(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Transformation of Mach code into a list of pseudo-instructions. *) type label = int val new_label: unit -> label type instruction = { mutable desc: instruction_desc; mutable next: instruction; arg: Reg.t array; res: Reg.t array; dbg: Debuginfo.t; live: Reg.Set.t } and instruction_desc = Lend | Lop of Mach.operation | Lreloadretaddr | Lreturn | Llabel of label | Lbranch of label | Lcondbranch of Mach.test * label | Lcondbranch3 of label option * label option * label option | Lswitch of label array | Lsetuptrap of label | Lpushtrap | Lpoptrap | Lraise of Lambda.raise_kind val has_fallthrough : instruction_desc -> bool val end_instr: instruction val instr_cons: instruction_desc -> Reg.t array -> Reg.t array -> instruction -> instruction val invert_test: Mach.test -> Mach.test type fundecl = { fun_name: string; fun_body: instruction; fun_fast: bool; fun_dbg : Debuginfo.t } val reset : unit -> unit val fundecl: Mach.fundecl -> fundecl