(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* OCaml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* Program loading *) open Unix open Debugger_config open Parameters open Input_handling (*** Debugging. ***) let debug_loading = ref false (*** Load a program. ***) (* Function used for launching the program. *) let launching_func = ref (function () -> ()) let load_program () = !launching_func (); main_loop () (*** Launching functions. ***) (* A generic function for launching the program *) let generic_exec_unix cmdline = function () -> if !debug_loading then prerr_endline "Launching program..."; let child = try fork () with x -> Unix_tools.report_error x; raise Toplevel in match child with 0 -> begin try match fork () with 0 -> (* Try to detach the process from the controlling terminal, so that it does not receive SIGINT on ctrl-C. *) begin try ignore(setsid()) with Invalid_argument _ -> () end; execv shell [| shell; "-c"; cmdline() |] | _ -> exit 0 with x -> Unix_tools.report_error x; exit 1 end | _ -> match wait () with (_, WEXITED 0) -> () | _ -> raise Toplevel let generic_exec_win cmdline = function () -> if !debug_loading then prerr_endline "Launching program..."; try ignore(create_process "cmd.exe" [| "/C"; cmdline() |] stdin stdout stderr) with x -> Unix_tools.report_error x; raise Toplevel let generic_exec = match Sys.os_type with "Win32" -> generic_exec_win | _ -> generic_exec_unix (* Execute the program by calling the runtime explicitely *) let exec_with_runtime = generic_exec (function () -> match Sys.os_type with "Win32" -> (* This fould fail on a file name with spaces but quoting is even worse because Unix.create_process thinks each command line parameter is a file. So no good solution so far *) Printf.sprintf "set CAML_DEBUG_SOCKET=%s && %s %s %s" !socket_name runtime_program !program_name !arguments | _ -> Printf.sprintf "CAML_DEBUG_SOCKET=%s %s %s %s" !socket_name (Filename.quote runtime_program) (Filename.quote !program_name) !arguments) (* Excute the program directly *) let exec_direct = generic_exec (function () -> match Sys.os_type with "Win32" -> (* See the comment above *) Printf.sprintf "set CAML_DEBUG_SOCKET=%s && %s %s" !socket_name !program_name !arguments | _ -> Printf.sprintf "CAML_DEBUG_SOCKET=%s %s %s" !socket_name (Filename.quote !program_name) !arguments) (* Ask the user. *) let exec_manual = function () -> print_newline (); print_string "Waiting for connection..."; print_string ("(the socket is " ^ !socket_name ^ ")"); print_newline () (*** Selection of the launching function. ***) type launching_function = (unit -> unit) let loading_modes = ["direct", exec_direct; "runtime", exec_with_runtime; "manual", exec_manual] let set_launching_function func = launching_func := func (* Initialization *) let _ = set_launching_function exec_direct (*** Connection. ***) let connection = ref Primitives.std_io let connection_opened = ref false