(***********************************************************************) (* OCamldoc *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) let input_file_as_string nom = let chanin = open_in_bin nom in let len = 1024 in let s = String.create len in let buf = Buffer.create len in let rec iter () = try let n = input chanin s 0 len in if n = 0 then () else ( Buffer.add_substring buf s 0 n; iter () ) with End_of_file -> () in iter (); close_in chanin; Buffer.contents buf let string_of_longident li = String.concat "." (Longident.flatten li) let string_of_type_expr t = Printtyp.mark_loops t; Printtyp.type_scheme_max ~b_reset_names: false Format.str_formatter t; let s = Format.flush_str_formatter () in s let string_of_type_list sep type_list = let rec need_parent t = match t.Types.desc with Types.Tarrow _ | Types.Ttuple _ -> true | Types.Tlink t2 | Types.Tsubst t2 -> need_parent t2 | Types.Tconstr _ -> false | Types.Tvar | Types.Tunivar | Types.Tobject _ | Types.Tpoly _ | Types.Tfield _ | Types.Tnil | Types.Tvariant _ -> false in let print_one_type t = Printtyp.mark_loops t; if need_parent t then ( Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "(" ; Printtyp.type_scheme_max ~b_reset_names: false Format.str_formatter t; Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter ")" ) else Printtyp.type_scheme_max ~b_reset_names: false Format.str_formatter t in begin match type_list with [] -> () | [ty] -> print_one_type ty | ty :: tyl -> Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@["; print_one_type ty; List.iter (fun t -> Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@,%s" sep; print_one_type t) tyl; Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@]" end; Format.flush_str_formatter() (** Return the given module type where methods and vals have been removed from the signatures. Used when we don't want to print a too long module type.*) let simpl_module_type t = let rec iter t = match t with Types.Tmty_ident p -> t | Types.Tmty_signature _ -> Types.Tmty_signature [] | Types.Tmty_functor (id, mt1, mt2) -> Types.Tmty_functor (id, iter mt1, iter mt2) in iter t let string_of_module_type ?(complete=false) t = let t2 = if complete then t else simpl_module_type t in Printtyp.modtype Format.str_formatter t2; let s = Format.flush_str_formatter () in s (** Return the given class type where methods and vals have been removed from the signatures. Used when we don't want to print a too long class type.*) let simpl_class_type t = let rec iter t = match t with Types.Tcty_constr (p,texp_list,ct) -> t | Types.Tcty_signature cs -> (* on vire les vals et methods pour ne pas qu'elles soient imprimées quand on affichera le type *) let tnil = { Types.desc = Types.Tnil ; Types.level = 0; Types.id = 0 } in Types.Tcty_signature { Types.cty_self = { cs.Types.cty_self with Types.desc = Types.Tobject (tnil, ref None) }; Types.cty_vars = Types.Vars.empty ; Types.cty_concr = Types.Concr.empty ; } | Types.Tcty_fun (l, texp, ct) -> let new_ct = iter ct in Types.Tcty_fun (l, texp, new_ct) in iter t let string_of_class_type ?(complete=false) t = let t2 = if complete then t else simpl_class_type t in (* A VOIR : ma propre version de Printtyp.class_type pour ne pas faire reset_names *) Printtyp.class_type Format.str_formatter t2; let s = Format.flush_str_formatter () in s let get_fields type_expr = let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields type_expr) in List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun (label, field_kind, typ) -> match field_kind with Types.Fabsent -> acc | _ -> if label = "*dummy method*" then acc else acc @ [label, typ] ) [] fields let rec string_of_text t = let rec iter t_ele = match t_ele with | Odoc_types.Raw s | Odoc_types.Code s | Odoc_types.CodePre s | Odoc_types.Verbatim s -> s | Odoc_types.Bold t | Odoc_types.Italic t | Odoc_types.Center t | Odoc_types.Left t | Odoc_types.Right t | Odoc_types.Emphasize t -> string_of_text t | Odoc_types.List l -> (String.concat "" (List.map (fun t -> "\n- "^(string_of_text t)) l))^ "\n" | Odoc_types.Enum l -> let rec f n = function [] -> "\n" | t :: q -> "\n"^(string_of_int n)^". "^(string_of_text t)^ (f (n + 1) q) in f 1 l | Odoc_types.Newline -> "\n" | Odoc_types.Block t -> "\t"^(string_of_text t)^"\n" | Odoc_types.Title (_, _, t) -> "\n"^(string_of_text t)^"\n" | Odoc_types.Latex s -> "{% "^s^" %}" | Odoc_types.Link (s, t) -> "["^s^"]"^(string_of_text t) | Odoc_types.Ref (name, _) -> iter (Odoc_types.Code name) | Odoc_types.Superscript t -> "^{"^(string_of_text t)^"}" | Odoc_types.Subscript t -> "^{"^(string_of_text t)^"}" in String.concat "" (List.map iter t) let string_of_author_list l = match l with [] -> "" | _ -> "* "^Odoc_messages.authors^":\n"^ (String.concat ", " l)^ "\n" let string_of_version_opt v_opt = match v_opt with None -> "" | Some v -> Odoc_messages.version^": "^v^"\n" let string_of_since_opt s_opt = match s_opt with None -> "" | Some s -> Odoc_messages.since^" "^s^"\n" let string_of_raised_exceptions l = match l with [] -> "" | (s, t) :: [] -> Odoc_messages.raises^" "^s^" "^(string_of_text t)^"\n" | _ -> Odoc_messages.raises^"\n"^ (String.concat "" (List.map (fun (ex, desc) -> "- "^ex^" "^(string_of_text desc)^"\n") l ) )^"\n" let string_of_see (see_ref, t) = let t_ref = match see_ref with Odoc_types.See_url s -> [ Odoc_types.Link (s, t) ] | Odoc_types.See_file s -> (Odoc_types.Code s) :: (Odoc_types.Raw " ") :: t | Odoc_types.See_doc s -> (Odoc_types.Italic [Odoc_types.Raw s]) :: (Odoc_types.Raw " ") :: t in string_of_text t_ref let string_of_sees l = match l with [] -> "" | see :: [] -> Odoc_messages.see_also^" "^(string_of_see see)^" \n" | _ -> Odoc_messages.see_also^"\n"^ (String.concat "" (List.map (fun see -> "- "^(string_of_see see)^"\n") l ) )^"\n" let string_of_return_opt return_opt = match return_opt with None -> "" | Some s -> Odoc_messages.returns^" "^(string_of_text s)^"\n" let string_of_info i = let module M = Odoc_types in (match i.M.i_deprecated with None -> "" | Some d -> Odoc_messages.deprecated^"! "^(string_of_text d)^"\n")^ (match i.M.i_desc with None -> "" | Some d when d = [Odoc_types.Raw ""] -> "" | Some d -> (string_of_text d)^"\n" )^ (string_of_author_list i.M.i_authors)^ (string_of_version_opt i.M.i_version)^ (string_of_since_opt i.M.i_since)^ (string_of_raised_exceptions i.M.i_raised_exceptions)^ (string_of_return_opt i.M.i_return_value) let apply_opt f v_opt = match v_opt with None -> None | Some v -> Some (f v) let string_of_date ?(hour=true) d = let add_0 s = if String.length s < 2 then "0"^s else s in let t = Unix.localtime d in (string_of_int (t.Unix.tm_year + 1900))^"-"^ (add_0 (string_of_int (t.Unix.tm_mon + 1)))^"-"^ (add_0 (string_of_int t.Unix.tm_mday))^ ( if hour then " "^ (add_0 (string_of_int t.Unix.tm_hour))^":"^ (add_0 (string_of_int t.Unix.tm_min)) else "" ) let rec text_list_concat sep l = match l with [] -> [] | [t] -> t | t :: q -> t @ (sep :: (text_list_concat sep q)) let rec text_no_title_no_list t = let rec iter t_ele = match t_ele with | Odoc_types.Title (_,_,t) -> text_no_title_no_list t | Odoc_types.List l | Odoc_types.Enum l -> (Odoc_types.Raw " ") :: (text_list_concat (Odoc_types.Raw ", ") (List.map text_no_title_no_list l)) | Odoc_types.Raw _ | Odoc_types.Code _ | Odoc_types.CodePre _ | Odoc_types.Verbatim _ | Odoc_types.Ref _ -> [t_ele] | Odoc_types.Newline -> [Odoc_types.Newline] | Odoc_types.Block t -> [Odoc_types.Block (text_no_title_no_list t)] | Odoc_types.Bold t -> [Odoc_types.Bold (text_no_title_no_list t)] | Odoc_types.Italic t -> [Odoc_types.Italic (text_no_title_no_list t)] | Odoc_types.Center t -> [Odoc_types.Center (text_no_title_no_list t)] | Odoc_types.Left t -> [Odoc_types.Left (text_no_title_no_list t)] | Odoc_types.Right t -> [Odoc_types.Right (text_no_title_no_list t)] | Odoc_types.Emphasize t -> [Odoc_types.Emphasize (text_no_title_no_list t)] | Odoc_types.Latex s -> [Odoc_types.Latex s] | Odoc_types.Link (s, t) -> [Odoc_types.Link (s, (text_no_title_no_list t))] | Odoc_types.Superscript t -> [Odoc_types.Superscript (text_no_title_no_list t)] | Odoc_types.Subscript t -> [Odoc_types.Subscript (text_no_title_no_list t)] in List.flatten (List.map iter t) let get_titles_in_text t = let l = ref [] in let rec iter_ele ele = match ele with | Odoc_types.Title (n,lopt,t) -> l := (n,lopt,t) :: !l | Odoc_types.List l | Odoc_types.Enum l -> List.iter iter_text l | Odoc_types.Raw _ | Odoc_types.Code _ | Odoc_types.CodePre _ | Odoc_types.Verbatim _ | Odoc_types.Ref _ -> () | Odoc_types.Newline -> () | Odoc_types.Block t | Odoc_types.Bold t | Odoc_types.Italic t | Odoc_types.Center t | Odoc_types.Left t | Odoc_types.Right t | Odoc_types.Emphasize t -> iter_text t | Odoc_types.Latex s -> () | Odoc_types.Link (_, t) | Odoc_types.Superscript t | Odoc_types.Subscript t -> iter_text t and iter_text te = List.iter iter_ele te in iter_text t; List.rev !l (*********************************************************) let rec get_before_dot s = try let len = String.length s in let n = String.index s '.' in if n + 1 >= len then (* le point est le dernier caractère *) (true, s, "") else match s.[n+1] with ' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' -> (true, String.sub s 0 (n+1), String.sub s (n+1) (len - n - 1)) | _ -> let b, s2, s_after = get_before_dot (String.sub s (n + 1) (len - n - 1)) in (b, (String.sub s 0 (n+1))^s2, s_after) with Not_found -> (false, s, "") let rec first_sentence_text t = match t with [] -> (false, [], []) | ele :: q -> let (stop, ele2, ele3_opt) = first_sentence_text_ele ele in if stop then (stop, [ele2], match ele3_opt with None -> q | Some e -> e :: q) else let (stop2, q2, rest) = first_sentence_text q in (stop2, ele2 :: q2, rest) and first_sentence_text_ele text_ele = match text_ele with | Odoc_types.Raw s -> let b, s2, s_after = get_before_dot s in (b, Odoc_types.Raw s2, Some (Odoc_types.Raw s_after)) | Odoc_types.Code _ | Odoc_types.CodePre _ | Odoc_types.Verbatim _ -> (false, text_ele, None) | Odoc_types.Bold t -> let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in (b, Odoc_types.Bold t2, Some (Odoc_types.Bold t3)) | Odoc_types.Italic t -> let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in (b, Odoc_types.Italic t2, Some (Odoc_types.Italic t3)) | Odoc_types.Center t -> let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in (b, Odoc_types.Center t2, Some (Odoc_types.Center t3)) | Odoc_types.Left t -> let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in (b, Odoc_types.Left t2, Some (Odoc_types.Left t3)) | Odoc_types.Right t -> let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in (b, Odoc_types.Right t2, Some (Odoc_types.Right t3)) | Odoc_types.Emphasize t -> let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in (b, Odoc_types.Emphasize t2, Some (Odoc_types.Emphasize t3)) | Odoc_types.Block t -> let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in (b, Odoc_types.Block t2, Some (Odoc_types.Block t3)) | Odoc_types.Title (n, l_opt, t) -> let (b, t2, t3) = first_sentence_text t in (b, Odoc_types.Title (n, l_opt, t2), Some (Odoc_types.Title (n, l_opt, t3))) | Odoc_types.Newline -> (true, Odoc_types.Raw "", Some Odoc_types.Newline) | Odoc_types.List _ | Odoc_types.Enum _ | Odoc_types.Latex _ | Odoc_types.Link _ | Odoc_types.Ref _ | Odoc_types.Superscript _ | Odoc_types.Subscript _ -> (false, text_ele, None) let first_sentence_of_text t = let (_,t2,_) = first_sentence_text t in t2 let first_sentence_and_rest_of_text t = let (_,t1, t2) = first_sentence_text t in (t1, t2) (*********************************************************) let create_index_lists elements string_of_ele = let rec f current acc0 acc1 acc2 = function [] -> (acc0 :: acc1) @ [acc2] | ele :: q -> let s = string_of_ele ele in match s with "" -> f current acc0 acc1 (acc2 @ [ele]) q | _ -> let first = Char.uppercase s.[0] in match first with 'A' .. 'Z' -> if current = first then f current acc0 acc1 (acc2 @ [ele]) q else f first acc0 (acc1 @ [acc2]) [ele] q | _ -> f current (acc0 @ [ele]) acc1 acc2 q in f '_' [] [] [] elements (*** for labels *) let is_optional = Btype.is_optional let label_name = Btype.label_name let remove_option typ = let rec iter t = match t with | Types.Tconstr (p,tlist,_) -> ( match p with Path.Pident id when Ident.name id = "option" -> ( match tlist with [t2] -> t2.Types.desc | _ -> t ) | _ -> t ) | Types.Tvar | Types.Tunivar | Types.Tpoly _ | Types.Tarrow _ | Types.Ttuple _ | Types.Tobject _ | Types.Tfield _ | Types.Tnil | Types.Tvariant _ -> t | Types.Tlink t2 | Types.Tsubst t2 -> iter t2.Types.desc in { typ with Types.desc = iter typ.Types.desc }