/***********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Objective Caml */ /* */ /* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt */ /* */ /* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et */ /* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed */ /* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /* Structured input, compact format */ #include <string.h> #include "alloc.h" #include "fail.h" #include "gc.h" #include "intext.h" #include "io.h" #include "memory.h" #include "mlvalues.h" #include "misc.h" #include "reverse.h" static unsigned char * intern_src; /* Reading pointer in block holding input data. */ static unsigned char * intern_input; /* Pointer to beginning of block holding input data. Meaningful only if intern_input_malloced = 1. */ static int intern_input_malloced; /* 1 if intern_input was allocated by stat_alloc() and needs stat_free() on error, 0 otherwise. */ static header_t * intern_dest; /* Writing pointer in destination block */ static header_t * intern_extra_block; /* If non-NULL, point to new heap chunk allocated with alloc_for_heap. */ static asize_t obj_counter; /* Count how many objects seen so far */ static value * intern_obj_table; /* The pointers to objects already seen */ static unsigned int intern_color; /* Color to assign to newly created headers */ static header_t intern_header; /* Original header of the destination block. Meaningful only if intern_extra_block is NULL. */ static value intern_block; /* Point to the heap block allocated as destination block. Meaningful only if intern_extra_block is NULL. */ #define Sign_extend_shift ((sizeof(long) - 1) * 8) #define Sign_extend(x) (((long)(x) << Sign_extend_shift) >> Sign_extend_shift) #define read8u() (*intern_src++) #define read8s() Sign_extend(*intern_src++) #define read16u() \ (intern_src += 2, \ (intern_src[-2] << 8) + intern_src[-1]) #define read16s() \ (intern_src += 2, \ (Sign_extend(intern_src[-2]) << 8) + intern_src[-1]) #define read32u() \ (intern_src += 4, \ (intern_src[-4] << 24) + (intern_src[-3] << 16) + \ (intern_src[-2] << 8) + intern_src[-1]) #define read32s() \ (intern_src += 4, \ (Sign_extend(intern_src[-4]) << 24) + (intern_src[-3] << 16) + \ (intern_src[-2] << 8) + intern_src[-1]) #ifdef ARCH_SIXTYFOUR static long read64s(void) { long res; int i; res = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) res = (res << 8) + intern_src[i]; intern_src += 8; return res; } #endif #define readblock(dest,len) \ (bcopy(intern_src, dest, len), intern_src += len) static void intern_cleanup(void) { if (intern_input_malloced) stat_free(intern_input); if (intern_obj_table != NULL) stat_free(intern_obj_table); if (intern_extra_block != NULL) { /* free newly allocated heap chunk */ free_for_heap(intern_extra_block); } else { /* restore original header for heap block, otherwise GC is confused */ Hd_val(intern_block) = intern_header; } } static void intern_rec(value *dest) { unsigned int code; tag_t tag; mlsize_t size, len, ofs_ind; value v, clos; asize_t ofs; header_t header; char cksum[16]; tailcall: code = read8u(); if (code >= PREFIX_SMALL_INT) { if (code >= PREFIX_SMALL_BLOCK) { /* Small block */ tag = code & 0xF; size = (code >> 4) & 0x7; read_block: if (size == 0) { v = Atom(tag); } else { v = Val_hp(intern_dest); *dest = v; if (intern_obj_table != NULL) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v; dest = (value *) (intern_dest + 1); *intern_dest = Make_header(size, tag, intern_color); intern_dest += 1 + size; for(/*nothing*/; size > 1; size--, dest++) intern_rec(dest); goto tailcall; } } else { /* Small integer */ v = Val_int(code & 0x3F); } } else { if (code >= PREFIX_SMALL_STRING) { /* Small string */ len = (code & 0x1F); read_string: size = (len + sizeof(value)) / sizeof(value); v = Val_hp(intern_dest); if (intern_obj_table != NULL) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v; *intern_dest = Make_header(size, String_tag, intern_color); intern_dest += 1 + size; Field(v, size - 1) = 0; ofs_ind = Bsize_wsize(size) - 1; Byte(v, ofs_ind) = ofs_ind - len; readblock(String_val(v), len); } else { switch(code) { case CODE_INT8: v = Val_long(read8s()); break; case CODE_INT16: v = Val_long(read16s()); break; case CODE_INT32: v = Val_long(read32s()); break; case CODE_INT64: #ifdef ARCH_SIXTYFOUR v = Val_long(read64s()); break; #else intern_cleanup(); failwith("input_value: integer too large"); break; #endif case CODE_SHARED8: ofs = read8u(); read_shared: Assert(ofs > 0 && ofs <= obj_counter && intern_obj_table != NULL); v = intern_obj_table[obj_counter - ofs]; break; case CODE_SHARED16: ofs = read16u(); goto read_shared; case CODE_SHARED32: ofs = read32u(); goto read_shared; case CODE_BLOCK32: header = (header_t) read32u(); tag = Tag_hd(header); size = Wosize_hd(header); goto read_block; case CODE_STRING8: len = read8u(); goto read_string; case CODE_STRING32: len = read32u(); goto read_string; case CODE_DOUBLE_LITTLE: case CODE_DOUBLE_BIG: if (sizeof(double) != 8) { intern_cleanup(); invalid_argument("input_value: non-standard floats"); } v = Val_hp(intern_dest); if (intern_obj_table != NULL) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v; *intern_dest = Make_header(Double_wosize, Double_tag, intern_color); intern_dest += 1 + Double_wosize; readblock((char *) v, 8); if (code != CODE_DOUBLE_NATIVE) Reverse_double(v); break; case CODE_DOUBLE_ARRAY8_LITTLE: case CODE_DOUBLE_ARRAY8_BIG: len = read8u(); read_double_array: if (sizeof(double) != 8) { intern_cleanup(); invalid_argument("input_value: non-standard floats"); } size = len * Double_wosize; v = Val_hp(intern_dest); if (intern_obj_table != NULL) intern_obj_table[obj_counter++] = v; *intern_dest = Make_header(size, Double_array_tag, intern_color); intern_dest += 1 + size; readblock((char *) v, len * 8); if (code != CODE_DOUBLE_ARRAY8_NATIVE && code != CODE_DOUBLE_ARRAY32_NATIVE) { mlsize_t i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) Reverse_double((value)((double *)v + i)); } break; case CODE_DOUBLE_ARRAY32_LITTLE: case CODE_DOUBLE_ARRAY32_BIG: len = read32u(); goto read_double_array; case CODE_CODEPOINTER: ofs = read32u(); readblock(cksum, 16); if (memcmp(cksum, code_checksum(), 16) != 0) { intern_cleanup(); failwith("input_value: code mismatch"); } v = (value) (code_area_start + ofs); break; case CODE_INFIXPOINTER: ofs = read32u(); intern_rec(&clos); v = clos + ofs; break; default: intern_cleanup(); failwith("input_value: ill-formed message"); } } } *dest = v; } static void intern_alloc(mlsize_t whsize, mlsize_t num_objects) { mlsize_t wosize; if (whsize == 0) { intern_obj_table = NULL; return; } wosize = Wosize_whsize(whsize); if (wosize > Max_wosize) { /* Round desired size up to next page */ asize_t request = ((Bsize_wsize(whsize) + Page_size - 1) >> Page_log) << Page_log; intern_extra_block = alloc_for_heap(request); if (intern_extra_block == NULL) raise_out_of_memory(); intern_color = allocation_color(intern_extra_block); intern_dest = intern_extra_block; } else { intern_block = alloc(wosize, String_tag); intern_header = Hd_val(intern_block); intern_color = Color_hd(intern_header); Assert (intern_color == White || intern_color == Black); intern_dest = (header_t *) Hp_val(intern_block); intern_extra_block = NULL; } obj_counter = 0; if (num_objects > 0) intern_obj_table = (value *) stat_alloc(num_objects * sizeof(value)); else intern_obj_table = NULL; } static void intern_add_to_heap(mlsize_t whsize) { /* Add new heap chunk to heap if needed */ if (intern_extra_block != NULL) { /* If heap chunk not filled totally, build free block at end */ asize_t request = ((Bsize_wsize(whsize) + Page_size - 1) >> Page_log) << Page_log; header_t * end_extra_block = intern_extra_block + Wsize_bsize(request); Assert(intern_dest <= end_extra_block); if (intern_dest < end_extra_block) *intern_dest = Make_header(Wosize_whsize(end_extra_block - intern_dest), 0, White); add_to_heap(intern_extra_block); } } value input_val(struct channel *chan) { uint32 magic; mlsize_t block_len, num_objects, size_32, size_64, whsize; value res; if (! channel_binary_mode(chan)) failwith("input_value: not a binary channel"); magic = getword(chan); if (magic != Intext_magic_number) failwith("input_value: bad object"); block_len = getword(chan); num_objects = getword(chan); size_32 = getword(chan); size_64 = getword(chan); /* Read block from channel */ intern_input = (unsigned char *) stat_alloc(block_len); intern_input_malloced = 1; if (really_getblock(chan, (char *)intern_input, block_len) == 0) { stat_free(intern_input); failwith("input_value: truncated object"); } intern_src = intern_input; /* Allocate result */ #ifdef ARCH_SIXTYFOUR whsize = size_64; #else whsize = size_32; #endif intern_alloc(whsize, num_objects); /* Fill it in */ intern_rec(&res); intern_add_to_heap(whsize); /* Free everything */ stat_free(intern_input); if (intern_obj_table != NULL) stat_free(intern_obj_table); return res; } value input_value(value vchan) /* ML */ { struct channel * chan = Channel(vchan); value res = Val_unit; Begin_root(res) Lock(chan); res = input_val(chan); Unlock(chan); End_roots(); return res; } value input_val_from_string(value str, long int ofs) { mlsize_t num_objects, size_32, size_64, whsize; value obj; intern_src = &Byte_u(str, ofs + 2*4); intern_input_malloced = 0; num_objects = read32u(); size_32 = read32u(); size_64 = read32u(); /* Allocate result */ #ifdef ARCH_SIXTYFOUR whsize = size_64; #else whsize = size_32; #endif Begin_root(str); intern_alloc(whsize, num_objects); End_roots(); intern_src = &Byte_u(str, ofs + 5*4); /* If a GC occurred */ /* Fill it in */ intern_rec(&obj); intern_add_to_heap(whsize); /* Free everything */ if (intern_obj_table != NULL) stat_free(intern_obj_table); return obj; } value input_value_from_string(value str, value ofs) /* ML */ { return input_val_from_string(str, Long_val(ofs)); } value input_value_from_malloc(char * data, long ofs) { mlsize_t num_objects, size_32, size_64, whsize; value obj; intern_input = (unsigned char *) data; intern_src = intern_input + ofs + 2*4; intern_input_malloced = 1; num_objects = read32u(); size_32 = read32u(); size_64 = read32u(); /* Allocate result */ #ifdef ARCH_SIXTYFOUR whsize = size_64; #else whsize = size_32; #endif intern_alloc(whsize, num_objects); /* Fill it in */ intern_rec(&obj); intern_add_to_heap(whsize); /* Free everything */ stat_free(intern_input); if (intern_obj_table != NULL) stat_free(intern_obj_table); return obj; } value marshal_data_size(value buff, value ofs) /* ML */ { uint32 magic; mlsize_t block_len; intern_src = &Byte_u(buff, Long_val(ofs)); intern_input_malloced = 0; magic = read32u(); if (magic != Intext_magic_number) failwith("Marshal.data_size: bad object"); block_len = read32u(); return Val_long(block_len); } /* Return an MD5 checksum of the code area */ #ifdef NATIVE_CODE #include "md5.h" unsigned char * code_checksum() { static unsigned char checksum[16]; static int checksum_computed = 0; if (! checksum_computed) { struct MD5Context ctx; MD5Init(&ctx); MD5Update(&ctx, (unsigned char *) code_area_start, code_area_end - code_area_start); MD5Final(checksum, &ctx); checksum_computed = 1; } return checksum; } #else #include "fix_code.h" unsigned char * code_checksum(void) { return code_md5; } #endif