(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCamldoc *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (** The types and functions to create a html table representing a dag. Thanks to Daniel De Rauglaudre. *) type 'a dag = { mutable dag : 'a node array } and 'a node = { mutable pare : idag list; valu : 'a; mutable chil : idag list } and idag = int ;; external int_of_idag : idag -> int = "%identity";; external idag_of_int : int -> idag = "%identity";; type 'a table = { mutable table : 'a data array array } and 'a data = { mutable elem : 'a elem; mutable span : span_id } and 'a elem = Elem of 'a | Ghost of ghost_id | Nothing and span_id and ghost_id ;; external span_id_of_int : int -> span_id = "%identity";; external int_of_span_id : span_id -> int = "%identity";; external ghost_id_of_int : int -> ghost_id = "%identity";; external int_of_ghost_id : ghost_id -> int = "%identity";; let new_span_id = let i = ref 0 in fun () -> incr i; span_id_of_int !i;; let new_ghost_id = let i = ref 0 in fun () -> incr i; ghost_id_of_int !i;; (** creating the html table structure *) type align = LeftA | CenterA | RightA;; type table_data = TDstring of string | TDhr of align;; type html_table = (int * align * table_data) array array;; let html_table_struct indi_txt phony d t = let phony = function Elem e -> phony d.dag.(int_of_idag e) | Ghost _ -> false | Nothing -> true in let elem_txt = function Elem e -> indi_txt d.dag.(int_of_idag e) | Ghost _ -> "|" | Nothing -> " " in let bar_txt = function Elem _ | Ghost _ -> "|" | Nothing -> " " in let all_empty i = let rec loop j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then true else match t.table.(i).(j).elem with Nothing -> loop (j + 1) | e -> if phony e then loop (j + 1) else false in loop 0 in let line_elem_txt i = let les = let rec loop les j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then les else let x = t.table.(i).(j) in let next_j = let rec loop j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then j else if t.table.(i).(j) = x then loop (j + 1) else j in loop (j + 1) in let colspan = 3 * (next_j - j) in let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring " ") :: les in let les = let s = if t.table.(i).(j).elem = Nothing then " " else elem_txt t.table.(i).(j).elem in (colspan - 2, CenterA, TDstring s) :: les in let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring " ") :: les in loop les next_j in loop [] 0 in Array.of_list (List.rev les) in let vbars_txt k i = let les = let rec loop les j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then les else let x = t.table.(i).(j) in let next_j = let rec loop j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then j else if t.table.(i).(j) = x then loop (j + 1) else j in loop (j + 1) in let colspan = 3 * (next_j - j) in let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring " ") :: les in let les = let s = if k > 0 && t.table.(k - 1).(j).elem = Nothing || t.table.(k).(j).elem = Nothing then " " else if phony t.table.(i).(j).elem then " " else bar_txt t.table.(i).(j).elem in (colspan - 2, CenterA, TDstring s) :: les in let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring " ") :: les in loop les next_j in loop [] 0 in Array.of_list (List.rev les) in let alone_bar_txt i = let les = let rec loop les j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then les else let next_j = let x = t.table.(i).(j).span in let rec loop j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then j else if t.table.(i).(j).span = x then loop (j + 1) else j in loop (j + 1) in let colspan = 3 * (next_j - j) - 2 in let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring " ") :: les in let les = if t.table.(i).(j).elem = Nothing || t.table.(i + 1).(j).elem = Nothing then (colspan, LeftA, TDstring " ") :: les else let s = let all_ph = let rec loop j = if j = next_j then true else if phony t.table.(i + 1).(j).elem then loop (j + 1) else false in loop j in if all_ph then " " else "|" in (colspan, CenterA, TDstring s) :: les in let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring " ") :: les in loop les next_j in loop [] 0 in Array.of_list (List.rev les) in let exist_several_branches i k = let rec loop j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then false else let x = t.table.(i).(j).span in let e = t.table.(k).(j).elem in let rec loop1 j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then false else if t.table.(i).(j).elem = Nothing then loop j else if t.table.(i).(j).span <> x then loop j else if t.table.(k).(j).elem <> e then true else loop1 (j + 1) in loop1 (j + 1) in loop 0 in let hbars_txt i k = let les = let rec loop les j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then les else let next_j = let e = t.table.(i).(j).elem in let x = t.table.(i).(j).span in let rec loop j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then j else if e = Nothing && t.table.(i).(j).elem = Nothing then loop (j + 1) else if t.table.(i).(j).span = x then loop (j + 1) else j in loop (j + 1) in let rec loop1 les l = if l = next_j then loop les next_j else let next_l = let y = t.table.(k).(l) in match y.elem with Elem _ | Ghost _ -> let rec loop l = if l = Array.length t.table.(i) then l else if t.table.(k).(l) = y then loop (l + 1) else l in loop (l + 1) | _ -> l + 1 in if next_l > next_j then begin Printf.eprintf "assert false i %d k %d l %d next_l %d next_j %d\n" i k l next_l next_j; flush stderr end; let next_l = min next_l next_j in let colspan = 3 * (next_l - l) - 2 in let les = match t.table.(i).(l).elem, t.table.(i + 1).(l).elem with Nothing, _ | _, Nothing -> (colspan + 2, LeftA, TDstring " ") :: les | _ -> let ph s = if phony t.table.(k).(l).elem then TDstring " " else s in if l = j && next_l = next_j then let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring " ") :: les in let s = ph (TDstring "|") in let les = (colspan, CenterA, s) :: les in let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring " ") :: les in les else if l = j then let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring " ") :: les in let s = ph (TDhr RightA) in let les = (colspan, RightA, s) :: les in let s = ph (TDhr CenterA) in let les = (1, LeftA, s) :: les in les else if next_l = next_j then let s = ph (TDhr CenterA) in let les = (1, LeftA, s) :: les in let s = ph (TDhr LeftA) in let les = (colspan, LeftA, s) :: les in let les = (1, LeftA, TDstring " ") :: les in les else let s = ph (TDhr CenterA) in (colspan + 2, LeftA, s) :: les in loop1 les next_l in loop1 les j in loop [] 0 in Array.of_list (List.rev les) in let hts = let rec loop hts i = if i = Array.length t.table then hts else if i = Array.length t.table - 1 && all_empty i then hts else let hts = line_elem_txt i :: hts in let hts = if i < Array.length t.table - 1 then let hts = vbars_txt (i + 1) i :: hts in let hts = if exist_several_branches i i then alone_bar_txt i :: hbars_txt i i :: hts else hts in let hts = if exist_several_branches i (i + 1) && (i < Array.length t.table - 2 || not (all_empty (i + 1))) then vbars_txt (i + 1) (i + 1) :: hbars_txt i (i + 1) :: hts else hts in hts else hts in loop hts (i + 1) in loop [] 0 in Array.of_list (List.rev hts) ;; (** transforming dag into table *) let ancestors d = let rec loop i = if i = Array.length d.dag then [] else let n = d.dag.(i) in if n.pare = [] then idag_of_int i :: loop (i + 1) else loop (i + 1) in loop 0 ;; let get_children d parents = let rec merge_children children el = List.fold_right (fun (x, _) children -> match x with Elem e -> let e = d.dag.(int_of_idag e) in List.fold_right (fun c children -> if List.mem c children then children else c :: children) e.chil children | _ -> []) el children in merge_children [] parents ;; let rec get_block t i j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then None else if j = Array.length t.table.(i) - 1 then let x = t.table.(i).(j) in Some ([x.elem, 1], 1, x.span) else let x = t.table.(i).(j) in let y = t.table.(i).(j + 1) in if y.span = x.span then match get_block t i (j + 1) with Some ((x1, c1) :: list, mpc, span) -> let (list, mpc) = if x1 = x.elem then (x1, c1 + 1) :: list, max mpc (c1 + 1) else (x.elem, 1) :: (x1, c1) :: list, max mpc c1 in Some (list, mpc, span) | _ -> assert false else Some ([x.elem, 1], 1, x.span) ;; let group_by_common_children d list = let module O = struct type t = idag;; let compare = compare;; end in let module S = Set.Make (O) in let nlcsl = List.map (fun id -> let n = d.dag.(int_of_idag id) in let cs = List.fold_right S.add n.chil S.empty in [id], cs) list in let nlcsl = let rec loop = function [] -> [] | (nl, cs) :: rest -> let rec loop1 beg = function (nl1, cs1) :: rest1 -> if S.is_empty (S.inter cs cs1) then loop1 ((nl1, cs1) :: beg) rest1 else loop ((nl @ nl1, S.union cs cs1) :: (List.rev beg @ rest1)) | [] -> (nl, cs) :: loop rest in loop1 [] rest in loop nlcsl in List.fold_right (fun (nl, _) a -> let span = new_span_id () in List.fold_right (fun n a -> {elem = Elem n; span = span} :: a) nl a) nlcsl [] ;; let copy_data d = {elem = d.elem; span = d.span};; let insert_columns t nb j = let t1 = Array.create (Array.length t.table) [| |] in for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 1 do let line = t.table.(i) in let line1 = Array.create (Array.length line + nb) line.(0) in t1.(i) <- line1; let rec loop k = if k = Array.length line then () else begin if k < j then line1.(k) <- copy_data line.(k) else if k = j then for r = 0 to nb do line1.(k + r) <- copy_data line.(k) done else line1.(k + nb) <- copy_data line.(k); loop (k + 1) end in loop 0 done; {table = t1} ;; let rec gcd a b = if a < b then gcd b a else if b = 0 then a else gcd b (a mod b) ;; let treat_new_row d t = let i = Array.length t.table - 1 in let rec loop t i j = match get_block t i j with Some (parents, max_parent_colspan, span) -> let children = get_children d parents in let children = if children = [] then [{elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()}] else List.map (fun n -> {elem = Elem n; span = new_span_id ()}) children in let simple_parents_colspan = List.fold_left (fun x (_, c) -> x + c) 0 parents in if simple_parents_colspan mod List.length children = 0 then let j = j + simple_parents_colspan in let children = let cnt = simple_parents_colspan / List.length children in List.fold_right (fun d list -> let rec loop cnt list = if cnt = 1 then d :: list else copy_data d :: loop (cnt - 1) list in loop cnt list) children [] in let (t, children_rest) = loop t i j in t, children @ children_rest else let parent_colspan = List.fold_left (fun scm (_, c) -> let g = gcd scm c in scm / g * c) max_parent_colspan parents in let (t, parents, _) = List.fold_left (fun (t, parents, j) (x, c) -> let to_add = parent_colspan / c - 1 in let t = let rec loop cc t j = if cc = 0 then t else let t = insert_columns t to_add j in loop (cc - 1) t (j + to_add + 1) in loop c t j in t, (x, parent_colspan) :: parents, j + parent_colspan) (t, [], j) parents in let parents = List.rev parents in let parents_colspan = parent_colspan * List.length parents in let children_colspan = List.length children in let g = gcd parents_colspan children_colspan in let (t, j) = let cnt = children_colspan / g in List.fold_left (fun (t, j) (_, c) -> let rec loop cc t j = if cc = 0 then t, j else let t = insert_columns t (cnt - 1) j in let j = j + cnt in loop (cc - 1) t j in loop c t j) (t, j) parents in let children = let cnt = parents_colspan / g in List.fold_right (fun d list -> let rec loop cnt list = if cnt = 0 then list else d :: loop (cnt - 1) list in loop cnt list) children [] in let (t, children_rest) = loop t i j in t, children @ children_rest | None -> t, [] in loop t i 0 ;; let down_it t i k y = t.table.(Array.length t.table - 1).(k) <- t.table.(i).(k); for r = i to Array.length t.table - 2 do t.table.(r).(k) <- {elem = Ghost (new_ghost_id ()); span = new_span_id ()} done ;; (* equilibrate: in the last line, for all elem A, make fall all As, which are located at its right side above, to its line, A | i.e. transform all . into | A....... A......A *) let equilibrate t = let ilast = Array.length t.table - 1 in let last = t.table.(ilast) in let len = Array.length last in let rec loop j = if j = len then () else match last.(j).elem with Elem x -> let rec loop1 i = if i = ilast then loop (j + 1) else let rec loop2 k = if k = len then loop1 (i + 1) else match t.table.(i).(k).elem with Elem y when x = y -> down_it t i k y; loop 0 | _ -> loop2 (k + 1) in loop2 0 in loop1 0 | _ -> loop (j + 1) in loop 0 ;; (* group_elem: transform all x y into x x A A A A *) let group_elem t = for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 2 do for j = 1 to Array.length t.table.(0) - 1 do match t.table.(i + 1).(j - 1).elem, t.table.(i + 1).(j).elem with Elem x, Elem y when x = y -> t.table.(i).(j).span <- t.table.(i).(j - 1).span | _ -> () done done ;; (* group_ghost: x x x x |a |a |a |a transform all |a |b into |a |a and all x y into x x y z y y A A A A *) let group_ghost t = for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 2 do for j = 1 to Array.length t.table.(0) - 1 do begin match t.table.(i + 1).(j - 1).elem, t.table.(i + 1).(j).elem with Ghost x, Ghost _ -> if t.table.(i).(j - 1).span = t.table.(i).(j).span then t.table.(i + 1).(j) <- {elem = Ghost x; span = t.table.(i + 1).(j - 1).span} | _ -> () end; match t.table.(i).(j - 1).elem, t.table.(i).(j).elem with Ghost x, Ghost _ -> if t.table.(i + 1).(j - 1).elem = t.table.(i + 1).(j).elem then begin t.table.(i).(j) <- {elem = Ghost x; span = t.table.(i).(j - 1).span}; if i > 0 then t.table.(i - 1).(j).span <- t.table.(i - 1).(j - 1).span end | _ -> () done done ;; (* group_children: transform all A A into A A x y x x *) let group_children t = for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 1 do let line = t.table.(i) in let len = Array.length line in for j = 1 to len - 1 do if line.(j).elem = line.(j - 1).elem && line.(j).elem <> Nothing then line.(j).span <- line.(j - 1).span done done ;; (* group_span_by_common_children: in the last line, transform all A B into A B x y x x if A and B have common children *) let group_span_by_common_children d t = let module O = struct type t = idag;; let compare = compare;; end in let module S = Set.Make (O) in let i = Array.length t.table - 1 in let line = t.table.(i) in let rec loop j cs = if j = Array.length line then () else match line.(j).elem with Elem id -> let n = d.dag.(int_of_idag id) in let curr_cs = List.fold_right S.add n.chil S.empty in if S.is_empty (S.inter cs curr_cs) then loop (j + 1) curr_cs else begin line.(j).span <- line.(j - 1).span; loop (j + 1) (S.union cs curr_cs) end | _ -> loop (j + 1) S.empty in loop 0 S.empty ;; let find_same_parents t i j1 j2 j3 j4 = let rec loop i j1 j2 j3 j4 = if i = 0 then i, j1, j2, j3, j4 else let x1 = t.(i - 1).(j1) in let x2 = t.(i - 1).(j2) in let x3 = t.(i - 1).(j3) in let x4 = t.(i - 1).(j4) in if x1.span = x4.span then i, j1, j2, j3, j4 else let j1 = let rec loop j = if j < 0 then 0 else if t.(i - 1).(j).span = x1.span then loop (j - 1) else j + 1 in loop (j1 - 1) in let j2 = let rec loop j = if j >= Array.length t.(i) then j - 1 else if t.(i - 1).(j).span = x2.span then loop (j + 1) else j - 1 in loop (j2 + 1) in let j3 = let rec loop j = if j < 0 then 0 else if t.(i - 1).(j).span = x3.span then loop (j - 1) else j + 1 in loop (j3 - 1) in let j4 = let rec loop j = if j >= Array.length t.(i) then j - 1 else if t.(i - 1).(j).span = x4.span then loop (j + 1) else j - 1 in loop (j4 + 1) in loop (i - 1) j1 j2 j3 j4 in loop i j1 j2 j3 j4 ;; let find_linked_children t i j1 j2 j3 j4 = let rec loop i j1 j2 j3 j4 = if i = Array.length t - 1 then j1, j2, j3, j4 else let x1 = t.(i).(j1) in let x2 = t.(i).(j2) in let x3 = t.(i).(j3) in let x4 = t.(i).(j4) in let j1 = let rec loop j = if j < 0 then 0 else if t.(i).(j).span = x1.span then loop (j - 1) else j + 1 in loop (j1 - 1) in let j2 = let rec loop j = if j >= Array.length t.(i) then j - 1 else if t.(i).(j).span = x2.span then loop (j + 1) else j - 1 in loop (j2 + 1) in let j3 = let rec loop j = if j < 0 then 0 else if t.(i).(j).span = x3.span then loop (j - 1) else j + 1 in loop (j3 - 1) in let j4 = let rec loop j = if j >= Array.length t.(i) then j - 1 else if t.(i).(j).span = x4.span then loop (j + 1) else j - 1 in loop (j4 + 1) in loop (i + 1) j1 j2 j3 j4 in loop i j1 j2 j3 j4 ;; let mirror_block t i1 i2 j1 j2 = for i = i1 to i2 do let line = t.(i) in let rec loop j1 j2 = if j1 >= j2 then () else let v = line.(j1) in line.(j1) <- line.(j2); line.(j2) <- v; loop (j1 + 1) (j2 - 1) in loop j1 j2 done ;; let exch_blocks t i1 i2 j1 j2 j3 j4 = for i = i1 to i2 do let line = t.(i) in let saved = Array.copy line in for j = j1 to j2 do line.(j4 - j2 + j) <- saved.(j) done; for j = j3 to j4 do line.(j1 - j3 + j) <- saved.(j) done done ;; let find_block_with_parents t i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4 = let rec loop ii jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4 = let (nii, njj1, njj2, njj3, njj4) = find_same_parents t i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4 in if nii <> ii || njj1 <> jj1 || njj2 <> jj2 || njj3 <> jj3 || njj4 <> jj4 then let nii = min ii nii in let (jj1, jj2, jj3, jj4) = find_linked_children t nii njj1 njj2 njj3 njj4 in if njj1 <> jj1 || njj2 <> jj2 || njj3 <> jj3 || njj4 <> jj4 then loop nii jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4 else nii, jj1, jj2, jj3, jj4 else ii, jj1, jj2, jj3, jj4 in loop i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4 ;; let push_to_right d t i j1 j2 = let line = t.(i) in let rec loop j = if j = j2 then j - 1 else let ini_jj1 = match line.(j - 1).elem with Nothing -> j - 1 | x -> let rec same_value j = if j < 0 then 0 else if line.(j).elem = x then same_value (j - 1) else j + 1 in same_value (j - 2) in let jj1 = ini_jj1 in let jj2 = j - 1 in let jj3 = j in let jj4 = match line.(j).elem with Nothing -> j | x -> let rec same_value j = if j >= Array.length line then j - 1 else if line.(j).elem = x then same_value (j + 1) else j - 1 in same_value (j + 1) in let (ii, jj1, jj2, jj3, jj4) = find_block_with_parents t i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4 in if jj4 < j2 && jj2 < jj3 then begin exch_blocks t ii i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4; loop (jj4 + 1) end else if jj4 < j2 && jj1 = ini_jj1 && jj2 <= jj4 then begin mirror_block t ii i jj1 jj4; loop (jj4 + 1) end else j - 1 in loop (j1 + 1) ;; let push_to_left d t i j1 j2 = let line = t.(i) in let rec loop j = if j = j1 then j + 1 else let jj1 = match line.(j).elem with Nothing -> j | x -> let rec same_value j = if j < 0 then 0 else if line.(j).elem = x then same_value (j - 1) else j + 1 in same_value (j - 1) in let jj2 = j in let jj3 = j + 1 in let ini_jj4 = match line.(j + 1).elem with Nothing -> j + 1 | x -> let rec same_value j = if j >= Array.length line then j - 1 else if line.(j).elem = x then same_value (j + 1) else j - 1 in same_value (j + 2) in let jj4 = ini_jj4 in let (ii, jj1, jj2, jj3, jj4) = find_block_with_parents t i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4 in if jj1 > j1 && jj2 < jj3 then begin exch_blocks t ii i jj1 jj2 jj3 jj4; loop (jj1 - 1) end else if jj1 > j1 && jj4 = ini_jj4 && jj3 >= jj1 then begin mirror_block t ii i jj1 jj4; loop (jj1 - 1) end else j + 1 in loop (j2 - 1) ;; let fill_gap d t i j1 j2 = let t1 = let t1 = Array.copy t.table in for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 1 do t1.(i) <- Array.copy t.table.(i); for j = 0 to Array.length t1.(i) - 1 do t1.(i).(j) <- copy_data t.table.(i).(j) done done; t1 in let j2 = push_to_left d t1 i j1 j2 in let j1 = push_to_right d t1 i j1 j2 in if j1 = j2 - 1 then let line = t1.(i - 1) in let x = line.(j1).span in let y = line.(j2).span in let rec loop y j = if j >= Array.length line then () else if line.(j).span = y || t1.(i).(j).elem = t1.(i).(j - 1).elem then let y = line.(j).span in line.(j).span <- x; if i > 0 then t1.(i - 1).(j).span <- t1.(i - 1).(j - 1).span; loop y (j + 1) in loop y j2; Some ({table = t1}, true) else None ;; let treat_gaps d t = let i = Array.length t.table - 1 in let rec loop t j = let line = t.table.(i) in if j = Array.length line then t else match line.(j).elem with Elem _ as y -> if y = line.(j - 1).elem then loop t (j + 1) else let rec loop1 t j1 = if j1 < 0 then loop t (j + 1) else if y = line.(j1).elem then match fill_gap d t i j1 j with Some (t, ok) -> if ok then loop t 2 else loop t (j + 1) | None -> loop t (j + 1) else loop1 t (j1 - 1) in loop1 t (j - 2) | _ -> loop t (j + 1) in if Array.length t.table.(i) = 1 then t else loop t 2 ;; let group_span_last_row t = let row = t.table.(Array.length t.table - 1) in let rec loop i = if i >= Array.length row then () else begin begin match row.(i).elem with Elem _ | Ghost _ as x -> if x = row.(i - 1).elem then row.(i).span <- row.(i - 1).span | _ -> () end; loop (i + 1) end in loop 1 ;; let has_phony_children phony d t = let line = t.table.(Array.length t.table - 1) in let rec loop j = if j = Array.length line then false else match line.(j).elem with Elem x -> if phony d.dag.(int_of_idag x) then true else loop (j + 1) | _ -> loop (j + 1) in loop 0 ;; let tablify phony no_optim no_group d = let a = ancestors d in let r = group_by_common_children d a in let t = {table = [| Array.of_list r |]} in let rec loop t = let (t, new_row) = treat_new_row d t in if List.for_all (fun x -> x.elem = Nothing) new_row then t else let t = {table = Array.append t.table [| Array.of_list new_row |]} in let t = if no_group && not (has_phony_children phony d t) then t else let _ = if no_optim then () else equilibrate t in let _ = group_elem t in let _ = group_ghost t in let _ = group_children t in let _ = group_span_by_common_children d t in let t = if no_optim then t else treat_gaps d t in let _ = group_span_last_row t in t in loop t in loop t ;; let fall d t = for i = 1 to Array.length t.table - 1 do let line = t.table.(i) in let rec loop j = if j = Array.length line then () else match line.(j).elem with Ghost x -> let j2 = let rec loop j = if j = Array.length line then j - 1 else match line.(j).elem with Ghost y when y = x -> loop (j + 1) | _ -> j - 1 in loop (j + 1) in let i1 = let rec loop i = if i < 0 then i + 1 else let line = t.table.(i) in if (j = 0 || line.(j - 1).span <> line.(j).span) && (j2 = Array.length line - 1 || line.(j2 + 1).span <> line.(j2).span) then loop (i - 1) else i + 1 in loop (i - 1) in let i1 = if i1 = i then i1 else if i1 = 0 then i1 else if t.table.(i1).(j).elem = Nothing then i1 else i in if i1 < i then begin for k = i downto i1 + 1 do for j = j to j2 do t.table.(k).(j).elem <- t.table.(k - 1).(j).elem; if k < i then t.table.(k).(j).span <- t.table.(k - 1).(j).span done done; for l = j to j2 do if i1 = 0 || t.table.(i1 - 1).(l).elem = Nothing then t.table.(i1).(l).elem <- Nothing else t.table.(i1).(l) <- if l = j || t.table.(i1 - 1).(l - 1).span <> t.table.(i1 - 1).(l).span then {elem = Ghost (new_ghost_id ()); span = new_span_id ()} else copy_data t.table.(i1).(l - 1) done end; loop (j2 + 1) | _ -> loop (j + 1) in loop 0 done ;; let fall2_cool_right t i1 i2 i3 j1 j2 = let span = t.table.(i2 - 1).(j1).span in for i = i2 - 1 downto 0 do for j = j1 to j2 - 1 do t.table.(i).(j) <- if i - i2 + i1 >= 0 then t.table.(i - i2 + i1).(j) else {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()} done done; for i = Array.length t.table - 1 downto 0 do for j = j2 to Array.length t.table.(i) - 1 do t.table.(i).(j) <- if i - i2 + i1 >= 0 then t.table.(i - i2 + i1).(j) else {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()} done done; let old_span = t.table.(i2 - 1).(j1).span in let rec loop j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i2 - 1) then () else if t.table.(i2 - 1).(j).span = old_span then begin t.table.(i2 - 1).(j).span <- span; loop (j + 1) end in loop j1 ;; let fall2_cool_left t i1 i2 i3 j1 j2 = let span = t.table.(i2 - 1).(j2).span in for i = i2 - 1 downto 0 do for j = j1 + 1 to j2 do t.table.(i).(j) <- if i - i2 + i1 >= 0 then t.table.(i - i2 + i1).(j) else {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()} done done; for i = Array.length t.table - 1 downto 0 do for j = j1 downto 0 do t.table.(i).(j) <- if i - i2 + i1 >= 0 then t.table.(i - i2 + i1).(j) else {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()} done done; let old_span = t.table.(i2 - 1).(j2).span in let rec loop j = if j < 0 then () else if t.table.(i2 - 1).(j).span = old_span then begin t.table.(i2 - 1).(j).span <- span; loop (j - 1) end in loop j2 ;; let do_fall2_right t i1 i2 j1 j2 = let i3 = let rec loop_i i = if i < 0 then 0 else let rec loop_j j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then loop_i (i - 1) else match t.table.(i).(j).elem with Nothing -> loop_j (j + 1) | _ -> i + 1 in loop_j j2 in loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) in let new_height = i3 + i2 - i1 in let t = if new_height > Array.length t.table then let rec loop cnt t = if cnt = 0 then t else let new_line = Array.init (Array.length t.table.(0)) (fun i -> {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()}) in let t = {table = Array.append t.table [| new_line |]} in loop (cnt - 1) t in loop (new_height - Array.length t.table) t else t in fall2_cool_right t i1 i2 i3 j1 j2; t ;; let do_fall2_left t i1 i2 j1 j2 = let i3 = let rec loop_i i = if i < 0 then 0 else let rec loop_j j = if j < 0 then loop_i (i - 1) else match t.table.(i).(j).elem with Nothing -> loop_j (j - 1) | _ -> i + 1 in loop_j j1 in loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) in let new_height = i3 + i2 - i1 in let t = if new_height > Array.length t.table then let rec loop cnt t = if cnt = 0 then t else let new_line = Array.init (Array.length t.table.(0)) (fun i -> {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()}) in let t = {table = Array.append t.table [| new_line |]} in loop (cnt - 1) t in loop (new_height - Array.length t.table) t else t in fall2_cool_left t i1 i2 i3 j1 j2; t ;; let do_shorten_too_long t i1 j1 j2 = for i = i1 to Array.length t.table - 2 do for j = j1 to j2 - 1 do t.table.(i).(j) <- t.table.(i + 1).(j) done done; let i = Array.length t.table - 1 in for j = j1 to j2 - 1 do t.table.(i).(j) <- {elem = Nothing; span = new_span_id ()} done; t ;; let try_fall2_right t i j = match t.table.(i).(j).elem with Ghost _ -> let i1 = let rec loop i = if i < 0 then 0 else match t.table.(i).(j).elem with Ghost _ -> loop (i - 1) | _ -> i + 1 in loop (i - 1) in let separated1 = let rec loop i = if i < 0 then true else if j > 0 && t.table.(i).(j - 1).span = t.table.(i).(j).span then false else loop (i - 1) in loop (i1 - 1) in let j2 = let x = t.table.(i).(j).span in let rec loop j2 = if j2 = Array.length t.table.(i) then j2 else match t.table.(i).(j2) with {elem = Ghost _; span = y} when y = x -> loop (j2 + 1) | _ -> j2 in loop (j + 1) in let separated2 = let rec loop i = if i = Array.length t.table then true else if j2 = Array.length t.table.(i) then false else if t.table.(i).(j2 - 1).span = t.table.(i).(j2).span then false else loop (i + 1) in loop (i + 1) in if not separated1 || not separated2 then None else Some (do_fall2_right t i1 (i + 1) j j2) | _ -> None ;; let try_fall2_left t i j = match t.table.(i).(j).elem with Ghost _ -> let i1 = let rec loop i = if i < 0 then 0 else match t.table.(i).(j).elem with Ghost _ -> loop (i - 1) | _ -> i + 1 in loop (i - 1) in let separated1 = let rec loop i = if i < 0 then true else if j < Array.length t.table.(i) - 1 && t.table.(i).(j).span = t.table.(i).(j + 1).span then false else loop (i - 1) in loop (i1 - 1) in let j1 = let x = t.table.(i).(j).span in let rec loop j1 = if j1 < 0 then j1 else match t.table.(i).(j1) with {elem = Ghost _; span = y} when y = x -> loop (j1 - 1) | _ -> j1 in loop (j - 1) in let separated2 = let rec loop i = if i = Array.length t.table then true else if j1 < 0 then false else if t.table.(i).(j1).span = t.table.(i).(j1 + 1).span then false else loop (i + 1) in loop (i + 1) in if not separated1 || not separated2 then None else Some (do_fall2_left t i1 (i + 1) j1 j) | _ -> None ;; let try_shorten_too_long t i j = match t.table.(i).(j).elem with Ghost _ -> let j2 = let x = t.table.(i).(j).span in let rec loop j2 = if j2 = Array.length t.table.(i) then j2 else match t.table.(i).(j2) with {elem = Ghost _; span = y} when y = x -> loop (j2 + 1) | _ -> j2 in loop (j + 1) in let i1 = let rec loop i = if i = Array.length t.table then i else match t.table.(i).(j).elem with Elem _ -> loop (i + 1) | _ -> i in loop (i + 1) in let i2 = let rec loop i = if i = Array.length t.table then i else match t.table.(i).(j).elem with Nothing -> loop (i + 1) | _ -> i in loop i1 in let separated_left = let rec loop i = if i = i2 then true else if j > 0 && t.table.(i).(j).span = t.table.(i).(j - 1).span then false else loop (i + 1) in loop i in let separated_right = let rec loop i = if i = i2 then true else if j2 < Array.length t.table.(i) && t.table.(i).(j2 - 1).span = t.table.(i).(j2).span then false else loop (i + 1) in loop i in if not separated_left || not separated_right then None else if i2 < Array.length t.table then None else Some (do_shorten_too_long t i j j2) | _ -> None ;; let fall2_right t = let rec loop_i i t = if i <= 0 then t else let rec loop_j j t = if j < 0 then loop_i (i - 1) t else match try_fall2_right t i j with Some t -> loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) t | None -> loop_j (j - 1) t in loop_j (Array.length t.table.(i) - 2) t in loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) t ;; let fall2_left t = let rec loop_i i t = if i <= 0 then t else let rec loop_j j t = if j >= Array.length t.table.(i) then loop_i (i - 1) t else match try_fall2_left t i j with Some t -> loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) t | None -> loop_j (j + 1) t in loop_j 1 t in loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) t ;; let shorten_too_long t = let rec loop_i i t = if i <= 0 then t else let rec loop_j j t = if j >= Array.length t.table.(i) then loop_i (i - 1) t else match try_shorten_too_long t i j with Some t -> loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) t | None -> loop_j (j + 1) t in loop_j 1 t in loop_i (Array.length t.table - 1) t ;; (* top_adjust: deletes all empty rows that might have appeared on top of the table after the falls *) let top_adjust t = let di = let rec loop i = if i = Array.length t.table then i else let rec loop_j j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then loop (i + 1) else if t.table.(i).(j).elem <> Nothing then i else loop_j (j + 1) in loop_j 0 in loop 0 in if di > 0 then begin for i = 0 to Array.length t.table - 1 - di do t.table.(i) <- t.table.(i + di) done; {table = Array.sub t.table 0 (Array.length t.table - di)} end else t ;; (* bottom_adjust: deletes all empty rows that might have appeared on bottom of the table after the falls *) let bottom_adjust t = let last_i = let rec loop i = if i < 0 then i else let rec loop_j j = if j = Array.length t.table.(i) then loop (i - 1) else if t.table.(i).(j).elem <> Nothing then i else loop_j (j + 1) in loop_j 0 in loop (Array.length t.table - 1) in if last_i < Array.length t.table - 1 then {table = Array.sub t.table 0 (last_i + 1)} else t ;; (* invert *) let invert_dag d = let d = {dag = Array.copy d.dag} in for i = 0 to Array.length d.dag - 1 do let n = d.dag.(i) in d.dag.(i) <- {pare = List.map (fun x -> x) n.chil; valu = n.valu; chil = List.map (fun x -> x) n.pare} done; d ;; let invert_table t = let t' = {table = Array.copy t.table} in let len = Array.length t.table in for i = 0 to len - 1 do t'.table.(i) <- Array.init (Array.length t.table.(0)) (fun j -> let d = t.table.(len - 1 - i).(j) in {elem = d.elem; span = d.span}); if i < len - 1 then for j = 0 to Array.length t'.table.(i) - 1 do t'.table.(i).(j).span <- t.table.(len - 2 - i).(j).span done done; t' ;; (* main *) let table_of_dag phony no_optim invert no_group d = let d = if invert then invert_dag d else d in let t = tablify phony no_optim no_group d in let t = if invert then invert_table t else t in let _ = fall () t in let t = fall2_right t in let t = fall2_left t in let t = shorten_too_long t in let t = top_adjust t in let t = bottom_adjust t in t ;; let version = "1.01";; (* input dag *) let strip_spaces str = let start = let rec loop i = if i == String.length str then i else match str.[i] with ' ' | '\013' | '\n' | '\t' -> loop (i + 1) | _ -> i in loop 0 in let stop = let rec loop i = if i == -1 then i + 1 else match str.[i] with ' ' | '\013' | '\n' | '\t' -> loop (i - 1) | _ -> i + 1 in loop (String.length str - 1) in if start == 0 && stop == String.length str then str else if start > stop then "" else String.sub str start (stop - start) ;; let rec get_line ic = try let line = input_line ic in if String.length line > 0 && line.[0] = '#' then get_line ic else Some (strip_spaces line) with End_of_file -> None ;; let input_dag ic = let rec find cnt s = function n :: nl -> if n.valu = s then n, idag_of_int cnt else find (cnt - 1) s nl | [] -> raise Not_found in let add_node pl cl nl cnt = let cl = List.rev cl in let pl = List.rev pl in let (pl, pnl, nl, cnt) = List.fold_left (fun (pl, pnl, nl, cnt) p -> try let (n, p) = find (cnt - 1) p nl in p :: pl, n :: pnl, nl, cnt with Not_found -> let n = {pare = []; valu = p; chil = []} in let p = idag_of_int cnt in p :: pl, n :: pnl, n :: nl, cnt + 1) ([], [], nl, cnt) pl in let pl = List.rev pl in let (cl, nl, cnt) = List.fold_left (fun (cl, nl, cnt) c -> try let (n, c) = find (cnt - 1) c nl in n.pare <- n.pare @ pl; c :: cl, nl, cnt with Not_found -> let n = {pare = pl; valu = c; chil = []} in let c = idag_of_int cnt in c :: cl, n :: nl, cnt + 1) ([], nl, cnt) cl in let cl = List.rev cl in List.iter (fun p -> p.chil <- p.chil @ cl) pnl; nl, cnt in let rec input_parents nl pl cnt = function Some "" -> input_parents nl pl cnt (get_line ic) | Some line -> begin match line.[0] with 'o' -> let p = strip_spaces (String.sub line 1 (String.length line - 1)) in if p = "" then failwith line else input_parents nl (p :: pl) cnt (get_line ic) | '-' -> if pl = [] then failwith line else input_children nl pl [] cnt (Some line) | _ -> failwith line end | None -> if pl = [] then nl, cnt else failwith "end of file 1" and input_children nl pl cl cnt = function Some "" -> input_children nl pl cl cnt (get_line ic) | Some line -> begin match line.[0] with 'o' -> if cl = [] then failwith line else let (nl, cnt) = add_node pl cl nl cnt in input_parents nl [] cnt (Some line) | '-' -> let c = strip_spaces (String.sub line 1 (String.length line - 1)) in if c = "" then failwith line else input_children nl pl (c :: cl) cnt (get_line ic) | _ -> failwith line end | None -> if cl = [] then failwith "end of file 2" else add_node pl cl nl cnt in let (nl, _) = input_parents [] [] 0 (get_line ic) in {dag = Array.of_list (List.rev nl)} ;; (* testing *) let map_dag f d = let a = Array.map (fun d -> {pare = d.pare; valu = f d.valu; chil = d.chil}) d.dag in {dag = a} ;; let tag_dag d = let c = ref 'A' in map_dag (fun v -> let v = !c in c := if !c = 'Z' then 'a' else if !c = 'z' then '1' else Char.chr (Char.code !c + 1); String.make 1 v) d ;; (* *) let phony _ = false;; let indi_txt n = n.valu;; let string_table border hts = let buf = Buffer.create 30 in Printf.bprintf buf "
\n"; for i = 0 to Array.length hts - 1 do Printf.bprintf buf "\n"; for j = 0 to Array.length hts.(i) - 1 do let (colspan, align, td) = hts.(i).(j) in Printf.bprintf buf " Printf.bprintf buf " align=left" | LeftA, _ -> () | CenterA, _ -> Printf.bprintf buf " align=center" | RightA, _ -> Printf.bprintf buf " align=right" end; Printf.bprintf buf ">"; begin match td with TDstring s -> Printf.bprintf buf "%s" s | TDhr align -> Printf.bprintf buf "
Printf.bprintf buf " width=\"50%%\" align=left" | RightA -> Printf.bprintf buf " width=\"50%%\" align=right" | _ -> () end; Printf.bprintf buf ">"; () end; Printf.bprintf buf "\n"; () done done; Printf.bprintf buf "
\n"; Buffer.contents buf ;; let fname = ref "";; let invert = ref false;; let char = ref false;; let border = ref 0;; let no_optim = ref false;; let no_group = ref false;; let html_of_dag d = let t = table_of_dag phony !no_optim !invert !no_group d in let hts = html_table_struct indi_txt phony d t in string_table !border hts ;; (********************************* Max's code **********************************) (** This function takes a list of classes and a list of class types and create the associate dag. *) let create_class_dag cl_list clt_list = let module M = Odoc_info.Class in (* the list of all the classes concerned *) let cl_list2 = List.map (fun c -> (c.M.cl_name, Some (M.Cl c))) cl_list in let clt_list2 = List.map (fun ct -> (ct.M.clt_name, Some (M.Cltype (ct, [])))) clt_list in let list = cl_list2 @ clt_list2 in let all_classes = let rec iter list2 = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun (name, cct_opt) -> let l = match cct_opt with None -> [] | Some (M.Cl c) -> iter (List.map (fun inh ->(inh.M.ic_name, inh.M.ic_class)) (match c.M.cl_kind with M.Class_structure (inher_l, _) -> inher_l | _ -> [] ) ) | Some (M.Cltype (ct, _)) -> iter (List.map (fun inh ->(inh.M.ic_name, inh.M.ic_class)) (match ct.M.clt_kind with M.Class_signature (inher_l, _) -> inher_l | _ -> [] ) ) in (name, cct_opt) :: (acc @ l) ) [] list2 in iter list in let rec distinct acc = function [] -> acc | (name, cct_opt) :: q -> if List.exists (fun (name2, _) -> name = name2) acc then distinct acc q else distinct ((name, cct_opt) :: acc) q in let distinct_classes = distinct [] all_classes in let liste_index = let rec f n = function [] -> [] | (name, _) :: q -> (name, n) :: (f (n+1) q) in f 0 distinct_classes in let array1 = Array.of_list distinct_classes in (* create the dag array, filling parents and values *) let fmap (name, cct_opt) = { pare = List.map (fun inh -> List.assoc inh.M.ic_name liste_index ) (match cct_opt with None -> [] | Some (M.Cl c) -> (match c.M.cl_kind with M.Class_structure (inher_l, _) -> inher_l | _ -> [] ) | Some (M.Cltype (ct, _)) -> (match ct.M.clt_kind with M.Class_signature (inher_l, _) -> inher_l | _ -> [] ) ); valu = (name, cct_opt) ; chil = [] } in let dag = { dag = Array.map fmap array1 } in (* fill the children *) let fiter i node = let l = Array.to_list dag.dag in let l2 = List.map (fun n -> n.valu) (List.filter (fun n -> List.mem i n.pare) l) in node.chil <- List.map (fun (name,_) -> List.assoc name liste_index) l2 in Array.iteri fiter dag.dag; dag