(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCamldoc *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (** Cross referencing. *) module Name = Odoc_name open Odoc_module open Odoc_class open Odoc_exception open Odoc_types open Odoc_value open Odoc_type open Odoc_parameter (*** Replacements of aliases : if e1 = e2 and e2 = e3, then replace e2 by e3 to have e1 = e3, in order to associate the element with complete information. *) (** The module used to keep what refs were modified. *) module S = Set.Make ( struct type t = string * ref_kind option let compare = Pervasives.compare end ) let verified_refs = ref S.empty let add_verified v = verified_refs := S.add v !verified_refs let was_verified v = S.mem v !verified_refs (** The module with the predicates used to get the aliased modules, classes and exceptions. *) module P_alias = struct type t = int let p_module m _ = (true, match m.m_kind with Module_alias _ -> true | _ -> false ) let p_module_type mt _ = (true, match mt.mt_kind with Some (Module_type_alias _) -> true | _ -> false ) let p_class c _ = (false, false) let p_class_type ct _ = (false, false) let p_value v _ = false let p_recfield _ _ _ = false let p_const _ _ _ = false let p_type t _ = (false, false) let p_exception e _ = e.ex_alias <> None let p_attribute a _ = false let p_method m _ = false let p_section s _ = false end (** The module used to get the aliased elements. *) module Search_alias = Odoc_search.Search (P_alias) type alias_state = Alias_resolved | Alias_to_resolve (** Couples of module name aliases. *) let (module_aliases : (Name.t, Name.t * alias_state) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 13 ;; (** Couples of module or module type name aliases. *) let module_and_modtype_aliases = Hashtbl.create 13;; (** Couples of exception name aliases. *) let exception_aliases = Hashtbl.create 13;; let rec build_alias_list = function [] -> () | (Odoc_search.Res_module m) :: q -> ( match m.m_kind with Module_alias ma -> Hashtbl.add module_aliases m.m_name (ma.ma_name, Alias_to_resolve); Hashtbl.add module_and_modtype_aliases m.m_name (ma.ma_name, Alias_to_resolve) | _ -> () ); build_alias_list q | (Odoc_search.Res_module_type mt) :: q -> ( match mt.mt_kind with Some (Module_type_alias mta) -> Hashtbl.add module_and_modtype_aliases mt.mt_name (mta.mta_name, Alias_to_resolve) | _ -> () ); build_alias_list q | (Odoc_search.Res_exception e) :: q -> ( match e.ex_alias with None -> () | Some ea -> Hashtbl.add exception_aliases e.ex_name (ea.ea_name,Alias_to_resolve) ); build_alias_list q | _ :: q -> build_alias_list q (** Retrieve the aliases for modules, module types and exceptions and put them in global hash tables. *) let get_alias_names module_list = Hashtbl.clear module_aliases; Hashtbl.clear module_and_modtype_aliases; Hashtbl.clear exception_aliases; build_alias_list (Search_alias.search module_list 0) exception Found of string let name_alias = let rec f t name = try match Hashtbl.find t name with (s, Alias_resolved) -> s | (s, Alias_to_resolve) -> f t s with Not_found -> try Hashtbl.iter (fun n2 (n3, _) -> if Name.prefix n2 name then let ln2 = String.length n2 in let s = n3^(String.sub name ln2 ((String.length name) - ln2)) in raise (Found s) ) t ; Hashtbl.replace t name (name, Alias_resolved); name with Found s -> let s2 = f t s in Hashtbl.replace t s2 (s2, Alias_resolved); s2 in fun name alias_tbl -> f alias_tbl name module Map_ord = struct type t = string let compare = Pervasives.compare end module Ele_map = Map.Make (Map_ord) let known_elements = ref Ele_map.empty let add_known_element name k = try let l = Ele_map.find name !known_elements in let s = Ele_map.remove name !known_elements in known_elements := Ele_map.add name (k::l) s with Not_found -> known_elements := Ele_map.add name [k] !known_elements let rec get_known_elements name = try Ele_map.find name !known_elements with Not_found -> [] let kind_name_exists kind = let pred = match kind with RK_module -> (fun e -> match e with Odoc_search.Res_module _ -> true | _ -> false) | RK_module_type -> (fun e -> match e with Odoc_search.Res_module_type _ -> true | _ -> false) | RK_class -> (fun e -> match e with Odoc_search.Res_class _ -> true | _ -> false) | RK_class_type -> (fun e -> match e with Odoc_search.Res_class_type _ -> true | _ -> false) | RK_value -> (fun e -> match e with Odoc_search.Res_value _ -> true | _ -> false) | RK_type -> (fun e -> match e with Odoc_search.Res_type _ -> true | _ -> false) | RK_exception -> (fun e -> match e with Odoc_search.Res_exception _ -> true | _ -> false) | RK_attribute -> (fun e -> match e with Odoc_search.Res_attribute _ -> true | _ -> false) | RK_method -> (fun e -> match e with Odoc_search.Res_method _ -> true | _ -> false) | RK_section _ -> assert false | RK_recfield -> (fun e -> match e with Odoc_search.Res_recfield _ -> true | _ -> false) | RK_const -> (fun e -> match e with Odoc_search.Res_const _ -> true | _ -> false) in fun name -> try List.exists pred (get_known_elements name) with Not_found -> false let module_exists = kind_name_exists RK_module let module_type_exists = kind_name_exists RK_module_type let class_exists = kind_name_exists RK_class let class_type_exists = kind_name_exists RK_class_type let value_exists = kind_name_exists RK_value let type_exists = kind_name_exists RK_type let exception_exists = kind_name_exists RK_exception let attribute_exists = kind_name_exists RK_attribute let method_exists = kind_name_exists RK_method let recfield_exists = kind_name_exists RK_recfield let const_exists = kind_name_exists RK_const let lookup_module name = match List.find (fun k -> match k with Odoc_search.Res_module _ -> true | _ -> false) (get_known_elements name) with | Odoc_search.Res_module m -> m | _ -> assert false let lookup_module_type name = match List.find (fun k -> match k with Odoc_search.Res_module_type _ -> true | _ -> false) (get_known_elements name) with | Odoc_search.Res_module_type m -> m | _ -> assert false let lookup_class name = match List.find (fun k -> match k with Odoc_search.Res_class _ -> true | _ -> false) (get_known_elements name) with | Odoc_search.Res_class c -> c | _ -> assert false let lookup_class_type name = match List.find (fun k -> match k with Odoc_search.Res_class_type _ -> true | _ -> false) (get_known_elements name) with | Odoc_search.Res_class_type c -> c | _ -> assert false let lookup_exception name = match List.find (fun k -> match k with Odoc_search.Res_exception _ -> true | _ -> false) (get_known_elements name) with | Odoc_search.Res_exception e -> e | _ -> assert false class scan = object inherit Odoc_scan.scanner method! scan_value v = add_known_element v.val_name (Odoc_search.Res_value v) method! scan_type_recfield t f = add_known_element (Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" t.ty_name f.rf_name) (Odoc_search.Res_recfield (t, f)) method! scan_type_const t f = add_known_element (Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" t.ty_name f.vc_name) (Odoc_search.Res_const (t, f)) method! scan_type_pre t = add_known_element t.ty_name (Odoc_search.Res_type t); true method! scan_exception e = add_known_element e.ex_name (Odoc_search.Res_exception e) method! scan_attribute a = add_known_element a.att_value.val_name (Odoc_search.Res_attribute a) method! scan_method m = add_known_element m.met_value.val_name (Odoc_search.Res_method m) method! scan_class_pre c = add_known_element c.cl_name (Odoc_search.Res_class c); true method! scan_class_type_pre c = add_known_element c.clt_name (Odoc_search.Res_class_type c); true method! scan_module_pre m = add_known_element m.m_name (Odoc_search.Res_module m); true method! scan_module_type_pre m = add_known_element m.mt_name (Odoc_search.Res_module_type m); true end let init_known_elements_map module_list = let c = new scan in c#scan_module_list module_list (** The type to describe the names not found. *) type not_found_name = NF_m of Name.t | NF_mt of Name.t | NF_mmt of Name.t | NF_c of Name.t | NF_ct of Name.t | NF_cct of Name.t | NF_ex of Name.t (** Functions to find and associate aliases elements. *) let rec associate_in_module module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) m = let rec iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k = match k with Module_struct elements -> List.fold_left (associate_in_module_element module_list m.m_name) (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) elements | Module_alias ma -> ( match ma.ma_module with Some _ -> (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) | None -> let mmt_opt = try Some (Mod (lookup_module ma.ma_name)) with Not_found -> try Some (Modtype (lookup_module_type ma.ma_name)) with Not_found -> None in match mmt_opt with None -> (acc_b, (Name.head m.m_name) :: acc_inc, (* we don't want to output warning messages for "sig ... end" or "struct ... end" modules not found *) (if ma.ma_name = Odoc_messages.struct_end or ma.ma_name = Odoc_messages.sig_end then acc_names else (NF_mmt ma.ma_name) :: acc_names) ) | Some mmt -> ma.ma_module <- Some mmt ; (true, acc_inc, acc_names) ) | Module_functor (_, k) -> iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k | Module_with (tk, _) -> associate_in_module_type module_list (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) { mt_name = "" ; mt_info = None ; mt_type = None ; mt_is_interface = false ; mt_file = ""; mt_kind = Some tk ; mt_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc } | Module_apply (k1, k2) -> let (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) = iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k1 in iter_kind (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) k2 | Module_constraint (k, tk) -> let (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) = iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k in associate_in_module_type module_list (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) { mt_name = "" ; mt_info = None ; mt_type = None ; mt_is_interface = false ; mt_file = "" ; mt_kind = Some tk ; mt_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc } | Module_typeof _ -> (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) | Module_unpack (code, mta) -> begin match mta.mta_module with Some _ -> (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) | None -> let mt_opt = try Some (lookup_module_type mta.mta_name) with Not_found -> None in match mt_opt with None -> (acc_b, (Name.head m.m_name) :: acc_inc, (* we don't want to output warning messages for "sig ... end" or "struct ... end" modules not found *) (if mta.mta_name = Odoc_messages.struct_end or mta.mta_name = Odoc_messages.sig_end then acc_names else (NF_mt mta.mta_name) :: acc_names) ) | Some mt -> mta.mta_module <- Some mt ; (true, acc_inc, acc_names) end in iter_kind (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) m.m_kind and associate_in_module_type module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) mt = let rec iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k = match k with Module_type_struct elements -> List.fold_left (associate_in_module_element module_list mt.mt_name) (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) elements | Module_type_functor (_, k) -> iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k | Module_type_with (k, _) -> iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k | Module_type_alias mta -> begin match mta.mta_module with Some _ -> (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) | None -> let mt_opt = try Some (lookup_module_type mta.mta_name) with Not_found -> None in match mt_opt with None -> (acc_b, (Name.head mt.mt_name) :: acc_inc, (* we don't want to output warning messages for "sig ... end" or "struct ... end" modules not found *) (if mta.mta_name = Odoc_messages.struct_end or mta.mta_name = Odoc_messages.sig_end then acc_names else (NF_mt mta.mta_name) :: acc_names) ) | Some mt -> mta.mta_module <- Some mt ; (true, acc_inc, acc_names) end | Module_type_typeof _ -> (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) in match mt.mt_kind with None -> (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) | Some k -> iter_kind (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) k and associate_in_module_element module_list m_name (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) element = match element with Element_module m -> associate_in_module module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) m | Element_module_type mt -> associate_in_module_type module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) mt | Element_included_module im -> ( match im.im_module with Some _ -> (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) | None -> let mmt_opt = try Some (Mod (lookup_module im.im_name)) with Not_found -> try Some (Modtype (lookup_module_type im.im_name)) with Not_found -> None in match mmt_opt with None -> (acc_b_modif, (Name.head m_name) :: acc_incomplete_top_module_names, (* we don't want to output warning messages for "sig ... end" or "struct ... end" modules not found *) (if im.im_name = Odoc_messages.struct_end or im.im_name = Odoc_messages.sig_end then acc_names_not_found else (NF_mmt im.im_name) :: acc_names_not_found) ) | Some mmt -> im.im_module <- Some mmt ; (true, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) ) | Element_class cl -> associate_in_class module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) cl | Element_class_type ct -> associate_in_class_type module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) ct | Element_value _ -> (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) | Element_exception ex -> ( match ex.ex_alias with None -> (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) | Some ea -> match ea.ea_ex with Some _ -> (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) | None -> let ex_opt = try Some (lookup_exception ea.ea_name) with Not_found -> None in match ex_opt with None -> (acc_b_modif, (Name.head m_name) :: acc_incomplete_top_module_names, (NF_ex ea.ea_name) :: acc_names_not_found) | Some e -> ea.ea_ex <- Some e ; (true, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) ) | Element_type _ -> (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) | Element_module_comment _ -> (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) and associate_in_class module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) c = let rec iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k = match k with Class_structure (inher_l, _) -> let f (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) ic = match ic.ic_class with Some _ -> (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) | None -> let cct_opt = try Some (Cl (lookup_class ic.ic_name)) with Not_found -> try Some (Cltype (lookup_class_type ic.ic_name, [])) with Not_found -> None in match cct_opt with None -> (acc_b2, (Name.head c.cl_name) :: acc_inc2, (* we don't want to output warning messages for "object ... end" classes not found *) (if ic.ic_name = Odoc_messages.object_end then acc_names2 else (NF_cct ic.ic_name) :: acc_names2)) | Some cct -> ic.ic_class <- Some cct ; (true, acc_inc2, acc_names2) in List.fold_left f (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) inher_l | Class_apply capp -> ( match capp.capp_class with Some _ -> (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) | None -> let cl_opt = try Some (lookup_class capp.capp_name) with Not_found -> None in match cl_opt with None -> (acc_b, (Name.head c.cl_name) :: acc_inc, (* we don't want to output warning messages for "object ... end" classes not found *) (if capp.capp_name = Odoc_messages.object_end then acc_names else (NF_c capp.capp_name) :: acc_names)) | Some c -> capp.capp_class <- Some c ; (true, acc_inc, acc_names) ) | Class_constr cco -> ( match cco.cco_class with Some _ -> (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) | None -> let cl_opt = try Some (lookup_class cco.cco_name) with Not_found -> None in match cl_opt with None -> ( let clt_opt = try Some (lookup_class_type cco.cco_name) with Not_found -> None in match clt_opt with None -> (acc_b, (Name.head c.cl_name) :: acc_inc, (* we don't want to output warning messages for "object ... end" classes not found *) (if cco.cco_name = Odoc_messages.object_end then acc_names else (NF_cct cco.cco_name) :: acc_names)) | Some ct -> cco.cco_class <- Some (Cltype (ct, [])) ; (true, acc_inc, acc_names) ) | Some c -> cco.cco_class <- Some (Cl c) ; (true, acc_inc, acc_names) ) | Class_constraint (ckind, ctkind) -> let (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) = iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) ckind in associate_in_class_type module_list (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) { clt_name = "" ; clt_info = None ; clt_type = c.cl_type ; (* should be ok *) clt_type_parameters = [] ; clt_virtual = false ; clt_kind = ctkind ; clt_loc = Odoc_types.dummy_loc } in iter_kind (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) c.cl_kind and associate_in_class_type module_list (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) ct = let rec iter_kind (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) k = match k with Class_signature (inher_l, _) -> let f (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) ic = match ic.ic_class with Some _ -> (acc_b2, acc_inc2, acc_names2) | None -> let cct_opt = try Some (Cltype (lookup_class_type ic.ic_name, [])) with Not_found -> try Some (Cl (lookup_class ic.ic_name)) with Not_found -> None in match cct_opt with None -> (acc_b2, (Name.head ct.clt_name) :: acc_inc2, (* we don't want to output warning messages for "object ... end" class types not found *) (if ic.ic_name = Odoc_messages.object_end then acc_names2 else (NF_cct ic.ic_name) :: acc_names2)) | Some cct -> ic.ic_class <- Some cct ; (true, acc_inc2, acc_names2) in List.fold_left f (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) inher_l | Class_type cta -> ( match cta.cta_class with Some _ -> (acc_b, acc_inc, acc_names) | None -> let cct_opt = try Some (Cltype (lookup_class_type cta.cta_name, [])) with Not_found -> try Some (Cl (lookup_class cta.cta_name)) with Not_found -> None in match cct_opt with None -> (acc_b, (Name.head ct.clt_name) :: acc_inc, (* we don't want to output warning messages for "object ... end" class types not found *) (if cta.cta_name = Odoc_messages.object_end then acc_names else (NF_cct cta.cta_name) :: acc_names)) | Some c -> cta.cta_class <- Some c ; (true, acc_inc, acc_names) ) in iter_kind (acc_b_modif, acc_incomplete_top_module_names, acc_names_not_found) ct.clt_kind (*************************************************************) (** Association of types to elements referenced in comments .*) let ao = Odoc_misc.apply_opt let not_found_of_kind kind name = (match kind with RK_module -> Odoc_messages.cross_module_not_found | RK_module_type -> Odoc_messages.cross_module_type_not_found | RK_class -> Odoc_messages.cross_class_not_found | RK_class_type -> Odoc_messages.cross_class_type_not_found | RK_value -> Odoc_messages.cross_value_not_found | RK_type -> Odoc_messages.cross_type_not_found | RK_exception -> Odoc_messages.cross_exception_not_found | RK_attribute -> Odoc_messages.cross_attribute_not_found | RK_method -> Odoc_messages.cross_method_not_found | RK_section _ -> Odoc_messages.cross_section_not_found | RK_recfield -> Odoc_messages.cross_recfield_not_found | RK_const -> Odoc_messages.cross_const_not_found ) name let rec assoc_comments_text_elements parent_name module_list t_ele = match t_ele with | Raw _ | Code _ | CodePre _ | Latex _ | Verbatim _ -> t_ele | Bold t -> Bold (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t) | Italic t -> Italic (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t) | Center t -> Center (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t) | Left t -> Left (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t) | Right t -> Right (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t) | Emphasize t -> Emphasize (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t) | List l -> List (List.map (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list) l) | Enum l -> Enum (List.map (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list) l) | Newline -> Newline | Block t -> Block (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t) | Superscript t -> Superscript (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t) | Subscript t -> Subscript (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t) | Title (n, l_opt, t) -> Title (n, l_opt, (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t)) | Link (s, t) -> Link (s, (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t)) | Ref (initial_name, None, text_option) -> ( let rec iter_parent ?parent_name name = let name = Odoc_name.normalize_name name in let res = match get_known_elements name with [] -> ( try let re = Str.regexp ("^"^(Str.quote name)^"$") in let t = Odoc_search.find_section module_list re in let v2 = (name, Some (RK_section t)) in add_verified v2 ; (name, Some (RK_section t)) with Not_found -> (name, None) ) | ele :: _ -> (* we look for the first element with this name *) let (name, kind) = match ele with Odoc_search.Res_module m -> (m.m_name, RK_module) | Odoc_search.Res_module_type mt -> (mt.mt_name, RK_module_type) | Odoc_search.Res_class c -> (c.cl_name, RK_class) | Odoc_search.Res_class_type ct -> (ct.clt_name, RK_class_type) | Odoc_search.Res_value v -> (v.val_name, RK_value) | Odoc_search.Res_type t -> (t.ty_name, RK_type) | Odoc_search.Res_exception e -> (e.ex_name, RK_exception) | Odoc_search.Res_attribute a -> (a.att_value.val_name, RK_attribute) | Odoc_search.Res_method m -> (m.met_value.val_name, RK_method) | Odoc_search.Res_section (_ ,t)-> assert false | Odoc_search.Res_recfield (t, f) -> (Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" t.ty_name f.rf_name, RK_recfield) | Odoc_search.Res_const (t, f) -> (Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" t.ty_name f.vc_name, RK_const) in add_verified (name, Some kind) ; (name, Some kind) in match res with | (name, Some k) -> Ref (name, Some k, text_option) | (_, None) -> match parent_name with None -> Odoc_global.pwarning (Odoc_messages.cross_element_not_found initial_name); Ref (initial_name, None, text_option) | Some p -> let parent_name = match Name.father p with "" -> None | s -> Some s in iter_parent ?parent_name (Name.concat p initial_name) in iter_parent ~parent_name initial_name ) | Ref (initial_name, Some kind, text_option) -> ( let rec iter_parent ?parent_name name = let v = (name, Some kind) in if was_verified v then Ref (name, Some kind, text_option) else let res = match kind with | RK_section _ -> ( (** we just verify that we find an element of this kind with this name *) try let re = Str.regexp ("^"^(Str.quote name)^"$") in let t = Odoc_search.find_section module_list re in let v2 = (name, Some (RK_section t)) in add_verified v2 ; (name, Some (RK_section t)) with Not_found -> (name, None) ) | _ -> let f = match kind with RK_module -> module_exists | RK_module_type -> module_type_exists | RK_class -> class_exists | RK_class_type -> class_type_exists | RK_value -> value_exists | RK_type -> type_exists | RK_exception -> exception_exists | RK_attribute -> attribute_exists | RK_method -> method_exists | RK_section _ -> assert false | RK_recfield -> recfield_exists | RK_const -> const_exists in if f name then ( add_verified v ; (name, Some kind) ) else (name, None) in match res with | (name, Some k) -> Ref (name, Some k, text_option) | (_, None) -> match parent_name with None -> Odoc_global.pwarning (not_found_of_kind kind initial_name); Ref (initial_name, None, text_option) | Some p -> let parent_name = match Name.father p with "" -> None | s -> Some s in iter_parent ?parent_name (Name.concat p initial_name) in iter_parent ~parent_name initial_name ) | Module_list l -> Module_list l | Index_list -> Index_list | Custom (s,t) -> Custom (s, (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t)) | Target (target, code) -> Target (target, code) and assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list text = List.map (assoc_comments_text_elements parent_name module_list) text and assoc_comments_info parent_name module_list i = let ft = assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list in { i with i_desc = ao ft i.i_desc ; i_sees = List.map (fun (sr, t) -> (sr, ft t)) i.i_sees; i_deprecated = ao ft i.i_deprecated ; i_params = List.map (fun (name, t) -> (name, ft t)) i.i_params; i_raised_exceptions = List.map (fun (name, t) -> (name, ft t)) i.i_raised_exceptions; i_return_value = ao ft i.i_return_value ; i_custom = List.map (fun (tag, t) -> (tag, ft t)) i.i_custom ; } let rec assoc_comments_module_element parent_name module_list m_ele = match m_ele with Element_module m -> Element_module (assoc_comments_module module_list m) | Element_module_type mt -> Element_module_type (assoc_comments_module_type module_list mt) | Element_included_module _ -> m_ele (* don't go down into the aliases *) | Element_class c -> Element_class (assoc_comments_class module_list c) | Element_class_type ct -> Element_class_type (assoc_comments_class_type module_list ct) | Element_value v -> Element_value (assoc_comments_value module_list v) | Element_exception e -> Element_exception (assoc_comments_exception module_list e) | Element_type t -> Element_type (assoc_comments_type module_list t) | Element_module_comment t -> Element_module_comment (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t) and assoc_comments_class_element parent_name module_list c_ele = match c_ele with Class_attribute a -> Class_attribute (assoc_comments_attribute module_list a) | Class_method m -> Class_method (assoc_comments_method module_list m) | Class_comment t -> Class_comment (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list t) and assoc_comments_module_kind parent_name module_list mk = match mk with | Module_struct eles -> Module_struct (List.map (assoc_comments_module_element parent_name module_list) eles) | Module_alias _ | Module_functor _ -> mk | Module_apply (mk1, mk2) -> Module_apply (assoc_comments_module_kind parent_name module_list mk1, assoc_comments_module_kind parent_name module_list mk2) | Module_with (mtk, s) -> Module_with (assoc_comments_module_type_kind parent_name module_list mtk, s) | Module_constraint (mk1, mtk) -> Module_constraint (assoc_comments_module_kind parent_name module_list mk1, assoc_comments_module_type_kind parent_name module_list mtk) | Module_typeof _ -> mk | Module_unpack _ -> mk and assoc_comments_module_type_kind parent_name module_list mtk = match mtk with | Module_type_struct eles -> Module_type_struct (List.map (assoc_comments_module_element parent_name module_list) eles) | Module_type_functor (params, mtk1) -> Module_type_functor (params, assoc_comments_module_type_kind parent_name module_list mtk1) | Module_type_alias _ -> mtk | Module_type_with (mtk1, s) -> Module_type_with (assoc_comments_module_type_kind parent_name module_list mtk1, s) | Module_type_typeof _ -> mtk and assoc_comments_class_kind parent_name module_list ck = match ck with Class_structure (inher, eles) -> let inher2 = List.map (fun ic -> { ic with ic_text = ao (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list) ic.ic_text }) inher in Class_structure (inher2, List.map (assoc_comments_class_element parent_name module_list) eles) | Class_apply _ | Class_constr _ -> ck | Class_constraint (ck1, ctk) -> Class_constraint (assoc_comments_class_kind parent_name module_list ck1, assoc_comments_class_type_kind parent_name module_list ctk) and assoc_comments_class_type_kind parent_name module_list ctk = match ctk with Class_signature (inher, eles) -> let inher2 = List.map (fun ic -> { ic with ic_text = ao (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list) ic.ic_text }) inher in Class_signature (inher2, List.map (assoc_comments_class_element parent_name module_list) eles) | Class_type _ -> ctk and assoc_comments_module module_list m = m.m_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info m.m_name module_list) m.m_info ; m.m_kind <- assoc_comments_module_kind m.m_name module_list m.m_kind ; m and assoc_comments_module_type module_list mt = mt.mt_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info mt.mt_name module_list) mt.mt_info ; mt.mt_kind <- ao (assoc_comments_module_type_kind mt.mt_name module_list) mt.mt_kind ; mt and assoc_comments_class module_list c = c.cl_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info c.cl_name module_list) c.cl_info ; c.cl_kind <- assoc_comments_class_kind c.cl_name module_list c.cl_kind ; assoc_comments_parameter_list c.cl_name module_list c.cl_parameters; c and assoc_comments_class_type module_list ct = ct.clt_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info ct.clt_name module_list) ct.clt_info ; ct.clt_kind <- assoc_comments_class_type_kind ct.clt_name module_list ct.clt_kind ; ct and assoc_comments_parameter parent_name module_list p = match p with Simple_name sn -> sn.sn_text <- ao (assoc_comments_text parent_name module_list) sn.sn_text | Tuple (l, t) -> List.iter (assoc_comments_parameter parent_name module_list) l and assoc_comments_parameter_list parent_name module_list pl = List.iter (assoc_comments_parameter parent_name module_list) pl and assoc_comments_value module_list v = let parent = Name.father v.val_name in v.val_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info parent module_list) v.val_info ; assoc_comments_parameter_list parent module_list v.val_parameters; v and assoc_comments_exception module_list e = let parent = Name.father e.ex_name in e.ex_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info parent module_list) e.ex_info ; e and assoc_comments_type module_list t = let parent = Name.father t.ty_name in t.ty_info <- ao (assoc_comments_info parent module_list) t.ty_info ; (match t.ty_kind with Type_abstract -> () | Type_variant vl -> List.iter (fun vc -> vc.vc_text <- ao (assoc_comments_text parent module_list) vc.vc_text) vl | Type_record fl -> List.iter (fun rf -> rf.rf_text <- ao (assoc_comments_text parent module_list) rf.rf_text) fl ); t and assoc_comments_attribute module_list a = let _ = assoc_comments_value module_list a.att_value in a and assoc_comments_method module_list m = let parent_name = Name.father m.met_value.val_name in let _ = assoc_comments_value module_list m.met_value in assoc_comments_parameter_list parent_name module_list m.met_value.val_parameters; m let associate_type_of_elements_in_comments module_list = List.map (assoc_comments_module module_list) module_list (***********************************************************) (** The function which performs all the cross referencing. *) let associate module_list = get_alias_names module_list ; init_known_elements_map module_list; let rec remove_doubles acc = function [] -> acc | h :: q -> if List.mem h acc then remove_doubles acc q else remove_doubles (h :: acc) q in let rec iter incomplete_modules = let (b_modif, remaining_inc_modules, acc_names_not_found) = List.fold_left (associate_in_module module_list) (false, [], []) incomplete_modules in let remaining_no_doubles = remove_doubles [] remaining_inc_modules in let remaining_modules = List.filter (fun m -> List.mem m.m_name remaining_no_doubles) incomplete_modules in if b_modif then (* we may be able to associate something else *) iter remaining_modules else (* nothing changed, we won't be able to associate any more *) acc_names_not_found in let names_not_found = iter module_list in ( match names_not_found with [] -> () | l -> List.iter (fun nf -> Odoc_global.pwarning ( match nf with NF_m n -> Odoc_messages.cross_module_not_found n | NF_mt n -> Odoc_messages.cross_module_type_not_found n | NF_mmt n -> Odoc_messages.cross_module_or_module_type_not_found n | NF_c n -> Odoc_messages.cross_class_not_found n | NF_ct n -> Odoc_messages.cross_class_type_not_found n | NF_cct n -> Odoc_messages.cross_class_or_class_type_not_found n | NF_ex n -> Odoc_messages.cross_exception_not_found n ); ) l ) ; (* Find a type for each name of element which is referenced in comments. *) ignore (associate_type_of_elements_in_comments module_list)