(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCamldoc *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (** Analysis of comments. *) val simple_blank : string (** The type of modules in argument to Info_retriever *) module type Texter = sig (** Return a text structure from a string. *) val text_of_string : string -> Odoc_types.text end (** The basic module for special comments analysis.*) module Basic_info_retriever : sig (** Return true if the given string contains a blank line. *) val blank_line_outside_simple : string -> string -> bool (** This function retrieves all the special comments in the given string. *) val all_special : string -> string -> int * Odoc_types.info list (** [just_after_special file str] return the pair ([length], [info_opt]) where [info_opt] is the first optional special comment found in [str], without any blank line before. [length] is the number of chars from the beginning of [str] to the end of the special comment. *) val just_after_special : string -> string -> int * Odoc_types.info option (** [first_special file str] return the pair ([length], [info_opt]) where [info_opt] is the first optional special comment found in [str]. [length] is the number of chars from the beginning of [str] to the end of the special comment. *) val first_special : string -> string -> int * Odoc_types.info option (** Return a pair [(comment_opt, element_comment_list)], where [comment_opt] is the last special comment found in the given string and not followed by a blank line, and [element_comment_list] the list of values built from the other special comments found and the given function. *) val get_comments : (Odoc_types.text -> 'a) -> string -> string -> Odoc_types.info option * 'a list end (** [info_of_string s] parses the given string like a regular ocamldoc comment and return an {!Odoc_types.info} structure. @return an empty structure if there was a syntax error. TODO: change this *) val info_of_string : string -> Odoc_types.info (** [info_of_comment_file file] parses the given file and return an {!Odoc_types.info} structure. The content of the file must have the same syntax as the content of a special comment. The given module list is used for cross reference. @raise Failure is the file could not be opened or there is a syntax error. *) val info_of_comment_file : Odoc_module.t_module list -> string -> Odoc_types.info