(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCamldoc *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (** Representation and manipulation of method / function / class parameters. *) let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline () (** Types *) (** Representation of a simple parameter name *) type simple_name = { sn_name : string ; sn_type : Types.type_expr ; mutable sn_text : Odoc_types.text option ; } (** Representation of parameter names. We need it to represent parameter names in tuples. The value [Tuple ([], t)] stands for an anonymous parameter.*) type param_info = | Simple_name of simple_name | Tuple of param_info list * Types.type_expr (** A parameter is just a param_info.*) type parameter = param_info (** Functions *) (** acces to the name as a string. For tuples, parenthesis and commas are added. *) let complete_name p = let rec iter pi = match pi with Simple_name sn -> sn.sn_name | Tuple ([], _) -> (* anonymous parameter *) "??" | Tuple (pi_list, _) -> "("^(String.concat "," (List.map iter pi_list))^")" in iter p (** access to the complete type *) let typ pi = match pi with Simple_name sn -> sn.sn_type | Tuple (_, typ) -> typ (** Update the text of a parameter using a function returning the optional text associated to a parameter name.*) let update_parameter_text f p = let rec iter pi = match pi with Simple_name sn -> sn.sn_text <- f sn.sn_name | Tuple (l, _) -> List.iter iter l in iter p (** access to the description of a specific name. @raise Not_found if no description is associated to the given name. *) let desc_by_name pi name = let rec iter acc pi = match pi with Simple_name sn -> (sn.sn_name, sn.sn_text) :: acc | Tuple (pi_list, _) -> List.fold_left iter acc pi_list in let l = iter [] pi in List.assoc name l (** acces to the list of names ; only one for a simple parameter, or a list for tuples. *) let names pi = let rec iter acc pi = match pi with Simple_name sn -> sn.sn_name :: acc | Tuple (pi_list, _) -> List.fold_left iter acc pi_list in iter [] pi (** access to the type of a specific name. @raise Not_found if no type is associated to the given name. *) let type_by_name pi name = let rec iter acc pi = match pi with Simple_name sn -> (sn.sn_name, sn.sn_type) :: acc | Tuple (pi_list, _) -> List.fold_left iter acc pi_list in let l = iter [] pi in List.assoc name l (** access to the optional description of a parameter name from an optional info structure.*) let desc_from_info_opt info_opt s = print_DEBUG "desc_from_info_opt"; match info_opt with None -> None | Some i -> match s with "" -> None | _ -> try Some (List.assoc s i.Odoc_types.i_params) with Not_found -> print_DEBUG ("desc_from_info_opt "^s^" not found in\n"); List.iter (fun (s, _) -> print_DEBUG s) i.Odoc_types.i_params; None