(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* To assign numbers to globals and primitives *) open Misc open Asttypes open Lambda open Emitcode (* Functions for batch linking *) type error = Undefined_global of string | Unavailable_primitive of string | Wrong_vm of string exception Error of error (* Tables for numbering objects *) type 'a numtable = { num_cnt: int; (* The next number *) num_tbl: ('a, int) Tbl.t } (* The table of already numbered objects *) let empty_numtable = { num_cnt = 0; num_tbl = Tbl.empty } let find_numtable nt key = Tbl.find key nt.num_tbl let enter_numtable nt key = let n = !nt.num_cnt in nt := { num_cnt = n + 1; num_tbl = Tbl.add key n !nt.num_tbl }; n let incr_numtable nt = let n = !nt.num_cnt in nt := { num_cnt = n + 1; num_tbl = !nt.num_tbl }; n (* Global variables *) let global_table = ref(empty_numtable : Ident.t numtable) and literal_table = ref([] : (int * structured_constant) list) let slot_for_getglobal id = try find_numtable !global_table id with Not_found -> raise(Error(Undefined_global(Ident.name id))) let slot_for_setglobal id = enter_numtable global_table id let slot_for_literal cst = let n = incr_numtable global_table in literal_table := (n, cst) :: !literal_table; n (* The C primitives *) let c_prim_table = ref(empty_numtable : string numtable) let set_prim_table name = ignore(enter_numtable c_prim_table name) let num_of_prim name = try find_numtable !c_prim_table name with Not_found -> if !Clflags.custom_runtime then enter_numtable c_prim_table name else raise(Error(Unavailable_primitive name)) let require_primitive name = if name.[0] <> '%' then ignore(num_of_prim name) let all_primitives () = let prim = Array.create !c_prim_table.num_cnt "" in Tbl.iter (fun name number -> prim.(number) <- name) !c_prim_table.num_tbl; prim let output_primitive_names outchan = let prim = all_primitives() in for i = 0 to Array.length prim - 1 do output_string outchan prim.(i); output_char outchan '\000' done open Printf let output_primitive_table outchan = let prim = all_primitives() in fprintf outchan "\ #ifdef __cplusplus\n\ extern \"C\" {\n\ #endif\n"; for i = 0 to Array.length prim - 1 do fprintf outchan "extern long %s();\n" prim.(i) done; fprintf outchan "typedef long (*primitive)();\n"; fprintf outchan "primitive cprim[] = {\n"; for i = 0 to Array.length prim - 1 do fprintf outchan " %s,\n" prim.(i) done; fprintf outchan " (primitive) 0 };\n"; fprintf outchan "char * names_of_cprim[] = {\n"; for i = 0 to Array.length prim - 1 do fprintf outchan " \"%s\",\n" prim.(i) done; fprintf outchan " (char *) 0 };\n"; fprintf outchan "\ #ifdef __cplusplus\n\ }\n\ #endif\n" (* Initialization for batch linking *) let init () = (* Enter the predefined exceptions *) Array.iter (fun name -> let id = try List.assoc name Predef.builtin_values with Not_found -> fatal_error "Symtable.init" in let c = slot_for_setglobal id in let cst = Const_block(0, [Const_base(Const_string name)]) in literal_table := (c, cst) :: !literal_table) Runtimedef.builtin_exceptions; (* Enter the known C primitives *) if String.length !Clflags.use_prims > 0 then begin let ic = open_in !Clflags.use_prims in try while true do set_prim_table (input_line ic) done with End_of_file -> close_in ic | x -> close_in ic; raise x end else if String.length !Clflags.use_runtime > 0 then begin let primfile = Filename.temp_file "camlprims" "" in try if Sys.command(Printf.sprintf "%s -p > %s" !Clflags.use_runtime primfile) <> 0 then raise(Error(Wrong_vm !Clflags.use_runtime)); let ic = open_in primfile in try while true do set_prim_table (input_line ic) done with End_of_file -> close_in ic | x -> close_in ic; raise x with x -> remove_file primfile; raise x end else begin Array.iter set_prim_table Runtimedef.builtin_primitives end (* Relocate a block of object bytecode *) (* Must use the unsafe String.set here because the block may be a "fake" string as returned by Meta.static_alloc. *) let patch_int buff pos n = String.unsafe_set buff pos (Char.unsafe_chr n); String.unsafe_set buff (pos + 1) (Char.unsafe_chr (n asr 8)); String.unsafe_set buff (pos + 2) (Char.unsafe_chr (n asr 16)); String.unsafe_set buff (pos + 3) (Char.unsafe_chr (n asr 24)) let patch_object buff patchlist = List.iter (function (Reloc_literal sc, pos) -> patch_int buff pos (slot_for_literal sc) | (Reloc_getglobal id, pos) -> patch_int buff pos (slot_for_getglobal id) | (Reloc_setglobal id, pos) -> patch_int buff pos (slot_for_setglobal id) | (Reloc_primitive name, pos) -> patch_int buff pos (num_of_prim name)) patchlist (* Translate structured constants *) let rec transl_const = function Const_base(Const_int i) -> Obj.repr i | Const_base(Const_char c) -> Obj.repr c | Const_base(Const_string s) -> Obj.repr s | Const_base(Const_float f) -> Obj.repr(float_of_string f) | Const_pointer i -> Obj.repr i | Const_block(tag, fields) -> let block = Obj.new_block tag (List.length fields) in let pos = ref 0 in List.iter (fun c -> Obj.set_field block !pos (transl_const c); incr pos) fields; block | Const_float_array fields -> Obj.repr(Array.of_list(List.map (fun f -> float_of_string f) fields)) (* Build the initial table of globals *) let initial_global_table () = let glob = Array.create !global_table.num_cnt (Obj.repr 0) in List.iter (fun (slot, cst) -> glob.(slot) <- transl_const cst) !literal_table; literal_table := []; glob (* Save the table of globals *) let output_global_map oc = output_value oc !global_table (* Functions for toplevel use *) (* Update the in-core table of globals *) let update_global_table () = let ng = !global_table.num_cnt in if ng > Array.length(Meta.global_data()) then Meta.realloc_global_data ng; let glob = Meta.global_data() in List.iter (fun (slot, cst) -> glob.(slot) <- transl_const cst) !literal_table; literal_table := [] (* Initialize the linker for toplevel use *) let init_toplevel () = (* Read back the known global symbols from the executable file *) let ic = open_in_bin Sys.argv.(0) in let pos_trailer = in_channel_length ic - 24 - String.length Config.exec_magic_number in seek_in ic pos_trailer; let path_size = input_binary_int ic in let code_size = input_binary_int ic in let prim_size = input_binary_int ic in let data_size = input_binary_int ic in let symbol_size = input_binary_int ic in let debug_size = input_binary_int ic in seek_in ic (pos_trailer - debug_size - symbol_size); global_table := (input_value ic : Ident.t numtable); close_in ic; (* Enter the known C primitives *) Array.iter set_prim_table (Meta.available_primitives()) (* Find the value of a global identifier *) let get_global_position id = slot_for_getglobal id let get_global_value id = (Meta.global_data()).(slot_for_getglobal id) let assign_global_value id v = (Meta.global_data()).(slot_for_getglobal id) <- v (* Save and restore the current state *) type global_map = Ident.t numtable let current_state () = !global_table let restore_state st = global_table := st let hide_additions st = if st.num_cnt > !global_table.num_cnt then fatal_error "Symtable.hide_additions"; global_table := { num_cnt = !global_table.num_cnt; num_tbl = st.num_tbl } (* "Filter" the global map according to some predicate. Used to expunge the global map for the toplevel. *) let filter_global_map p gmap = let newtbl = ref Tbl.empty in Tbl.iter (fun id num -> if p id then newtbl := Tbl.add id num !newtbl) gmap.num_tbl; {num_cnt = gmap.num_cnt; num_tbl = !newtbl} (* Error report *) open Format let report_error = function Undefined_global s -> print_string "Reference to undefined global `"; print_string s; print_string "'" | Unavailable_primitive s -> print_string "The external function `"; print_string s; print_string "' is not available" | Wrong_vm s -> print_string "Cannot find or execute the runtime system "; print_string s