path: root/utils/
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index 58d275396..103789c4e 100644
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ type t =
| Without_principality of string (* 19 *)
| Unused_argument (* 20 *)
| Nonreturning_statement (* 21 *)
- | Camlp4 of string (* 22 *)
+ | Preprocessor of string (* 22 *)
| Useless_record_with (* 23 *)
| Bad_module_name of string (* 24 *)
| All_clauses_guarded (* 25 *)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ type t =
| Unused_for_index of string (* 35 *)
| Unused_ancestor of string (* 36 *)
| Unused_constructor of string * bool * bool (* 37 *)
- | Unused_exception of string * bool (* 38 *)
+ | Unused_extension of string * bool * bool (* 38 *)
| Unused_rec_flag (* 39 *)
| Name_out_of_scope of string * string list * bool (* 40 *)
| Ambiguous_name of string list * string list * bool (* 41 *)
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ type t =
| Bad_env_variable of string * string (* 46 *)
| Attribute_payload of string * string (* 47 *)
| Eliminated_optional_arguments of string list (* 48 *)
+ | No_cmi_file of string (* 49 *)
(* If you remove a warning, leave a hole in the numbering. NEVER change
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ let number = function
| Without_principality _ -> 19
| Unused_argument -> 20
| Nonreturning_statement -> 21
- | Camlp4 _ -> 22
+ | Preprocessor _ -> 22
| Useless_record_with -> 23
| Bad_module_name _ -> 24
| All_clauses_guarded -> 25
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ let number = function
| Unused_for_index _ -> 35
| Unused_ancestor _ -> 36
| Unused_constructor _ -> 37
- | Unused_exception _ -> 38
+ | Unused_extension _ -> 38
| Unused_rec_flag -> 39
| Name_out_of_scope _ -> 40
| Ambiguous_name _ -> 41
@@ -123,9 +124,10 @@ let number = function
| Bad_env_variable _ -> 46
| Attribute_payload _ -> 47
| Eliminated_optional_arguments _ -> 48
+ | No_cmi_file _ -> 49
-let last_warning_number = 48
+let last_warning_number = 49
(* Must be the max number returned by the [number] function. *)
let letter = function
@@ -160,21 +162,27 @@ let letter = function
| _ -> assert false
-let active = Array.create (last_warning_number + 1) true;;
-let error = Array.create (last_warning_number + 1) false;;
+type state =
+ {
+ active: bool array;
+ error: bool array;
+ }
-type state = bool array * bool array
-let backup () = (Array.copy active, Array.copy error)
-let restore (a, e) =
- assert(Array.length a = Array.length active);
- assert(Array.length e = Array.length error);
- Array.blit a 0 active 0 (Array.length active);
- Array.blit e 0 error 0 (Array.length error)
+let current =
+ ref
+ {
+ active = Array.make (last_warning_number + 1) true;
+ error = Array.make (last_warning_number + 1) false;
+ }
-let is_active x = active.(number x);;
-let is_error x = error.(number x);;
+let backup () = !current
-let parse_opt flags s =
+let restore x = current := x
+let is_active x = (!current).active.(number x);;
+let is_error x = (!current).error.(number x);;
+let parse_opt error active flags s =
let set i = flags.(i) <- true in
let clear i = flags.(i) <- false in
let set_all i = active.(i) <- true; error.(i) <- true in
@@ -225,7 +233,11 @@ let parse_opt flags s =
loop 0
-let parse_options errflag s = parse_opt (if errflag then error else active) s;;
+let parse_options errflag s =
+ let error = Array.copy (!current).error in
+ let active = Array.copy (!current).active in
+ parse_opt error active (if errflag then error else active) s;
+ current := {error; active}
(* If you change these, don't forget to change them in man/ocamlc.m *)
let defaults_w = "+a-4-6-7-9-27-29-32..39-41..42-44-45-48";;
@@ -237,7 +249,7 @@ let () = parse_options true defaults_warn_error;;
let message = function
| Comment_start -> "this is the start of a comment."
| Comment_not_end -> "this is not the end of a comment."
- | Deprecated s -> "deprecated feature: " ^ s
+ | Deprecated s -> "deprecated: " ^ s
| Fragile_match "" ->
"this pattern-matching is fragile."
| Fragile_match s ->
@@ -286,7 +298,7 @@ let message = function
| Unused_argument -> "this argument will not be used by the function."
| Nonreturning_statement ->
"this statement never returns (or has an unsound type.)"
- | Camlp4 s -> s
+ | Preprocessor s -> s
| Useless_record_with ->
"all the fields are explicitly listed in this record:\n\
the 'with' clause is useless."
@@ -320,12 +332,16 @@ let message = function
"constructor " ^ s ^
" is never used to build values.\n\
Its type is exported as a private type."
- | Unused_exception (s, false) ->
- "unused exception constructor " ^ s ^ "."
- | Unused_exception (s, true) ->
- "exception constructor " ^ s ^
- " is never raised or used to build values.\n\
+ | Unused_extension (s, false, false) ->
+ "unused extension constructor " ^ s ^ "."
+ | Unused_extension (s, true, _) ->
+ "extension constructor " ^ s ^
+ " is never used to build values.\n\
(However, this constructor appears in patterns.)"
+ | Unused_extension (s, false, true) ->
+ "extension constructor " ^ s ^
+ " is never used to build values.\n\
+ It is exported or rebound as a private extension."
| Unused_rec_flag ->
"unused rec flag."
| Name_out_of_scope (ty, [nm], false) ->
@@ -366,6 +382,8 @@ let message = function
Printf.sprintf "implicit elimination of optional argument%s %s"
(if List.length sl = 1 then "" else "s")
(String.concat ", " sl)
+ | No_cmi_file s ->
+ "no cmi file was found in path for module " ^ s
let nerrors = ref 0;;
@@ -377,15 +395,14 @@ let print ppf w =
for i = 0 to String.length msg - 1 do
if msg.[i] = '\n' then incr newlines;
- let (out, flush, newline, space) =
- Format.pp_get_all_formatter_output_functions ppf ()
- in
- let countnewline x = incr newlines; newline x in
- Format.pp_set_all_formatter_output_functions ppf out flush countnewline space;
+ let out_functions = Format.pp_get_formatter_out_functions ppf () in
+ let countnewline x = incr newlines; out_functions.Format.out_newline x in
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf
+ {out_functions with Format.out_newline = countnewline};
Format.fprintf ppf "%d: %s" num msg;
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
- Format.pp_set_all_formatter_output_functions ppf out flush newline space;
- if error.(num) then incr nerrors;
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_out_functions ppf out_functions;
+ if (!current).error.(num) then incr nerrors;
@@ -426,7 +443,7 @@ let descriptions =
19, "Type without principality.";
20, "Unused function argument.";
21, "Non-returning statement.";
- 22, "Camlp4 warning.";
+ 22, "Proprocessor warning.";
23, "Useless record \"with\" clause.";
24, "Bad module name: the source file name is not a valid OCaml module \
@@ -449,7 +466,7 @@ let descriptions =
35, "Unused for-loop index.";
36, "Unused ancestor variable.";
37, "Unused constructor.";
- 38, "Unused exception constructor.";
+ 38, "Unused extension constructor.";
39, "Unused rec flag.";
40, "Constructor or label name used out of scope.";
41, "Ambiguous constructor or label name.";
@@ -457,9 +474,10 @@ let descriptions =
43, "Nonoptional label applied as optional.";
44, "Open statement shadows an already defined identifier.";
45, "Open statement shadows an already defined label or constructor.";
- 46, "Illegal environment variable";
- 47, "Illegal attribute payload";
- 48, "Implicit elimination of optional arguments";
+ 46, "Illegal environment variable.";
+ 47, "Illegal attribute payload.";
+ 48, "Implicit elimination of optional arguments.";
+ 49, "Absent cmi file when looking up module alias.";