(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCamldoc *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (** Analysis of implementation files. *) open Misc open Asttypes open Types open Typedtree let print_DEBUG3 s = print_string s ; print_newline ();; let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ();; type typedtree = (Typedtree.structure * Typedtree.module_coercion) module Name = Odoc_name open Odoc_parameter open Odoc_value open Odoc_type open Odoc_exception open Odoc_class open Odoc_module open Odoc_types (** This variable contains the regular expression representing a blank.*) let blank = "[ \010\013\009\012']" (** This variable contains the regular expression representing a blank but not a '\n'.*) let simple_blank = "[ \013\009\012]" (** This module is used to search for structure items by name in a Typedtree.structure. One function creates two hash tables, which can then be used to search for elements. Class elements do not use tables. *) module Typedtree_search = struct type ele = | M of string | MT of string | T of string | C of string | CT of string | E of string | ER of string | P of string | IM of string type tab = (ele, Typedtree.structure_item_desc) Hashtbl.t type tab_values = (Odoc_module.Name.t, Typedtree.pattern * Typedtree.expression) Hashtbl.t let iter_val_pattern = function | Typedtree.Tpat_any -> None | Typedtree.Tpat_var (name, _) -> Some (Name.from_ident name) | Typedtree.Tpat_tuple _ -> None (* A VOIR quand on traitera les tuples *) | _ -> None let add_to_hashes table table_values tt = match tt with | Typedtree.Tstr_module (ident, _, _) -> Hashtbl.add table (M (Name.from_ident ident)) tt | Typedtree.Tstr_recmodule mods -> List.iter (fun (ident,ident_loc, _, mod_expr) -> Hashtbl.add table (M (Name.from_ident ident)) (Typedtree.Tstr_module (ident,ident_loc, mod_expr)) ) mods | Typedtree.Tstr_modtype (ident, _, _) -> Hashtbl.add table (MT (Name.from_ident ident)) tt | Typedtree.Tstr_exception (ident, _, _) -> Hashtbl.add table (E (Name.from_ident ident)) tt | Typedtree.Tstr_exn_rebind (ident, _, _, _) -> Hashtbl.add table (ER (Name.from_ident ident)) tt | Typedtree.Tstr_type ident_type_decl_list -> List.iter (fun (id, id_loc, e) -> Hashtbl.add table (T (Name.from_ident id)) (Typedtree.Tstr_type [(id,id_loc,e)])) ident_type_decl_list | Typedtree.Tstr_class info_list -> List.iter (fun (ci, m, s) -> Hashtbl.add table (C (Name.from_ident ci.ci_id_class)) (Typedtree.Tstr_class [ci, m, s])) info_list | Typedtree.Tstr_class_type info_list -> List.iter (fun ((id,id_loc,_) as ci) -> Hashtbl.add table (CT (Name.from_ident id)) (Typedtree.Tstr_class_type [ci])) info_list | Typedtree.Tstr_value (_, pat_exp_list) -> List.iter (fun (pat,exp) -> match iter_val_pattern pat.Typedtree.pat_desc with None -> () | Some n -> Hashtbl.add table_values n (pat,exp) ) pat_exp_list | Typedtree.Tstr_primitive (ident, _, _) -> Hashtbl.add table (P (Name.from_ident ident)) tt | Typedtree.Tstr_open _ -> () | Typedtree.Tstr_include _ -> () | Typedtree.Tstr_eval _ -> () let tables typedtree = let t = Hashtbl.create 13 in let t_values = Hashtbl.create 13 in List.iter (fun str -> add_to_hashes t t_values str.str_desc) typedtree; (t, t_values) let search_module table name = match Hashtbl.find table (M name) with (Typedtree.Tstr_module (_, _, module_expr)) -> module_expr | _ -> assert false let search_module_type table name = match Hashtbl.find table (MT name) with | (Typedtree.Tstr_modtype (_, _, module_type)) -> module_type | _ -> assert false let search_exception table name = match Hashtbl.find table (E name) with | (Typedtree.Tstr_exception (_, _, excep_decl)) -> excep_decl | _ -> assert false let search_exception_rebind table name = match Hashtbl.find table (ER name) with | (Typedtree.Tstr_exn_rebind (_, _, p, _)) -> p | _ -> assert false let search_type_declaration table name = match Hashtbl.find table (T name) with | (Typedtree.Tstr_type [(_,_, decl)]) -> decl | _ -> assert false let search_class_exp table name = match Hashtbl.find table (C name) with | (Typedtree.Tstr_class [(ci, _, _ )]) -> let ce = ci.ci_expr in ( try let type_decl = search_type_declaration table name in (ce, type_decl.typ_type.Types.type_params) with Not_found -> (ce, []) ) | _ -> assert false let search_class_type_declaration table name = match Hashtbl.find table (CT name) with | (Typedtree.Tstr_class_type [(_,_,cltype_decl)]) -> cltype_decl | _ -> assert false let search_value table name = Hashtbl.find table name let search_primitive table name = match Hashtbl.find table (P name) with Tstr_primitive (ident, _, val_desc) -> val_desc.val_val.Types.val_type | _ -> assert false let get_nth_inherit_class_expr cls n = let rec iter cpt = function | [] -> raise Not_found | { cf_desc = Typedtree.Tcf_inher (_, clexp, _, _, _) } :: q -> if n = cpt then clexp else iter (cpt+1) q | _ :: q -> iter cpt q in iter 0 cls.Typedtree.cstr_fields let search_attribute_type cls name = let rec iter = function | [] -> raise Not_found | { cf_desc = Typedtree.Tcf_val (_, _, _, ident, Tcfk_concrete exp, _) } :: q when Name.from_ident ident = name -> exp.Typedtree.exp_type | { cf_desc = Typedtree.Tcf_val (_, _, _, ident, Tcfk_virtual typ, _) } :: q when Name.from_ident ident = name -> typ.Typedtree.ctyp_type | _ :: q -> iter q in iter cls.Typedtree.cstr_fields let class_sig_of_cltype_decl = let rec iter = function Types.Cty_constr (_, _, cty) -> iter cty | Types.Cty_signature s -> s | Types.Cty_fun (_,_, cty) -> iter cty in fun ct_decl -> iter ct_decl.Types.clty_type let search_method_expression cls name = let rec iter = function | [] -> raise Not_found | { cf_desc = Typedtree.Tcf_meth (label, _, _, Tcfk_concrete exp, _) } :: q when label = name -> exp | _ :: q -> iter q in iter cls.Typedtree.cstr_fields end module Analyser = functor (My_ir : Odoc_sig.Info_retriever) -> struct module Sig = Odoc_sig.Analyser (My_ir) (** This variable is used to load a file as a string and retrieve characters from it.*) let file = Sig.file (** The name of the analysed file. *) let file_name = Sig.file_name (** This function takes two indexes (start and end) and return the string corresponding to the indexes in the file global variable. The function prepare_file must have been called to fill the file global variable.*) let get_string_of_file = Sig.get_string_of_file (** This function loads the given file in the file global variable. and sets file_name.*) let prepare_file = Sig.prepare_file (** The function used to get the comments in a class. *) let get_comments_in_class = Sig.get_comments_in_class (** The function used to get the comments in a module. *) let get_comments_in_module = Sig.get_comments_in_module (** This function takes a parameter pattern and builds the corresponding [parameter] structure. The f_desc function is used to retrieve a parameter description, if any, from a parameter name. *) let tt_param_info_from_pattern env f_desc pat = let rec iter_pattern pat = match pat.pat_desc with Typedtree.Tpat_var (ident, _) -> let name = Name.from_ident ident in Simple_name { sn_name = name ; sn_text = f_desc name ; sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env pat.pat_type } | Typedtree.Tpat_alias (pat, _, _) -> iter_pattern pat | Typedtree.Tpat_tuple patlist -> Tuple (List.map iter_pattern patlist, Odoc_env.subst_type env pat.pat_type) | Typedtree.Tpat_construct (_, _, cons_desc, _, _) when (* we give a name to the parameter only if it unit *) (match cons_desc.cstr_res.desc with Tconstr (p, _, _) -> Path.same p Predef.path_unit | _ -> false) -> (* a () argument, it never has description *) Simple_name { sn_name = "()" ; sn_text = None ; sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env pat.pat_type } | _ -> (* implicit pattern matching -> anonymous parameter *) Simple_name { sn_name = "()" ; sn_text = None ; sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env pat.pat_type } in iter_pattern pat (** Analysis of the parameter of a function. Return a list of t_parameter created from the (pattern, expression) structures encountered. *) let rec tt_analyse_function_parameters env current_comment_opt pat_exp_list = match pat_exp_list with [] -> (* This case means we have a 'function' without pattern, that's impossible *) raise (Failure "tt_analyse_function_parameters: 'function' without pattern") | (pattern_param, exp) :: second_ele :: q -> (* implicit pattern matching -> anonymous parameter and no more parameter *) (* A VOIR : le label ? *) let parameter = Odoc_parameter.Tuple ([], Odoc_env.subst_type env pattern_param.pat_type) in [ parameter ] | (pattern_param, func_body) :: [] -> let parameter = tt_param_info_from_pattern env (Odoc_parameter.desc_from_info_opt current_comment_opt) pattern_param in (* For optional parameters with a default value, a special treatment is required *) (* we look if the name of the parameter we just add is "*opt*", which means that there is a let param_name = ... in ... just right now *) let (p, next_exp) = match parameter with Simple_name { sn_name = "*opt*" } -> ( ( match func_body.exp_desc with Typedtree.Texp_let (_, ({pat_desc = Typedtree.Tpat_var (id, _) } , exp) :: _, func_body2) -> let name = Name.from_ident id in let new_param = Simple_name { sn_name = name ; sn_text = Odoc_parameter.desc_from_info_opt current_comment_opt name ; sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env exp.exp_type } in (new_param, func_body2) | _ -> print_DEBUG3 "Pas le bon filtre pour le parametre optionnel avec valeur par defaut."; (parameter, func_body) ) ) | _ -> (parameter, func_body) in (* continue if the body is still a function *) match next_exp.exp_desc with Texp_function (_, pat_exp_list, _) -> p :: (tt_analyse_function_parameters env current_comment_opt pat_exp_list) | _ -> (* something else ; no more parameter *) [ p ] (** Analysis of a Tstr_value from the typedtree. Create and return a list of [t_value]. @raise Failure if an error occurs.*) let tt_analyse_value env current_module_name comment_opt loc pat_exp rec_flag = let (pat, exp) = pat_exp in match (pat.pat_desc, exp.exp_desc) with (Typedtree.Tpat_var (ident, _), Typedtree.Texp_function (_, pat_exp_list2, partial)) -> (* a new function is defined *) let name_pre = Name.from_ident ident in let name = Name.parens_if_infix name_pre in let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in let code = if !Odoc_global.keep_code then Some (get_string_of_file loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum) else None in (* create the value *) let new_value = { val_name = complete_name ; val_info = comment_opt ; val_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env pat.Typedtree.pat_type ; val_recursive = rec_flag = Asttypes.Recursive ; val_parameters = tt_analyse_function_parameters env comment_opt pat_exp_list2 ; val_code = code ; val_loc = { loc_impl = Some loc ; loc_inter = None } ; } in [ new_value ] | (Typedtree.Tpat_var (ident, _), _) -> (* a new value is defined *) let name_pre = Name.from_ident ident in let name = Name.parens_if_infix name_pre in let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in let code = if !Odoc_global.keep_code then Some (get_string_of_file loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum) else None in let new_value = { val_name = complete_name ; val_info = comment_opt ; val_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env pat.Typedtree.pat_type ; val_recursive = rec_flag = Asttypes.Recursive ; val_parameters = [] ; val_code = code ; val_loc = { loc_impl = Some loc ; loc_inter = None } ; } in [ new_value ] | (Typedtree.Tpat_tuple lpat, _) -> (* new identifiers are defined *) (* A VOIR : by now we don't accept to have global variables defined in tuples *) [] | _ -> (* something else, we don't care ? A VOIR *) [] (** This function takes a Typedtree.class_expr and returns a string which can stand for the class name. The name can be "object ... end" if the class expression is not an ident or a class constraint or a class apply. *) let rec tt_name_of_class_expr clexp = (* ( match clexp.Typedtree.cl_desc with Tclass_ident _ -> prerr_endline "Tclass_ident" | Tclass_structure _ -> prerr_endline "Tclass_structure" | Tclass_fun _ -> prerr_endline "Tclass_fun" | Tclass_apply _ -> prerr_endline "Tclass_apply" | Tclass_let _ -> prerr_endline "Tclass_let" | Tclass_constraint _ -> prerr_endline "Tclass_constraint" ); *) match clexp.Typedtree.cl_desc with Typedtree.Tcl_ident (p, _, _) -> Name.from_path p | Typedtree.Tcl_constraint (class_expr, _, _, _, _) | Typedtree.Tcl_apply (class_expr, _) -> tt_name_of_class_expr class_expr (* | Typedtree.Tclass_fun (_, _, class_expr, _) -> tt_name_of_class_expr class_expr | Typedtree.Tclass_let (_,_,_, class_expr) -> tt_name_of_class_expr class_expr *) | _ -> Odoc_messages.object_end (** Analysis of a method expression to get the method parameters. @param first indicates if we're analysing the method for the first time ; in that case we must not keep the first parameter, which is "self-*", the object itself. *) let rec tt_analyse_method_expression env current_method_name comment_opt ?(first=true) exp = match exp.Typedtree.exp_desc with Typedtree.Texp_function (_, pat_exp_list, _) -> ( match pat_exp_list with [] -> (* it is not a function since there are no parameters *) (* we can't get here normally *) raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.bad_tree^" "^(Odoc_messages.method_without_param current_method_name))) | l -> match l with [] -> (* cas impossible, on l'a filtre avant *) assert false | (pattern_param, exp) :: second_ele :: q -> (* implicit pattern matching -> anonymous parameter *) (* Note : We can't match this pattern if it is the first call to the function. *) let new_param = Simple_name { sn_name = "??" ; sn_text = None; sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env pattern_param.Typedtree.pat_type } in [ new_param ] | (pattern_param, body) :: [] -> (* if this is the first call to the function, this is the first parameter and we skip it *) if not first then ( let parameter = tt_param_info_from_pattern env (Odoc_parameter.desc_from_info_opt comment_opt) pattern_param in (* For optional parameters with a default value, a special treatment is required. *) (* We look if the name of the parameter we just add is "*opt*", which means that there is a let param_name = ... in ... just right now. *) let (current_param, next_exp) = match parameter with Simple_name { sn_name = "*opt*"} -> ( ( match body.exp_desc with Typedtree.Texp_let (_, ({pat_desc = Typedtree.Tpat_var (id, _) } , exp) :: _, body2) -> let name = Name.from_ident id in let new_param = Simple_name { sn_name = name ; sn_text = Odoc_parameter.desc_from_info_opt comment_opt name ; sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env exp.Typedtree.exp_type ; } in (new_param, body2) | _ -> print_DEBUG3 "Pas le bon filtre pour le parametre optionnel avec valeur par defaut."; (parameter, body) ) ) | _ -> (* no *opt* parameter, we add the parameter then continue *) (parameter, body) in current_param :: (tt_analyse_method_expression env current_method_name comment_opt ~first: false next_exp) ) else tt_analyse_method_expression env current_method_name comment_opt ~first: false body ) | _ -> (* no more parameter *) [] (** Analysis of a [Parsetree.class_struture] and a [Typedtree.class_structure] to get a couple (inherited classes, class elements). *) let analyse_class_structure env current_class_name tt_class_sig last_pos pos_limit p_cls tt_cls table = let rec iter acc_inher acc_fields last_pos = function | [] -> let s = get_string_of_file last_pos pos_limit in let (_, ele_coms) = My_ir.all_special !file_name s in let ele_comments = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun sc -> match sc.Odoc_types.i_desc with None -> acc | Some t -> acc @ [Class_comment t]) [] ele_coms in (acc_inher, acc_fields @ ele_comments) | item :: q -> let loc = item.Parsetree.pcf_loc in match item.Parsetree.pcf_desc with | (Parsetree.Pcf_inher (_, p_clexp, _)) -> let tt_clexp = let n = List.length acc_inher in try Typedtree_search.get_nth_inherit_class_expr tt_cls n with Not_found -> raise (Failure ( Odoc_messages.inherit_classexp_not_found_in_typedtree n)) in let (info_opt, ele_comments) = get_comments_in_class last_pos p_clexp.Parsetree.pcl_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let text_opt = match info_opt with None -> None | Some i -> i.Odoc_types.i_desc in let name = tt_name_of_class_expr tt_clexp in let inher = { ic_name = Odoc_env.full_class_or_class_type_name env name ; ic_class = None ; ic_text = text_opt ; } in iter (acc_inher @ [ inher ]) (acc_fields @ ele_comments) p_clexp.Parsetree.pcl_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum q | ((Parsetree.Pcf_val ({ txt = label }, mutable_flag, _, _) | Parsetree.Pcf_valvirt ({ txt = label }, mutable_flag, _) ) as x) -> let virt = match x with Parsetree.Pcf_val _ -> false | _ -> true in let complete_name = Name.concat current_class_name label in let (info_opt, ele_comments) = get_comments_in_class last_pos loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let type_exp = try Typedtree_search.search_attribute_type tt_cls label with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.attribute_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name)) in let code = if !Odoc_global.keep_code then Some (get_string_of_file loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum) else None in let att = { att_value = { val_name = complete_name ; val_info = info_opt ; val_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env type_exp ; val_recursive = false ; val_parameters = [] ; val_code = code ; val_loc = { loc_impl = Some loc ; loc_inter = None } ; } ; att_mutable = mutable_flag = Asttypes.Mutable ; att_virtual = virt ; } in iter acc_inher (acc_fields @ ele_comments @ [ Class_attribute att ]) loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum q | (Parsetree.Pcf_virt ({ txt = label }, private_flag, _)) -> let complete_name = Name.concat current_class_name label in let (info_opt, ele_comments) = get_comments_in_class last_pos loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let met_type = try Odoc_sig.Signature_search.search_method_type label tt_class_sig with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.method_type_not_found current_class_name label)) in let real_type = match met_type.Types.desc with Tarrow (_, _, t, _) -> t | _ -> (* ?!? : not an arrow type ! return the original type *) met_type in let code = if !Odoc_global.keep_code then Some (get_string_of_file loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum) else None in let met = { met_value = { val_name = complete_name ; val_info = info_opt ; val_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env real_type ; val_recursive = false ; val_parameters = [] ; val_code = code ; val_loc = { loc_impl = Some loc ; loc_inter = None } ; } ; met_private = private_flag = Asttypes.Private ; met_virtual = true ; } in (* update the parameter description *) Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text met.met_value; iter acc_inher (acc_fields @ ele_comments @ [ Class_method met ]) loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum q | (Parsetree.Pcf_meth ({ txt = label }, private_flag, _, _)) -> let complete_name = Name.concat current_class_name label in let (info_opt, ele_comments) = get_comments_in_class last_pos loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let exp = try Typedtree_search.search_method_expression tt_cls label with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.method_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name)) in let real_type = match exp.exp_type.desc with Tarrow (_, _, t,_) -> t | _ -> (* ?!? : not an arrow type ! return the original type *) exp.Typedtree.exp_type in let code = if !Odoc_global.keep_code then Some (get_string_of_file loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum) else None in let met = { met_value = { val_name = complete_name ; val_info = info_opt ; val_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env real_type ; val_recursive = false ; val_parameters = tt_analyse_method_expression env complete_name info_opt exp ; val_code = code ; val_loc = { loc_impl = Some loc ; loc_inter = None } ; } ; met_private = private_flag = Asttypes.Private ; met_virtual = false ; } in (* update the parameter description *) Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text met.met_value; iter acc_inher (acc_fields @ ele_comments @ [ Class_method met ]) loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum q | Parsetree.Pcf_constr (_, _) -> (* don't give a $*%@ ! *) iter acc_inher acc_fields loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum q | (Parsetree.Pcf_init exp) -> iter acc_inher acc_fields exp.Parsetree.pexp_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum q in iter [] [] last_pos (p_cls.Parsetree.pcstr_fields) (** Analysis of a [Parsetree.class_expr] and a [Typedtree.class_expr] to get a a couple (class parameters, class kind). *) let rec analyse_class_kind env current_class_name comment_opt last_pos p_class_expr tt_class_exp table = match (p_class_expr.Parsetree.pcl_desc, tt_class_exp.Typedtree.cl_desc) with (Parsetree.Pcl_constr (lid, _), tt_class_exp_desc ) -> let name = match tt_class_exp_desc with Typedtree.Tcl_ident (p,_,_) -> Name.from_path p | _ -> (* we try to get the name from the environment. *) (* A VOIR : dommage qu'on n'ait pas un Tclass_ident :-( meme quand on a class tutu = toto *) Name.from_longident lid.txt in (* On n'a pas ici les parametres de type sous forme de Types.type_expr, par contre on peut les trouver dans le class_type *) let params = match tt_class_exp.Typedtree.cl_type with Types.Cty_constr (p2, type_exp_list, cltyp) -> (* cltyp is the class type for [type_exp_list] p *) type_exp_list | _ -> [] in ([], Class_constr { cco_name = Odoc_env.full_class_name env name ; cco_class = None ; cco_type_parameters = List.map (Odoc_env.subst_type env) params ; } ) | (Parsetree.Pcl_structure p_class_structure, Typedtree.Tcl_structure tt_class_structure) -> (* we need the class signature to get the type of methods in analyse_class_structure *) let tt_class_sig = match tt_class_exp.Typedtree.cl_type with Types.Cty_signature class_sig -> class_sig | _ -> raise (Failure "analyse_class_kind: no class signature for a class structure.") in let (inherited_classes, class_elements) = analyse_class_structure env current_class_name tt_class_sig last_pos p_class_expr.Parsetree.pcl_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum p_class_structure tt_class_structure table in ([], Class_structure (inherited_classes, class_elements) ) | (Parsetree.Pcl_fun (label, expression_opt, pattern, p_class_expr2), Typedtree.Tcl_fun (_, pat, ident_exp_list, tt_class_expr2, partial)) -> (* we check that this is not an optional parameter with a default value. In this case, we look for the good parameter pattern *) let (parameter, next_tt_class_exp) = match pat.Typedtree.pat_desc with Typedtree.Tpat_var (ident, _) when Name.from_ident ident = "*opt*" -> ( (* there must be a Tcl_let just after *) match tt_class_expr2.Typedtree.cl_desc with Typedtree.Tcl_let (_, ({pat_desc = Typedtree.Tpat_var (id,_) } , exp) :: _, _, tt_class_expr3) -> let name = Name.from_ident id in let new_param = Simple_name { sn_name = name ; sn_text = Odoc_parameter.desc_from_info_opt comment_opt name ; sn_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env exp.exp_type } in (new_param, tt_class_expr3) | _ -> (* strange case *) (* we create the parameter and add it to the class *) raise (Failure "analyse_class_kind: strange case") ) | _ -> (* no optional parameter with default value, we create the parameter *) let new_param = tt_param_info_from_pattern env (Odoc_parameter.desc_from_info_opt comment_opt) pat in (new_param, tt_class_expr2) in let (params, k) = analyse_class_kind env current_class_name comment_opt last_pos p_class_expr2 next_tt_class_exp table in (parameter :: params, k) | (Parsetree.Pcl_apply (p_class_expr2, _), Tcl_apply (tt_class_expr2, exp_opt_optional_list)) -> let applied_name = (* we want an ident, or else the class applied will appear in the form object ... end, because if the class applied has no name, the code is kinda ugly, isn't it ? *) match tt_class_expr2.Typedtree.cl_desc with Typedtree.Tcl_ident (p,_,_) -> Name.from_path p (* A VOIR : obtenir le nom complet *) | _ -> (* A VOIR : dommage qu'on n'ait pas un Tclass_ident :-( meme quand on a class tutu = toto *) match p_class_expr2.Parsetree.pcl_desc with Parsetree.Pcl_constr (lid, _) -> (* we try to get the name from the environment. *) Name.from_longident lid.txt | _ -> Odoc_messages.object_end in let param_exps = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun (_, exp_opt, _) -> match exp_opt with None -> acc | Some e -> acc @ [e]) [] exp_opt_optional_list in let param_types = List.map (fun e -> e.Typedtree.exp_type) param_exps in let params_code = List.map (fun e -> get_string_of_file e.exp_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum e.exp_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum) param_exps in ([], Class_apply { capp_name = Odoc_env.full_class_name env applied_name ; capp_class = None ; capp_params = param_types ; capp_params_code = params_code ; } ) | (Parsetree.Pcl_let (_, _, p_class_expr2), Typedtree.Tcl_let (_, _, _, tt_class_expr2)) -> (* we don't care about these lets *) analyse_class_kind env current_class_name comment_opt last_pos p_class_expr2 tt_class_expr2 table | (Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (p_class_expr2, p_class_type2), Typedtree.Tcl_constraint (tt_class_expr2, _, _, _, _)) -> let (l, class_kind) = analyse_class_kind env current_class_name comment_opt last_pos p_class_expr2 tt_class_expr2 table in (* A VOIR : analyse du class type ? on n'a pas toutes les infos. cf. Odoc_sig.analyse_class_type_kind *) let class_type_kind = (*Sig.analyse_class_type_kind env "" p_class_type2.Parsetree.pcty_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum p_class_type2 tt_class_expr2.Typedtree.cl_type *) Class_type { cta_name = Odoc_messages.object_end ; cta_class = None ; cta_type_parameters = [] } in (l, Class_constraint (class_kind, class_type_kind)) | _ -> raise (Failure "analyse_class_kind: Parsetree and typedtree don't match.") (** Analysis of a [Parsetree.class_declaration] and a [Typedtree.class_expr] to return a [t_class].*) let analyse_class env current_module_name comment_opt p_class_decl tt_type_params tt_class_exp table = let name = p_class_decl.Parsetree.pci_name in let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name.txt in let loc = p_class_decl.Parsetree.pci_expr.Parsetree.pcl_loc in let pos_start = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let type_parameters = tt_type_params in let virt = p_class_decl.Parsetree.pci_virt = Asttypes.Virtual in let cltype = Odoc_env.subst_class_type env tt_class_exp.Typedtree.cl_type in let (parameters, kind) = analyse_class_kind env complete_name comment_opt pos_start p_class_decl.Parsetree.pci_expr tt_class_exp table in let cl = { cl_name = complete_name ; cl_info = comment_opt ; cl_type = cltype ; cl_virtual = virt ; cl_type_parameters = type_parameters ; cl_kind = kind ; cl_parameters = parameters ; cl_loc = { loc_impl = Some loc ; loc_inter = None } ; } in cl (** Get a name from a module expression, or "struct ... end" if the module expression is not an ident of a constraint on an ident. *) let rec tt_name_from_module_expr mod_expr = match mod_expr.Typedtree.mod_desc with Typedtree.Tmod_ident (p,_) -> Name.from_path p | Typedtree.Tmod_constraint (m_exp, _, _, _) -> tt_name_from_module_expr m_exp | Typedtree.Tmod_structure _ | Typedtree.Tmod_functor _ | Typedtree.Tmod_apply _ | Typedtree.Tmod_unpack _ -> Odoc_messages.struct_end (** Get the list of included modules in a module structure of a typed tree. *) let tt_get_included_module_list tt_structure = let f acc item = match item.str_desc with Typedtree.Tstr_include (mod_expr, _) -> acc @ [ { (* A VOIR : chercher dans les modules et les module types, avec quel env ? *) im_name = tt_name_from_module_expr mod_expr ; im_module = None ; im_info = None ; } ] | _ -> acc in List.fold_left f [] tt_structure.str_items (** This function takes a [module element list] of a module and replaces the "dummy" included modules with the ones found in typed tree structure of the module. *) let replace_dummy_included_modules module_elements included_modules = let rec f = function | ([], _) -> [] | ((Element_included_module im) :: q, (im_repl :: im_q)) -> (Element_included_module { im_repl with im_info = im.im_info }) :: (f (q, im_q)) | ((Element_included_module im) :: q, []) -> (Element_included_module im) :: q | (ele :: q, l) -> ele :: (f (q, l)) in f (module_elements, included_modules) (** This function removes the elements of the module which does not belong to the given module type, if the module type is expanded and the module has a "structure" kind. *) let rec filter_module_with_module_type_constraint m mt = match m.m_kind, mt with Module_struct l, Types.Mty_signature lsig -> m.m_kind <- Module_struct (filter_module_elements_with_module_type_constraint l lsig); m.m_type <- mt; | _ -> () (** This function removes the elements of the module type which does not belong to the given module type, if the module type is expanded and the module type has a "structure" kind. *) and filter_module_type_with_module_type_constraint mtyp mt = match mtyp.mt_kind, mt with Some Module_type_struct l, Types.Mty_signature lsig -> mtyp.mt_kind <- Some (Module_type_struct (filter_module_elements_with_module_type_constraint l lsig)); mtyp.mt_type <- Some mt; | _ -> () and filter_module_elements_with_module_type_constraint l lsig = let pred ele = let f = match ele with Element_module m -> (function Types.Sig_module (ident,t,_) -> let n1 = Name.simple m.m_name and n2 = Ident.name ident in ( match n1 = n2 with true -> filter_module_with_module_type_constraint m t; true | false -> false ) | _ -> false) | Element_module_type mt -> (function Types.Sig_modtype (ident,Types.Modtype_manifest t) -> let n1 = Name.simple mt.mt_name and n2 = Ident.name ident in ( match n1 = n2 with true -> filter_module_type_with_module_type_constraint mt t; true | false -> false ) | _ -> false) | Element_value v -> (function Types.Sig_value (ident,_) -> let n1 = Name.simple v.val_name and n2 = Ident.name ident in n1 = n2 | _ -> false) | Element_type t -> (function Types.Sig_type (ident,_,_) -> (* A VOIR: il est possible que le detail du type soit cache *) let n1 = Name.simple t.ty_name and n2 = Ident.name ident in n1 = n2 | _ -> false) | Element_exception e -> (function Types.Sig_exception (ident,_) -> let n1 = Name.simple e.ex_name and n2 = Ident.name ident in n1 = n2 | _ -> false) | Element_class c -> (function Types.Sig_class (ident,_,_) -> let n1 = Name.simple c.cl_name and n2 = Ident.name ident in n1 = n2 | _ -> false) | Element_class_type ct -> (function Types.Sig_class_type (ident,_,_) -> let n1 = Name.simple ct.clt_name and n2 = Ident.name ident in n1 = n2 | _ -> false) | Element_module_comment _ -> fun _ -> true | Element_included_module _ -> fun _ -> true in List.exists f lsig in List.filter pred l (** Analysis of a parse tree structure with a typed tree, to return module elements.*) let rec analyse_structure env current_module_name last_pos pos_limit parsetree typedtree = print_DEBUG "Odoc_ast:analyse_struture"; let (table, table_values) = Typedtree_search.tables typedtree.str_items in let rec iter env last_pos = function [] -> let s = get_string_of_file last_pos pos_limit in let (_, ele_coms) = My_ir.all_special !file_name s in let ele_comments = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun sc -> match sc.Odoc_types.i_desc with None -> acc | Some t -> acc @ [Element_module_comment t]) [] ele_coms in ele_comments | item :: q -> let (comment_opt, ele_comments) = get_comments_in_module last_pos item.Parsetree.pstr_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let pos_limit2 = match q with [] -> pos_limit | item2 :: _ -> item2.Parsetree.pstr_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let (maybe_more, new_env, elements) = analyse_structure_item env current_module_name item.Parsetree.pstr_loc pos_limit2 comment_opt item.Parsetree.pstr_desc typedtree table table_values in ele_comments @ elements @ (iter new_env (item.Parsetree.pstr_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum + maybe_more) q) in iter env last_pos parsetree (** Analysis of a parse tree structure item to obtain a new environment and a list of elements.*) and analyse_structure_item env current_module_name loc pos_limit comment_opt parsetree_item_desc typedtree table table_values = print_DEBUG "Odoc_ast:analyse_struture_item"; match parsetree_item_desc with Parsetree.Pstr_eval _ -> (* don't care *) (0, env, []) | Parsetree.Pstr_value (rec_flag, pat_exp_list) -> (* of rec_flag * (pattern * expression) list *) (* For each value, look for the value name, then look in the typedtree for the corresponding information, at last analyse this information to build the value *) let rec iter_pat = function | Parsetree.Ppat_any -> None | Parsetree.Ppat_var name -> Some name | Parsetree.Ppat_tuple _ -> None (* A VOIR quand on traitera les tuples *) | Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (pat, _) -> iter_pat pat.Parsetree.ppat_desc | _ -> None in let rec iter ?(first=false) last_pos acc_env acc p_e_list = match p_e_list with [] -> (acc_env, acc) | (pat, exp) :: q -> let value_name_opt = iter_pat pat.Parsetree.ppat_desc in let new_last_pos = exp.Parsetree.pexp_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in match value_name_opt with None -> iter new_last_pos acc_env acc q | Some name -> try let pat_exp = Typedtree_search.search_value table_values name.txt in let (info_opt, ele_comments) = (* we already have the optional comment for the first value. *) if first then (comment_opt, []) else get_comments_in_module last_pos pat.Parsetree.ppat_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let l_values = tt_analyse_value env current_module_name info_opt loc pat_exp rec_flag in let new_env = List.fold_left (fun e -> fun v -> Odoc_env.add_value e v.val_name ) acc_env l_values in let l_ele = List.map (fun v -> Element_value v) l_values in iter new_last_pos new_env (acc @ ele_comments @ l_ele) q with Not_found -> iter new_last_pos acc_env acc q in let (new_env, l_ele) = iter ~first: true loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum env [] pat_exp_list in (0, new_env, l_ele) | Parsetree.Pstr_primitive ({ txt = name_pre }, val_desc) -> (* of string * value_description *) print_DEBUG ("Parsetree.Pstr_primitive ("^name_pre^", ["^(String.concat ", " val_desc.Parsetree.pval_prim)^"]"); let typ = Typedtree_search.search_primitive table name_pre in let name = Name.parens_if_infix name_pre in let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in let code = if !Odoc_global.keep_code then Some (get_string_of_file loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum) else None in let new_value = { val_name = complete_name ; val_info = comment_opt ; val_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env typ ; val_recursive = false ; val_parameters = [] ; val_code = code ; val_loc = { loc_impl = Some loc ; loc_inter = None } ; } in let new_env = Odoc_env.add_value env new_value.val_name in (0, new_env, [Element_value new_value]) | Parsetree.Pstr_type name_typedecl_list -> (* of (string * type_declaration) list *) (* we start by extending the environment *) let new_env = List.fold_left (fun acc_env -> fun ({ txt = name }, _) -> let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in Odoc_env.add_type acc_env complete_name ) env name_typedecl_list in let rec f ?(first=false) maybe_more_acc last_pos name_type_decl_list = match name_type_decl_list with [] -> (maybe_more_acc, []) | ({ txt = name }, type_decl) :: q -> let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in let loc = type_decl.Parsetree.ptype_loc in let loc_start = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let loc_end = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in let pos_limit2 = match q with [] -> pos_limit | (_, td) :: _ -> td.Parsetree.ptype_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let (maybe_more, name_comment_list) = Sig.name_comment_from_type_kind loc_end pos_limit2 type_decl.Parsetree.ptype_kind in let tt_type_decl = try Typedtree_search.search_type_declaration table name with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.type_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name)) in let tt_type_decl = tt_type_decl.Typedtree.typ_type in let (com_opt, ele_comments) = (* the comment for the first type was already retrieved *) if first then (comment_opt , []) else get_comments_in_module last_pos loc_start in let kind = Sig.get_type_kind new_env name_comment_list tt_type_decl.Types.type_kind in let new_end = loc_end + maybe_more in let t = { ty_name = complete_name ; ty_info = com_opt ; ty_parameters = List.map2 (fun p (co,cn,_) -> (Odoc_env.subst_type new_env p, co, cn) ) tt_type_decl.Types.type_params tt_type_decl.Types.type_variance ; ty_kind = kind ; ty_private = tt_type_decl.Types.type_private; ty_manifest = (match tt_type_decl.Types.type_manifest with None -> None | Some t -> Some (Odoc_env.subst_type new_env t)); ty_loc = { loc_impl = Some loc ; loc_inter = None } ; ty_code = ( if !Odoc_global.keep_code then Some (get_string_of_file loc_start new_end) else None ) ; } in let (maybe_more2, info_after_opt) = My_ir.just_after_special !file_name (get_string_of_file new_end pos_limit2) in t.ty_info <- Sig.merge_infos t.ty_info info_after_opt ; let (maybe_more3, eles) = f (maybe_more + maybe_more2) (new_end + maybe_more2) q in (maybe_more3, ele_comments @ ((Element_type t) :: eles)) in let (maybe_more, eles) = f ~first: true 0 loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum name_typedecl_list in (maybe_more, new_env, eles) | Parsetree.Pstr_exception (name, excep_decl) -> (* a new exception is defined *) let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name.txt in (* we get the exception declaration in the typed tree *) let tt_excep_decl = try Typedtree_search.search_exception table name.txt with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.exception_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name)) in let new_env = Odoc_env.add_exception env complete_name in let loc_start = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let loc_end = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in let new_ex = { ex_name = complete_name ; ex_info = comment_opt ; ex_args = List.map (fun ctyp -> Odoc_env.subst_type new_env ctyp.ctyp_type) tt_excep_decl.exn_params ; ex_alias = None ; ex_loc = { loc_impl = Some loc ; loc_inter = None } ; ex_code = ( if !Odoc_global.keep_code then Some (get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end) else None ) ; } in (0, new_env, [ Element_exception new_ex ]) | Parsetree.Pstr_exn_rebind (name, _) -> (* a new exception is defined *) let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name.txt in (* we get the exception rebind in the typed tree *) let tt_path = try Typedtree_search.search_exception_rebind table name.txt with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.exception_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name)) in let new_env = Odoc_env.add_exception env complete_name in let new_ex = { ex_name = complete_name ; ex_info = comment_opt ; ex_args = [] ; ex_alias = Some { ea_name = (Odoc_env.full_exception_name env (Name.from_path tt_path)) ; ea_ex = None ; } ; ex_loc = { loc_impl = Some loc ; loc_inter = None } ; ex_code = None ; } in (0, new_env, [ Element_exception new_ex ]) | Parsetree.Pstr_module (name, module_expr) -> ( (* of string * module_expr *) try let tt_module_expr = Typedtree_search.search_module table name.txt in let new_module_pre = analyse_module env current_module_name name.txt comment_opt module_expr tt_module_expr in let code = if !Odoc_global.keep_code then let loc = module_expr.Parsetree.pmod_loc in let st = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let en = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in Some (get_string_of_file st en) else None in let new_module = { new_module_pre with m_code = code } in let new_env = Odoc_env.add_module env new_module.m_name in let new_env2 = match new_module.m_type with (* A VOIR : cela peut-il etre Tmty_ident ? dans ce cas, on aurait pas la signature *) Types.Mty_signature s -> Odoc_env.add_signature new_env new_module.m_name ~rel: (Name.simple new_module.m_name) s | _ -> new_env in (0, new_env2, [ Element_module new_module ]) with Not_found -> let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name.txt in raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.module_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name)) ) | Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule mods -> (* A VOIR ICI pb: pas de lien avec les module type dans les contraintes sur les modules *) let new_env = List.fold_left (fun acc_env (name, _, mod_exp) -> let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name.txt in let e = Odoc_env.add_module acc_env complete_name in let tt_mod_exp = try Typedtree_search.search_module table name.txt with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.module_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name)) in let new_module = analyse_module e current_module_name name.txt None mod_exp tt_mod_exp in match new_module.m_type with Types.Mty_signature s -> Odoc_env.add_signature e new_module.m_name ~rel: (Name.simple new_module.m_name) s | _ -> e ) env mods in let rec f ?(first=false) last_pos name_mod_exp_list = match name_mod_exp_list with [] -> [] | (name, _, mod_exp) :: q -> let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name.txt in let loc_start = mod_exp.Parsetree.pmod_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let loc_end = mod_exp.Parsetree.pmod_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in let tt_mod_exp = try Typedtree_search.search_module table name.txt with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.module_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name)) in let (com_opt, ele_comments) = (* the comment for the first type was already retrieved *) if first then (comment_opt, []) else get_comments_in_module last_pos loc_start in let new_module = analyse_module new_env current_module_name name.txt com_opt mod_exp tt_mod_exp in let eles = f loc_end q in ele_comments @ ((Element_module new_module) :: eles) in let eles = f ~first: true loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum mods in (0, new_env, eles) | Parsetree.Pstr_modtype (name, modtype) -> let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name.txt in let tt_module_type = try Typedtree_search.search_module_type table name.txt with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.module_type_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name)) in let kind = Sig.analyse_module_type_kind env complete_name modtype tt_module_type.mty_type in let mt = { mt_name = complete_name ; mt_info = comment_opt ; mt_type = Some tt_module_type.mty_type ; mt_is_interface = false ; mt_file = !file_name ; mt_kind = Some kind ; mt_loc = { loc_impl = Some loc ; loc_inter = None } ; } in let new_env = Odoc_env.add_module_type env mt.mt_name in let new_env2 = match tt_module_type.mty_type with (* A VOIR : cela peut-il etre Tmty_ident ? dans ce cas, on n'aurait pas la signature *) Types.Mty_signature s -> Odoc_env.add_signature new_env mt.mt_name ~rel: (Name.simple mt.mt_name) s | _ -> new_env in (0, new_env2, [ Element_module_type mt ]) | Parsetree.Pstr_open longident -> (* A VOIR : enrichir l'environnement quand open ? *) let ele_comments = match comment_opt with None -> [] | Some i -> match i.i_desc with None -> [] | Some t -> [Element_module_comment t] in (0, env, ele_comments) | Parsetree.Pstr_class class_decl_list -> (* we start by extending the environment *) let new_env = List.fold_left (fun acc_env -> fun class_decl -> let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name class_decl.Parsetree.pci_name.txt in Odoc_env.add_class acc_env complete_name ) env class_decl_list in let rec f ?(first=false) last_pos class_decl_list = match class_decl_list with [] -> [] | class_decl :: q -> let (tt_class_exp, tt_type_params) = try Typedtree_search.search_class_exp table class_decl.Parsetree.pci_name.txt with Not_found -> let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name class_decl.Parsetree.pci_name.txt in raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.class_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name)) in let (com_opt, ele_comments) = if first then (comment_opt, []) else get_comments_in_module last_pos class_decl.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let last_pos2 = class_decl.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in let new_class = analyse_class new_env current_module_name com_opt class_decl tt_type_params tt_class_exp table in ele_comments @ ((Element_class new_class) :: (f last_pos2 q)) in (0, new_env, f ~first: true loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum class_decl_list) | Parsetree.Pstr_class_type class_type_decl_list -> (* we start by extending the environment *) let new_env = List.fold_left (fun acc_env -> fun class_type_decl -> let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_name.txt in Odoc_env.add_class_type acc_env complete_name ) env class_type_decl_list in let rec f ?(first=false) last_pos class_type_decl_list = match class_type_decl_list with [] -> [] | class_type_decl :: q -> let name = class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_name in let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name.txt in let virt = class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_virt = Asttypes.Virtual in let tt_cltype_declaration = try Typedtree_search.search_class_type_declaration table name.txt with Not_found -> raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.class_type_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name)) in let tt_cltype_declaration = tt_cltype_declaration.ci_type_decl in let type_params = tt_cltype_declaration.Types.clty_params in let kind = Sig.analyse_class_type_kind new_env complete_name class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_expr tt_cltype_declaration.Types.clty_type in let (com_opt, ele_comments) = if first then (comment_opt, []) else get_comments_in_module last_pos class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let last_pos2 = class_type_decl.Parsetree.pci_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in let new_ele = Element_class_type { clt_name = complete_name ; clt_info = com_opt ; clt_type = Odoc_env.subst_class_type env tt_cltype_declaration.Types.clty_type ; clt_type_parameters = List.map (Odoc_env.subst_type new_env) type_params ; clt_virtual = virt ; clt_kind = kind ; clt_loc = { loc_impl = Some loc ; loc_inter = None } ; } in ele_comments @ (new_ele :: (f last_pos2 q)) in (0, new_env, f ~first: true loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum class_type_decl_list) | Parsetree.Pstr_include module_expr -> (* we add a dummy included module which will be replaced by a correct one at the end of the module analysis, to use the Path.t of the included modules in the typdtree. *) let im = { im_name = "dummy" ; im_module = None ; im_info = comment_opt ; } in (0, env, [ Element_included_module im ]) (* A VOIR : etendre l'environnement ? avec quoi ? *) (** Analysis of a [Parsetree.module_expr] and a name to return a [t_module].*) and analyse_module env current_module_name module_name comment_opt p_module_expr tt_module_expr = let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name module_name in let loc = p_module_expr.Parsetree.pmod_loc in let pos_start = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let pos_end = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in let modtype = (* A VOIR : Odoc_env.subst_module_type env ? *) tt_module_expr.Typedtree.mod_type in let m_code_intf = match p_module_expr.Parsetree.pmod_desc with Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (_, pmodule_type) -> let loc_start = pmodule_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let loc_end = pmodule_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in Some (get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end) | _ -> None in let m_base = { m_name = complete_name ; m_type = modtype ; m_info = comment_opt ; m_is_interface = false ; m_file = !file_name ; m_kind = Module_struct [] ; m_loc = { loc_impl = Some loc ; loc_inter = None } ; m_top_deps = [] ; m_code = None ; (* code is set by the caller, after the module is created *) m_code_intf = m_code_intf ; m_text_only = false ; } in match (p_module_expr.Parsetree.pmod_desc, tt_module_expr.Typedtree.mod_desc) with (Parsetree.Pmod_ident longident, Typedtree.Tmod_ident (path, _)) -> let alias_name = Odoc_env.full_module_name env (Name.from_path path) in { m_base with m_kind = Module_alias { ma_name = alias_name ; ma_module = None ; } } | (Parsetree.Pmod_structure p_structure, Typedtree.Tmod_structure tt_structure) -> let elements = analyse_structure env complete_name pos_start pos_end p_structure tt_structure in (* we must complete the included modules *) let included_modules_from_tt = tt_get_included_module_list tt_structure in let elements2 = replace_dummy_included_modules elements included_modules_from_tt in { m_base with m_kind = Module_struct elements2 } | (Parsetree.Pmod_functor (_, pmodule_type, p_module_expr2), Typedtree.Tmod_functor (ident, _, mtyp, tt_module_expr2)) -> let loc_start = pmodule_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in let loc_end = pmodule_type.Parsetree.pmty_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in let mp_type_code = get_string_of_file loc_start loc_end in print_DEBUG (Printf.sprintf "mp_type_code=%s" mp_type_code); let mp_name = Name.from_ident ident in let mp_kind = Sig.analyse_module_type_kind env current_module_name pmodule_type mtyp.mty_type in let param = { mp_name = mp_name ; mp_type = Odoc_env.subst_module_type env mtyp.mty_type ; mp_type_code = mp_type_code ; mp_kind = mp_kind ; } in let dummy_complete_name = (*Name.concat "__"*) param.mp_name in (* TODO: A VOIR CE __ *) let new_env = Odoc_env.add_module env dummy_complete_name in let m_base2 = analyse_module new_env current_module_name module_name None p_module_expr2 tt_module_expr2 in let kind = m_base2.m_kind in { m_base with m_kind = Module_functor (param, kind) } | (Parsetree.Pmod_apply (p_module_expr1, p_module_expr2), Typedtree.Tmod_apply (tt_module_expr1, tt_module_expr2, _)) | (Parsetree.Pmod_apply (p_module_expr1, p_module_expr2), Typedtree.Tmod_constraint ({ Typedtree.mod_desc = Typedtree.Tmod_apply (tt_module_expr1, tt_module_expr2, _)}, _, _, _) ) -> let m1 = analyse_module env current_module_name module_name None p_module_expr1 tt_module_expr1 in let m2 = analyse_module env current_module_name module_name None p_module_expr2 tt_module_expr2 in { m_base with m_kind = Module_apply (m1.m_kind, m2.m_kind) } | (Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (p_module_expr2, p_modtype), Typedtree.Tmod_constraint (tt_module_expr2, tt_modtype, _, _)) -> print_DEBUG ("Odoc_ast: case Parsetree.Pmod_constraint + Typedtree.Tmod_constraint "^module_name); let m_base2 = analyse_module env current_module_name module_name None p_module_expr2 tt_module_expr2 in let mtkind = Sig.analyse_module_type_kind env (Name.concat current_module_name "??") p_modtype tt_modtype in let tt_modtype = Odoc_env.subst_module_type env tt_modtype in if !Odoc_global.filter_with_module_constraints then filter_module_with_module_type_constraint m_base2 tt_modtype; { m_base with m_type = tt_modtype ; m_kind = Module_constraint (m_base2.m_kind, mtkind) ; } | (Parsetree.Pmod_structure p_structure, Typedtree.Tmod_constraint ({ Typedtree.mod_desc = Typedtree.Tmod_structure tt_structure}, tt_modtype, _, _) ) -> (* needed for recursive modules *) print_DEBUG ("Odoc_ast: case Parsetree.Pmod_structure + Typedtree.Tmod_constraint "^module_name); let elements = analyse_structure env complete_name pos_start pos_end p_structure tt_structure in (* we must complete the included modules *) let included_modules_from_tt = tt_get_included_module_list tt_structure in let elements2 = replace_dummy_included_modules elements included_modules_from_tt in { m_base with m_type = Odoc_env.subst_module_type env tt_modtype ; m_kind = Module_struct elements2 ; } | (Parsetree.Pmod_unpack p_exp, Typedtree.Tmod_unpack (t_exp, tt_modtype)) -> print_DEBUG ("Odoc_ast: case Parsetree.Pmod_unpack + Typedtree.Tmod_unpack "^module_name); let code = let loc = p_module_expr.Parsetree.pmod_loc in let loc_end = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in let exp_loc = p_exp.Parsetree.pexp_loc in let exp_loc_end = exp_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in let s = get_string_of_file exp_loc_end loc_end in Printf.sprintf "(val ...%s" s in (* let name = Odoc_env.full_module_type_name env (Name.from_path (fst pkg_type)) in *) let name = match tt_modtype with | Mty_ident p -> Odoc_env.full_module_type_name env (Name.from_path p) | _ -> "" in let alias = { mta_name = name ; mta_module = None } in { m_base with m_type = Odoc_env.subst_module_type env tt_modtype ; m_kind = Module_unpack (code, alias) ; } | (parsetree, typedtree) -> (*DEBUG*)let s_parse = (*DEBUG*) match parsetree with (*DEBUG*) Parsetree.Pmod_ident _ -> "Pmod_ident" (*DEBUG*) | Parsetree.Pmod_structure _ -> "Pmod_structure" (*DEBUG*) | Parsetree.Pmod_functor _ -> "Pmod_functor" (*DEBUG*) | Parsetree.Pmod_apply _ -> "Pmod_apply" (*DEBUG*) | Parsetree.Pmod_constraint _ -> "Pmod_constraint" (*DEBUG*) | Parsetree.Pmod_unpack _ -> "Pmod_unpack" (*DEBUG*)in (*DEBUG*)let s_typed = (*DEBUG*) match typedtree with (*DEBUG*) Typedtree.Tmod_ident _ -> "Tmod_ident" (*DEBUG*) | Typedtree.Tmod_structure _ -> "Tmod_structure" (*DEBUG*) | Typedtree.Tmod_functor _ -> "Tmod_functor" (*DEBUG*) | Typedtree.Tmod_apply _ -> "Tmod_apply" (*DEBUG*) | Typedtree.Tmod_constraint _ -> "Tmod_constraint" (*DEBUG*) | Typedtree.Tmod_unpack _ -> "Tmod_unpack" (*DEBUG*)in (*DEBUG*)let code = get_string_of_file pos_start pos_end in print_DEBUG (Printf.sprintf "code=%s\ns_parse=%s\ns_typed=%s\n" code s_parse s_typed); raise (Failure "analyse_module: parsetree and typedtree don't match.") let analyse_typed_tree source_file input_file (parsetree : Parsetree.structure) (typedtree : typedtree) = let (tree_structure, _) = typedtree in let complete_source_file = try let curdir = Sys.getcwd () in let (dirname, basename) = (Filename.dirname source_file, Filename.basename source_file) in Sys.chdir dirname ; let complete = Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) basename in Sys.chdir curdir ; complete with Sys_error s -> prerr_endline s ; incr Odoc_global.errors ; source_file in prepare_file complete_source_file input_file; (* We create the t_module for this file. *) let mod_name = String.capitalize (Filename.basename (Filename.chop_extension source_file)) in let (len,info_opt) = My_ir.first_special !file_name !file in (* we must complete the included modules *) let elements = analyse_structure Odoc_env.empty mod_name len (String.length !file) parsetree tree_structure in let included_modules_from_tt = tt_get_included_module_list tree_structure in let elements2 = replace_dummy_included_modules elements included_modules_from_tt in let kind = Module_struct elements2 in { m_name = mod_name ; m_type = Types.Mty_signature [] ; m_info = info_opt ; m_is_interface = false ; m_file = !file_name ; m_kind = kind ; m_loc = { loc_impl = Some (Location.in_file !file_name) ; loc_inter = None } ; m_top_deps = [] ; m_code = (if !Odoc_global.keep_code then Some !file else None) ; m_code_intf = None ; m_text_only = false ; } end