(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCamldoc *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (** Interface for analysing documented OCaml source files and to the collected information. *) type ref_kind = Odoc_types.ref_kind = RK_module | RK_module_type | RK_class | RK_class_type | RK_value | RK_type | RK_exception | RK_attribute | RK_method | RK_section of text | RK_recfield | RK_const and text_element = Odoc_types.text_element = | Raw of string | Code of string | CodePre of string | Verbatim of string | Bold of text | Italic of text | Emphasize of text | Center of text | Left of text | Right of text | List of text list | Enum of text list | Newline | Block of text | Title of int * string option * text | Latex of string | Link of string * text | Ref of string * ref_kind option * text option | Superscript of text | Subscript of text | Module_list of string list | Index_list | Custom of string * text | Target of string * string and text = text_element list exception Text_syntax = Odoc_text.Text_syntax type see_ref = Odoc_types.see_ref = See_url of string | See_file of string | See_doc of string type see = see_ref * text type param = (string * text) type raised_exception = (string * text) type info = Odoc_types.info = { i_desc : text option; i_authors : string list; i_version : string option; i_sees : see list; i_since : string option; i_before : (string * text) list ; i_deprecated : text option; i_params : param list; i_raised_exceptions : raised_exception list; i_return_value : text option ; i_custom : (string * text) list ; } type location = Odoc_types.location = { loc_impl : Location.t option ; loc_inter : Location.t option ; } let dummy_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = None } module Name = Odoc_name module Parameter = Odoc_parameter module Exception = Odoc_exception module Type = Odoc_type module Value = Odoc_value module Class = Odoc_class module Module = Odoc_module let analyse_files ?(merge_options=([] : Odoc_types.merge_option list)) ?(include_dirs=([] : string list)) ?(labels=false) ?(sort_modules=false) ?(no_stop=false) ?(init=[]) files = Odoc_global.merge_options := merge_options; Odoc_global.include_dirs := include_dirs; Odoc_global.classic := not labels; Odoc_global.sort_modules := sort_modules; Odoc_global.no_stop := no_stop; Odoc_analyse.analyse_files ~init: init files let dump_modules = Odoc_analyse.dump_modules let load_modules = Odoc_analyse.load_modules let reset_type_names = Printtyp.reset let string_of_variance t (co,cn) = Odoc_str.string_of_variance t (co, cn) let string_of_type_expr t = Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t let string_of_class_params = Odoc_str.string_of_class_params let string_of_type_list ?par sep type_list = Odoc_str.string_of_type_list ?par sep type_list let string_of_type_param_list t = Odoc_str.string_of_type_param_list t let string_of_class_type_param_list l = Odoc_str.string_of_class_type_param_list l let string_of_module_type = Odoc_print.string_of_module_type let string_of_class_type = Odoc_print.string_of_class_type let string_of_text t = Odoc_misc.string_of_text t let string_of_info i = Odoc_misc.string_of_info i let string_of_type t = Odoc_str.string_of_type t let string_of_exception e = Odoc_str.string_of_exception e let string_of_value v = Odoc_str.string_of_value v let string_of_attribute att = Odoc_str.string_of_attribute att let string_of_method m = Odoc_str.string_of_method m let first_sentence_of_text = Odoc_misc.first_sentence_of_text let first_sentence_and_rest_of_text = Odoc_misc.first_sentence_and_rest_of_text let text_no_title_no_list = Odoc_misc.text_no_title_no_list let text_concat = Odoc_misc.text_concat let get_titles_in_text = Odoc_misc.get_titles_in_text let create_index_lists = Odoc_misc.create_index_lists let remove_ending_newline = Odoc_misc.remove_ending_newline let remove_option = Odoc_misc.remove_option let is_optional = Odoc_misc.is_optional let label_name = Odoc_misc.label_name let use_hidden_modules n = Odoc_name.hide_given_modules !Odoc_global.hidden_modules n let verbose s = if !Odoc_global.verbose then (print_string s ; print_newline ()) else () let warning s = Odoc_global.pwarning s let print_warnings = Odoc_config.print_warnings let errors = Odoc_global.errors let apply_opt = Odoc_misc.apply_opt let apply_if_equal f v1 v2 = if v1 = v2 then f v1 else v2 let text_of_string = Odoc_text.Texter.text_of_string let text_string_of_text = Odoc_text.Texter.string_of_text let escape_arobas s = let len = String.length s in let b = Buffer.create len in for i = 0 to len - 1 do match s.[i] with '@' -> Buffer.add_string b "\\@" | c -> Buffer.add_char b c done; Buffer.contents b let info_string_of_info i = let b = Buffer.create 256 in let p = Printf.bprintf in ( match i.i_desc with None -> () | Some t -> p b "%s" (escape_arobas (text_string_of_text t)) ); List.iter (fun s -> p b "\n@@author %s" (escape_arobas s)) i.i_authors; ( match i.i_version with None -> () | Some s -> p b "\n@@version %s" (escape_arobas s) ); ( (* TODO: escape characters ? *) let f_see_ref = function See_url s -> Printf.sprintf "<%s>" s | See_file s -> Printf.sprintf "'%s'" s | See_doc s -> Printf.sprintf "\"%s\"" s in List.iter (fun (sref, t) -> p b "\n@@see %s %s" (escape_arobas (f_see_ref sref)) (escape_arobas (text_string_of_text t)) ) i.i_sees ); ( match i.i_since with None -> () | Some s -> p b "\n@@since %s" (escape_arobas s) ); ( match i.i_deprecated with None -> () | Some t -> p b "\n@@deprecated %s" (escape_arobas (text_string_of_text t)) ); List.iter (fun (s, t) -> p b "\n@@param %s %s" (escape_arobas s) (escape_arobas (text_string_of_text t)) ) i.i_params; List.iter (fun (s, t) -> p b "\n@@raise %s %s" (escape_arobas s) (escape_arobas (text_string_of_text t)) ) i.i_raised_exceptions; ( match i.i_return_value with None -> () | Some t -> p b "\n@@return %s" (escape_arobas (text_string_of_text t)) ); List.iter (fun (s, t) -> p b "\n@@%s %s" s (escape_arobas (text_string_of_text t)) ) i.i_custom; Buffer.contents b let info_of_string = Odoc_comments.info_of_string let info_of_comment_file = Odoc_comments.info_of_comment_file module Search = struct type result_element = Odoc_search.result_element = Res_module of Module.t_module | Res_module_type of Module.t_module_type | Res_class of Class.t_class | Res_class_type of Class.t_class_type | Res_value of Value.t_value | Res_type of Type.t_type | Res_exception of Exception.t_exception | Res_attribute of Value.t_attribute | Res_method of Value.t_method | Res_section of string * text | Res_recfield of Type.t_type * Type.record_field | Res_const of Type.t_type * Type.variant_constructor type search_result = result_element list let search_by_name = Odoc_search.Search_by_name.search let values = Odoc_search.values let exceptions = Odoc_search.exceptions let types = Odoc_search.types let attributes = Odoc_search.attributes let methods = Odoc_search.methods let classes = Odoc_search.classes let class_types = Odoc_search.class_types let modules = Odoc_search.modules let module_types = Odoc_search.module_types end module Scan = struct class scanner = Odoc_scan.scanner end module Dep = struct let kernel_deps_of_modules = Odoc_dep.kernel_deps_of_modules let deps_of_types = Odoc_dep.deps_of_types end module Global = Odoc_global