Eq o -> o ;; (* fail *)
+let f (type a) (type b) (eq : (a,b) eq) (v : [> `A of a]) : [> `A of b] =
+ match eq with Eq -> v ;; (* should fail *)
+let f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> [< `A of a | `B] -> [< `A of b | `B] =
+ fun Eq o -> o ;; (* fail *)
+let f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> [`A of a | `B] -> [`A of b | `B] =
+ fun Eq o -> o ;; (* ok *)
+let f : type a. (a, int) eq -> [`A of a] -> bool =
+ fun Eq v -> match v with `A 1 -> true | _ -> false
+;; (* ok *)
+let f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> [> `A of a | `B] -> [`A of b | `B] =
+ fun eq o ->
+ ignore (o : [< `A of a | `B]);
+ let r : [`A of b | `B] = match eq with Eq -> o in (* fail with principal *)
+ r;;
+let f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> [> `A of a | `B] -> [`A of b | `B] =
+ fun eq o ->
+ let r : [`A of b | `B] = match eq with Eq -> o in (* fail *)
+ ignore (o : [< `A of a | `B]);
+ r;;
(* Pattern matching *)
type 'a t =
@@ -307,4 +435,4 @@ let f : type a. a ty -> a t -> int = fun x y ->
| {left=TE TC; right=D [|1.0|]} -> 14
| {left=TA; right=D 0} -> -1
| {left=TA; right=D z} -> z
-;; (* warn *)
+;; (* ok *)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
index 88065d443..b770efb90 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# module Exp :
+# module Exp :
type 'a t =
IntLit : int -> int t
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
| App : ('a -> 'b) t * 'a t -> 'b t
| Abs : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'b) t
val eval : 'a t -> 'a
+ val discern : 'a t -> int
# module List :
@@ -49,9 +50,9 @@ module Nonexhaustive :
# Characters 119-120:
let eval (D x) = x
-Error: This expression has type &x7 t but an expression was expected of type
- &x7 t
- The type constructor &x7 would escape its scope
+Error: This expression has type ex#12 t
+ but an expression was expected of type ex#12 t
+ The type constructor ex#12 would escape its scope
# Characters 157-158:
C ->
@@ -69,8 +70,7 @@ Error: This pattern matches values of type ([? `A ] as 'a) * bool t
# Characters 300-301:
| BoolLit b -> b
-Error: This expression has type bool but an expression was expected of type
- int
+Error: This expression has type bool but an expression was expected of type s
# Characters 87-88:
let f = function A -> 1 | B -> 2
@@ -78,56 +78,153 @@ Error: This pattern matches values of type b
but a pattern was expected which matches values of type a
# type 'a t = Int : int t
# val ky : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
-# Characters 88-89:
- in r
- ^
-Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type a
-# Characters 87-88:
- in r
- ^
-Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type a
-# Characters 82-83:
- in r (* fails too *)
- ^
-Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type a
# val test : 'a t -> 'a = <fun>
-# Characters 122-124:
- !r (* normalized to int option *)
- ^^
-Error: This expression has type int option
- but an expression was expected of type a option
+# val test : 'a t -> int = <fun>
+# Characters 49-61:
+ function Int -> ky (1 : a) 1 (* fails *)
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
+Error: This expression has type a = int
+ but an expression was expected of type a = int
+ This instance of int is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 70-82:
+ let r = match x with Int -> ky (1 : a) 1 (* fails *)
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
+Error: This expression has type a = int
+ but an expression was expected of type a = int
+ This instance of int is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 69-81:
+ let r = match x with Int -> ky 1 (1 : a) (* fails *)
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
+Error: This expression has type a = int
+ but an expression was expected of type a = int
+ This instance of int is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# val test : 'a t -> int = <fun>
+# val test : 'a t -> 'a = <fun>
+# val test : 'a t -> int = <fun>
+# val test : 'a t -> 'a = <fun>
# val test2 : 'a t -> 'a option = <fun>
-# Characters 162-164:
- !u
- ^^
-Error: This expression has type int option
- but an expression was expected of type a option
-# Characters 162-164:
- !u
- ^^
-Error: This expression has type int option
- but an expression was expected of type a option
-# Characters 162-164:
- !u
- ^^
-Error: This expression has type int option
- but an expression was expected of type a option
-# Characters 186-187:
- in a
- ^
+# val test2 : 'a t -> 'a option = <fun>
+# val test2 : 'a t -> 'a option = <fun>
+# Characters 152-154:
+ begin match x with Int -> u := Some 1; r := !u end;
+ ^^
Error: This expression has type int option
but an expression was expected of type a option
-# Characters 116-117:
- let r = match x with Int -> (y : a) in (* fails *)
- ^
-Error: This expression has type a but an expression was expected of type int
-# Characters 80-81:
- ignore (y : a); (* fails *)
- ^
-Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type a
+ Type int is not compatible with type a = int
+ This instance of int is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# val test2 : 'a t -> 'a option = <fun>
+# val test2 : 'a t -> 'a option = <fun>
+# Characters 100-101:
+ match v with Int -> let y = either 1 x in y
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type a = int
+ but an expression was expected of type a = int
+ This instance of int is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# val f : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
+# val f : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
# val f : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
# val f : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
-# val f : 'a t -> 'a -> int = <fun>
+# val f : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
+# Characters 136-137:
+ let module M = struct type b = a let z = (y : b) end
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type a = int
+ but an expression was expected of type b = int
+ This instance of int is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# val f : 'a t -> int -> int = <fun>
+# type 'a h = Has_m : < m : int > h | Has_b : < b : bool > h
+val f : 'a h -> 'a = <fun>
+# type 'a j = Has_A : [ `A of int ] j | Has_B : [ `B of bool ] j
+val f : 'a j -> 'a = <fun>
+# type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
+# Characters 5-91:
+ ....f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> (<m : a; ..> as 'a) -> (<m : b; ..> as 'a) =
+ fun Eq o -> o
+Error: The universal type variable 'b cannot be generalized:
+ it is already bound to another variable.
+# Characters 74-75:
+ fun Eq o -> o
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type < m : a; .. >
+ but an expression was expected of type < m : b; .. >
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 97-98:
+ match eq with Eq -> o ;; (* should fail *)
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type < m : a; .. >
+ but an expression was expected of type < m : b; .. >
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# val f : ('a, 'b) eq -> < m : 'a > -> < m : 'b > = <fun>
+# val int_of_bool : (bool, int) eq = Eq
+# val x : < m : bool > = <obj>
+# val y : < m : bool > * < m : int > = (<obj>, <obj>)
+# val f : ('a, int) eq -> < m : 'a > -> bool = <fun>
+# Characters 146-147:
+ let r : < m : b > = match eq with Eq -> o in (* fail with principal *)
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type < m : a >
+ but an expression was expected of type < m : b >
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 118-119:
+ let r : < m : b > = match eq with Eq -> o in (* fail *)
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type < m : a; .. >
+ but an expression was expected of type < m : b >
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 74-75:
+ fun Eq o -> o ;; (* fail *)
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type [> `A of a ]
+ but an expression was expected of type [> `A of b ]
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 97-98:
+ match eq with Eq -> v ;; (* should fail *)
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type [> `A of a ]
+ but an expression was expected of type [> `A of b ]
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 5-85:
+ ....f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> [< `A of a | `B] -> [< `A of b | `B] =
+ fun Eq o -> o..............
+Error: This definition has type
+ ('c, 'd) eq -> ([< `A of 'd & 'c | `B ] as 'e) -> 'e
+ which is less general than 'a 'b. ('a, 'b) eq -> 'e -> 'e
+# val f : ('a, 'b) eq -> [ `A of 'a | `B ] -> [ `A of 'b | `B ] = <fun>
+# val f : ('a, int) eq -> [ `A of 'a ] -> bool = <fun>
+# Characters 166-167:
+ let r : [`A of b | `B] = match eq with Eq -> o in (* fail with principal *)
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type [ `A of a | `B ]
+ but an expression was expected of type [ `A of b | `B ]
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 131-132:
+ let r : [`A of b | `B] = match eq with Eq -> o in (* fail *)
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type [> `A of a | `B ]
+ but an expression was expected of type [ `A of b | `B ]
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
# type 'a t = A of int | B of bool | C of float | D of 'a
type 'a ty =
TE : 'a ty -> 'a array ty
@@ -168,7 +265,7 @@ Error: This pattern matches values of type 'a array
| {left=TA; right=D z} -> z
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
-{left=TE TA; right=D [| _ |]}
+{left=TE TC; right=D [| |]}
type ('a, 'b) pair = { left : 'a; right : 'b; }
val f : 'a ty -> 'a t -> int = <fun>
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
index 3a4633e03..bb44dce52 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# module Exp :
+# module Exp :
type 'a t =
IntLit : int -> int t
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
| App : ('a -> 'b) t * 'a t -> 'b t
| Abs : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'b) t
val eval : 'a t -> 'a
+ val discern : 'a t -> int
# module List :
@@ -49,9 +50,9 @@ module Nonexhaustive :
# Characters 119-120:
let eval (D x) = x
-Error: This expression has type &x7 t but an expression was expected of type
- &x7 t
- The type constructor &x7 would escape its scope
+Error: This expression has type ex#12 t
+ but an expression was expected of type ex#12 t
+ The type constructor ex#12 would escape its scope
# Characters 157-158:
C ->
@@ -66,11 +67,11 @@ Error: This pattern matches values of type int t
Error: This pattern matches values of type ([? `A ] as 'a) * bool t
but a pattern was expected which matches values of type 'a * int t
-# Characters 300-301:
- | BoolLit b -> b
- ^
-Error: This expression has type bool but an expression was expected of type
- int
+# module Propagation :
+ sig
+ type 'a t = IntLit : int -> int t | BoolLit : bool -> bool t
+ val check : 'a t -> 'a
+ end
# Characters 87-88:
let f = function A -> 1 | B -> 2
@@ -78,45 +79,139 @@ Error: This pattern matches values of type b
but a pattern was expected which matches values of type a
# type 'a t = Int : int t
# val ky : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
-# Characters 88-89:
- in r
- ^
-Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type a
-# Characters 87-88:
- in r
- ^
-Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type a
-# Characters 82-83:
- in r (* fails too *)
- ^
-Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type a
# val test : 'a t -> 'a = <fun>
-# Characters 122-124:
- !r (* normalized to int option *)
- ^^
-Error: This expression has type int option
- but an expression was expected of type a option
+# val test : 'a t -> int = <fun>
+# Characters 49-61:
+ function Int -> ky (1 : a) 1 (* fails *)
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
+Error: This expression has type a = int
+ but an expression was expected of type a = int
+ This instance of int is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 70-82:
+ let r = match x with Int -> ky (1 : a) 1 (* fails *)
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
+Error: This expression has type a = int
+ but an expression was expected of type a = int
+ This instance of int is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 69-81:
+ let r = match x with Int -> ky 1 (1 : a) (* fails *)
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
+Error: This expression has type a = int
+ but an expression was expected of type a = int
+ This instance of int is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# val test : 'a t -> int = <fun>
+# val test : 'a t -> 'a = <fun>
+# val test : 'a t -> int = <fun>
+# val test : 'a t -> 'a = <fun>
+# val test2 : 'a t -> 'a option = <fun>
# val test2 : 'a t -> 'a option = <fun>
# val test2 : 'a t -> 'a option = <fun>
-# Characters 162-164:
- !u
- ^^
+# Characters 152-154:
+ begin match x with Int -> u := Some 1; r := !u end;
+ ^^
Error: This expression has type int option
but an expression was expected of type a option
+ Type int is not compatible with type a = int
+ This instance of int is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
# val test2 : 'a t -> 'a option = <fun>
-# Characters 186-187:
- in a
- ^
-Error: This expression has type int option
- but an expression was expected of type a option
-# val f : 'a t -> 'a -> int = <fun>
-# Characters 80-81:
- ignore (y : a); (* fails *)
- ^
-Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type a
+# val test2 : 'a t -> 'a option = <fun>
+# Characters 100-101:
+ match v with Int -> let y = either 1 x in y
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type a = int
+ but an expression was expected of type a = int
+ This instance of int is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# val f : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
+# val f : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
# val f : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
# val f : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
# val f : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
+# Characters 136-137:
+ let module M = struct type b = a let z = (y : b) end
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type a = int
+ but an expression was expected of type b = int
+ This instance of int is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# val f : 'a t -> int -> int = <fun>
+# type 'a h = Has_m : < m : int > h | Has_b : < b : bool > h
+val f : 'a h -> 'a = <fun>
+# type 'a j = Has_A : [ `A of int ] j | Has_B : [ `B of bool ] j
+val f : 'a j -> 'a = <fun>
+# type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
+# Characters 5-91:
+ ....f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> (<m : a; ..> as 'a) -> (<m : b; ..> as 'a) =
+ fun Eq o -> o
+Error: The universal type variable 'b cannot be generalized:
+ it is already bound to another variable.
+# Characters 74-75:
+ fun Eq o -> o
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type < m : a; .. >
+ but an expression was expected of type < m : b; .. >
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 97-98:
+ match eq with Eq -> o ;; (* should fail *)
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type < m : a; .. >
+ but an expression was expected of type < m : b; .. >
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# val f : ('a, 'b) eq -> < m : 'a > -> < m : 'b > = <fun>
+# val int_of_bool : (bool, int) eq = Eq
+# val x : < m : bool > = <obj>
+# val y : < m : bool > * < m : int > = (<obj>, <obj>)
+# val f : ('a, int) eq -> < m : 'a > -> bool = <fun>
+# val f : ('a, 'b) eq -> < m : 'a > -> < m : 'b > = <fun>
+# Characters 118-119:
+ let r : < m : b > = match eq with Eq -> o in (* fail *)
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type < m : a; .. >
+ but an expression was expected of type < m : b >
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 74-75:
+ fun Eq o -> o ;; (* fail *)
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type [> `A of a ]
+ but an expression was expected of type [> `A of b ]
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 97-98:
+ match eq with Eq -> v ;; (* should fail *)
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type [> `A of a ]
+ but an expression was expected of type [> `A of b ]
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
+# Characters 5-85:
+ ....f : type a b. (a,b) eq -> [< `A of a | `B] -> [< `A of b | `B] =
+ fun Eq o -> o..............
+Error: This definition has type
+ ('c, 'd) eq -> ([< `A of 'd & 'c | `B ] as 'e) -> 'e
+ which is less general than 'a 'b. ('a, 'b) eq -> 'e -> 'e
+# val f : ('a, 'b) eq -> [ `A of 'a | `B ] -> [ `A of 'b | `B ] = <fun>
+# val f : ('a, int) eq -> [ `A of 'a ] -> bool = <fun>
+# val f : ('a, 'b) eq -> [ `A of 'a | `B ] -> [ `A of 'b | `B ] = <fun>
+# Characters 131-132:
+ let r : [`A of b | `B] = match eq with Eq -> o in (* fail *)
+ ^
+Error: This expression has type [> `A of a | `B ]
+ but an expression was expected of type [ `A of b | `B ]
+ Type a is not compatible with type b = a
+ This instance of a is ambiguous:
+ it would escape the scope of its equation
# type 'a t = A of int | B of bool | C of float | D of 'a
type 'a ty =
TE : 'a ty -> 'a array ty
@@ -157,7 +252,7 @@ Error: This pattern matches values of type 'a array
| {left=TA; right=D z} -> z
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
-{left=TE (TE _); right=D [| _ |]}
+{left=TE TC; right=D [| |]}
type ('a, 'b) pair = { left : 'a; right : 'b; }
val f : 'a ty -> 'a t -> int = <fun>
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08708a67c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+(* Injectivity *)
+type (_, _) eq = Refl : ('a, 'a) eq
+let magic : 'a 'b. 'a -> 'b =
+ fun (type a) (type b) (x : a) ->
+ let module M =
+ (functor (T : sig type 'a t end) ->
+ struct
+ let f (Refl : (a T.t, b T.t) eq) = (x :> b)
+ end)
+ (struct type 'a t = unit end)
+ in M.f Refl
+(* Variance and subtyping *)
+type (_, +_) eq = Refl : ('a, 'a) eq
+let magic : 'a 'b. 'a -> 'b =
+ fun (type a) (type b) (x : a) ->
+ let bad_proof (type a) =
+ (Refl : (< m : a>, <m : a>) eq :> (<m : a>, < >) eq) in
+ let downcast : type a. (a, < >) eq -> < > -> a =
+ fun (type a) (Refl : (a, < >) eq) (s : < >) -> (s :> a) in
+ (downcast bad_proof ((object method m = x end) :> < >)) # m
+(* Record patterns *)
+type _ t =
+ | IntLit : int t
+ | BoolLit : bool t
+let check : type s . s t * s -> bool = function
+ | BoolLit, false -> false
+ | IntLit , 6 -> false
+type ('a, 'b) pair = { fst : 'a; snd : 'b }
+let check : type s . (s t, s) pair -> bool = function
+ | {fst = BoolLit; snd = false} -> false
+ | {fst = IntLit ; snd = 6} -> false
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..527649649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Characters 212-216:
+ let f (Refl : (a T.t, b T.t) eq) = (x :> b)
+ ^^^^
+Error: This pattern matches values of type (a T.t, a T.t) eq
+ but a pattern was expected which matches values of type
+ (a T.t, b T.t) eq
+# Characters 36-67:
+ type (_, +_) eq = Refl : ('a, 'a) eq
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+Error: In this GADT definition, the variance of some parameter
+ cannot be checked
+# Characters 115-175:
+ .......................................function
+ | BoolLit, false -> false
+ | IntLit , 6 -> false
+Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
+Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
+(IntLit, 0)
+type 'a t = IntLit : int t | BoolLit : bool t
+val check : 'a t * 'a -> bool = <fun>
+# Characters 91-180:
+ .............................................function
+ | {fst = BoolLit; snd = false} -> false
+ | {fst = IntLit ; snd = 6} -> false
+Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
+Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
+{fst=IntLit; snd=0}
+type ('a, 'b) pair = { fst : 'a; snd : 'b; }
+val check : ('a t, 'a) pair -> bool = <fun>
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..527649649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-gadts/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Characters 212-216:
+ let f (Refl : (a T.t, b T.t) eq) = (x :> b)
+ ^^^^
+Error: This pattern matches values of type (a T.t, a T.t) eq
+ but a pattern was expected which matches values of type
+ (a T.t, b T.t) eq
+# Characters 36-67:
+ type (_, +_) eq = Refl : ('a, 'a) eq
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+Error: In this GADT definition, the variance of some parameter
+ cannot be checked
+# Characters 115-175:
+ .......................................function
+ | BoolLit, false -> false
+ | IntLit , 6 -> false
+Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
+Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
+(IntLit, 0)
+type 'a t = IntLit : int t | BoolLit : bool t
+val check : 'a t * 'a -> bool = <fun>
+# Characters 91-180:
+ .............................................function
+ | {fst = BoolLit; snd = false} -> false
+ | {fst = IntLit ; snd = 6} -> false
+Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
+Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
+{fst=IntLit; snd=0}
+type ('a, 'b) pair = { fst : 'a; snd : 'b; }
+val check : ('a t, 'a) pair -> bool = <fun>
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
index 82ea468f9..77c9d0970 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
@@ -3,3 +3,9 @@ module type S' = S with type t := int;;
module type S = sig module rec M : sig end and N : sig end end;;
module type S' = S with module M := String;;
+(* A subtle problem appearing with -principal *)
+type -'a t
+class type c = object method m : [ `A ] t end;;
+module M : sig val v : (#c as 'a) -> 'a end =
+ struct let v x = ignore (x :> c); x end;;
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..258b3ee3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# module type S = sig type t and s = t end
+# module type S' = sig type s = int end
+# module type S = sig module rec M : sig end and N : sig end end
+# module type S' = sig module rec N : sig end end
+# type -'a t
+class type c = object method m : [ `A ] t end
+# module M : sig val v : (#c as 'a) -> 'a end
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
index 823cc1a84..258b3ee3d 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
@@ -3,4 +3,7 @@
# module type S' = sig type s = int end
# module type S = sig module rec M : sig end and N : sig end end
# module type S' = sig module rec N : sig end end
+# type -'a t
+class type c = object method m : [ `A ] t end
+# module M : sig val v : (#c as 'a) -> 'a end
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-objects/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-objects/
index 7dde3fba0..a78367fdf 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-objects/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-objects/
@@ -268,11 +268,13 @@ Error: Type int -> bool is not a subtype of int -> int
fun (x : 'a t as 'a) -> ();;
Error: This alias is bound to type 'a t but is used as an instance of type 'a
+ The type variable 'a occurs inside 'a t
# Characters 19-20:
fun (x : 'a t) -> (x : 'a); ();;
Error: This expression has type 'a t but an expression was expected of type
+ The type variable 'a occurs inside 'a t
# type 'a t = < x : 'a >
# - : ('a t as 'a) -> unit = <fun>
# Characters 18-26:
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-poly/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-poly/
index eb3b6f84a..17e643ad1 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-poly/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-poly/
@@ -571,12 +571,17 @@ type u = c option;;
let just = function None -> failwith "just" | Some x -> x;;
let f x = let l = [Some x; (None : u)] in (just(List.hd l))#id;;
let g x =
- let none = match None with y -> ignore [y;(None:u)]; y in
+ let none = (fun y -> ignore [y;(None:u)]; y) None in
let x = List.hd [Some x; none] in (just x)#id;;
let h x =
let none = let y = None in ignore [y;(None:u)]; y in
let x = List.hd [Some x; none] in (just x)#id;;
+(* Only solved for parameterless abbreviations *)
+type 'a u = c option;;
+let just = function None -> failwith "just" | Some x -> x;;
+let f x = let l = [Some x; (None : _ u)] in (just(List.hd l))#id;;
(* polymorphic recursion *)
let rec f : 'a. 'a -> _ = fun x -> 1 and g x = f x;;
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-poly/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-poly/
index a87694bb7..65043c786 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-poly/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-poly/
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@ Error: This field value has type 'b option ref option
# Characters 145-166:
object method virtual visit : 'a.('a visitor -> 'a) end;;
-Error: This type scheme cannot quantify 'a :
-it escapes this scope.
+Error: The universal type variable 'a cannot be generalized:
+ it escapes its scope.
# type ('a, 'b) list_visitor = < caseCons : 'b -> 'b list -> 'a; caseNil : 'a >
type 'b alist = < visit : 'a. ('a, 'b) list_visitor -> 'a >
class type ct = object ('a) method fold : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b end
@@ -555,13 +555,20 @@ Warning 18: this use of a polymorphic method is not principal.
# class c : object method id : 'a -> 'a end
# type u = c option
# val just : 'a option -> 'a = <fun>
-# val f : c -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
-# Characters 106-117:
+# Characters 42-62:
+ let f x = let l = [Some x; (None : u)] in (just(List.hd l))#id;;
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+Warning 18: this use of a polymorphic method is not principal.
+val f : c -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
+# Characters 101-112:
let x = List.hd [Some x; none] in (just x)#id;;
Warning 18: this use of a polymorphic method is not principal.
val g : c -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
# val h : < id : 'a; .. > -> 'a = <fun>
+# type 'a u = c option
+# val just : 'a option -> 'a = <fun>
+# val f : c -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
# val f : 'a -> int = <fun>
val g : 'a -> int = <fun>
# type 'a t = Leaf of 'a | Node of ('a * 'a) t
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-poly/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-poly/
index 1e11ed099..37601416b 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-poly/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-poly/
@@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ Error: This field value has type 'b option ref option
# Characters 145-166:
object method virtual visit : 'a.('a visitor -> 'a) end;;
-Error: This type scheme cannot quantify 'a :
-it escapes this scope.
+Error: The universal type variable 'a cannot be generalized:
+ it escapes its scope.
# type ('a, 'b) list_visitor = < caseCons : 'b -> 'b list -> 'a; caseNil : 'a >
type 'b alist = < visit : 'a. ('a, 'b) list_visitor -> 'a >
class type ct = object ('a) method fold : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b end
@@ -529,6 +529,9 @@ Error: Type < m : 'a. [< `A of < > ] as 'a > is not a subtype of
# val f : c -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
# val g : c -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
# val h : < id : 'a; .. > -> 'a = <fun>
+# type 'a u = c option
+# val just : 'a option -> 'a = <fun>
+# val f : c -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>
# val f : 'a -> int = <fun>
val g : 'a -> int = <fun>
# type 'a t = Leaf of 'a | Node of ('a * 'a) t