path: root/typing/
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1 files changed, 19 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 558cfe7de..68f848576 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ type type_mismatch =
| Constraint
| Manifest
| Variance
- | Field_type of string
- | Field_mutable of string
- | Field_arity of string
- | Field_names of int * string * string
- | Field_missing of bool * string
+ | Field_type of Ident.t
+ | Field_mutable of Ident.t
+ | Field_arity of Ident.t
+ | Field_names of int * Ident.t * Ident.t
+ | Field_missing of bool * Ident.t
| Record_representation of bool
let nth n =
@@ -140,17 +140,17 @@ let report_type_mismatch0 first second decl ppf err =
| Manifest -> ()
| Variance -> pr "Their variances do not agree"
| Field_type s ->
- pr "The types for field %s are not equal" s
+ pr "The types for field %s are not equal" ( s)
| Field_mutable s ->
- pr "The mutability of field %s is different" s
+ pr "The mutability of field %s is different" ( s)
| Field_arity s ->
- pr "The arities for field %s differ" s
+ pr "The arities for field %s differ" ( s)
| Field_names (n, name1, name2) ->
pr "Their %s fields have different names, %s and %s"
- (nth n) name1 name2
+ (nth n) ( name1) ( name2)
| Field_missing (b, s) ->
pr "The field %s is only present in %s %s"
- s (if b then second else first) decl
+ ( s) (if b then second else first) decl
| Record_representation b ->
pr "Their internal representations differ:@ %s %s %s"
(if b then second else first) decl
@@ -168,31 +168,31 @@ let rec compare_variants env decl1 decl2 n cstrs1 cstrs2 =
| [], (cstr2,_,_)::_ -> [Field_missing (true, cstr2)]
| (cstr1,_,_)::_, [] -> [Field_missing (false, cstr1)]
| (cstr1, arg1, ret1)::rem1, (cstr2, arg2,ret2)::rem2 ->
- if cstr1 <> cstr2 then [Field_names (n, cstr1, cstr2)] else
+ if cstr1 <> cstr2 then [Field_names (n, cstr1, cstr2)] else
if List.length arg1 <> List.length arg2 then [Field_arity cstr1] else
match ret1, ret2 with
- | Some r1, Some r2 when not (Ctype.equal env true [r1] [r2]) ->
+ | Some r1, Some r2 when not (Ctype.equal env true [r1] [r2]) ->
[Field_type cstr1]
| Some _, None | None, Some _ ->
[Field_type cstr1]
- | _ ->
+ | _ ->
if Misc.for_all2
(fun ty1 ty2 ->
Ctype.equal env true (ty1::decl1.type_params)
- (arg1) (arg2)
- then
+ (arg1) (arg2)
+ then
compare_variants env decl1 decl2 (n+1) rem1 rem2
else [Field_type cstr1]
let rec compare_records env decl1 decl2 n labels1 labels2 =
match labels1, labels2 with
[], [] -> []
| [], (lab2,_,_)::_ -> [Field_missing (true, lab2)]
| (lab1,_,_)::_, [] -> [Field_missing (false, lab1)]
| (lab1, mut1, arg1)::rem1, (lab2, mut2, arg2)::rem2 ->
- if lab1 <> lab2 then [Field_names (n, lab1, lab2)] else
+ if lab1 <> lab2 then [Field_names (n, lab1, lab2)] else
if mut1 <> mut2 then [Field_mutable lab1] else
if Ctype.equal env true (arg1::decl1.type_params)
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ let type_declarations ?(equality = false) env name decl1 id decl2 =
| (Type_variant cstrs1, Type_variant cstrs2) ->
let mark cstrs usage name decl =
- (fun (c, _, _) -> Env.mark_constructor_used usage name decl c)
+ (fun (c, _, _) -> Env.mark_constructor_used usage name decl ( c))
let usage =