(*************************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml LablTk library *) (* *) (* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *) (* *) (* Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *) (* General Public License. *) (* *) (*************************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open Tk open Jg_tk open Parser let tags = ["control"; "define"; "structure"; "char"; "infix"; "label"; "uident"] and colors = ["blue"; "forestgreen"; "purple"; "gray40"; "indianred4"; "brown"; "midnightblue"] let init_tags tw = List.iter2 tags colors fun: begin fun tag col -> Text.tag_configure tw :tag foreground:(`Color col) end; Text.tag_configure tw tag:"error" foreground:`Red; Text.tag_configure tw tag:"error" relief:`Raised; Text.tag_raise tw tag:"error" let tag ?(:start=tstart) ?(:end=tend) tw = let tpos c = (Text.index tw index:start, [`Char c]) in let text = Text.get tw :start :end in let buffer = Lexing.from_string text in List.iter tags fun:(fun tag -> Text.tag_remove tw :start :end :tag); try while true do let tag = match Lexer.token buffer with AMPERAMPER | AMPERSAND | BARBAR | DO | DONE | DOWNTO | ELSE | FOR | IF | LAZY | MATCH | OR | THEN | TO | TRY | WHEN | WHILE | WITH -> "control" | AND | AS | BAR | CLASS | CONSTRAINT | EXCEPTION | EXTERNAL | FUN | FUNCTION | FUNCTOR | IN | INHERIT | INITIALIZER | LET | METHOD | MODULE | MUTABLE | NEW | OF | PARSER | PRIVATE | REC | SHARP | TYPE | VAL | VIRTUAL -> "define" | BEGIN | END | INCLUDE | OBJECT | OPEN | SIG | STRUCT -> "structure" | CHAR _ | STRING _ -> "char" | BACKQUOTE | INFIXOP1 _ | INFIXOP2 _ | INFIXOP3 _ | INFIXOP4 _ | PREFIXOP _ | QUESTION2 -> "infix" | LABEL _ | LABELID _ | QUESTION -> "label" | UIDENT _ -> "uident" | EOF -> raise End_of_file | _ -> "" in if tag <> "" then Text.tag_add tw :tag start:(tpos (Lexing.lexeme_start buffer)) end:(tpos (Lexing.lexeme_end buffer)) done with End_of_file -> () | Lexer.Error (err, s, e) -> ()