(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Caml Special Light *) (* *) (* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open Misc open Asttypes open Longident open Lambda (* Get oo primitives identifiers *) let oo_prim name = try transl_path (fst (Env.lookup_value (Ldot (Lident "Oo", name)) Env.empty)) with Not_found -> fatal_error ("Primitive " ^ name ^ " not found.") (* Collect labels *) let used_methods = ref ([] : (string * Ident.t) list);; let meth lab = let lab = lab.Label.lab_name in try List.assoc lab !used_methods with Not_found -> let id = Ident.create lab in used_methods := (lab, id)::!used_methods; id let reset_labels () = used_methods := [] (* Insert labels *) let string s = Lconst (Const_base (Const_string s)) let transl_init kind labels expr = if labels = [] then expr else let init = Ident.create kind in Llet(Alias, init, oo_prim kind, List.fold_right (fun (lab, id) expr -> Llet(Strict, id, Lapply(Lvar init, [string lab]), expr)) labels expr) let transl_label_init expr = let new_method = Ident.create "new_method" in let expr' = transl_init "new_method" !used_methods expr in reset_labels (); expr'