(***********************************************************************) (* ocamlbuild *) (* *) (* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *) let version = "ocamlbuild "^(Sys.ocaml_version);; type command_spec = Command.spec open My_std open Arg open Format open Command let entry = ref None let build_dir = ref "_build" let include_dirs = ref [] let exclude_dirs = ref [] let nothing_should_be_rebuilt = ref false let sanitize = ref true let sanitization_script = ref "sanitize.sh" let hygiene = ref true let ignore_auto = ref true let plugin = ref true let just_plugin = ref false let native_plugin = ref true let make_links = ref true let nostdlib = ref false let use_menhir = ref false let catch_errors = ref true let mk_virtual_solvers = let dir = Ocamlbuild_where.bindir in List.iter begin fun cmd -> let opt = cmd ^ ".opt" in let a_opt = A opt in let a_cmd = A cmd in let search_in_path = memo Command.search_in_path in let solver () = if sys_file_exists !dir then let long = filename_concat !dir cmd in let long_opt = long ^ ".opt" in if sys_file_exists long_opt then A long_opt else if sys_file_exists long then A long else try let _ = search_in_path opt in a_opt with Not_found -> a_cmd else try let _ = search_in_path opt in a_opt with Not_found -> a_cmd in Command.setup_virtual_command_solver (String.uppercase cmd) solver end let () = mk_virtual_solvers ["ocamlc"; "ocamlopt"; "ocamldep"; "ocamldoc"; "ocamlyacc"; "menhir"; "ocamllex"; "ocamlmklib"; "ocamlmktop"] let ocamlc = ref (V"OCAMLC") let ocamlopt = ref (V"OCAMLOPT") let ocamldep = ref (V"OCAMLDEP") let ocamldoc = ref (V"OCAMLDOC") let ocamlyacc = ref N let ocamllex = ref (V"OCAMLLEX") let ocamlmklib = ref (V"OCAMLMKLIB") let ocamlmktop = ref (V"OCAMLMKTOP") let ocamlrun = ref N let program_to_execute = ref false let must_clean = ref false let show_documentation = ref false let recursive = ref false let ext_lib = ref "a" let ext_obj = ref "o" let ext_dll = ref "so" let targets_internal = ref [] let ocaml_libs_internal = ref [] let ocaml_lflags_internal = ref [] let ocaml_cflags_internal = ref [] let ocaml_ppflags_internal = ref [] let ocaml_yaccflags_internal = ref [] let ocaml_lexflags_internal = ref [] let program_args_internal = ref [] let ignore_list_internal = ref [] let tags_internal = ref [["quiet"]] let tag_lines_internal = ref [] let show_tags_internal = ref [] let log_file_internal = ref "_log" let my_include_dirs = ref [[Filename.current_dir_name]] let my_exclude_dirs = ref [[".svn"; "CVS"]] let dummy = "*invalid-dummy-string*";; (* Dummy string for delimiting the latest argument *) (* The JoCaml support will be in a plugin when the plugin system will support * multiple/installed plugins *) let use_jocaml () = ocamlc := A "jocamlc"; ocamlopt := A "jocamlopt"; ocamldep := A "jocamldep"; ocamlyacc := A "jocamlyacc"; ocamllex := A "jocamllex"; ocamlmklib := A "jocamlmklib"; ocamlmktop := A "jocamlmktop"; ocamlrun := A "jocamlrun"; ;; let add_to rxs x = let xs = Lexers.comma_or_blank_sep_strings (Lexing.from_string x) in rxs := xs :: !rxs let add_to' rxs x = if x <> dummy then rxs := [x] :: !rxs else () let set_cmd rcmd = String (fun s -> rcmd := Sh s) let set_build_dir s = make_links := false; build_dir := s let spec = Arg.align [ "-version", Unit (fun () -> print_endline version; raise Exit_OK), " Display the version"; "-quiet", Unit (fun () -> Log.level := 0), " Make as quiet as possible"; "-verbose", Int (fun i -> Log.level := i + 2), " Set the verbosity level"; "-documentation", Set show_documentation, " Show rules and flags"; "-log", Set_string log_file_internal, " Set log file"; "-no-log", Unit (fun () -> log_file_internal := ""), " No log file"; "-clean", Set must_clean, " Remove build directory and other files, then exit"; "-r", Set recursive, " Traverse directories by default (true: traverse)"; "-I", String (add_to' my_include_dirs), " Add to include directories"; "-Is", String (add_to my_include_dirs), " (same as above, but accepts a (comma or blank)-separated list)"; "-X", String (add_to' my_exclude_dirs), " Directory to ignore"; "-Xs", String (add_to my_exclude_dirs), " (idem)"; "-lib", String (add_to' ocaml_libs_internal), " Link to this ocaml library"; "-libs", String (add_to ocaml_libs_internal), " (idem)"; "-lflag", String (add_to' ocaml_lflags_internal), " Add to ocamlc link flags"; "-lflags", String (add_to ocaml_lflags_internal), " (idem)"; "-cflag", String (add_to' ocaml_cflags_internal), " Add to ocamlc compile flags"; "-cflags", String (add_to ocaml_cflags_internal), " (idem)"; "-yaccflag", String (add_to' ocaml_yaccflags_internal), " Add to ocamlyacc flags"; "-yaccflags", String (add_to ocaml_yaccflags_internal), " (idem)"; "-lexflag", String (add_to' ocaml_lexflags_internal), " Add to ocamllex flags"; "-lexflags", String (add_to ocaml_lexflags_internal), " (idem)"; "-ppflag", String (add_to' ocaml_ppflags_internal), " Add to ocaml preprocessing flags"; "-pp", String (add_to ocaml_ppflags_internal), " (idem)"; "-tag", String (add_to' tags_internal), " Add to default tags"; "-tags", String (add_to tags_internal), " (idem)"; "-tag-line", String (add_to' tag_lines_internal), " Use this line of tags (as in _tags)"; "-show-tags", String (add_to' show_tags_internal), " Show tags that applies on that pathname"; "-ignore", String (add_to ignore_list_internal), " Don't try to build these modules"; "-no-links", Clear make_links, " Don't make links of produced final targets"; "-no-skip", Clear ignore_auto, " Don't skip modules that are requested by ocamldep but cannot be built"; "-no-hygiene", Clear hygiene, " Don't apply sanity-check rules"; "-no-plugin", Clear plugin, " Don't build myocamlbuild.ml"; "-no-stdlib", Set nostdlib, " Don't ignore stdlib modules"; "-dont-catch-errors", Clear catch_errors, " Don't catch and display exceptions (useful to display the call stack)"; "-just-plugin", Set just_plugin, " Just build myocamlbuild.ml"; "-byte-plugin", Clear native_plugin, " Don't use a native plugin but bytecode"; "-sanitization-script", Set_string sanitization_script, " Change the file name for the generated sanitization script"; "-no-sanitize", Clear sanitize, " Do not generate sanitization script"; "-nothing-should-be-rebuilt", Set nothing_should_be_rebuilt, " Fail if something needs to be rebuilt"; "-classic-display", Set Log.classic_display, " Display executed commands the old-fashioned way"; "-use-menhir", Set use_menhir, " Use menhir instead of ocamlyacc"; "-use-jocaml", Unit use_jocaml, " Use jocaml compilers instead of ocaml ones"; "-j", Set_int Command.jobs, " Allow N jobs at once (0 for unlimited)"; "-build-dir", String set_build_dir, " Set build directory (implies no-links)"; "-install-lib-dir", Set_string Ocamlbuild_where.libdir, " Set the install library directory"; "-install-bin-dir", Set_string Ocamlbuild_where.bindir, " Set the install binary directory"; "-where", Unit (fun () -> print_endline !Ocamlbuild_where.libdir; raise Exit_OK), " Display the install library directory"; "-ocamlc", set_cmd ocamlc, " Set the OCaml bytecode compiler"; "-ocamlopt", set_cmd ocamlopt, " Set the OCaml native compiler"; "-ocamldep", set_cmd ocamldep, " Set the OCaml dependency tool"; "-ocamlyacc", set_cmd ocamlyacc, " Set the ocamlyacc tool"; "-menhir", set_cmd ocamlyacc, " Set the menhir tool (use it after -use-menhir)"; "-ocamllex", set_cmd ocamllex, " Set the ocamllex tool"; (* Not set since we perhaps want to replace ocamlmklib *) (* "-ocamlmklib", set_cmd ocamlmklib, " Set the ocamlmklib tool"; *) "-ocamlmktop", set_cmd ocamlmktop, " Set the ocamlmktop tool"; "-ocamlrun", set_cmd ocamlrun, " Set the ocamlrun tool"; "--", Rest (fun x -> program_to_execute := true; add_to' program_args_internal x), " Stop argument processing, remaining arguments are given to the user program"; ] let targets = ref [] let ocaml_libs = ref [] let ocaml_lflags = ref [] let ocaml_cflags = ref [] let ocaml_ppflags = ref [] let ocaml_yaccflags = ref [] let ocaml_lexflags = ref [] let program_args = ref [] let ignore_list = ref [] let tags = ref [] let tag_lines = ref [] let show_tags = ref [] let init () = let anon_fun = add_to' targets_internal in let usage_msg = sprintf "Usage %s [options] " Sys.argv.(0) in let argv' = Array.concat [Sys.argv; [|dummy|]] in parse_argv argv' spec anon_fun usage_msg; Shell.mkdir_p !build_dir; let () = let log = !log_file_internal in if log = "" then Log.init None else if not (Filename.is_implicit log) then failwith (sprintf "Bad log file name: the file name must be implicit (not %S)" log) else let log = filename_concat !build_dir log in Shell.mkdir_p (Filename.dirname log); Shell.rm_f log; let log = if !Log.level > 0 then Some log else None in Log.init log in let reorder x y = x := !x @ (List.concat (List.rev !y)) in reorder targets targets_internal; reorder ocaml_libs ocaml_libs_internal; reorder ocaml_cflags ocaml_cflags_internal; reorder ocaml_lflags ocaml_lflags_internal; reorder ocaml_ppflags ocaml_ppflags_internal; reorder ocaml_yaccflags ocaml_yaccflags_internal; reorder ocaml_lexflags ocaml_lexflags_internal; reorder program_args program_args_internal; reorder tags tags_internal; reorder tag_lines tag_lines_internal; reorder ignore_list ignore_list_internal; reorder show_tags show_tags_internal; let check_dir dir = if Filename.is_implicit dir then sys_file_exists dir else failwith (sprintf "Included or excluded directories must be implicit (not %S)" dir) in let dir_reorder my dir = let d = !dir in reorder dir my; dir := List.filter check_dir (!dir @ d) in dir_reorder my_include_dirs include_dirs; dir_reorder my_exclude_dirs exclude_dirs; ignore_list := List.map String.capitalize !ignore_list ;;