(***********************************************************************) (* ocamlbuild *) (* *) (* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *) (* Command *) open My_std open Log type tags = Tags.t type pathname = string let jobs = ref 1 type t = | Seq of t list | Cmd of spec | Echo of string list * pathname | Nop and spec = | N (* nop or nil *) | S of spec list | A of string | P of pathname | Px of pathname | Sh of string | T of Tags.t | V of string | Quote of spec (*type v = [ `Seq of v list | `Cmd of vspec | `Nop ] and vspec = [ `N | `S of vspec list | `A of string | `P of pathname | `Px of pathname | `Sh of string | `Quote of vspec ] let rec spec_of_vspec = function | `N -> N | `S vspecs -> S (List.map spec_of_vspec vspecs) | `A s -> A s | `P s -> P s | `Px s -> Px s | `Sh s -> Sh s | `Quote vspec -> Quote (spec_of_vspec vspec) let rec vspec_of_spec = function | N -> `N | S specs -> `S (List.map vspec_of_spec specs) | A s -> `A s | P s -> `P s | Px s -> `Px s | Sh s -> `Sh s | T _ -> invalid_arg "vspec_of_spec: T not supported" | Quote spec -> `Quote (vspec_of_spec spec) let rec t_of_v = function | `Nop -> Nop | `Cmd vspec -> Cmd (spec_of_vspec vspec) | `Seq cmds -> Seq (List.map t_of_v cmds) let rec v_of_t = function | Nop -> `Nop | Cmd spec -> `Cmd (vspec_of_spec spec) | Seq cmds -> `Seq (List.map v_of_t cmds)*) let no_tag_handler _ = failwith "no_tag_handler" let tag_handler = ref no_tag_handler (*** atomize *) let atomize l = S(List.map (fun x -> A x) l) let atomize_paths l = S(List.map (fun x -> P x) l) (* ***) let env_path = lazy begin let path_var = Sys.getenv "PATH" in Lexers.colon_sep_strings (Lexing.from_string path_var) end let virtual_solvers = Hashtbl.create 32 let setup_virtual_command_solver virtual_command solver = Hashtbl.replace virtual_solvers virtual_command solver let virtual_solver virtual_command = let solver = try Hashtbl.find virtual_solvers virtual_command with Not_found -> failwith (sbprintf "no solver for the virtual command %S \ (setup one with Command.setup_virtual_command_solver)" virtual_command) in try solver () with Not_found -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "the solver for the virtual command %S \ has failed finding a valid command" virtual_command) (* FIXME windows *) let search_in_path cmd = if Filename.is_implicit cmd then let path = List.find begin fun path -> if path = Filename.current_dir_name then sys_file_exists cmd else sys_file_exists (filename_concat path cmd) end !*env_path in filename_concat path cmd else cmd (*** string_of_command_spec{,_with_calls *) let rec string_of_command_spec_with_calls call_with_tags call_with_target resolve_virtuals spec = let self = string_of_command_spec_with_calls call_with_tags call_with_target resolve_virtuals in let b = Buffer.create 256 in let first = ref true in let put_space () = if !first then first := false else Buffer.add_char b ' ' in let put_filename p = Buffer.add_string b (Shell.quote_filename_if_needed p) in let rec do_spec = function | N -> () | A u -> put_space (); put_filename u | Sh u -> put_space (); Buffer.add_string b u | P p -> put_space (); put_filename p | Px u -> put_space (); put_filename u; call_with_target u | V v -> if resolve_virtuals then do_spec (virtual_solver v) else (put_space (); Printf.bprintf b "" (Shell.quote_filename_if_needed v)) | S l -> List.iter do_spec l | T tags -> call_with_tags tags; do_spec (!tag_handler tags) | Quote s -> put_space (); put_filename (self s) in do_spec spec; Buffer.contents b let string_of_command_spec x = string_of_command_spec_with_calls ignore ignore false x let string_target_and_tags_of_command_spec spec = let rtags = ref Tags.empty in let rtarget = ref "" in let union_rtags tags = rtags := Tags.union !rtags tags in let s = string_of_command_spec_with_calls union_rtags ((:=) rtarget) true spec in let target = if !rtarget = "" then s else !rtarget in s, target, !rtags let string_print_of_command_spec spec quiet pretend = let s, target, tags = string_target_and_tags_of_command_spec spec in fun () -> if not quiet then Log.event ~pretend s target tags; s (* ***) let print_escaped_string f = Format.fprintf f "%S" let rec print f = function | Cmd spec -> Format.pp_print_string f (string_of_command_spec spec) | Seq seq -> List.print print f seq | Nop -> Format.pp_print_string f "nop" | Echo(texts, dest_path) -> Format.fprintf f "@[<2>Echo(%a,@ %a)@]" (List.print print_escaped_string) texts print_escaped_string dest_path let to_string x = sbprintf "%a" print x let add_parallel_stat, dump_parallel_stats = let xmin = ref max_int in let xmax = ref 0 in let xsum = ref 0 in let xsumall = ref 0 in let xcount = ref 0 in let xcountall = ref 0 in let add_parallel_stat x = if x > 0 then begin incr xcountall; xsumall := x + !xsumall; end; if x > 1 then begin incr xcount; xsum := x + !xsum; xmax := max !xmax x; xmin := min !xmin x; end in let dump_parallel_stats () = if !jobs <> 1 then if !xcount = 0 then dprintf 1 "# No parallelism done" else let xaverage = float_of_int !xsumall /. float_of_int !xcountall in let xaveragepara = float_of_int !xsum /. float_of_int !xcount in dprintf 1 "# Parallel statistics: { count(total): %d(%d), max: %d, min: %d, average(total): %.3f(%.3f) }" !xcount !xcountall !xmax !xmin xaveragepara xaverage in add_parallel_stat, dump_parallel_stats module Primitives = struct let do_echo texts dest_path = with_output_file dest_path begin fun oc -> List.iter (output_string oc) texts end let echo x y () = (* no print here yet *) do_echo x y; "" end let rec list_rev_iter f = function | [] -> () | x :: xs -> list_rev_iter f xs; f x let flatten_commands quiet pretend cmd = let rec loop acc = function | [] -> acc | Nop :: xs -> loop acc xs | Cmd spec :: xs -> loop (string_print_of_command_spec spec quiet pretend :: acc) xs | Echo(texts, dest_path) :: xs -> loop (Primitives.echo texts dest_path :: acc) xs | Seq l :: xs -> loop (loop acc l) xs in List.rev (loop [] [cmd]) let execute_many ?(quiet=false) ?(pretend=false) cmds = add_parallel_stat (List.length cmds); let degraded = !*My_unix.is_degraded || Sys.os_type = "Win32" in let jobs = !jobs in if jobs < 0 then invalid_arg "jobs < 0"; let max_jobs = if jobs = 0 then None else Some jobs in let ticker = Log.update in let display = Log.display in if cmds = [] then None else begin let konts = List.map (flatten_commands quiet pretend) cmds in if pretend then begin List.iter (List.iter (fun f -> ignore (f ()))) konts; None end else begin reset_filesys_cache (); if degraded then let res, opt_exn = List.fold_left begin fun (acc_res, acc_exn) cmds -> match acc_exn with | None -> begin try List.iter begin fun action -> let cmd = action () in let rc = sys_command cmd in if rc <> 0 then begin if not quiet then eprintf "Exit code %d while executing this \ command:@\n%s" rc cmd; raise (Exit_with_code rc) end end cmds; true :: acc_res, None with e -> false :: acc_res, Some e end | Some _ -> false :: acc_res, acc_exn end ([], None) konts in match opt_exn with | Some(exn) -> Some(res, exn) | None -> None else My_unix.execute_many ~ticker ?max_jobs ~display konts end end ;; let execute ?quiet ?pretend cmd = match execute_many ?quiet ?pretend [cmd] with | Some(_, exn) -> raise exn | _ -> () let iter_tags f x = let rec spec x = match x with | N | A _ | Sh _ | P _ | Px _ | V _ | Quote _ -> () | S l -> List.iter spec l | T tags -> f tags in let rec cmd x = match x with | Nop | Echo _ -> () | Cmd(s) -> spec s | Seq(s) -> List.iter cmd s in cmd x let fold_pathnames f x = let rec spec = function | N | A _ | Sh _ | V _ | Quote _ | T _ -> fun acc -> acc | P p | Px p -> f p | S l -> List.fold_right spec l in let rec cmd = function | Nop -> fun acc -> acc | Echo(_, p) -> f p | Cmd(s) -> spec s | Seq(s) -> List.fold_right cmd s in cmd x let rec reduce x = let rec self x acc = match x with | N -> acc | A _ | Sh _ | P _ | Px _ | V _ -> x :: acc | S l -> List.fold_right self l acc | T tags -> self (!tag_handler tags) acc | Quote s -> Quote (reduce s) :: acc in match self x [] with | [] -> N | [x] -> x | xs -> S xs let digest = let list = List.fold_right in let text x acc = Digest.string x :: acc in let rec cmd = function | Cmd spec -> fun acc -> string_of_command_spec spec :: acc | Seq seq -> list cmd seq | Nop -> fun acc -> acc | Echo(texts, dest_path) -> list text (dest_path :: texts) in fun x -> match cmd x [] with | [x] -> x | xs -> Digest.string ("["^String.concat ";" xs^"]") let all_deps_of_tags = ref [] let cons deps acc = List.rev& List.fold_left begin fun acc dep -> if List.mem dep acc then acc else dep :: acc end acc deps let deps_of_tags tags = List.fold_left begin fun acc (xtags, xdeps) -> if Tags.does_match tags xtags then cons xdeps acc else acc end [] !all_deps_of_tags let set_deps_of_tags tags deps = all_deps_of_tags := (tags, deps) :: !all_deps_of_tags let dep tags deps = set_deps_of_tags (Tags.of_list tags) deps (* let to_string_for_digest x = let rec cmd_of_spec = function | [] -> None | N :: xs -> cmd_of_spec xs | (A x | P x | P x) :: _ -> Some x | Sh x :: _ -> if Shell.is_simple_filename x then Some x else None (* Sh"ocamlfind ocamlc" for example will not be digested. *) | S specs1 :: specs2 -> cmd_of_spec (specs1 @ specs2) | (T _ | Quote _) :: _ -> assert false in let rec cmd_of_cmds = function | Nop | Seq [] -> None | Cmd spec -> cmd_of_spec [spec] | Seq (cmd :: _) -> cmd_of_cmds cmd in let s = to_string x in match cmd_of_cmds x with | Some x -> if sys_file_exists x then sprintf "(%S,%S)" s (Digest.file x) else s | None -> s *)