(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCamldoc *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2010 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (** An OCamldoc generator to retrieve information in "todo" tags and generate an html page with all todo items. *) open Odoc_info module Naming = Odoc_html.Naming open Odoc_info.Value open Odoc_info.Module open Odoc_info.Type open Odoc_info.Exception open Odoc_info.Class let p = Printf.bprintf module Html = (val ( match !Odoc_args.current_generator with None -> (module Odoc_html.Generator : Odoc_html.Html_generator) | Some (Odoc_gen.Html m) -> m | _ -> failwith "A non-html generator is already set. Cannot install the Todo-list html generator" ) : Odoc_html.Html_generator) ;; module Generator = struct class scanner html = object (self) inherit Odoc_info.Scan.scanner val b = Buffer.create 256 method buffer = b method private gen_if_tag name target info_opt = match info_opt with None -> () | Some i -> let l = List.fold_left (fun acc (t, text) -> match t with "todo" -> begin match text with (Odoc_info.Code s) :: q -> ( try let n = int_of_string s in let head = Odoc_info.Code (Printf.sprintf "[%d] " n) in (Some n, head::q) :: acc with _ -> (None, text) :: acc ) | _ -> (None, text) :: acc end | _ -> acc ) [] i.i_custom in match l with [] -> () | _ -> let l = List.sort (fun a b -> match a, b with (None, _), _ -> -1 | _, (None, _) -> 1 | (Some n1, _), (Some n2, _) -> compare n1 n2 ) l in p b "
" target name; let col = function None -> "#000000" | Some 1 -> "#FF0000" | Some 2 -> "#AA5555" | Some 3 -> "#44BB00" | Some n -> Printf.sprintf "#%2x0000" (0xAA - (n * 0x10)) in List.iter (fun (n, e) -> Printf.bprintf b "" (col n); html#html_of_text b e; p b "
\n"; ) l; p b "
" method scan_value v = self#gen_if_tag v.val_name (Odoc_html.Naming.complete_value_target v) v.val_info method scan_type t = self#gen_if_tag t.ty_name (Odoc_html.Naming.complete_type_target t) t.ty_info method scan_exception e = self#gen_if_tag e.ex_name (Odoc_html.Naming.complete_exception_target e) e.ex_info method scan_attribute a = self#gen_if_tag a.att_value.val_name (Odoc_html.Naming.complete_attribute_target a) a.att_value.val_info method scan_method m = self#gen_if_tag m.met_value.val_name (Odoc_html.Naming.complete_method_target m) m.met_value.val_info (** This method scan the elements of the given module. *) method scan_module_elements m = List.iter (fun ele -> match ele with Odoc_module.Element_module m -> self#scan_module m | Odoc_module.Element_module_type mt -> self#scan_module_type mt | Odoc_module.Element_included_module im -> self#scan_included_module im | Odoc_module.Element_class c -> self#scan_class c | Odoc_module.Element_class_type ct -> self#scan_class_type ct | Odoc_module.Element_value v -> self#scan_value v | Odoc_module.Element_exception e -> self#scan_exception e | Odoc_module.Element_type t -> self#scan_type t | Odoc_module.Element_module_comment t -> self#scan_module_comment t ) (Odoc_module.module_elements ~trans: false m) method scan_included_module _ = () method scan_class_pre c = self#gen_if_tag c.cl_name (fst (Odoc_html.Naming.html_files c.cl_name)) c.cl_info; true method scan_class_type_pre ct = self#gen_if_tag ct.clt_name (fst (Odoc_html.Naming.html_files ct.clt_name)) ct.clt_info; true method scan_module_pre m = self#gen_if_tag m.m_name (fst (Odoc_html.Naming.html_files m.m_name)) m.m_info; true method scan_module_type_pre mt = self#gen_if_tag mt.mt_name (fst (Odoc_html.Naming.html_files mt.mt_name)) mt.mt_info; true end class html : Html.html = object (self) inherit Html.html as html (** we have to hack a little because we cannot inherit from scanner, since public method cannot be hidden and our html class must respect the type of the default html generator class *) val mutable scanner = new scanner (new Html.html ) method generate modules = (* prevent having the 'todo' tag signaled as not handled *) tag_functions <- ("todo", (fun _ -> "")) :: tag_functions; (* generate doc as usual *) html#generate modules; (* then retrieve the todo tags and generate the todo.html page *) let title = match !Odoc_info.Global.title with None -> "" | Some s -> s in let b = Buffer.create 512 in p b ""; self#print_header b title ; p b "


" title; scanner#scan_module_list modules; Buffer.add_buffer b scanner#buffer; let oc = open_out (Filename.concat !Odoc_info.Global.target_dir "todo.html") in Buffer.output_buffer oc b; close_out oc initializer scanner <- new scanner self end end let _ = Odoc_args.set_generator (Odoc_gen.Html (module Generator : Odoc_html.Html_generator)) ;;