(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *) (* the special exception on linking described in file ../../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (** Dynamic loading of object files. *) val is_native: bool (** [true] if the program is native, [false] if the program is bytecode. *) (** {6 Dynamic loading of compiled files} *) val loadfile : string -> unit (** In bytecode: load the given bytecode object file ([.cmo] file) or bytecode library file ([.cma] file), and link it with the running program. In native code: load the given OCaml plugin file (usually [.cmxs]), and link it with the running program. All toplevel expressions in the loaded compilation units are evaluated. No facilities are provided to access value names defined by the unit. Therefore, the unit must register itself its entry points with the main program, e.g. by modifying tables of functions. *) val loadfile_private : string -> unit (** Same as [loadfile], except that the compilation units just loaded are hidden (cannot be referenced) from other modules dynamically loaded afterwards. *) val adapt_filename : string -> string (** In bytecode, the identity function. In native code, replace the last extension with [.cmxs]. *) (** {6 Access control} *) val allow_only: string list -> unit (** [allow_only units] restricts the compilation units that dynamically-linked units can reference: it forbids all references to units other than those named in the list [units]. References to any other compilation unit will cause a [Unavailable_unit] error during [loadfile] or [loadfile_private]. Initially (or after calling [default_available_units]) all compilation units composing the program currently running are available for reference from dynamically-linked units. [allow_only] can be used to restrict access to a subset of these units, e.g. to the units that compose the API for dynamically-linked code, and prevent access to all other units, e.g. private, internal modules of the running program. If [allow_only] is called several times, access will be restricted to the intersection of the given lists (i.e. a call to [allow_only] can never increase the set of available units). *) val prohibit: string list -> unit (** [prohibit units] prohibits dynamically-linked units from referencing the units named in list [units]. This can be used to prevent access to selected units, e.g. private, internal modules of the running program. *) val default_available_units: unit -> unit (** Reset the set of units that can be referenced from dynamically-linked code to its default value, that is, all units composing the currently running program. *) val allow_unsafe_modules : bool -> unit (** Govern whether unsafe object files are allowed to be dynamically linked. A compilation unit is 'unsafe' if it contains declarations of external functions, which can break type safety. By default, dynamic linking of unsafe object files is not allowed. In native code, this function does nothing; object files with external functions are always allowed to be dynamically linked. *) (** {6 Deprecated, low-level API for access control} *) (** @deprecated The functions [add_interfaces], [add_available_units] and [clear_available_units] should not be used in new programs, since the default initialization of allowed units, along with the [allow_only] and [prohibit] function, provides a better, safer mechanism to control access to program units. The three functions below are provided for backward compatibility only and are not available in native code. *) val add_interfaces : string list -> string list -> unit (** [add_interfaces units path] grants dynamically-linked object files access to the compilation units named in list [units]. The interfaces ([.cmi] files) for these units are searched in [path] (a list of directory names). *) val add_available_units : (string * Digest.t) list -> unit (** Same as {!Dynlink.add_interfaces}, but instead of searching [.cmi] files to find the unit interfaces, uses the interface digests given for each unit. This way, the [.cmi] interface files need not be available at run-time. The digests can be extracted from [.cmi] files using the [extract_crc] program installed in the OCaml standard library directory. *) val clear_available_units : unit -> unit (** Empty the list of compilation units accessible to dynamically-linked programs. *) (** {6 Deprecated, initialization} *) val init : unit -> unit (** @deprecated Initialize the [Dynlink] library. This function is called automatically when needed. *) (** {6 Error reporting} *) type linking_error = Undefined_global of string | Unavailable_primitive of string | Uninitialized_global of string type error = Not_a_bytecode_file of string | Inconsistent_import of string | Unavailable_unit of string | Unsafe_file | Linking_error of string * linking_error | Corrupted_interface of string | File_not_found of string | Cannot_open_dll of string | Inconsistent_implementation of string exception Error of error (** Errors in dynamic linking are reported by raising the [Error] exception with a description of the error. *) val error_message : error -> string (** Convert an error description to a printable message. *) (**/**) (** {6 Internal functions} *) val digest_interface : string -> string list -> Digest.t