(***********************************************************************) (* ocamlbuild *) (* *) (* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *) open My_std open Format open Log open Pathname.Operators open Tags.Operators open Rule open Tools open Command ;; module Make(U:sig end) = struct let plugin = "myocamlbuild" let plugin_file = plugin^".ml" let plugin_config_file = plugin^"_config.ml" let plugin_config_file_interface = plugin^"_config.mli" let we_have_a_config_file = sys_file_exists plugin_config_file let we_need_a_plugin = !Options.plugin && sys_file_exists plugin_file let we_have_a_plugin = sys_file_exists (!Options.build_dir/plugin) let we_have_a_config_file_interface = sys_file_exists plugin_config_file_interface let up_to_date_or_copy fn = let fn' = !Options.build_dir/fn in Pathname.exists fn && begin Pathname.exists fn' && Pathname.same_contents fn fn' || begin Shell.cp fn fn'; false end end let profiling = Tags.mem "profile" (tags_of_pathname plugin_file) let debugging = Tags.mem "debug" (tags_of_pathname plugin_file) let rebuild_plugin_if_needed () = let a = up_to_date_or_copy plugin_file in let b = (not we_have_a_config_file) or up_to_date_or_copy plugin_config_file in let c = (not we_have_a_config_file_interface) or up_to_date_or_copy plugin_config_file_interface in if a && b && c && we_have_a_plugin then () (* Up to date *) (* FIXME: remove ocamlbuild_config.ml in _build/ if removed in parent *) else begin let plugin_config = if we_have_a_config_file then if we_have_a_config_file_interface then S[P plugin_config_file_interface; P plugin_config_file] else P plugin_config_file else N in let cma, cmo, more_options, compiler = if !Options.native_plugin then "cmxa", "cmx", (if profiling then A"-p" else N), !Options.ocamlopt else "cma", "cmo", (if debugging then A"-g" else N), !Options.ocamlc in let ocamlbuildlib, ocamlbuild, libs = if (not !Options.native_plugin) && !*My_unix.is_degraded then "ocamlbuildlightlib", "ocamlbuildlight", N else "ocamlbuildlib", "ocamlbuild", A("unix"-.-cma) in let ocamlbuildlib = ocamlbuildlib-.-cma in let ocamlbuild = ocamlbuild-.-cmo in let dir = !Ocamlbuild_where.libdir in if not (sys_file_exists (dir/ocamlbuildlib)) then failwith (sprintf "Cannot find %S in ocamlbuild -where directory" ocamlbuildlib); let dir = if Pathname.is_implicit dir then Pathname.pwd/dir else dir in let cmd = Cmd(S[compiler; A"-I"; P dir; libs; more_options; P(dir/ocamlbuildlib); plugin_config; P plugin_file; P(dir/ocamlbuild); A"-o"; Px plugin]) in Shell.chdir !Options.build_dir; Shell.rm_f plugin; Command.execute cmd end let execute_plugin_if_needed () = if we_need_a_plugin then begin rebuild_plugin_if_needed (); Shell.chdir Pathname.pwd; if not !Options.just_plugin then let spec = S[!Options.ocamlrun; P(!Options.build_dir/plugin); A"-no-plugin"; atomize (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv))] in let () = Log.finish () in raise (Exit_silently_with_code (sys_command (Command.string_of_command_spec spec))) end else () end ;; let execute_plugin_if_needed () = let module P = Make(struct end) in P.execute_plugin_if_needed () ;;