(***********************************************************************) (* OCamldoc *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (** Merge of information from [.ml] and [.mli] for a module.*) open Odoc_types module Name = Odoc_name open Odoc_parameter open Odoc_value open Odoc_type open Odoc_exception open Odoc_class open Odoc_module (** Merge two Odoctypes.info struture, completing the information of the first one with the information in the second one. The merge treatment depends on a given merge_option list. @return the new info structure.*) let merge_info merge_options (m1 : info) (m2 : info) = let new_desc_opt = match m1.i_desc, m2.i_desc with None, None -> None | None, Some d | Some d, None -> Some d | Some d1, Some d2 -> if List.mem Merge_description merge_options then Some (d1 @ (Newline :: d2)) else Some d1 in let new_authors = match m1.i_authors, m2.i_authors with [], [] -> [] | l, [] | [], l -> l | l1, l2 -> if List.mem Merge_author merge_options then l1 @ l2 else l1 in let new_version = match m1.i_version , m2.i_version with None, None -> None | Some v, None | None, Some v -> Some v | Some v1, Some v2 -> if List.mem Merge_version merge_options then Some (v1^" "^v2) else Some v1 in let new_sees = match m1.i_sees, m2.i_sees with [], [] -> [] | l, [] | [], l -> l | l1, l2 -> if List.mem Merge_see merge_options then l1 @ l2 else l1 in let new_since = match m1.i_since, m2.i_since with None, None -> None | Some v, None | None, Some v -> Some v | Some v1, Some v2 -> if List.mem Merge_since merge_options then Some (v1^" "^v2) else Some v1 in let new_dep = match m1.i_deprecated, m2.i_deprecated with None, None -> None | None, Some t | Some t, None -> Some t | Some t1, Some t2 -> if List.mem Merge_deprecated merge_options then Some (t1 @ (Newline :: t2)) else Some t1 in let new_params = match m1.i_params, m2.i_params with [], [] -> [] | l, [] | [], l -> l | l1, l2 -> if List.mem Merge_param merge_options then ( let l_in_m1_and_m2, l_in_m2_only = List.partition (fun (param2, _) -> List.mem_assoc param2 l1) l2 in let rec iter = function [] -> [] | (param2, desc2) :: q -> let desc1 = List.assoc param2 l1 in (param2, desc1 @ (Newline :: desc2)) :: (iter q) in let l1_completed = iter l_in_m1_and_m2 in l1_completed @ l_in_m2_only ) else l1 in let new_raised_exceptions = match m1.i_raised_exceptions, m2.i_raised_exceptions with [], [] -> [] | l, [] | [], l -> l | l1, l2 -> if List.mem Merge_raised_exception merge_options then ( let l_in_m1_and_m2, l_in_m2_only = List.partition (fun (exc2, _) -> List.mem_assoc exc2 l1) l2 in let rec iter = function [] -> [] | (exc2, desc2) :: q -> let desc1 = List.assoc exc2 l1 in (exc2, desc1 @ (Newline :: desc2)) :: (iter q) in let l1_completed = iter l_in_m1_and_m2 in l1_completed @ l_in_m2_only ) else l1 in let new_rv = match m1.i_return_value, m2.i_return_value with None, None -> None | None, Some t | Some t, None -> Some t | Some t1, Some t2 -> if List.mem Merge_return_value merge_options then Some (t1 @ (Newline :: t2)) else Some t1 in let new_custom = match m1.i_custom, m2.i_custom with [], [] -> [] | [], l | l, [] -> l | l1, l2 -> if List.mem Merge_custom merge_options then l1 @ l2 else l1 in { Odoc_types.i_desc = new_desc_opt ; Odoc_types.i_authors = new_authors ; Odoc_types.i_version = new_version ; Odoc_types.i_sees = new_sees ; Odoc_types.i_since = new_since ; Odoc_types.i_deprecated = new_dep ; Odoc_types.i_params = new_params ; Odoc_types.i_raised_exceptions = new_raised_exceptions ; Odoc_types.i_return_value = new_rv ; Odoc_types.i_custom = new_custom ; } (** Merge of two optional info structures. *) let merge_info_opt merge_options mli_opt ml_opt = match mli_opt, ml_opt with None, Some i -> Some i | Some i, None -> Some i | None, None -> None | Some i1, Some i2 -> Some (merge_info merge_options i1 i2) (** merge of two t_type, one for a .mli, another for the .ml. The .mli type is completed with the information in the .ml type. *) let merge_types merge_options mli ml = mli.ty_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options mli.ty_info ml.ty_info; mli.ty_loc <- { mli.ty_loc with loc_impl = ml.ty_loc.loc_impl } ; match mli.ty_kind, ml.ty_kind with Type_abstract, _ -> () | Type_variant l1, Type_variant l2 -> let f cons = try let cons2 = List.find (fun c2 -> c2.vc_name = cons.vc_name) l2 in let new_desc = match cons.vc_text, cons2.vc_text with None, None -> None | Some d, None | None, Some d -> Some d | Some d1, Some d2 -> if List.mem Merge_description merge_options then Some (d1 @ d2) else Some d1 in cons.vc_text <- new_desc with Not_found -> if !Odoc_args.inverse_merge_ml_mli then () else raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.different_types mli.ty_name)) in List.iter f l1 | Type_record l1, Type_record l2 -> let f record = try let record2= List.find (fun r -> r.rf_name = record.rf_name) l2 in let new_desc = match record.rf_text, record2.rf_text with None, None -> None | Some d, None | None, Some d -> Some d | Some d1, Some d2 -> if List.mem Merge_description merge_options then Some (d1 @ d2) else Some d1 in record.rf_text <- new_desc with Not_found -> if !Odoc_args.inverse_merge_ml_mli then () else raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.different_types mli.ty_name)) in List.iter f l1 | _ -> if !Odoc_args.inverse_merge_ml_mli then () else raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.different_types mli.ty_name)) (** Merge of two param_info, one from a .mli, one from a .ml. The text fields are not handled but will be recreated from the i_params field of the info structure. Here, if a parameter in the .mli has no name, we take the one from the .ml. When two parameters have two different forms, we take the one from the .mli. *) let rec merge_param_info pi_mli pi_ml = match (pi_mli, pi_ml) with (Simple_name sn_mli, Simple_name sn_ml) -> if sn_mli.sn_name = "" then Simple_name { sn_mli with sn_name = sn_ml.sn_name } else pi_mli | (Simple_name _, Tuple _) -> pi_mli | (Tuple (_, t_mli), Simple_name sn_ml) -> (* if we're here, then the tuple in the .mli has no parameter names ; then we take the name of the parameter of the .ml and the type of the .mli. *) Simple_name { sn_ml with sn_type = t_mli } | (Tuple (l_mli, t_mli), Tuple (l_ml, _)) -> (* if the two tuples have different lengths (which should not occurs), we return the pi_mli, without further investigation.*) if (List.length l_mli) <> (List.length l_ml) then pi_mli else let new_l = List.map2 merge_param_info l_mli l_ml in Tuple (new_l, t_mli) (** Merge of the parameters of two functions/methods/classes, one for a .mli, another for a .ml. The prameters in the .mli are completed by the name in the .ml.*) let rec merge_parameters param_mli param_ml = match (param_mli, param_ml) with ([], []) -> [] | (l, []) | ([], l) -> l | ((pi_mli :: li), (pi_ml :: l)) -> (merge_param_info pi_mli pi_ml) :: merge_parameters li l (** Merge of two t_class, one for a .mli, another for the .ml. The .mli class is completed with the information in the .ml class. *) let merge_classes merge_options mli ml = mli.cl_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options mli.cl_info ml.cl_info; mli.cl_loc <- { mli.cl_loc with loc_impl = ml.cl_loc.loc_impl } ; mli.cl_parameters <- merge_parameters mli.cl_parameters ml.cl_parameters; (* we must reassociate comments in @param to the the corresponding parameters because the associated comment of a parameter may have been changed y the merge.*) Odoc_class.class_update_parameters_text mli; (* merge values *) List.iter (fun a -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Class_attribute a2 -> if a2.att_value.val_name = a.att_value.val_name then ( a.att_value.val_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options a.att_value.val_info a2.att_value.val_info; a.att_value.val_loc <- { a.att_value.val_loc with loc_impl = a2.att_value.val_loc.loc_impl } ; if !Odoc_args.keep_code then a.att_value.val_code <- a2.att_value.val_code; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last attribute with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_class.class_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_class.class_attributes mli); (* merge methods *) List.iter (fun m -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Class_method m2 -> if m2.met_value.val_name = m.met_value.val_name then ( m.met_value.val_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options m.met_value.val_info m2.met_value.val_info; m.met_value.val_loc <- { m.met_value.val_loc with loc_impl = m2.met_value.val_loc.loc_impl } ; (* merge the parameter names *) m.met_value.val_parameters <- (merge_parameters m.met_value.val_parameters m2.met_value.val_parameters) ; (* we must reassociate comments in @param to the corresponding parameters because the associated comment of a parameter may have been changed by the merge.*) Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text m.met_value; if !Odoc_args.keep_code then m.met_value.val_code <- m2.met_value.val_code; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last method with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_class.class_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_class.class_methods mli) (** merge of two t_class_type, one for a .mli, another for the .ml. The .mli class is completed with the information in the .ml class. *) let merge_class_types merge_options mli ml = mli.clt_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options mli.clt_info ml.clt_info; mli.clt_loc <- { mli.clt_loc with loc_impl = ml.clt_loc.loc_impl } ; (* merge values *) List.iter (fun a -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Class_attribute a2 -> if a2.att_value.val_name = a.att_value.val_name then ( a.att_value.val_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options a.att_value.val_info a2.att_value.val_info; a.att_value.val_loc <- { a.att_value.val_loc with loc_impl = a2.att_value.val_loc.loc_impl } ; if !Odoc_args.keep_code then a.att_value.val_code <- a2.att_value.val_code; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last attribute with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_class.class_type_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_class.class_type_attributes mli); (* merge methods *) List.iter (fun m -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Class_method m2 -> if m2.met_value.val_name = m.met_value.val_name then ( m.met_value.val_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options m.met_value.val_info m2.met_value.val_info; m.met_value.val_loc <- { m.met_value.val_loc with loc_impl = m2.met_value.val_loc.loc_impl } ; m.met_value.val_parameters <- (merge_parameters m.met_value.val_parameters m2.met_value.val_parameters) ; (* we must reassociate comments in @param to the the corresponding parameters because the associated comment of a parameter may have been changed y the merge.*) Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text m.met_value; if !Odoc_args.keep_code then m.met_value.val_code <- m2.met_value.val_code; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last method with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_class.class_type_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_class.class_type_methods mli) (** merge of two t_module_type, one for a .mli, another for the .ml. The .mli module is completed with the information in the .ml module. *) let rec merge_module_types merge_options mli ml = mli.mt_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options mli.mt_info ml.mt_info; mli.mt_loc <- { mli.mt_loc with loc_impl = ml.mt_loc.loc_impl } ; (* merge exceptions *) List.iter (fun ex -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Element_exception ex2 -> if ex2.ex_name = ex.ex_name then ( ex.ex_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options ex.ex_info ex2.ex_info; ex.ex_loc <- { ex.ex_loc with loc_impl = ex2.ex_loc.loc_impl } ; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last exception with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_type_exceptions mli); (* merge types *) List.iter (fun ty -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Element_type ty2 -> if ty2.ty_name = ty.ty_name then ( merge_types merge_options ty ty2; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last type with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_type_types mli); (* merge submodules *) List.iter (fun m -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Element_module m2 -> if m2.m_name = m.m_name then ( merge_modules merge_options m m2 ; (* m.m_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options m.m_info m2.m_info; m.m_loc <- { m.m_loc with loc_impl = m2.m_loc.loc_impl } ; *) true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last module with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_type_modules mli); (* merge module types *) List.iter (fun m -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Element_module_type m2 -> if m2.mt_name = m.mt_name then ( merge_module_types merge_options m m2; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last module with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_type_module_types mli); (* A VOIR : merge included modules ? *) (* merge values *) List.iter (fun v -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Element_value v2 -> if v2.val_name = v.val_name then ( v.val_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options v.val_info v2.val_info ; v.val_loc <- { v.val_loc with loc_impl = v2.val_loc.loc_impl } ; (* in the .mli we don't know any parameters so we add the ones in the .ml *) v.val_parameters <- (merge_parameters v.val_parameters v2.val_parameters) ; (* we must reassociate comments in @param to the the corresponding parameters because the associated comment of a parameter may have been changed y the merge.*) Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text v; if !Odoc_args.keep_code then v.val_code <- v2.val_code; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last value with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_type_values mli); (* merge classes *) List.iter (fun c -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Element_class c2 -> if c2.cl_name = c.cl_name then ( merge_classes merge_options c c2; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last value with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_type_classes mli); (* merge class types *) List.iter (fun c -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Element_class_type c2 -> if c2.clt_name = c.clt_name then ( merge_class_types merge_options c c2; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last value with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_type_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_type_class_types mli) (** merge of two t_module, one for a .mli, another for the .ml. The .mli module is completed with the information in the .ml module. *) and merge_modules merge_options mli ml = mli.m_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options mli.m_info ml.m_info; mli.m_loc <- { mli.m_loc with loc_impl = ml.m_loc.loc_impl } ; (* More dependencies in the .ml file. *) mli.m_top_deps <- ml.m_top_deps ; (* merge exceptions *) List.iter (fun ex -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Element_exception ex2 -> if ex2.ex_name = ex.ex_name then ( ex.ex_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options ex.ex_info ex2.ex_info; ex.ex_loc <- { ex.ex_loc with loc_impl = ex.ex_loc.loc_impl } ; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last exception with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_exceptions mli); (* merge types *) List.iter (fun ty -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Element_type ty2 -> if ty2.ty_name = ty.ty_name then ( merge_types merge_options ty ty2; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last type with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_types mli); (* merge submodules *) List.iter (fun m -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Element_module m2 -> if m2.m_name = m.m_name then ( merge_modules merge_options m m2 ; (* m.m_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options m.m_info m2.m_info; m.m_loc <- { m.m_loc with loc_impl = m2.m_loc.loc_impl } ; *) true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last module with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_modules mli); (* merge module types *) List.iter (fun m -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Element_module_type m2 -> if m2.mt_name = m.mt_name then ( merge_module_types merge_options m m2; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last module with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_module_types mli); (* A VOIR : merge included modules ? *) (* merge values *) List.iter (fun v -> try let _ = List.find (fun v2 -> if v2.val_name = v.val_name then ( v.val_info <- merge_info_opt merge_options v.val_info v2.val_info ; v.val_loc <- { v.val_loc with loc_impl = v2.val_loc.loc_impl } ; (* in the .mli we don't know any parameters so we add the ones in the .ml *) v.val_parameters <- (merge_parameters v.val_parameters v2.val_parameters) ; (* we must reassociate comments in @param to the the corresponding parameters because the associated comment of a parameter may have been changed y the merge.*) Odoc_value.update_value_parameters_text v; if !Odoc_args.keep_code then v.val_code <- v2.val_code; true ) else false ) (* we look for the last value with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_values ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_values mli); (* merge classes *) List.iter (fun c -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Element_class c2 -> if c2.cl_name = c.cl_name then ( merge_classes merge_options c c2; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last value with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_classes mli); (* merge class types *) List.iter (fun c -> try let _ = List.find (fun ele -> match ele with Element_class_type c2 -> if c2.clt_name = c.clt_name then ( merge_class_types merge_options c c2; true ) else false | _ -> false ) (* we look for the last value with this name defined in the implementation *) (List.rev (Odoc_module.module_elements ml)) in () with Not_found -> () ) (Odoc_module.module_class_types mli); mli let merge merge_options modules_list = let rec iter = function [] -> [] | m :: q -> (* look for another module with the same name *) let (l_same, l_others) = List.partition (fun m2 -> m.m_name = m2.m_name) q in match l_same with [] -> (* no other module to merge with *) m :: (iter l_others) | m2 :: [] -> ( (* we can merge m with m2 if there is an implementation and an interface.*) let f b = if !Odoc_args.inverse_merge_ml_mli then not b else b in match f m.m_is_interface, f m2.m_is_interface with true, false -> (merge_modules merge_options m m2) :: (iter l_others) | false, true -> (merge_modules merge_options m2 m) :: (iter l_others) | false, false -> if !Odoc_args.inverse_merge_ml_mli then (* two Module.ts for the .mli ! *) raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.two_interfaces m.m_name)) else (* two Module.t for the .ml ! *) raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.two_implementations m.m_name)) | true, true -> if !Odoc_args.inverse_merge_ml_mli then (* two Module.t for the .ml ! *) raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.two_implementations m.m_name)) else (* two Module.ts for the .mli ! *) raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.two_interfaces m.m_name)) ) | _ -> (* two many Module.t ! *) raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.too_many_module_objects m.m_name)) in iter modules_list