(***********************************************************************) (* ocamlbuild *) (* *) (* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *) type file_kind = | FK_dir | FK_file | FK_link | FK_other type stats = { stat_file_kind : file_kind; stat_key : string } val is_degraded : bool Lazy.t val is_link : string -> bool val run_and_open : string -> (in_channel -> 'a) -> 'a val readlink : string -> string val run_and_read : string -> string (** See [Ocamlbuild_executor.execute] *) val execute_many : ?max_jobs:int -> ?ticker:(unit -> unit) -> ?period:float -> ?display:((out_channel -> unit) -> unit) -> ((unit -> string) list list) -> (bool list * exn) option val report_error : Format.formatter -> exn -> unit val at_exit_once : (unit -> unit) -> unit val gettimeofday : unit -> float val stdout_isatty : unit -> bool val stat : string -> stats val lstat : string -> stats (** internal usage only *) type implem = { mutable is_degraded : bool; mutable is_link : string -> bool; mutable run_and_open : 'a . string -> (in_channel -> 'a) -> 'a; mutable readlink : string -> string; mutable execute_many : ?max_jobs:int -> ?ticker:(unit -> unit) -> ?period:float -> ?display:((out_channel -> unit) -> unit) -> ((unit -> string) list list) -> (bool list * exn) option; mutable report_error : Format.formatter -> exn -> unit; mutable at_exit_once : (unit -> unit) -> unit; mutable gettimeofday : unit -> float; mutable stdout_isatty : unit -> bool; mutable stat : string -> stats; mutable lstat : string -> stats; } val implem : implem