(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCamldoc *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) exception Text_syntax of int * int * string (* line, char, string *) open Odoc_types module Texter = struct (* builds a text structure from a string. *) let text_of_string s = let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in try Odoc_text_lexer.init (); Odoc_text_parser.main Odoc_text_lexer.main lexbuf with _ -> raise (Text_syntax (!Odoc_text_lexer.line_number, !Odoc_text_lexer.char_number, s) ) let count s c = let count = ref 0 in for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do if s.[i] = c then incr count done; !count let escape_n s c n = let remain = ref n in let len = String.length s in let b = Buffer.create (len + n) in for i = 0 to len - 1 do if s.[i] = c && !remain > 0 then ( Printf.bprintf b "\\%c" c; decr remain ) else Buffer.add_char b s.[i] done; Buffer.contents b let escape_code s = let open_brackets = count s '[' in let close_brackets = count s ']' in if open_brackets > close_brackets then escape_n s '[' (open_brackets - close_brackets) else if close_brackets > open_brackets then escape_n s ']' (close_brackets - open_brackets) else s let escape_raw s = let len = String.length s in let b = Buffer.create len in for i = 0 to len - 1 do match s.[i] with '[' | ']' | '{' | '}' -> Printf.bprintf b "\\%c" s.[i] | c -> Buffer.add_char b c done; Buffer.contents b let p = Printf.bprintf let rec p_text b t = List.iter (p_text_element b) t and p_list b l = List.iter (fun t -> p b "{- " ; p_text b t ; p b "}\n") l and p_text_element b = function | Raw s -> p b "%s" (escape_raw s) | Code s -> p b "[%s]" (escape_code s) | CodePre s -> p b "{[%s]}" s | Verbatim s -> p b "{v %s v}" s | Bold t -> p b "{b " ; p_text b t ; p b "}" | Italic t -> p b "{i " ; p_text b t ; p b "}" | Emphasize t -> p b "{e " ; p_text b t ; p b "}" | Center t -> p b "{C " ; p_text b t ; p b "}" | Left t -> p b "{L " ; p_text b t ; p b "}" | Right t -> p b "{R " ; p_text b t ; p b "}" | List l -> p b "{ul\n"; p_list b l; p b "}" | Enum l -> p b "{ol\n"; p_list b l; p b "}" | Newline -> p b "\n" | Block t -> p_text b t | Title (n, l_opt, t) -> p b "{%d%s " n (match l_opt with None -> "" | Some s -> ":"^s ); p_text b t ; p b "}" | Latex s -> p b "{%% %s%%}" s | Link (s,t) -> p b "{{:%s}" s; p_text b t ; p b "}" | Ref (name, kind_opt, text_opt) -> begin p b "%s{!%s%s}" (match text_opt with None -> "" | Some _ -> "{") (match kind_opt with None -> "" | Some k -> let s = match k with RK_module -> "module" | RK_module_type -> "modtype" | RK_class -> "class" | RK_class_type -> "classtype" | RK_value -> "val" | RK_type -> "type" | RK_exception -> "exception" | RK_attribute -> "attribute" | RK_method -> "method" | RK_section _ -> "section" | RK_recfield -> "recfield" | RK_const -> "const" in s^":" ) name; match text_opt with None -> () | Some t -> p_text b t; p b "}" end | Superscript t -> p b "{^" ; p_text b t ; p b "}" | Subscript t -> p b "{_" ; p_text b t ; p b "}" | Module_list l -> p b "{!modules:"; List.iter (fun s -> p b " %s" s) l; p b "}" | Index_list -> p b "{!indexlist}" | Custom (s,t) -> p b "{%s " s; p_text b t; p b "}" | Target (target, code) -> p b "{%%%s: %s}" target (escape_raw code) let string_of_text s = let b = Buffer.create 256 in p_text b s; Buffer.contents b end