(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* OCaml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (**************************** Input control ****************************) open Unix open Primitives (*** Actives files. ***) (* List of the actives files. *) let active_files = ref ([] : (file_descr * ((io_channel -> unit) * io_channel)) list) (* Add a file to the list of actives files. *) let add_file file controller = active_files := (file.io_fd, (controller, file))::!active_files (* Remove a file from the list of actives files. *) let remove_file file = active_files := List.remove_assoc file.io_fd !active_files (* Change the controller for the given file. *) let change_controller file controller = remove_file file; add_file file controller (* Return the controller currently attached to the given file. *) let current_controller file = fst (List.assoc file.io_fd !active_files) (* Execute a function with `controller' attached to `file'. *) (* ### controller file funct *) let execute_with_other_controller controller file funct = let old_controller = current_controller file in change_controller file controller; try let result = funct () in change_controller file old_controller; result with x -> change_controller file old_controller; raise x (*** The "Main Loop" ***) let continue_main_loop = ref true let exit_main_loop _ = continue_main_loop := false (* Handle active files until `continue_main_loop' is false. *) let main_loop () = let old_state = !continue_main_loop in try continue_main_loop := true; while !continue_main_loop do try let (input, _, _) = select (List.map fst !active_files) [] [] (-1.) in List.iter (function fd -> let (funct, iochan) = (List.assoc fd !active_files) in funct iochan) input with Unix_error (EINTR, _, _) -> () done; continue_main_loop := old_state with x -> continue_main_loop := old_state; raise x (*** Managing user inputs ***) (* Are we in interactive mode ? *) let interactif = ref true let current_prompt = ref "" (* Where the user input come from. *) let user_channel = ref std_io let read_user_input buffer length = main_loop (); input !user_channel.io_in buffer 0 length (* Stop reading user input. *) let stop_user_input () = remove_file !user_channel (* Resume reading user input. *) let resume_user_input () = if not (List.mem_assoc !user_channel.io_fd !active_files) then begin if !interactif then begin print_string !current_prompt; flush Pervasives.stdout end; add_file !user_channel exit_main_loop end