(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Benedikt Meurer, University of Siegen *) (* *) (* Copyright 1998 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique *) (* et en Automatique. Copyright 2012 Benedikt Meurer. All rights *) (* reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of the Q *) (* Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Description of the ARM processor *) open Misc open Cmm open Reg open Arch open Mach (* Instruction selection *) let word_addressed = false (* Registers available for register allocation *) (* Integer register map: r0 - r3 general purpose (not preserved) r4 - r7 general purpose (preserved) r8 trap pointer (preserved) r9 platform register, usually reserved r10 allocation pointer (preserved) r11 allocation limit (preserved) r12 intra-procedural scratch register (not preserved) r13 stack pointer r14 return address r15 program counter Floating-point register map (VFPv{2,3}): d0 - d7 general purpose (not preserved) d8 - d15 general purpose (preserved) d16 - d31 generat purpose (not preserved), VFPv3 only *) let int_reg_name = [| "r0"; "r1"; "r2"; "r3"; "r4"; "r5"; "r6"; "r7"; "r12" |] let float_reg_name = [| "d0"; "d1"; "d2"; "d3"; "d4"; "d5"; "d6"; "d7"; "d8"; "d9"; "d10"; "d11"; "d12"; "d13"; "d14"; "d15"; "d16"; "d17"; "d18"; "d19"; "d20"; "d21"; "d22"; "d23"; "d24"; "d25"; "d26"; "d27"; "d28"; "d29"; "d30"; "d31" |] (* We have three register classes: 0 for integer registers 1 for VFPv2 and VFPv3-D16 2 for VFPv3 This way we can choose between VFPv2/VFPv3-D16 and VFPv3 at (ocamlopt) runtime using command line switches. *) let num_register_classes = 3 let register_class r = match (r.typ, !fpu) with (Int | Addr), _ -> 0 | Float, VFPv2 -> 1 | Float, VFPv3_D16 -> 1 | Float, _ -> 2 let num_available_registers = [| 9; 16; 32 |] let first_available_register = [| 0; 100; 100 |] let register_name r = if r < 100 then int_reg_name.(r) else float_reg_name.(r - 100) let rotate_registers = true (* Representation of hard registers by pseudo-registers *) let hard_int_reg = let v = Array.create 9 Reg.dummy in for i = 0 to 8 do v.(i) <- Reg.at_location Int (Reg i) done; v let hard_float_reg = let v = Array.create 32 Reg.dummy in for i = 0 to 31 do v.(i) <- Reg.at_location Float (Reg(100 + i)) done; v let all_phys_regs = Array.append hard_int_reg hard_float_reg let phys_reg n = if n < 100 then hard_int_reg.(n) else hard_float_reg.(n - 100) let stack_slot slot ty = Reg.at_location ty (Stack slot) (* Calling conventions *) let calling_conventions first_int last_int first_float last_float make_stack arg = let loc = Array.create (Array.length arg) Reg.dummy in let int = ref first_int in let float = ref first_float in let ofs = ref 0 in for i = 0 to Array.length arg - 1 do match arg.(i).typ with Int | Addr as ty -> if !int <= last_int then begin loc.(i) <- phys_reg !int; incr int end else begin loc.(i) <- stack_slot (make_stack !ofs) ty; ofs := !ofs + size_int end | Float -> assert (abi = EABI_HF); assert (!fpu >= VFPv2); if !float <= last_float then begin loc.(i) <- phys_reg !float; incr float end else begin ofs := Misc.align !ofs size_float; loc.(i) <- stack_slot (make_stack !ofs) Float; ofs := !ofs + size_float end done; (loc, Misc.align !ofs 8) (* keep stack 8-aligned *) let incoming ofs = Incoming ofs let outgoing ofs = Outgoing ofs let not_supported ofs = fatal_error "Proc.loc_results: cannot call" (* OCaml calling convention: first integer args in r0...r7 first float args in d0...d15 (EABI+VFP) remaining args on stack. Return values in r0...r7 or d0...d15. *) let loc_arguments arg = calling_conventions 0 7 100 115 outgoing arg let loc_parameters arg = let (loc, _) = calling_conventions 0 7 100 115 incoming arg in loc let loc_results res = let (loc, _) = calling_conventions 0 7 100 115 not_supported res in loc (* C calling convention: first integer args in r0...r3 first float args in d0...d7 (EABI+VFP) remaining args on stack. Return values in r0...r1 or d0. *) let loc_external_arguments arg = calling_conventions 0 3 100 107 outgoing arg let loc_external_results res = let (loc, _) = calling_conventions 0 1 100 100 not_supported res in loc let loc_exn_bucket = phys_reg 0 (* Registers destroyed by operations *) let destroyed_at_alloc = (* r0-r6, d0-d15 preserved *) Array.of_list (List.map phys_reg [7;8; 116;116;118;119;120;121;122;123; 124;125;126;127;128;129;130;131]) let destroyed_at_c_call = Array.of_list (List.map phys_reg (match abi with EABI -> (* r4-r7 preserved *) [0;1;2;3;8; 100;101;102;103;104;105;106;107; 108;109;110;111;112;113;114;115; 116;116;118;119;120;121;122;123; 124;125;126;127;128;129;130;131] | EABI_HF -> (* r4-r7, d8-d15 preserved *) [0;1;2;3;8; 100;101;102;103;104;105;106;107; 116;116;118;119;120;121;122;123; 124;125;126;127;128;129;130;131])) let destroyed_at_oper = function Iop(Icall_ind | Icall_imm _) | Iop(Iextcall(_, true)) -> all_phys_regs | Iop(Iextcall(_, false)) -> destroyed_at_c_call | Iop(Ialloc _) -> destroyed_at_alloc | Iop(Iconst_symbol _) when !pic_code -> [| phys_reg 3; phys_reg 8 |] (* r3 and r12 destroyed *) | Iop(Iintop Imulh) when !arch < ARMv6 -> [| phys_reg 8 |] (* r12 destroyed *) | Iop(Iintoffloat | Ifloatofint | Iload(Single, _) | Istore(Single, _)) -> [| phys_reg 107 |] (* d7 (s14-s15) destroyed *) | _ -> [||] let destroyed_at_raise = all_phys_regs (* Maximal register pressure *) let safe_register_pressure = function Iextcall(_, _) -> if abi = EABI then 0 else 4 | Ialloc _ -> if abi = EABI then 0 else 7 | Iconst_symbol _ when !pic_code -> 7 | _ -> 9 let max_register_pressure = function Iextcall(_, _) -> if abi = EABI then [| 4; 0; 0 |] else [| 4; 8; 8 |] | Ialloc _ -> if abi = EABI then [| 7; 0; 0 |] else [| 7; 8; 8 |] | Iconst_symbol _ when !pic_code -> [| 7; 16; 32 |] | Iintoffloat | Ifloatofint | Iload(Single, _) | Istore(Single, _) -> [| 9; 15; 31 |] | _ -> [| 9; 16; 32 |] (* Layout of the stack *) let num_stack_slots = [| 0; 0; 0 |] let contains_calls = ref false (* Calling the assembler *) let assemble_file infile outfile = Ccomp.command (Config.asm ^ " -o " ^ Filename.quote outfile ^ " " ^ Filename.quote infile) let init () = ()