(***********************************************************************) (* OCamldoc *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (** Generation of html documentation. *) let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline () open Odoc_info open Parameter open Value open Type open Exception open Class open Module (** The functions used for naming files and html marks.*) module Naming = struct (** The prefix for types marks. *) let mark_type = "TYPE" (** The prefix for functions marks. *) let mark_function = "FUN" (** The prefix for exceptions marks. *) let mark_exception = "EXCEPTION" (** The prefix for values marks. *) let mark_value = "VAL" (** The prefix for attributes marks. *) let mark_attribute = "ATT" (** The prefix for methods marks. *) let mark_method = "METHOD" (** The prefix for code files.. *) let code_prefix = "code_" (** The prefix for type files.. *) let type_prefix = "type_" (** Return the two html files names for the given module or class name.*) let html_files name = let html_file = name^".html" in let html_frame_file = name^"-frame.html" in (html_file, html_frame_file) (** Return the target for the given prefix and simple name. *) let target pref simple_name = pref^simple_name (** Return the complete link target (file#target) for the given prefix string and complete name.*) let complete_target pref complete_name = let simple_name = Name.simple complete_name in let module_name = let s = Name.father complete_name in if s = "" then simple_name else s in let (html_file, _) = html_files module_name in html_file^"#"^(target pref simple_name) (** Return the link target for the given type. *) let type_target t = target mark_type (Name.simple t.ty_name) (** Return the complete link target for the given type. *) let complete_type_target t = complete_target mark_type t.ty_name (** Return the link target for the given exception. *) let exception_target e = target mark_exception (Name.simple e.ex_name) (** Return the complete link target for the given exception. *) let complete_exception_target e = complete_target mark_exception e.ex_name (** Return the link target for the given value. *) let value_target v = target mark_value (Name.simple v.val_name) (** Return the given value name where symbols accepted in infix values are replaced by strings, to avoid clashes with the filesystem.*) let subst_infix_symbols name = let len = String.length name in let buf = Buffer.create len in let ch c = Buffer.add_char buf c in let st s = Buffer.add_string buf s in for i = 0 to len - 1 do match name.[i] with | '|' -> st "_pipe_" | '<' -> st "_lt_" | '>' -> st "_gt_" | '@' -> st "_at_" | '^' -> st "_exp_" | '&' -> st "_amp_" | '+' -> st "_plus_" | '-' -> st "_minus_" | '*' -> st "_star_" | '/' -> st "_slash_" | '$' -> st "_dollar_" | '%' -> st "_percent_" | '=' -> st "_equal_" | ':' -> st "_column_" | '~' -> st "_tilde_" | '!' -> st "_bang_" | c -> ch c done; Buffer.contents buf (** Return the complete link target for the given value. *) let complete_value_target v = complete_target mark_value v.val_name (** Return the complete filename for the code of the given value. *) let file_code_value_complete_target v = let f = code_prefix^mark_value^(subst_infix_symbols v.val_name)^".html" in f (** Return the link target for the given attribute. *) let attribute_target a = target mark_attribute (Name.simple a.att_value.val_name) (** Return the complete link target for the given attribute. *) let complete_attribute_target a = complete_target mark_attribute a.att_value.val_name (** Return the complete filename for the code of the given attribute. *) let file_code_attribute_complete_target a = let f = code_prefix^mark_attribute^a.att_value.val_name^".html" in f (** Return the link target for the given method. *) let method_target m = target mark_method (Name.simple m.met_value.val_name) (** Return the complete link target for the given method. *) let complete_method_target m = complete_target mark_method m.met_value.val_name (** Return the complete filename for the code of the given method. *) let file_code_method_complete_target m = let f = code_prefix^mark_method^m.met_value.val_name^".html" in f (** Return the link target for the given label section. *) let label_target l = target "" l (** Return the complete link target for the given section label. *) let complete_label_target l = complete_target "" l (** Return the complete filename for the code of the type of the given module or module type name. *) let file_type_module_complete_target name = let f = type_prefix^name^".html" in f (** Return the complete filename for the code of the given module name. *) let file_code_module_complete_target name = let f = code_prefix^name^".html" in f (** Return the complete filename for the code of the type of the given class or class type name. *) let file_type_class_complete_target name = let f = type_prefix^name^".html" in f end module StringSet = Set.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end) (** A class with a method to colorize a string which represents OCaml code. *) class ocaml_code = object(self) method html_of_code b ?(with_pre=true) code = Odoc_ocamlhtml.html_of_code b ~with_pre: with_pre code end let new_buf () = Buffer.create 1024 let bp = Printf.bprintf let bs = Buffer.add_string (** Generation of html code from text structures. *) class text = object (self) (** We want to display colorized code. *) inherit ocaml_code (** Escape the strings which would clash with html syntax, and make some replacements (double newlines replaced by
). *) method escape s = Odoc_ocamlhtml.escape_base s method keep_alpha_num s = let len = String.length s in let buf = Buffer.create len in for i = 0 to len - 1 do match s.[i] with 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' -> Buffer.add_char buf s.[i] | _ -> () done; Buffer.contents buf (** Return a label created from the first sentence of a text. *) method label_of_text t= let t2 = Odoc_info.first_sentence_of_text t in let s = Odoc_info.string_of_text t2 in let s2 = self#keep_alpha_num s in s2 (** Create a label for the associated title. Return the label specified by the user or a label created from the title level and the first sentence of the title. *) method create_title_label (n,label_opt,t) = match label_opt with Some s -> s | None -> Printf.sprintf "%d_%s" n (self#label_of_text t) (** Print the html code corresponding to the [text] parameter. *) method html_of_text b t = List.iter (self#html_of_text_element b) t (** Print the html code for the [text_element] in parameter. *) method html_of_text_element b te = print_DEBUG "text::html_of_text_element"; match te with | Odoc_info.Raw s -> self#html_of_Raw b s | Odoc_info.Code s -> self#html_of_Code b s | Odoc_info.CodePre s -> self#html_of_CodePre b s | Odoc_info.Verbatim s -> self#html_of_Verbatim b s | Odoc_info.Bold t -> self#html_of_Bold b t | Odoc_info.Italic t -> self#html_of_Italic b t | Odoc_info.Emphasize t -> self#html_of_Emphasize b t | Odoc_info.Center t -> self#html_of_Center b t | Odoc_info.Left t -> self#html_of_Left b t | Odoc_info.Right t -> self#html_of_Right b t | Odoc_info.List tl -> self#html_of_List b tl | Odoc_info.Enum tl -> self#html_of_Enum b tl | Odoc_info.Newline -> self#html_of_Newline b | Odoc_info.Block t -> self#html_of_Block b t | Odoc_info.Title (n, l_opt, t) -> self#html_of_Title b n l_opt t | Odoc_info.Latex s -> self#html_of_Latex b s | Odoc_info.Link (s, t) -> self#html_of_Link b s t | Odoc_info.Ref (name, ref_opt) -> self#html_of_Ref b name ref_opt | Odoc_info.Superscript t -> self#html_of_Superscript b t | Odoc_info.Subscript t -> self#html_of_Subscript b t method html_of_Raw b s = bs b (self#escape s) method html_of_Code b s = if !Args.colorize_code then self#html_of_code b ~with_pre: false s else ( bs b ""; bs b (self#escape s); bs b "" ) method html_of_CodePre b s = if !Args.colorize_code then ( bs b "
	 self#html_of_code b s;
	 bs b "
	 bs b "
" ;
	 bs b (self#escape s);
	 bs b "
" ) method html_of_Verbatim b s = bs b "
      bs b (self#escape s);
      bs b "
" method html_of_Bold b t = bs b ""; self#html_of_text b t; bs b "" method html_of_Italic b t = bs b "" ; self#html_of_text b t; bs b "" method html_of_Emphasize b t = bs b "" ; self#html_of_text b t ; bs b "" method html_of_Center b t = bs b "
"; self#html_of_text b t; bs b "
" method html_of_Left b t = bs b "
"; self#html_of_text b t; bs b "
" method html_of_Right b t = bs b "
"; self#html_of_text b t; bs b "
" method html_of_List b tl = bs b "\n" method html_of_Enum b tl = bs b "
    \n"; List.iter (fun t -> bs b "
  1. "; self#html_of_text b t; bs b"
  2. \n") tl; bs b "
\n" method html_of_Newline b = bs b "\n

\n" method html_of_Block b t = bs b "

\n"; self#html_of_text b t; bs b "
\n" method html_of_Title b n label_opt t = let label1 = self#create_title_label (n, label_opt, t) in bs b "\n"; let (tag_o, tag_c) = if n > 6 then (Printf.sprintf "div class=\"h%d\"" n, "div") else let t = Printf.sprintf "h%d" n in (t, t) in bs b "<"; bs b tag_o; bs b ">"; self#html_of_text b t; bs b "" method html_of_Latex b _ = () (* don't care about LaTeX stuff in HTML. *) method html_of_Link b s t = bs b ""; self#html_of_text b t; bs b "" method html_of_Ref b name ref_opt = match ref_opt with None -> self#html_of_text_element b (Odoc_info.Code name) | Some kind -> let h name = Odoc_info.Code (Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules name) in let (target, text) = match kind with Odoc_info.RK_module | Odoc_info.RK_module_type | Odoc_info.RK_class | Odoc_info.RK_class_type -> let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files name in (html_file, h name) | Odoc_info.RK_value -> (Naming.complete_target Naming.mark_value name, h name) | Odoc_info.RK_type -> (Naming.complete_target Naming.mark_type name, h name) | Odoc_info.RK_exception -> (Naming.complete_target Naming.mark_exception name, h name) | Odoc_info.RK_attribute -> (Naming.complete_target Naming.mark_attribute name, h name) | Odoc_info.RK_method -> (Naming.complete_target Naming.mark_method name, h name) | Odoc_info.RK_section t -> (Naming.complete_label_target name, Odoc_info.Italic [Raw (Odoc_info.string_of_text t)]) in bs b (""); self#html_of_text_element b text; bs b "" method html_of_Superscript b t = bs b ""; self#html_of_text b t; bs b "" method html_of_Subscript b t = bs b ""; self#html_of_text b t; bs b "" end (** A class used to generate html code for info structures. *) class virtual info = object (self) (** The list of pairs [(tag, f)] where [f] is a function taking the [text] associated to [tag] and returning html code. Add a pair here to handle a tag.*) val mutable tag_functions = ([] : (string * (Odoc_info.text -> string)) list) (** The method used to get html code from a [text]. *) method virtual html_of_text : Buffer.t -> Odoc_info.text -> unit (** Print html for an author list. *) method html_of_author_list b l = match l with [] -> () | _ -> bp b "%s: %s
\n" Odoc_messages.authors (String.concat ", " l) (** Print html code for the given optional version information.*) method html_of_version_opt b v_opt = match v_opt with None -> () | Some v -> bp b "%s: %s
\n" Odoc_messages.version v (** Print html code for the given optional since information.*) method html_of_since_opt b s_opt = match s_opt with None -> () | Some s -> bp b "%s %s
\n" Odoc_messages.since s (** Print html code for the given list of raised exceptions.*) method html_of_raised_exceptions b l = match l with [] -> () | (s, t) :: [] -> bp b "%s %s " Odoc_messages.raises s; self#html_of_text b t; bs b "
\n" | _ -> bp b "%s\n" (** Print html code for the given "see also" reference. *) method html_of_see b (see_ref, t) = let t_ref = match see_ref with Odoc_info.See_url s -> [ Odoc_info.Link (s, t) ] | Odoc_info.See_file s -> (Odoc_info.Code s) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t | Odoc_info.See_doc s -> (Odoc_info.Italic [Odoc_info.Raw s]) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t in self#html_of_text b t_ref (** Print html code for the given list of "see also" references.*) method html_of_sees b l = match l with [] -> () | see :: [] -> bp b "%s " Odoc_messages.see_also; self#html_of_see b see; bs b "
\n" | _ -> bp b "%s\n" (** Print html code for the given optional return information.*) method html_of_return_opt b return_opt = match return_opt with None -> () | Some s -> bp b "%s " Odoc_messages.returns; self#html_of_text b s; bs b "
\n" (** Print html code for the given list of custom tagged texts. *) method html_of_custom b l = List.iter (fun (tag, text) -> try let f = List.assoc tag tag_functions in Buffer.add_string b (f text) with Not_found -> Odoc_info.warning (Odoc_messages.tag_not_handled tag) ) l (** Print html code for a description, except for the [i_params] field. *) method html_of_info b info_opt = match info_opt with None -> () | Some info -> let module M = Odoc_info in bs b "
\n"; ( match info.M.i_deprecated with None -> () | Some d -> bs b ""; bs b Odoc_messages.deprecated ; bs b "" ; self#html_of_text b d; bs b "
\n" ); ( match info.M.i_desc with None -> () | Some d when d = [Odoc_info.Raw ""] -> () | Some d -> self#html_of_text b d; bs b "
\n" ); self#html_of_author_list b info.M.i_authors; self#html_of_version_opt b info.M.i_version; self#html_of_since_opt b info.M.i_since; self#html_of_raised_exceptions b info.M.i_raised_exceptions; self#html_of_return_opt b info.M.i_return_value; self#html_of_sees b info.M.i_sees; self#html_of_custom b info.M.i_custom; bs b "
\n" (** Print html code for the first sentence of a description. The titles and lists in this first sentence has been removed.*) method html_of_info_first_sentence b info_opt = match info_opt with None -> () | Some info -> let module M = Odoc_info in let dep = info.M.i_deprecated <> None in bs b "
\n"; if dep then bs b ""; ( match info.M.i_desc with None -> () | Some d when d = [Odoc_info.Raw ""] -> () | Some d -> self#html_of_text b (Odoc_info.text_no_title_no_list (Odoc_info.first_sentence_of_text d)); bs b "\n" ); if dep then bs b ""; bs b "
\n" end let opt = Odoc_info.apply_opt let print_concat b sep f = let rec iter = function [] -> () | [c] -> f c | c :: q -> f c; bs b sep; iter q in iter let newline_to_indented_br s = let len = String.length s in let b = Buffer.create len in for i = 0 to len - 1 do match s.[i] with '\n' -> Buffer.add_string b "
" | c -> Buffer.add_char b c done; Buffer.contents b let remove_last_newline s = let len = String.length s in if len <= 0 then s else match s.[len-1] with '\n' -> String.sub s 0 (len-1) | _ -> s (** This class is used to create objects which can generate a simple html documentation. *) class html = object (self) inherit text inherit info (** The default style options. *) val mutable default_style_options = ["a:visited {color : #416DFF; text-decoration : none; }" ; "a:link {color : #416DFF; text-decoration : none;}" ; "a:hover {color : Red; text-decoration : none; background-color: #5FFF88}" ; "a:active {color : Red; text-decoration : underline; }" ; ".keyword { font-weight : bold ; color : Red }" ; ".keywordsign { color : #C04600 }" ; ".superscript { font-size : 4 }" ; ".subscript { font-size : 4 }" ; ".comment { color : Green }" ; ".constructor { color : Blue }" ; ".type { color : #5C6585 }" ; ".string { color : Maroon }" ; ".warning { color : Red ; font-weight : bold }" ; ".info { margin-left : 3em; margin-right : 3em }" ; ".code { color : #465F91 ; }" ; "h1 { font-size : 20pt ; text-align: center; }" ; "h2 { font-size : 20pt ; border: 1px solid #000000; "^ "margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 2px;"^ "text-align: center; background-color: #90BDFF ;"^ "padding: 2px; }" ; "h3 { font-size : 20pt ; border: 1px solid #000000; "^ "margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 2px;"^ "text-align: center; background-color: #90DDFF ;"^ "padding: 2px; }" ; "h4 { font-size : 20pt ; border: 1px solid #000000; "^ "margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 2px;"^ "text-align: center; background-color: #90EDFF ;"^ "padding: 2px; }" ; "h5 { font-size : 20pt ; border: 1px solid #000000; "^ "margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 2px;"^ "text-align: center; background-color: #90FDFF ;"^ "padding: 2px; }" ; "h6 { font-size : 20pt ; border: 1px solid #000000; "^ "margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 2px;"^ "text-align: center; background-color: #C0FFFF ; "^ "padding: 2px; }" ; "div.h7 { font-size : 20pt ; border: 1px solid #000000; "^ "margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 2px;"^ "text-align: center; background-color: #E0FFFF ; "^ "padding: 2px; }" ; "div.h8 { font-size : 20pt ; border: 1px solid #000000; "^ "margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 2px;"^ "text-align: center; background-color: #F0FFFF ; "^ "padding: 2px; }" ; "div.h9 { font-size : 20pt ; border: 1px solid #000000; "^ "margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 2px;"^ "text-align: center; background-color: #FFFFFF ; "^ "padding: 2px; }" ; ".typetable { border-style : hidden }" ; ".indextable { border-style : hidden }" ; ".paramstable { border-style : hidden ; padding: 5pt 5pt}" ; "body { background-color : White }" ; "tr { background-color : White }" ; "td.typefieldcomment { background-color : #FFFFFF }" ; "pre { margin-bottom: 4px }" ; ] (** The style file for all pages. *) val mutable style_file = "style.css" (** The code to import the style. Initialized in [init_style]. *) val mutable style = "" (** The known types names. Used to know if we must create a link to a type when printing a type. *) val mutable known_types_names = StringSet.empty (** The known class and class type names. Used to know if we must create a link to a class or class type or not when printing a type. *) val mutable known_classes_names = StringSet.empty (** The known modules and module types names. Used to know if we must create a link to a type or not when printing a module type. *) val mutable known_modules_names = StringSet.empty (** The main file. *) val mutable index = "index.html" (** The file for the index of values. *) val mutable index_values = "index_values.html" (** The file for the index of types. *) val mutable index_types = "index_types.html" (** The file for the index of exceptions. *) val mutable index_exceptions = "index_exceptions.html" (** The file for the index of attributes. *) val mutable index_attributes = "index_attributes.html" (** The file for the index of methods. *) val mutable index_methods = "index_methods.html" (** The file for the index of classes. *) val mutable index_classes = "index_classes.html" (** The file for the index of class types. *) val mutable index_class_types = "index_class_types.html" (** The file for the index of modules. *) val mutable index_modules = "index_modules.html" (** The file for the index of module types. *) val mutable index_module_types = "index_module_types.html" (** The list of attributes. Filled in the [generate] method. *) val mutable list_attributes = [] (** The list of methods. Filled in the [generate] method. *) val mutable list_methods = [] (** The list of values. Filled in the [generate] method. *) val mutable list_values = [] (** The list of exceptions. Filled in the [generate] method. *) val mutable list_exceptions = [] (** The list of types. Filled in the [generate] method. *) val mutable list_types = [] (** The list of modules. Filled in the [generate] method. *) val mutable list_modules = [] (** The list of module types. Filled in the [generate] method. *) val mutable list_module_types = [] (** The list of classes. Filled in the [generate] method. *) val mutable list_classes = [] (** The list of class types. Filled in the [generate] method. *) val mutable list_class_types = [] (** The header of pages. Must be prepared by the [prepare_header] method.*) val mutable header = fun b -> fun ?(nav=None) -> fun ?(comments=[]) -> fun _ -> () (** Init the style. *) method init_style = (match !Args.css_style with None -> let default_style = String.concat "\n" default_style_options in ( try let file = Filename.concat !Args.target_dir style_file in if Sys.file_exists file then Odoc_info.verbose (Odoc_messages.file_exists_dont_generate file) else ( let chanout = open_out file in output_string chanout default_style ; flush chanout ; close_out chanout; Odoc_info.verbose (Odoc_messages.file_generated file) ) with Sys_error s -> prerr_endline s ; incr Odoc_info.errors ; ) | Some f -> style_file <- f ); style <- "\n" (** Get the title given by the user *) method title = match !Args.title with None -> "" | Some t -> self#escape t (** Get the title given by the user completed with the given subtitle. *) method inner_title s = (match self#title with "" -> "" | t -> t^" : ")^ (self#escape s) (** Get the page header. *) method print_header b ?nav ?comments title = header b ?nav ?comments title (** A function to build the header of pages. *) method prepare_header module_list = let f b ?(nav=None) ?(comments=[]) t = let link_if_not_empty l m url = match l with [] -> () | _ -> bp b "\n" m url in bs b "\n"; bs b style; bs b "\n" ; ( match nav with None -> () | Some (pre_opt, post_opt, name) -> (match pre_opt with None -> () | Some name -> bp b "\n" (fst (Naming.html_files name)); ); (match post_opt with None -> () | Some name -> bp b "\n" (fst (Naming.html_files name)); ); ( let father = Name.father name in let href = if father = "" then index else fst (Naming.html_files father) in bp b "\n" href ) ); link_if_not_empty list_types Odoc_messages.index_of_types index_types; link_if_not_empty list_exceptions Odoc_messages.index_of_exceptions index_exceptions; link_if_not_empty list_values Odoc_messages.index_of_values index_values; link_if_not_empty list_attributes Odoc_messages.index_of_attributes index_attributes; link_if_not_empty list_methods Odoc_messages.index_of_methods index_methods; link_if_not_empty list_classes Odoc_messages.index_of_classes index_classes; link_if_not_empty list_class_types Odoc_messages.index_of_class_types index_class_types; link_if_not_empty list_modules Odoc_messages.index_of_modules index_modules; link_if_not_empty list_module_types Odoc_messages.index_of_module_types index_module_types; let print_one m = let html_file = fst (Naming.html_files m.m_name) in bp b "" m.m_name html_file in print_concat b "\n" print_one module_list; self#html_sections_links b comments; bs b ""; bs b t ; bs b "\n\n" in header <- f (** Build the html code for the link tags in the header, defining section and subsections for the titles found in the given comments.*) method html_sections_links b comments = let titles = List.flatten (List.map Odoc_info.get_titles_in_text comments) in let levels = let rec iter acc l = match l with [] -> acc | (n,_,_) :: q -> if List.mem n acc then iter acc q else iter (n::acc) q in iter [] titles in let sorted_levels = List.sort compare levels in let (section_level, subsection_level) = match sorted_levels with [] -> (None, None) | [n] -> (Some n, None) | n :: m :: _ -> (Some n, Some m) in let titles_per_level level_opt = match level_opt with None -> [] | Some n -> List.filter (fun (m,_,_) -> m = n) titles in let section_titles = titles_per_level section_level in let subsection_titles = titles_per_level subsection_level in let print_lines s_rel titles = List.iter (fun (n,lopt,t) -> let s = Odoc_info.string_of_text t in let label = self#create_title_label (n,lopt,t) in bp b "\n" s s_rel label ) titles in print_lines "Section" section_titles ; print_lines "Subsection" subsection_titles (** Html code for navigation bar. @param pre optional name for optional previous module/class @param post optional name for optional next module/class @param name name of current module/class *) method print_navbar b pre post name = bs b "
"; ( match pre with None -> () | Some name -> bp b "%s\n" (fst (Naming.html_files name)) Odoc_messages.previous ); bs b " "; let father = Name.father name in let href = if father = "" then index else fst (Naming.html_files father) in bp b "%s\n" href Odoc_messages.up; bs b " "; ( match post with None -> () | Some name -> bp b "%s\n" (fst (Naming.html_files name)) Odoc_messages.next ); bs b "
\n" (** Return html code with the given string in the keyword style.*) method keyword s = ""^s^"" (** Return html code with the given string in the constructor style. *) method constructor s = ""^s^"" (** Output the given ocaml code to the given file name. *) method private output_code in_title file code = try let chanout = open_out file in let b = new_buf () in bs b ""; self#print_header b (self#inner_title in_title); bs b"\n"; self#html_of_code b code; bs b ""; Buffer.output_buffer chanout b; close_out chanout with Sys_error s -> incr Odoc_info.errors ; prerr_endline s (** Take a string and return the string where fully qualified type (or class or class type) idents have been replaced by links to the type referenced by the ident.*) method create_fully_qualified_idents_links m_name s = let f str_t = let match_s = Str.matched_string str_t in let rel = Name.get_relative m_name match_s in let s_final = Odoc_info.apply_if_equal Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules match_s rel in if StringSet.mem match_s known_types_names then ""^ s_final^ "" else if StringSet.mem match_s known_classes_names then let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files match_s in ""^s_final^"" else s_final in let s2 = Str.global_substitute (Str.regexp "\\([A-Z]\\([a-zA-Z_'0-9]\\)*\\.\\)+\\([a-z][a-zA-Z_'0-9]*\\)") f s in s2 (** Take a string and return the string where fully qualified module idents have been replaced by links to the module referenced by the ident.*) method create_fully_qualified_module_idents_links m_name s = let f str_t = let match_s = Str.matched_string str_t in let rel = Name.get_relative m_name match_s in let s_final = Odoc_info.apply_if_equal Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules match_s rel in if StringSet.mem match_s known_modules_names then let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files match_s in ""^s_final^"" else s_final in let s2 = Str.global_substitute (Str.regexp "\\([A-Z]\\([a-zA-Z_'0-9]\\)*\\.\\)+\\([A-Z][a-zA-Z_'0-9]*\\)") f s in s2 (** Print html code to display a [Types.type_expr]. *) method html_of_type_expr b m_name t = let s = remove_last_newline (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr t) in let s2 = newline_to_indented_br s in bs b ""; bs b (self#create_fully_qualified_idents_links m_name s2); bs b "" (** Print html code to display a [Types.class_type].*) method html_of_class_type_expr b m_name t = let s = remove_last_newline (Odoc_info.string_of_class_type t) in let s2 = newline_to_indented_br s in bs b ""; bs b (self#create_fully_qualified_idents_links m_name s2); bs b "" (** Print html code to display a [Types.type_expr list]. *) method html_of_type_expr_list ?par b m_name sep l = print_DEBUG "html#html_of_type_expr_list"; let s = Odoc_info.string_of_type_list ?par sep l in print_DEBUG "html#html_of_type_expr_list: 1"; let s2 = newline_to_indented_br s in print_DEBUG "html#html_of_type_expr_list: 2"; bs b ""; bs b (self#create_fully_qualified_idents_links m_name s2); bs b "" (** Print html code to display a [Types.type_expr list] as type parameters of a class of class type. *) method html_of_class_type_param_expr_list b m_name l = let s = Odoc_info.string_of_class_type_param_list l in let s2 = newline_to_indented_br s in bs b ""; bs b (self#create_fully_qualified_idents_links m_name s2); bs b "" (** Print html code to display a list of type parameters for the given type.*) method html_of_type_expr_param_list b m_name t = let s = Odoc_info.string_of_type_param_list t in let s2 = newline_to_indented_br s in bs b ""; bs b (self#create_fully_qualified_idents_links m_name s2); bs b "" (** Print html code to display a [Types.module_type]. *) method html_of_module_type b ?code m_name t = let s = remove_last_newline (Odoc_info.string_of_module_type ?code t) in bs b ""; bs b (self#create_fully_qualified_module_idents_links m_name s); bs b "" (** Print html code to display the type of a module parameter.. *) method html_of_module_parameter_type b m_name p = self#html_of_module_type b m_name ~code: p.mp_type_code p.mp_type (** Generate a file containing the module type in the given file name. *) method output_module_type in_title file mtyp = let s = remove_last_newline (Odoc_info.string_of_module_type ~complete: true mtyp) in self#output_code in_title file s (** Generate a file containing the class type in the given file name. *) method output_class_type in_title file ctyp = let s = remove_last_newline(Odoc_info.string_of_class_type ~complete: true ctyp) in self#output_code in_title file s (** Print html code for a value. *) method html_of_value b v = Odoc_info.reset_type_names (); bs b "
      bs b (self#keyword "val");
      bs b " ";
      (* html mark *)
      bp b "" (Naming.value_target v);
       match v.val_code with 
         None -> bs b (Name.simple v.val_name)
       | Some c -> 
           let file = Naming.file_code_value_complete_target v in
           self#output_code v.val_name (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir file) c;
           bp b "%s" file (Name.simple v.val_name)
      bs b " : ";
      self#html_of_type_expr b (Name.father v.val_name) v.val_type;
      bs b "
"; self#html_of_info b v.val_info; ( if !Args.with_parameter_list then self#html_of_parameter_list b (Name.father v.val_name) v.val_parameters else self#html_of_described_parameter_list b (Name.father v.val_name) v.val_parameters ) (** Print html code for an exception. *) method html_of_exception b e = Odoc_info.reset_type_names (); bs b "
      bs b (self#keyword "exception");
      bs b " ";
      (* html mark *)
      bp b "%s" 
	(Naming.exception_target e)
	(Name.simple e.ex_name);
       match e.ex_args with
         [] -> ()
       | _ -> 
           bs b (" "^(self#keyword "of")^" ");
	     ~par: false b (Name.father e.ex_name) " * " e.ex_args
       match e.ex_alias with
         None -> ()
       | Some ea -> 
	   bs b " = ";
            match ea.ea_ex with
              None -> bs b ea.ea_name
            | Some e -> 
		bp b "%s" (Naming.complete_exception_target e) e.ex_name
      bs b "
\n"; self#html_of_info b e.ex_info (** Print html code for a type. *) method html_of_type b t = Odoc_info.reset_type_names (); let father = Name.father t.ty_name in bs b (match t.ty_manifest, t.ty_kind with None, Type_abstract -> "
	| None, Type_variant _ 
	| None, Type_record _ -> "
" | Some _, Type_abstract -> "
	| Some _, Type_variant _
	| Some _, Type_record _ -> "
      bs b ((self#keyword "type")^" ");
      (* html mark *)
      bp b "" (Naming.type_target t);
      self#html_of_type_expr_param_list b father t;
      (match t.ty_parameters with [] -> () | _ -> bs b " ");
      bs b ((Name.simple t.ty_name)^" ");
       match t.ty_manifest with 
	 None -> ()
       | Some typ -> 
	   bs b "= ";
	   self#html_of_type_expr b father typ;
	   bs b " "
      (match t.ty_kind with
        Type_abstract -> bs b "
" | Type_variant (l, priv) -> bs b "= "; if priv then bs b "private" ; bs b ( match t.ty_manifest with None -> "
" | Some _ -> "
" ); bs b "\n"; let print_one constr = bs b "\n\n\n"; ( match constr.vc_text with None -> () | Some t -> bs b ""; bs b ""; bs b ""; ); bs b "\n" in print_concat b "\n" print_one l; bs b "
\n"; bs b ""; bs b (self#keyword "|"); bs b "\n"; bs b ""; bs b (self#constructor constr.vc_name); ( match constr.vc_args with [] -> () | l -> bs b (" " ^ (self#keyword "of") ^ " "); self#html_of_type_expr_list ~par: false b father " * " l; ); bs b ""; bs b ""; bs b "(*"; bs b ""; bs b "" ; self#html_of_text b t; bs b ""; bs b ""; bs b "*)"; bs b "
\n" | Type_record (l, priv) -> bs b "= "; if priv then bs b "private " ; bs b "{"; bs b ( match t.ty_manifest with None -> "" | Some _ -> "
" ); bs b "\n" ; let print_one r = bs b "\n\n\n"; ( match r.rf_text with None -> () | Some t -> bs b ""; bs b ""; ); bs b "\n" in print_concat b "\n" print_one l; bs b "
\n"; bs b "  "; bs b "\n"; bs b ""; if r.rf_mutable then bs b (self#keyword "mutable ") ; bs b (r.rf_name ^ " : ") ; self#html_of_type_expr b father r.rf_type; bs b ";"; bs b ""; bs b "(*"; bs b ""; bs b ""; self#html_of_text b t; bs b ""; bs b ""; bs b "*)
\n}\n" ); bs b "\n"; self#html_of_info b t.ty_info; bs b "\n" (** Print html code for a class attribute. *) method html_of_attribute b a = let module_name = Name.father (Name.father a.att_value.val_name) in bs b "
" ;
      bs b (self#keyword "val");
      bs b " ";
      (* html mark *)
      bp b "" (Naming.attribute_target a);
       if a.att_mutable then 
	 bs b ((self#keyword Odoc_messages.mutab)^ " ")
       match a.att_value.val_code with 
         None -> bs b (Name.simple a.att_value.val_name)
       | Some c -> 
           let file = Naming.file_code_attribute_complete_target a in
           self#output_code a.att_value.val_name (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir file) c;
           bp b "%s" file (Name.simple a.att_value.val_name);
      bs b " : ";
      self#html_of_type_expr b module_name  a.att_value.val_type;
      bs b "
"; self#html_of_info b a.att_value.val_info (** Print html code for a class method. *) method html_of_method b m = let module_name = Name.father (Name.father m.met_value.val_name) in bs b "
      bs b ((self#keyword "method")^" ");
      (* html mark *)
      bp b "" (Naming.method_target m);
      if m.met_private then bs b ((self#keyword "private")^" ");
      if m.met_virtual then bs b ((self#keyword "virtual")^" ");
       match m.met_value.val_code with 
         None -> bs b  (Name.simple m.met_value.val_name)
       | Some c -> 
           let file = Naming.file_code_method_complete_target m in
           self#output_code m.met_value.val_name (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir file) c;
           bp b "%s" file (Name.simple m.met_value.val_name);
      bs b " : ";
      self#html_of_type_expr b module_name m.met_value.val_type;
      bs b "
"; self#html_of_info b m.met_value.val_info; ( if !Args.with_parameter_list then self#html_of_parameter_list b module_name m.met_value.val_parameters else self#html_of_described_parameter_list b module_name m.met_value.val_parameters ) (** Print html code for the description of a function parameter. *) method html_of_parameter_description b p = match Parameter.names p with [] -> () | name :: [] -> ( (* Only one name, no need for label for the description. *) match Parameter.desc_by_name p name with None -> () | Some t -> self#html_of_text b t ) | l -> (* A list of names, we display those with a description. *) let l2 = List.filter (fun n -> (Parameter.desc_by_name p n) <> None) l in let print_one n = match Parameter.desc_by_name p n with None -> () | Some t -> bs b ""; bs b n; bs b " : "; self#html_of_text b t in print_concat b "
\n" print_one l2 (** Print html code for a list of parameters. *) method html_of_parameter_list b m_name l = match l with [] -> () | _ -> bs b "
"; bs b "\n"; bs b "\n\n" ; bs b "\n\n
"; bs b ""; bs b Odoc_messages.parameters; bs b ": \n\n"; let print_one p = bs b "\n\n\n"; bs b "\n"; in List.iter print_one l; bs b "
\n"; bs b ( match Parameter.complete_name p with "" -> "?" | s -> s ); bs b ":"; self#html_of_type_expr b m_name (Parameter.typ p); bs b "
\n"; self#html_of_parameter_description b p; bs b "\n
\n" (** Print html code for the parameters which have a name and description. *) method html_of_described_parameter_list b m_name l = (* get the params which have a name, and at least one name described. *) let l2 = List.filter (fun p -> List.exists (fun n -> (Parameter.desc_by_name p n) <> None) (Parameter.names p)) l in let f p = bs b "
"; bs b (Parameter.complete_name p); bs b " : " ; self#html_of_parameter_description b p; bs b "
\n" in match l2 with [] -> () | _ -> bs b "
"; List.iter f l2 (** Print html code for a list of module parameters. *) method html_of_module_parameter_list b m_name l = match l with [] -> () | _ -> bs b "\n"; bs b "\n"; bs b "\n\n\n
"; bs b Odoc_messages.parameters ; bs b ": \n"; bs b "\n"; List.iter (fun (p, desc_opt) -> bs b "\n"; bs b "\n" ; bs b "\n"; bs b "\n" ; ) ) l; bs b "
\n" ; bs b p.mp_name; bs b ":" ; self#html_of_module_parameter_type b m_name p; bs b "\n"; ( match desc_opt with None -> () | Some t -> bs b "
"; self#html_of_text b t; bs b "\n
\n" (** Print html code for a module. *) method html_of_module b ?(info=true) ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) m = let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files m.m_name in let father = Name.father m.m_name in bs b "
      bs b ((self#keyword "module")^" ");
       if with_link then
         bp b "%s" html_file (Name.simple m.m_name)
         bs b (Name.simple m.m_name)
      bs b ": ";
      self#html_of_module_type b father m.m_type;
      bs b "
"; if info then ( if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence ) b m.m_info else () (** Print html code for a module type. *) method html_of_modtype b ?(info=true) ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) mt = let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files mt.mt_name in let father = Name.father mt.mt_name in bs b "
      bs b ((self#keyword "module type")^" ");
       if with_link then
         bp b "%s" html_file (Name.simple mt.mt_name)
         bs b (Name.simple mt.mt_name)
      (match mt.mt_type with
        None -> ()
      | Some mtyp -> 
	  bs b " = ";
	  self#html_of_module_type b father mtyp
      bs b "
"; if info then ( if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence ) b mt.mt_info else () (** Print html code for an included module. *) method html_of_included_module b im = bs b "
      bs b ((self#keyword "include")^" ");
       match im.im_module with
         None ->
           bs b im.im_name
       | Some mmt ->
           let (file, name) = 
             match mmt with
               Mod m -> 
                 let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files m.m_name in
                 (html_file, m.m_name)
             | Modtype mt ->
                 let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files mt.mt_name in
                 (html_file, mt.mt_name)
           bp b "%s" file name
      bs b "
\n"; self#html_of_info b im.im_info (** Print html code for a class. *) method html_of_class b ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) c = let father = Name.father c.cl_name in Odoc_info.reset_type_names (); let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files c.cl_name in bs b "
      bs b ((self#keyword "class")^" ");
      (* we add a html tag, the same as for a type so we can 
         go directly here when the class name is used as a type name *)
      bp b ""
           { ty_name = c.cl_name ;
             ty_info = None ; ty_parameters = [] ;
             ty_kind = Type_abstract ; ty_manifest = None ; 
             ty_loc = Odoc_info.dummy_loc ; 
	     ty_code = None ;
      print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : virtual or not" ;
      if c.cl_virtual then bs b ((self#keyword "virtual")^" ");
       match c.cl_type_parameters with
         [] -> ()
       | l -> 
           self#html_of_class_type_param_expr_list b father l;
	   bs b " "
      print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : with link or not" ;
       if with_link then
         bp b "%s" html_file (Name.simple c.cl_name)
         bs b (Name.simple c.cl_name)

      bs b " : " ;
      self#html_of_class_type_expr b father c.cl_type;
      bs b "
" ; print_DEBUG "html#html_of_class : info" ; ( if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence ) b c.cl_info (** Print html code for a class type. *) method html_of_class_type b ?(complete=true) ?(with_link=true) ct = Odoc_info.reset_type_names (); let father = Name.father ct.clt_name in let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files ct.clt_name in bs b "
      bs b ((self#keyword "class type")^" ");
      (* we add a html tag, the same as for a type so we can 
         go directly here when the class type name is used as a type name *)
      bp b ""
           { ty_name = ct.clt_name ;
             ty_info = None ; ty_parameters = [] ;
             ty_kind = Type_abstract ; ty_manifest = None ;
             ty_loc = Odoc_info.dummy_loc ; 
	     ty_code = None ;
      if ct.clt_virtual then bs b ((self#keyword "virtual")^" ");
       match ct.clt_type_parameters with
        [] -> ()
      | l -> 
	  self#html_of_class_type_param_expr_list b father l;
	  bs b " " 

      if with_link then
        bp b "%s" html_file (Name.simple ct.clt_name)
        bs b (Name.simple ct.clt_name);

      bs b " = ";
      self#html_of_class_type_expr b father ct.clt_type;
      bs b "
"; ( if complete then self#html_of_info else self#html_of_info_first_sentence ) b ct.clt_info (** Return html code to represent a dag, represented as in Odoc_dag2html. *) method html_of_dag dag = let f n = let (name, cct_opt) = n.Odoc_dag2html.valu in (* if we have a c_opt = Some class then we take its information because we are sure the name is complete. *) let (name2, html_file) = match cct_opt with None -> (name, fst (Naming.html_files name)) | Some (Cl c) -> (c.cl_name, fst (Naming.html_files c.cl_name)) | Some (Cltype (ct, _)) -> (ct.clt_name, fst (Naming.html_files ct.clt_name)) in let new_v = "\n\n
"^ ""^name2^""^ "
\n" in { n with Odoc_dag2html.valu = new_v } in let a = Array.map f dag.Odoc_dag2html.dag in Odoc_dag2html.html_of_dag { Odoc_dag2html.dag = a } (** Print html code for a module comment.*) method html_of_module_comment b text = bs b "
\n"; self#html_of_text b text; bs b "
\n" (** Print html code for a class comment.*) method html_of_class_comment b text = (* Add some style if there is no style for the first part of the text. *) let text2 = match text with | (Odoc_info.Raw s) :: q -> (Odoc_info.Title (2, None, [Odoc_info.Raw s])) :: q | _ -> text in self#html_of_text b text2 (** Generate html code for the given list of inherited classes.*) method generate_inheritance_info b inher_l = let f inh = match inh.ic_class with None -> (* we can't make the link. *) (Odoc_info.Code inh.ic_name) :: (match inh.ic_text with None -> [] | Some t -> (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t) | Some cct -> (* we can create the link. *) let real_name = (* even if it should be the same *) match cct with Cl c -> c.cl_name | Cltype (ct, _) -> ct.clt_name in let (class_file, _) = Naming.html_files real_name in (Odoc_info.Link (class_file, [Odoc_info.Code real_name])) :: (match inh.ic_text with None -> [] | Some t -> (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t) in let text = [ Odoc_info.Bold [Odoc_info.Raw Odoc_messages.inherits] ; Odoc_info.List (List.map f inher_l) ] in self#html_of_text b text (** Generate html code for the inherited classes of the given class. *) method generate_class_inheritance_info b cl = let rec iter_kind k = match k with Class_structure ([], _) -> () | Class_structure (l, _) -> self#generate_inheritance_info b l | Class_constraint (k, ct) -> iter_kind k | Class_apply _ | Class_constr _ -> () in iter_kind cl.cl_kind (** Generate html code for the inherited classes of the given class type. *) method generate_class_type_inheritance_info b clt = match clt.clt_kind with Class_signature ([], _) -> () | Class_signature (l, _) -> self#generate_inheritance_info b l | Class_type _ -> () (** A method to create index files. *) method generate_elements_index : 'a. 'a list -> ('a -> Odoc_info.Name.t) -> ('a -> Odoc_info.info option) -> ('a -> string) -> string -> string -> unit = fun elements name info target title simple_file -> try let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir simple_file) in let b = new_buf () in bs b "\n"; self#print_header b (self#inner_title title); bs b "\n

"; bs b title; bs b "

\n" ; let sorted_elements = List.sort (fun e1 e2 -> compare (Name.simple (name e1)) (Name.simple (name e2))) elements in let groups = Odoc_info.create_index_lists sorted_elements (fun e -> Name.simple (name e)) in let f_ele e = let simple_name = Name.simple (name e) in let father_name = Name.father (name e) in bp b "%s " (target e) simple_name; if simple_name <> father_name && father_name <> "" then bp b "[%s]" (fst (Naming.html_files father_name)) father_name; bs b "\n"; self#html_of_info_first_sentence b (info e); bs b "\n"; in let f_group l = match l with [] -> () | e :: _ -> let s = match (Char.uppercase (Name.simple (name e)).[0]) with 'A'..'Z' as c -> String.make 1 c | _ -> "" in bs b "
"; bs b s ; bs b "\n" ; List.iter f_ele l in bs b "\n"; List.iter f_group groups ; bs b "

\n" ; bs b "\n"; Buffer.output_buffer chanout b; close_out chanout with Sys_error s -> raise (Failure s) (** A method to generate a list of module/class files. *) method generate_elements : 'a. ('a option -> 'a option -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit = fun f_generate l -> let rec iter pre_opt = function [] -> () | ele :: [] -> f_generate pre_opt None ele | ele1 :: ele2 :: q -> f_generate pre_opt (Some ele2) ele1 ; iter (Some ele1) (ele2 :: q) in iter None l (** Generate the code of the html page for the given class.*) method generate_for_class pre post cl = Odoc_info.reset_type_names (); let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files cl.cl_name in let type_file = Naming.file_type_class_complete_target cl.cl_name in try let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir html_file) in let b = new_buf () in let pre_name = opt (fun c -> c.cl_name) pre in let post_name = opt (fun c -> c.cl_name) post in bs b "\n"; self#print_header b ~nav: (Some (pre_name, post_name, cl.cl_name)) ~comments: (Class.class_comments cl) (self#inner_title cl.cl_name); bs b "\n"; self#print_navbar b pre_name post_name cl.cl_name; bs b "

"; bs b (Odoc_messages.clas^" "); if cl.cl_virtual then bs b "virtual " ; bp b "%s" type_file cl.cl_name; bs b "

\n"; self#html_of_class b ~with_link: false cl; (* parameters *) self#html_of_described_parameter_list b (Name.father cl.cl_name) cl.cl_parameters; (* class inheritance *) self#generate_class_inheritance_info b cl; (* a horizontal line *) bs b "
\n"; (* the various elements *) List.iter (fun element -> match element with Class_attribute a -> self#html_of_attribute b a | Class_method m -> self#html_of_method b m | Class_comment t -> self#html_of_class_comment b t ) (Class.class_elements ~trans:false cl); bs b ""; Buffer.output_buffer chanout b; close_out chanout; (* generate the file with the complete class type *) self#output_class_type cl.cl_name (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir type_file) cl.cl_type with Sys_error s -> raise (Failure s) (** Generate the code of the html page for the given class type.*) method generate_for_class_type pre post clt = Odoc_info.reset_type_names (); let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files clt.clt_name in let type_file = Naming.file_type_class_complete_target clt.clt_name in try let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir html_file) in let b = new_buf () in let pre_name = opt (fun ct -> ct.clt_name) pre in let post_name = opt (fun ct -> ct.clt_name) post in bs b "\n"; self#print_header b ~nav: (Some (pre_name, post_name, clt.clt_name)) ~comments: (Class.class_type_comments clt) (self#inner_title clt.clt_name); bs b "\n"; self#print_navbar b pre_name post_name clt.clt_name; bs b "

"; bs b (Odoc_messages.class_type^" "); if clt.clt_virtual then bs b "virtual "; bp b "%s" type_file clt.clt_name; bs b "

\n"; self#html_of_class_type b ~with_link: false clt; (* class inheritance *) self#generate_class_type_inheritance_info b clt; (* a horizontal line *) bs b "
\n"; (* the various elements *) List.iter (fun element -> match element with Class_attribute a -> self#html_of_attribute b a | Class_method m -> self#html_of_method b m | Class_comment t -> self#html_of_class_comment b t ) (Class.class_type_elements ~trans: false clt); bs b ""; Buffer.output_buffer chanout b; close_out chanout; (* generate the file with the complete class type *) self#output_class_type clt.clt_name (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir type_file) clt.clt_type with Sys_error s -> raise (Failure s) (** Generate the html file for the given module type. @raise Failure if an error occurs.*) method generate_for_module_type pre post mt = try let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files mt.mt_name in let type_file = Naming.file_type_module_complete_target mt.mt_name in let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir html_file) in let b = new_buf () in let pre_name = opt (fun mt -> mt.mt_name) pre in let post_name = opt (fun mt -> mt.mt_name) post in bs b "\n"; self#print_header b ~nav: (Some (pre_name, post_name, mt.mt_name)) ~comments: (Module.module_type_comments mt) (self#inner_title mt.mt_name); bs b "\n"; self#print_navbar b pre_name post_name mt.mt_name; bp b "

"; bs b (Odoc_messages.module_type^" "); ( match mt.mt_type with Some _ -> bp b "%s" type_file mt.mt_name | None-> bs b mt.mt_name ); bs b "

\n" ; self#html_of_modtype b ~with_link: false mt; (* parameters for functors *) self#html_of_module_parameter_list b (Name.father mt.mt_name) (Module.module_type_parameters mt); (* a horizontal line *) bs b "
\n"; (* module elements *) List.iter (fun ele -> match ele with Element_module m -> self#html_of_module b ~complete: false m | Element_module_type mt -> self#html_of_modtype b ~complete: false mt | Element_included_module im -> self#html_of_included_module b im | Element_class c -> self#html_of_class b ~complete: false c | Element_class_type ct -> self#html_of_class_type b ~complete: false ct | Element_value v -> self#html_of_value b v | Element_exception e -> self#html_of_exception b e | Element_type t -> self#html_of_type b t | Element_module_comment text -> self#html_of_module_comment b text ) (Module.module_type_elements mt); bs b ""; Buffer.output_buffer chanout b; close_out chanout; (* generate html files for submodules *) self#generate_elements self#generate_for_module (Module.module_type_modules mt); (* generate html files for module types *) self#generate_elements self#generate_for_module_type (Module.module_type_module_types mt); (* generate html files for classes *) self#generate_elements self#generate_for_class (Module.module_type_classes mt); (* generate html files for class types *) self#generate_elements self#generate_for_class_type (Module.module_type_class_types mt); (* generate the file with the complete module type *) ( match mt.mt_type with None -> () | Some mty -> self#output_module_type mt.mt_name (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir type_file) mty ) with Sys_error s -> raise (Failure s) (** Generate the html file for the given module. @raise Failure if an error occurs.*) method generate_for_module pre post modu = try Odoc_info.verbose ("Generate for module "^modu.m_name); let (html_file, _) = Naming.html_files modu.m_name in let type_file = Naming.file_type_module_complete_target modu.m_name in let code_file = Naming.file_code_module_complete_target modu.m_name in let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir html_file) in let b = new_buf () in let pre_name = opt (fun m -> m.m_name) pre in let post_name = opt (fun m -> m.m_name) post in bs b "\n"; self#print_header b ~nav: (Some (pre_name, post_name, modu.m_name)) ~comments: (Module.module_comments modu) (self#inner_title modu.m_name); bs b "\n" ; self#print_navbar b pre_name post_name modu.m_name ; bs b "

"; bs b ( if Module.module_is_functor modu then Odoc_messages.functo else Odoc_messages.modul ); bp b " %s" type_file modu.m_name; ( match modu.m_code with None -> () | Some _ -> bp b " (.ml)" code_file ); bs b "

\n"; self#html_of_module b ~with_link: false modu; (* parameters for functors *) self#html_of_module_parameter_list b (Name.father modu.m_name) (Module.module_parameters modu); (* a horizontal line *) bs b "
\n"; (* module elements *) List.iter (fun ele -> print_DEBUG "html#generate_for_module : ele ->"; match ele with Element_module m -> self#html_of_module b ~complete: false m | Element_module_type mt -> self#html_of_modtype b ~complete: false mt | Element_included_module im -> self#html_of_included_module b im | Element_class c -> self#html_of_class b ~complete: false c | Element_class_type ct -> self#html_of_class_type b ~complete: false ct | Element_value v -> self#html_of_value b v | Element_exception e -> self#html_of_exception b e | Element_type t -> self#html_of_type b t | Element_module_comment text -> self#html_of_module_comment b text ) (Module.module_elements modu); bs b ""; Buffer.output_buffer chanout b; close_out chanout; (* generate html files for submodules *) self#generate_elements self#generate_for_module (Module.module_modules modu); (* generate html files for module types *) self#generate_elements self#generate_for_module_type (Module.module_module_types modu); (* generate html files for classes *) self#generate_elements self#generate_for_class (Module.module_classes modu); (* generate html files for class types *) self#generate_elements self#generate_for_class_type (Module.module_class_types modu); (* generate the file with the complete module type *) self#output_module_type modu.m_name (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir type_file) modu.m_type; match modu.m_code with None -> () | Some code -> self#output_code modu.m_name (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir code_file) code with Sys_error s -> raise (Failure s) (** Generate the [index.html] file corresponding to the given module list. @raise Failure if an error occurs.*) method generate_index module_list = try let chanout = open_out (Filename.concat !Args.target_dir index) in let b = new_buf () in let title = match !Args.title with None -> "" | Some t -> self#escape t in let index_if_not_empty l url m = match l with [] -> () | _ -> bp b "%s
\n" url m in bs b "\n"; self#print_header b self#title; bs b "\n"; bs b "

"; bs b title; bs b "

\n" ; let info = Odoc_info.apply_opt Odoc_info.info_of_comment_file !Odoc_info.Args.intro_file in self#html_of_info b info; (match info with None -> () | Some _ -> bs b "
"); index_if_not_empty list_types index_types Odoc_messages.index_of_types; index_if_not_empty list_exceptions index_exceptions Odoc_messages.index_of_exceptions; index_if_not_empty list_values index_values Odoc_messages.index_of_values; index_if_not_empty list_attributes index_attributes Odoc_messages.index_of_attributes; index_if_not_empty list_methods index_methods Odoc_messages.index_of_methods; index_if_not_empty list_classes index_classes Odoc_messages.index_of_classes; index_if_not_empty list_class_types index_class_types Odoc_messages.index_of_class_types; index_if_not_empty list_modules index_modules Odoc_messages.index_of_modules; index_if_not_empty list_module_types index_module_types Odoc_messages.index_of_module_types; bs b "
\n\n"; List.iter (fun m -> let (html, _) = Naming.html_files m.m_name in bp b "" html m.m_name; bs b "\n" ) module_list; bs b "
%s"; self#html_of_info_first_sentence b m.m_info; bs b "
\n\n"; Buffer.output_buffer chanout b; close_out chanout with Sys_error s -> raise (Failure s) (** Generate the values index in the file [index_values.html]. *) method generate_values_index module_list = self#generate_elements_index list_values (fun v -> v.val_name) (fun v -> v.val_info) Naming.complete_value_target Odoc_messages.index_of_values index_values (** Generate the exceptions index in the file [index_exceptions.html]. *) method generate_exceptions_index module_list = self#generate_elements_index list_exceptions (fun e -> e.ex_name) (fun e -> e.ex_info) Naming.complete_exception_target Odoc_messages.index_of_exceptions index_exceptions (** Generate the types index in the file [index_types.html]. *) method generate_types_index module_list = self#generate_elements_index list_types (fun t -> t.ty_name) (fun t -> t.ty_info) Naming.complete_type_target Odoc_messages.index_of_types index_types (** Generate the attributes index in the file [index_attributes.html]. *) method generate_attributes_index module_list = self#generate_elements_index list_attributes (fun a -> a.att_value.val_name) (fun a -> a.att_value.val_info) Naming.complete_attribute_target Odoc_messages.index_of_attributes index_attributes (** Generate the methods index in the file [index_methods.html]. *) method generate_methods_index module_list = self#generate_elements_index list_methods (fun m -> m.met_value.val_name) (fun m -> m.met_value.val_info) Naming.complete_method_target Odoc_messages.index_of_methods index_methods (** Generate the classes index in the file [index_classes.html]. *) method generate_classes_index module_list = self#generate_elements_index list_classes (fun c -> c.cl_name) (fun c -> c.cl_info) (fun c -> fst (Naming.html_files c.cl_name)) Odoc_messages.index_of_classes index_classes (** Generate the class types index in the file [index_class_types.html]. *) method generate_class_types_index module_list = self#generate_elements_index list_class_types (fun ct -> ct.clt_name) (fun ct -> ct.clt_info) (fun ct -> fst (Naming.html_files ct.clt_name)) Odoc_messages.index_of_class_types index_class_types (** Generate the modules index in the file [index_modules.html]. *) method generate_modules_index module_list = self#generate_elements_index list_modules (fun m -> m.m_name) (fun m -> m.m_info) (fun m -> fst (Naming.html_files m.m_name)) Odoc_messages.index_of_modules index_modules (** Generate the module types index in the file [index_module_types.html]. *) method generate_module_types_index module_list = let module_types = Odoc_info.Search.module_types module_list in self#generate_elements_index list_module_types (fun mt -> mt.mt_name) (fun mt -> mt.mt_info) (fun mt -> fst (Naming.html_files mt.mt_name)) Odoc_messages.index_of_module_types index_module_types (** Generate all the html files from a module list. The main file is [index.html]. *) method generate module_list = (* init the style *) self#init_style ; (* init the lists of elements *) list_values <- Odoc_info.Search.values module_list ; list_exceptions <- Odoc_info.Search.exceptions module_list ; list_types <- Odoc_info.Search.types module_list ; list_attributes <- Odoc_info.Search.attributes module_list ; list_methods <- Odoc_info.Search.methods module_list ; list_classes <- Odoc_info.Search.classes module_list ; list_class_types <- Odoc_info.Search.class_types module_list ; list_modules <- Odoc_info.Search.modules module_list ; list_module_types <- Odoc_info.Search.module_types module_list ; (* prepare the page header *) self#prepare_header module_list ; (* Get the names of all known types. *) let types = Odoc_info.Search.types module_list in known_types_names <- List.fold_left (fun acc t -> StringSet.add t.ty_name acc) known_types_names types ; (* Get the names of all class and class types. *) let classes = Odoc_info.Search.classes module_list in let class_types = Odoc_info.Search.class_types module_list in known_classes_names <- List.fold_left (fun acc c -> StringSet.add c.cl_name acc) known_classes_names classes ; known_classes_names <- List.fold_left (fun acc ct -> StringSet.add ct.clt_name acc) known_classes_names class_types ; (* Get the names of all known modules and module types. *) let module_types = Odoc_info.Search.module_types module_list in let modules = Odoc_info.Search.modules module_list in known_modules_names <- List.fold_left (fun acc m -> StringSet.add m.m_name acc) known_modules_names modules ; known_modules_names <- List.fold_left (fun acc mt -> StringSet.add mt.mt_name acc) known_modules_names module_types ; (* generate html for each module *) if not !Args.index_only then self#generate_elements self#generate_for_module module_list ; try self#generate_index module_list; self#generate_values_index module_list ; self#generate_exceptions_index module_list ; self#generate_types_index module_list ; self#generate_attributes_index module_list ; self#generate_methods_index module_list ; self#generate_classes_index module_list ; self#generate_class_types_index module_list ; self#generate_modules_index module_list ; self#generate_module_types_index module_list ; with Failure s -> prerr_endline s ; incr Odoc_info.errors initializer Odoc_ocamlhtml.html_of_comment := (fun s -> let b = new_buf () in self#html_of_text b (Odoc_text.Texter.text_of_string s); Buffer.contents b ) end (* eof $Id$ *)