(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *) (* the special exception on linking described in file ../../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* Dynamic loading of .cmx files *) type handle external ndl_open: string -> bool -> handle * bytes = "caml_natdynlink_open" external ndl_run: handle -> string -> unit = "caml_natdynlink_run" external ndl_getmap: unit -> bytes = "caml_natdynlink_getmap" external ndl_globals_inited: unit -> int = "caml_natdynlink_globals_inited" type linking_error = Undefined_global of string | Unavailable_primitive of string | Uninitialized_global of string type error = Not_a_bytecode_file of string | Inconsistent_import of string | Unavailable_unit of string | Unsafe_file | Linking_error of string * linking_error | Corrupted_interface of string | File_not_found of string | Cannot_open_dll of string | Inconsistent_implementation of string exception Error of error open Cmx_format (* Copied from config.ml to avoid dependencies *) let cmxs_magic_number = "Caml2007D002" let dll_filename fname = if Filename.is_implicit fname then Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) fname else fname let read_file filename priv = let dll = dll_filename filename in if not (Sys.file_exists dll) then raise (Error (File_not_found dll)); let (handle,data) as res = ndl_open dll (not priv) in if Obj.tag (Obj.repr res) = Obj.string_tag then raise (Error (Cannot_open_dll (Obj.magic res))); let header : dynheader = Marshal.from_bytes data 0 in if header.dynu_magic <> cmxs_magic_number then raise(Error(Not_a_bytecode_file dll)); (dll, handle, header.dynu_units) (* Management of interface and implementation CRCs *) module StrMap = Map.Make(String) type implem_state = | Loaded | Check_inited of int type state = { ifaces: (string*string) StrMap.t; implems: (string*string*implem_state) StrMap.t; } let empty_state = { ifaces = StrMap.empty; implems = StrMap.empty; } let global_state = ref empty_state let allow_extension = ref true let inited = ref false let default_available_units () = let map : (string*Digest.t*Digest.t*string list) list = Marshal.from_bytes (ndl_getmap ()) 0 in let exe = Sys.executable_name in let rank = ref 0 in global_state := List.fold_left (fun st (name,crc_intf,crc_impl,syms) -> rank := !rank + List.length syms; { ifaces = StrMap.add name (crc_intf,exe) st.ifaces; implems = StrMap.add name (crc_impl,exe,Check_inited !rank) st.implems; } ) empty_state map; allow_extension := true; inited := true let init () = if not !inited then default_available_units () let add_check_ifaces allow_ext filename ui ifaces = List.fold_left (fun ifaces (name, crco) -> match crco with None -> ifaces | Some crc -> if name = ui.dynu_name then StrMap.add name (crc,filename) ifaces else try let (old_crc,old_src) = StrMap.find name ifaces in if old_crc <> crc then raise(Error(Inconsistent_import(name))) else ifaces with Not_found -> if allow_ext then StrMap.add name (crc,filename) ifaces else raise (Error(Unavailable_unit name)) ) ifaces ui.dynu_imports_cmi let check_implems filename ui implems = List.iter (fun (name, crco) -> match name with |"Out_of_memory" |"Sys_error" |"Failure" |"Invalid_argument" |"End_of_file" |"Division_by_zero" |"Not_found" |"Match_failure" |"Stack_overflow" |"Sys_blocked_io" |"Assert_failure" |"Undefined_recursive_module" -> () | _ -> try let (old_crc,old_src,state) = StrMap.find name implems in match crco with Some crc when old_crc <> crc -> raise(Error(Inconsistent_implementation(name))) | _ -> match state with | Check_inited i -> if ndl_globals_inited() < i then raise(Error(Unavailable_unit name)) | Loaded -> () with Not_found -> raise (Error(Unavailable_unit name)) ) ui.dynu_imports_cmx let loadunits filename handle units state = let new_ifaces = List.fold_left (fun accu ui -> add_check_ifaces !allow_extension filename ui accu) state.ifaces units in let new_implems = List.fold_left (fun accu ui -> check_implems filename ui accu; StrMap.add ui.dynu_name (ui.dynu_crc,filename,Loaded) accu) state.implems units in let defines = List.flatten (List.map (fun ui -> ui.dynu_defines) units) in ndl_run handle "_shared_startup"; List.iter (ndl_run handle) defines; { implems = new_implems; ifaces = new_ifaces } let load priv filename = init(); let (filename,handle,units) = read_file filename priv in let nstate = loadunits filename handle units !global_state in if not priv then global_state := nstate let loadfile filename = load false filename let loadfile_private filename = load true filename let allow_only names = init(); let old = !global_state.ifaces in let ifaces = List.fold_left (fun ifaces name -> try StrMap.add name (StrMap.find name old) ifaces with Not_found -> ifaces) StrMap.empty names in global_state := { !global_state with ifaces = ifaces }; allow_extension := false let prohibit names = init(); let ifaces = List.fold_right StrMap.remove names !global_state.ifaces in global_state := { !global_state with ifaces = ifaces }; allow_extension := false let digest_interface _ _ = failwith "Dynlink.digest_interface: not implemented in native code" let add_interfaces _ _ = failwith "Dynlink.add_interfaces: not implemented in native code" let add_available_units _ = failwith "Dynlink.add_available_units: not implemented in native code" let clear_available_units _ = failwith "Dynlink.clear_available_units: not implemented in native code" let allow_unsafe_modules _ = () (* Error report *) let error_message = function Not_a_bytecode_file name -> name ^ " is not an object file" | Inconsistent_import name -> "interface mismatch on " ^ name | Unavailable_unit name -> "no implementation available for " ^ name | Unsafe_file -> "this object file uses unsafe features" | Linking_error (name, Undefined_global s) -> "error while linking " ^ name ^ ".\n" ^ "Reference to undefined global `" ^ s ^ "'" | Linking_error (name, Unavailable_primitive s) -> "error while linking " ^ name ^ ".\n" ^ "The external function `" ^ s ^ "' is not available" | Linking_error (name, Uninitialized_global s) -> "error while linking " ^ name ^ ".\n" ^ "The module `" ^ s ^ "' is not yet initialized" | Corrupted_interface name -> "corrupted interface file " ^ name | File_not_found name -> "cannot find file " ^ name ^ " in search path" | Cannot_open_dll reason -> "error loading shared library: " ^ reason | Inconsistent_implementation name -> "implementation mismatch on " ^ name let is_native = true let adapt_filename f = Filename.chop_extension f ^ ".cmxs"