/***********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Objective Caml */ /* */ /* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt */ /* */ /* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et */ /* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed */ /* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with */ /* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /* Interface with the debugger */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif /* _WIN32 */ #include #include "config.h" #include "debugger.h" #include "fail.h" #include "fix_code.h" #include "instruct.h" #include "intext.h" #include "io.h" #include "misc.h" #include "mlvalues.h" #include "stacks.h" #include "sys.h" int caml_debugger_in_use = 0; uintnat caml_event_count; #if !defined(HAS_SOCKETS) void caml_debugger_init(void) { } void caml_debugger(enum event_kind event) { } #else #ifdef HAS_UNISTD #include #endif #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #define ATOM ATOM_WS #include #undef ATOM #include #endif static int sock_domain; /* Socket domain for the debugger */ static union { /* Socket address for the debugger */ struct sockaddr s_gen; #ifndef _WIN32 struct sockaddr_un s_unix; #endif struct sockaddr_in s_inet; } sock_addr; static int sock_addr_len; /* Length of sock_addr */ static int dbg_socket = -1; /* The socket connected to the debugger */ static struct channel * dbg_in; /* Input channel on the socket */ static struct channel * dbg_out;/* Output channel on the socket */ static char *dbg_addr = "(none)"; static void open_connection(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 /* Set socket to synchronous mode so that file descriptor-oriented functions (read()/write() etc.) can be used */ int oldvalue, oldvaluelen, newvalue, retcode; oldvaluelen = sizeof(oldvalue); retcode = getsockopt(INVALID_SOCKET, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OPENTYPE, (char *) &oldvalue, &oldvaluelen); if (retcode == 0) { newvalue = SO_SYNCHRONOUS_NONALERT; setsockopt(INVALID_SOCKET, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OPENTYPE, (char *) &newvalue, sizeof(newvalue)); } #endif dbg_socket = socket(sock_domain, SOCK_STREAM, 0); #ifdef _WIN32 if (retcode == 0) { /* Restore initial mode */ setsockopt(INVALID_SOCKET, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OPENTYPE, (char *) &oldvalue, oldvaluelen); } #endif if (dbg_socket == -1 || connect(dbg_socket, &sock_addr.s_gen, sock_addr_len) == -1){ caml_fatal_error_arg2 ("cannot connect to debugger at %s", dbg_addr, "error: %s\n", strerror (errno)); } #ifdef _WIN32 dbg_socket = _open_osfhandle(dbg_socket, 0); if (dbg_socket == -1) caml_fatal_error("_open_osfhandle failed"); #endif dbg_in = caml_open_descriptor_in(dbg_socket); dbg_out = caml_open_descriptor_out(dbg_socket); if (!caml_debugger_in_use) caml_putword(dbg_out, -1); /* first connection */ #ifdef _WIN32 caml_putword(dbg_out, _getpid()); #else caml_putword(dbg_out, getpid()); #endif caml_flush(dbg_out); } static void close_connection(void) { caml_close_channel(dbg_in); caml_close_channel(dbg_out); dbg_socket = -1; /* was closed by caml_close_channel */ } #ifdef _WIN32 static void winsock_startup(void) { WSADATA wsaData; int err = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData); if (err) caml_fatal_error("WSAStartup failed"); } static void winsock_cleanup(void) { WSACleanup(); } #endif void caml_debugger_init(void) { char * address; char * port, * p; struct hostent * host; int n; address = getenv("CAML_DEBUG_SOCKET"); if (address == NULL) return; dbg_addr = address; #ifdef _WIN32 winsock_startup(); (void)atexit(winsock_cleanup); #endif /* Parse the address */ port = NULL; for (p = address; *p != 0; p++) { if (*p == ':') { *p = 0; port = p+1; break; } } if (port == NULL) { #ifndef _WIN32 /* Unix domain */ sock_domain = PF_UNIX; sock_addr.s_unix.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strncpy(sock_addr.s_unix.sun_path, address, sizeof(sock_addr.s_unix.sun_path)); sock_addr_len = ((char *)&(sock_addr.s_unix.sun_path) - (char *)&(sock_addr.s_unix)) + strlen(address); #else caml_fatal_error("Unix sockets not supported"); #endif } else { /* Internet domain */ sock_domain = PF_INET; for (p = (char *) &sock_addr.s_inet, n = sizeof(sock_addr.s_inet); n > 0; n--) *p++ = 0; sock_addr.s_inet.sin_family = AF_INET; sock_addr.s_inet.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(address); if (sock_addr.s_inet.sin_addr.s_addr == -1) { host = gethostbyname(address); if (host == NULL) caml_fatal_error_arg("Unknown debugging host %s\n", address); memmove(&sock_addr.s_inet.sin_addr, host->h_addr, host->h_length); } sock_addr.s_inet.sin_port = htons(atoi(port)); sock_addr_len = sizeof(sock_addr.s_inet); } open_connection(); caml_debugger_in_use = 1; caml_trap_barrier = caml_stack_high; } static value getval(struct channel *chan) { value res; if (caml_really_getblock(chan, (char *) &res, sizeof(res)) == 0) caml_raise_end_of_file(); /* Bad, but consistent with caml_getword */ return res; } static void putval(struct channel *chan, value val) { caml_really_putblock(chan, (char *) &val, sizeof(val)); } static void safe_output_value(struct channel *chan, value val) { struct longjmp_buffer raise_buf, * saved_external_raise; /* Catch exceptions raised by [caml_output_val] */ saved_external_raise = caml_external_raise; if (sigsetjmp(raise_buf.buf, 0) == 0) { caml_external_raise = &raise_buf; caml_output_val(chan, val, Val_unit); } else { /* Send wrong magic number, will cause [caml_input_value] to fail */ caml_really_putblock(chan, "\000\000\000\000", 4); } caml_external_raise = saved_external_raise; } #define Pc(sp) ((code_t)((sp)[0])) #define Env(sp) ((sp)[1]) #define Extra_args(sp) (Long_val(((sp)[2]))) #define Locals(sp) ((sp) + 3) void caml_debugger(enum event_kind event) { int frame_number; value * frame; intnat i, pos; value val; if (dbg_socket == -1) return; /* Not connected to a debugger. */ /* Reset current frame */ frame_number = 0; frame = caml_extern_sp + 1; /* Report the event to the debugger */ switch(event) { case PROGRAM_START: /* Nothing to report */ goto command_loop; case EVENT_COUNT: putch(dbg_out, REP_EVENT); break; case BREAKPOINT: putch(dbg_out, REP_BREAKPOINT); break; case PROGRAM_EXIT: putch(dbg_out, REP_EXITED); break; case TRAP_BARRIER: putch(dbg_out, REP_TRAP); break; case UNCAUGHT_EXC: putch(dbg_out, REP_UNCAUGHT_EXC); break; } caml_putword(dbg_out, caml_event_count); if (event == EVENT_COUNT || event == BREAKPOINT) { caml_putword(dbg_out, caml_stack_high - frame); caml_putword(dbg_out, (Pc(frame) - caml_start_code) * sizeof(opcode_t)); } else { /* No PC and no stack frame associated with other events */ caml_putword(dbg_out, 0); caml_putword(dbg_out, 0); } caml_flush(dbg_out); command_loop: /* Read and execute the commands sent by the debugger */ while(1) { switch(getch(dbg_in)) { case REQ_SET_EVENT: pos = caml_getword(dbg_in); Assert (pos >= 0); Assert (pos < caml_code_size); caml_set_instruction(caml_start_code + pos / sizeof(opcode_t), EVENT); break; case REQ_SET_BREAKPOINT: pos = caml_getword(dbg_in); Assert (pos >= 0); Assert (pos < caml_code_size); caml_set_instruction(caml_start_code + pos / sizeof(opcode_t), BREAK); break; case REQ_RESET_INSTR: pos = caml_getword(dbg_in); Assert (pos >= 0); Assert (pos < caml_code_size); pos = pos / sizeof(opcode_t); caml_set_instruction(caml_start_code + pos, caml_saved_code[pos]); break; case REQ_CHECKPOINT: #ifndef _WIN32 i = fork(); if (i == 0) { close_connection(); /* Close parent connection. */ open_connection(); /* Open new connection with debugger */ } else { caml_putword(dbg_out, i); caml_flush(dbg_out); } #else caml_fatal_error("error: REQ_CHECKPOINT command"); exit(-1); #endif break; case REQ_GO: caml_event_count = caml_getword(dbg_in); return; case REQ_STOP: exit(0); break; case REQ_WAIT: #ifndef _WIN32 wait(NULL); #else caml_fatal_error("Fatal error: REQ_WAIT command"); exit(-1); #endif break; case REQ_INITIAL_FRAME: frame = caml_extern_sp + 1; /* Fall through */ case REQ_GET_FRAME: caml_putword(dbg_out, caml_stack_high - frame); if (frame < caml_stack_high){ caml_putword(dbg_out, (Pc(frame) - caml_start_code) * sizeof(opcode_t)); }else{ caml_putword (dbg_out, 0); } caml_flush(dbg_out); break; case REQ_SET_FRAME: i = caml_getword(dbg_in); frame = caml_stack_high - i; break; case REQ_UP_FRAME: i = caml_getword(dbg_in); if (frame + Extra_args(frame) + i + 3 >= caml_stack_high) { caml_putword(dbg_out, -1); } else { frame += Extra_args(frame) + i + 3; caml_putword(dbg_out, caml_stack_high - frame); caml_putword(dbg_out, (Pc(frame) - caml_start_code) * sizeof(opcode_t)); } caml_flush(dbg_out); break; case REQ_SET_TRAP_BARRIER: i = caml_getword(dbg_in); caml_trap_barrier = caml_stack_high - i; break; case REQ_GET_LOCAL: i = caml_getword(dbg_in); putval(dbg_out, Locals(frame)[i]); caml_flush(dbg_out); break; case REQ_GET_ENVIRONMENT: i = caml_getword(dbg_in); putval(dbg_out, Field(Env(frame), i)); caml_flush(dbg_out); break; case REQ_GET_GLOBAL: i = caml_getword(dbg_in); putval(dbg_out, Field(caml_global_data, i)); caml_flush(dbg_out); break; case REQ_GET_ACCU: putval(dbg_out, *caml_extern_sp); caml_flush(dbg_out); break; case REQ_GET_HEADER: val = getval(dbg_in); caml_putword(dbg_out, Hd_val(val)); caml_flush(dbg_out); break; case REQ_GET_FIELD: val = getval(dbg_in); i = caml_getword(dbg_in); if (Tag_val(val) != Double_array_tag) { putch(dbg_out, 0); putval(dbg_out, Field(val, i)); } else { double d = Double_field(val, i); putch(dbg_out, 1); caml_really_putblock(dbg_out, (char *) &d, 8); } caml_flush(dbg_out); break; case REQ_MARSHAL_OBJ: val = getval(dbg_in); safe_output_value(dbg_out, val); caml_flush(dbg_out); break; case REQ_GET_CLOSURE_CODE: val = getval(dbg_in); caml_putword(dbg_out, (Code_val(val)-caml_start_code) * sizeof(opcode_t)); caml_flush(dbg_out); break; } } } #endif