(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* OCaml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* Manage the loading of the program *) open Int64ops open Unix open Unix_tools open Debugger_config open Primitives open Parameters open Input_handling open Question open Program_loading open Time_travel (*** Connection opening and control. ***) (* Name of the file if the socket is in the unix domain.*) let file_name = ref (None : string option) (* Default connection handler. *) let buffer = String.create 1024 let control_connection pid fd = if (read fd.io_fd buffer 0 1024) = 0 then forget_process fd pid else begin prerr_string "Garbage data from process "; prerr_int pid; prerr_endline "" end (* Accept a connection from another process. *) let accept_connection continue fd = let (sock, _) = accept fd.io_fd in let io_chan = io_channel_of_descr sock in let pid = input_binary_int io_chan.io_in in if pid = -1 then begin let pid' = input_binary_int io_chan.io_in in new_checkpoint pid' io_chan; Input_handling.add_file io_chan (control_connection pid'); continue () end else begin if set_file_descriptor pid io_chan then Input_handling.add_file io_chan (control_connection pid) end (* Initialize the socket. *) let open_connection address continue = try let (sock_domain, sock_address) = convert_address address in file_name := (match sock_address with ADDR_UNIX file -> Some file | _ -> None); let sock = socket sock_domain SOCK_STREAM 0 in (try bind sock sock_address; setsockopt sock SO_REUSEADDR true; listen sock 3; connection := io_channel_of_descr sock; Input_handling.add_file !connection (accept_connection continue); connection_opened := true with x -> close sock; raise x) with Failure _ -> raise Toplevel | (Unix_error _) as err -> report_error err; raise Toplevel (* Close the socket. *) let close_connection () = if !connection_opened then begin connection_opened := false; Input_handling.remove_file !connection; close_io !connection; match !file_name with Some file -> unlink file | None -> () end (*** Kill program. ***) let loaded = ref false let kill_program () = Breakpoints.remove_all_breakpoints (); History.empty_history (); kill_all_checkpoints (); loaded := false; close_connection () let ask_kill_program () = if not !loaded then true else let answer = yes_or_no "A program is being debugged already. Kill it" in if answer then kill_program (); answer (*** Program loading and initializations. ***) let initialize_loading () = if !debug_loading then prerr_endline "Loading debugging information..."; begin try access !program_name [F_OK] with Unix_error _ -> prerr_endline "Program not found."; raise Toplevel; end; Symbols.read_symbols !program_name; if !debug_loading then prerr_endline "Opening a socket..."; open_connection !socket_name (function () -> go_to _0; Symbols.set_all_events(); exit_main_loop ()) (* Ensure the program is already loaded. *) let ensure_loaded () = if not !loaded then begin print_string "Loading program... "; flush Pervasives.stdout; if !program_name = "" then begin prerr_endline "No program specified."; raise Toplevel end; try initialize_loading(); !launching_func (); if !debug_loading then prerr_endline "Waiting for connection..."; main_loop (); loaded := true; prerr_endline "done." with x -> kill_program(); raise x end