######################################################################### # # # OCaml LablTk library # # # # Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS # # # # Copyright 2000 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et # # en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. # # This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library # # General Public License, with the special exception on linking # # described in file ../../../LICENSE. # # # ######################################################################### # $Id$ OTHERSLIB=-I $(OTHERS)/win32unix -I $(OTHERS)/str -I $(OTHERS)/systhreads CCFLAGS=-I../../../byterun $(TK_DEFS) include ../support/Makefile.common ifeq ($(CCOMPTYPE),cc) WINDOWS_APP=-ccopt "-link -Wl,--subsystem,windows" else WINDOWS_APP=-ccopt "-link /subsystem:windows" endif XTRAOBJ=winmain.$(O) XTRALIBS=threads.cma -custom $(WINDOWS_APP) include Makefile.shared dummy.mli: cp dummyWin.mli dummy.mli