(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* Objective Caml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (************************ Source management ****************************) open Misc open Primitives (*** Conversion function. ***) let source_of_module mdle = find_in_path !Config.load_path (String.uncapitalize mdle ^ ".ml") (*** Buffer cache ***) (* Buffer and cache (to associate lines and positions in the buffer). *) type buffer = string * (int * int) list ref let buffer_max_count = ref 10 let cache_size = 30 let buffer_list = ref ([] : (string * buffer) list) let flush_buffer_list () = buffer_list := [] let get_buffer mdle = try List.assoc mdle !buffer_list with Not_found -> let inchan = open_in (source_of_module mdle) in let (content, _) as buffer = (String.create (in_channel_length inchan), ref []) in unsafe_really_input inchan content 0 (in_channel_length inchan); buffer_list := (list_truncate !buffer_max_count ((mdle, buffer)::!buffer_list)); buffer let buffer_content = (fst : buffer -> string) let buffer_length x = String.length (buffer_content x) (*** Position conversions. ***) type position = int * int (* Insert a new pair (position, line) in the cache of the given buffer. *) let insert_pos buffer ((position, line) as pair) = let rec new_list = function [] -> [(position, line)] | ((pos, lin) as a::l) as l' -> if lin < line then pair::l' else if lin = line then l' else a::(new_list l) in let buffer_cache = snd buffer in buffer_cache := new_list !buffer_cache (* Position of the next linefeed after `pos'. *) (* Position just after the buffer end if no linefeed found. *) (* Raise `Out_of_range' if already there. *) let next_linefeed (buffer, _) pos = let len = String.length buffer in if pos >= len then raise Out_of_range else let rec search p = if (p = len) or (String.get buffer p = '\n') then p else search (succ p) in search pos (* Go to next line. *) let next_line buffer (pos, line) = (next_linefeed buffer pos + 1, line + 1) (* Convert a position in the buffer to a line number. *) let line_of_pos buffer position = let rec find = function [] -> if position < 0 then raise Out_of_range else (0, 1) | ((pos, line) as pair)::l -> if pos > position then find l else pair and find_line previous = let (pos, line) as next = next_line buffer previous in if pos <= position then find_line next else previous in let result = find_line (find !(snd buffer)) in insert_pos buffer result; result (* Convert a line number to a position. *) let pos_of_line buffer line = let rec find = function [] -> if line <= 0 then raise Out_of_range else (0, 1) | ((pos, lin) as pair)::l -> if lin > line then find l else pair and find_pos previous = let (_, lin) as next = next_line buffer previous in if lin <= line then find_pos next else previous in let result = find_pos (find !(snd buffer)) in insert_pos buffer result; result (* Convert a coordinate (line / column) into a position. *) (* --- The first line and column are line 1 and column 1. *) let point_of_coord buffer line column = fst (pos_of_line buffer line) + (pred column)